Read The Forgotten Founding Father- Noah Webster Online

Authors: Joshua C. Kendall

Tags: #Language Arts & Disciplines, #Linguistics, #Lexicographers - United States - Biography, #Biography, #Lexicographers - United States, #English Language - United States - Lexicography, #Social Reformers - United States - Biography, #Political, #English Language, #General, #United States, #Lexicographers, #Social Reformers - United States, #Historical, #Lexicography, #Biography & Autobiography, #Webster; Noah, #Historical & Comparative, #Social Reformers, #History

The Forgotten Founding Father- Noah Webster (51 page)

BOOK: The Forgotten Founding Father- Noah Webster
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“Policy of Connecticut,” essays
Politics, Webster and; candidacy; changes; Constitution ratification; international unity; neutrality; in old age; support of Washington; War of 1812
Porter, Noah
“P.Q.” (pen name)
Prevost, Theodosia
Princeton, New Jersey
“Progress of Dulness” (Trumbull)
Prompter, The; or A Commentary of Common Sayings and Subjects
“Prospect of Peace, The” (Barlow)
Provoked Husband, The
Pseudonymous writings.
See also
Anonymous Writings
Psychological problems; conversion and
Public health, Webster and
Public speaking, education for
Quarterly Review, The
Quincy, Josiah
Rambler, The
Ramsay, David
Raynal, Abbe
See also A Grammatical Institute of the English Language
Real estate deals, Greenleaf and
Reed, Joseph
Reeve, Tapping
Relationships; family; Greenleaf; Hamilton; Jefferson; Johnson; parents
Religion, Websters and
Residences of Webster: Amherst; Boston; Hartford; New Haven; New York; Philadelphia
Revolutionary War; events leading to; Websters and
Richardson, Charles;
New Dictionary of the English Language
Richmond, Virginia
Rind, William
Rivington’s Royal Gazette
Roget, Peter Mark
Romances of Webster; Greenleaf
Royal Library, Paris
Royal Standard English Dictionary, The
Rush, Benjamin
“Rusticus” (pen name)
St. Michael’s Church, Charleston
Saturday Evening Post, The
Saturday Review
Scholten, Antonia von
School dictionaries
Schools: colonial; opened by Webster
Schoolteacher, Webster as
Scientific survey, first
Scripps National Spelling Bee
Seaman, Valentine
Second Great Awakening
Sedentary life, health effects
Selected Pronouncing and Accented Dictionary, A
(Elliott and Johnson, Jr.)
Seven Years’ War
Seymour, Thomas
Shakespeare, William
Sharon, Connecticut
Sharon Literary Club
Sharples, James
Shays, Daniel
Sheridan, Thomas
Sherman, Roger
Silliman, Benjamin
Singing, teaching of
Sketches of American Policy
Slavery, opposition to
Smith, Cotton Mather
Smith, Elihu Hubbard
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, John Cotton
Smith, Juliana
Smith, Samuel Stanhope
Smith, Temperance Gale
Smith, Thomas Mather
Smith, William,
History of the Province of New York
Social insurance system
Social life; Boston; Hartford; New York City
Solar eclipse
Sons of Liberty
Southern states
Southgate, Horatio
Southgate, Mary
Speaker, Webster as; at Yale
Spelling bees
Spelling books;
See also American Spelling Book
Spelling Dictionary
Spelling reform; Franklin and
Sproat, James
Stagecoach, travel by
State legislatures: and copyright law; and national tax
Statistics; yellow fever
Steamboat, invention of
Steele, Eliphalet
Steele, Jerusha
Steele, Mercy.
See also
Webster, Mercy Steele
Stiles, Ezra
Storer, Maria
Strong, Hezekiah Wright
Strong, Jedediah
Strong, Nathan
Stuart, Moses
Stuart, Rosalie
“Suicide, The” (Percival)
Supreme Court, U.S.
Swift, Zephaniah
Synopsis of Words in Twenty Languages
Taxes; Massachusetts; national impost
Teachers, in colonial schools
Thatcher, Peter
Theater, Webster and
Thomas, Isaiah
Todd, Henry John
“Tom Thoughtful” (pen name)
“Tom Tinker, Esq.,” satirist
Tracy, Uriah
Travels; ocean voyage
Treat, Malachi
Treaty of Ghent
Trumbull, John; “McFingal,” “The Progress of Dulness,”
Trumbull, Jonathan
Tully, William
Unemployment insurance, Webster and
Union School, New Haven
Unitarianism; Webster and
Unity, American, Webster and
Universal Dictionary, The
Universal Spelling-Book
Values, definitions and
Vanburgh, John,
The Provoked Husband
Vaughan, John
Virginia, Webster and
Wadsworth, Jeremiah
War of 1812
Washington, Bushrod
Washington, D.C.; Greenleaf and
Washington, George; biography of; and capital city; and Constitution; death of; and Genet; and neutrality; protests against; and Webster
Washington, Martha
Watson, James
Weather, statistical analysis
Webster, Abraham (brother)
Webster, Calvert Stuart (grandson)
Webster, Charles (brother)
Webster, Daniel (cousin)
Webster, Daniel (grandfather)
Webster, Eliza (daughter).
See also
Jones, Eliza Webster
Webster, Emily Scholten (daughter).
See also
Ellsworth, Emily Webster
Webster, Frances Juliana (daughter)
Webster, Harriet (daughter).
See also
Fowler, Harriet Webster
Webster, Henry (son)
Webster, Jerusha (sister)
Webster, John (forefather)
Webster, John II (forefather)
Webster, Julia (daughter)
Webster, Louisa (daughter); mental illness
Webster, Mary (daughter); death of
Webster, Mercy (sister)
Webster, Mercy Steele (mother); death of
Webster, Noah; biographies of; courtship; dictionaries; European trip; family life; job searches; lecture tours; literary activities; marriage; mid-life activities; old age; political activities; and Revolutionary War
--at Yale; graduation
Webster, Noah, Sr. (father); and education; as judge; and Revolutionary War
Webster, Pelatiah (cousin)
Webster, Rachel Merrill (wife of Abraham)
Webster, Rebecca Greenleaf (wife); birth of first child; and married life.
See also
Greenleaf, Rebecca
Webster, Robert (forefather)
Webster, Rosalie Stuart (wife of William)
Webster, Sarah Hopkins (stepmother)
Webster, William (son); marriage of; trip to Europe
Webster, William Eugene (grandson)
Webster family; family name
Webster House, West Hartford
Webster’s International Dictionary of the English Language
Wedding of Webster; anniversary
Wells, Ashbel
West Indian, The
Westminster Review
Wetmore, Ichabod
Whig-Cliosophic Society
White House, dinner at
Whitman, Elizabeth
Whitman, Elnathan
Wild Flowers
(Emily Webster)
Williams, Samuel
Williams College
Williamsburg, Virginia
Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington Watchman
Wilson, James
Winchester, Simon,
The Professor and the Madman
Winthrop, John
Wirt, William
Wisner, Henry
Wolcott, Erastus
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.
Women, Webster and; Pardee
Wooster, Mary Clap
Worcester, Joseph
Words, Webster and
Workman’s compensation, Webster and
Writers, statistics compilation
Wyllys, George
Wyllys, Hezekiah
Wyllys, Samuel
Wyllys, Susannah
“XYZ Affair,”
Yale College; graduation; master’s degree from; misbehavior at; and Revolutionary War
Yellow fever; history of
Young, William
Youth, declamation on
About the Author
Joshua Kendall is the author of
The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness, and the Creation of
Roget’s Thesaurus, a biography of the Victorian physician and wordsmith Peter Mark Roget. Kendall’s award-winning journalism, which has focused on health care and psychiatry as well as biography, has appeared in numerous publications, including
The Boston Globe, BusinessWeek, The Los Angeles Times, Psychology Today, The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
. He received his B.A. in comparative literature summa cum laude from Yale College. He also did graduate work in comparative literature at Johns Hopkins. Kendall, who lives in Boston, is currently an Associate Fellow at Yale’s Trumbull College.
Until the Coinage Act of 1792, which stated that “the money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars” and thereby created a uniform national currency, Americans used several different types of currency—including pounds, dollars and silver dollars—issued by the states.
Throughout the eighteenth century, journalists often used pseudonyms to express political opinions.
Likewise, in an article written about the same time, Webster made the preposterous argument that Americans should use the phrase “them heavens” because it is closer to the original German, “in dem Himmel.” This etymological howler reveals that he then also lacked a knowledge of basic German; by the time he wrote his complete dictionary, his command of both Anglo-Saxon and German was somewhat better, but still not stellar.
The secretary of state was the only member of Washington’s cabinet who was sympathetic to Genet.
Thomas Sheridan (1719-1788) was an Irish actor and educator who published a widely read book on elocution in 1762. A lifelong foe of the theater, Webster was eager to diminish its influence on the English language.
The first two pages of this notebook are reprinted on the frontispiece and the endpapers of this book.
William Eugene Webster, who fought in the Confederate Army, and Calvert Stuart Webster, who fought for the Union, both died in 1862. These two grandsons of Noah Webster were the last of his descendants to bear the Webster name.
The Man Who Made Lists:
Love, Death, Madness, and the Creation of
Roget’s Thesaurus
BOOK: The Forgotten Founding Father- Noah Webster
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