Read The Dom on the Naughty List Online

Authors: Leia Shaw,Cari Silverwood,Sorcha Black

The Dom on the Naughty List (2 page)

BOOK: The Dom on the Naughty List
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Her pussy was on fire
and the coolness from her wet pants didn’t help. She needed an orgasm. Now.

“Please, Q?”
she whispered after a dozen or so smacks.

paused. “Please what, naughty girl?”

“I need…more.” It was the only thing she could choke out.
Q gave her one more hard whack. She jumped then sunk against the car door, moaning in pain and pleasure.

“Do you think you deserve to get off?”
Q asked.

“No. But I’m begging to anyway.”

She laughed without humor. “It’s not going to work this time, beautiful. Get in the car. I’ll finish tying the tree.”

A shudder rocked Sabrina
when Q stepped away. So needy. It’d been too long. She rubbed her ass and almost put her hand between her legs, but Q stopped her. “If I catch you touching yourself, you’ll get the brush when we get home and I’ll tease you every night for a week without letting you get off.”

Sabrina glowered.
When did Q get so mean? “No,” she said, planting her feet firmly on the ground next to the car.

Q crossed her arms. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not letting you tie the tree by yourself,” she said, then grabbed one end of the rope. “Come on. I don’t want it to fall off the back on the ride home.”

Together they secured the tree
on the little car, sending little flirty looks to each other. Anticipation for when they got home coursed through Sabrina, heating her more and more. It was almost unbearable.

In the car, she pressed her legs together, squirmi
ng all over the seat to ease her frustration. Q laughed, then slapped her thigh when she got too close.

“Bad,” she teased. “Good things come to those who wait.”

“They come to those who don’t wait too. They just come faster.”

Q smirked. “You’ll come fast alright. But not until I tell you
that you can.”

So mean! She pouted for a moment, which only made Q chuckle. Distraction came quickly though. It was a short ride home from the tree farm and her thoughts became preoccupied with getting the tree set up by

“Maybe we should wait till Jude gets home and can help,” she suggested.

“No.” Q put the car in park. “I want to get it set up before he gets here.” She looked at Sabrina and her lips curled up in amusement. “As long as you don’t distract me too much, we’ll have time.”

the opportunity, she leaned in and licked Q’s bottom lip. “Distract you?” she breathed, then brushed her lips across Q’s. “How on earth would I distract you?”

Sabrina bit down on Q’s plump bottom lip.
Softly at first, enjoying the way Q moaned and relaxed against her. Then she nipped harder.

Q gasped and pulled away. She gave her a frustrated look then grabbed her hair, holding her still while she planted a hard kiss on her lips.

“You’re trouble,” she said. Hand still in Sabrina’s hair, she yanked her up against her body, both of them turned awkwardly in the car. Q pressed a soft kiss on the spot between Sabrina’s neck and shoulder. She turned to jello, her body melting against Q’s.

Then Q bit down sharply. “Ouch!” Sabrina yelped but Q didn’t let go. She sucked the spot hard between her teeth and Sabrina whimpered.
Sharp pain flared. “Q!”

Finally, she let go
, then smiled in satisfaction at Sabrina’s neck.

In a panic, Sabrina yanked down the visor and opened the mirror.
“Q!” She studied the ugly red and purple mark on her neck. “Now I have to wear turtlenecks all week!”

Q grinned. “That’ll teach you to mess with me, little girl. You know better. You ask nicely for what you want and maybe you
’ll get it. Either way, you take what you’re given.” At Sabrina’s pout, she shook her head. “Spoiled.” She opened the door and got out of the car, leaving Sabrina to let out a huff and stare after her in exasperation.

“Come on, gorgeous,” Q said, already fiddling with the rope. “It’s getting dark.”

With a growl, she threw open the door and helped Q untie the tree, all the while plotting how to get what she wanted from Q. Or maybe she was better off appealing to Jude. She wasn’t sure which Dom was worse most days. One thing was for sure, she was getting some action tonight even if she had to tie Jude down with Christmas garland to get it. She just hoped he wouldn’t safeword.

Chapter 2


The pine needles and twigs in a trail littering the front steps, the hallway, and the living room doorway were a dead giveaway.
Christmas season. Pine tree crap. Jude braced himself. The girls had been a bit more proactive than he wanted to see, today. Or any day. Maybe he should have told them why.

He paused in the doorway, shoes still on so he didn’t
poke himself, and slapped his palms into the door frame on either side. A gouge or two in the paint spoke of a close call. There was the tree. Green, enormous, and messy. With his Sabrina and Q somewhere on the other side, giggling. Two big boxes of decorations sat to the left.

The tree was a yard and a half wide, and some of the very top needles brushed the

He hadn’t seen such a mess in their house since the camera crew for t
he ghosthunter show tracked slush all over last winter while they were setting up. A week of dealing with those guys had put both he and Q on edge. They’d managed to get a brief glimpse of Grace, their resident ghost, but Jude didn’t care about that. All he cared about was the way the two guys kept hitting on his women. It had almost come to blows.

Just because thre
e wasn’t a traditional number for a relationship, it didn’t mean they were swingers. People assumed so many things.

Other ghost shows had called for access to the house, but as a family they’d decided to hold off.
The excitement of the original photo of Grace had even worn off for Sabrina, their little ghostbuster. Now she had her eye on a cross-country graveyard tour.

,” he said. “Who’s cleaning this up? And how in hell did you get this through the doorway?”

His annoyance must have gotten through to them. First Q
, then Sabrina, crawled out past the lower branches. Both were flushed in the face and had almost as much Christmas tree on them and in their hair as was on the floor.

“We shoved and pushed and –” Sabrina began while still crawling.

“Shush.” Q stood, and brushed off her black jeans. “We’ll clean it up.”

“Good.” He took a step in. “What a mess. You
gouged the paint too.”

“Sorry.” The crestfallen look on Q’s face gave him pause.

After glancing up at Q, Sabrina started again. “And when we were done shoving we prayed for a big Dom to come save us but instead we got a big bad wolf who blew it all down.” She frowned. “Or a big bad Scrooge.”

“Sabrina.” He checked his first instinctive response and rewound. “Point taken, but…”

“You might not like Christmas, but it’s Q’s favorite. Her family used to do this every year. It’s important.” She scooted right up against Q.

“Sorry.” Q shrugged with a faint smile while absently patting Sabrina.

“Ah.” He shook his head, then scrubbed his hands through his hair. “Fuck. We need to talk. Let’s sit on the couch for a few. Seems like it’s the last clean, pine-tree-free zone.” Except for the pile of rope tossed near it. Hmm, suspiciously familiar rope. “But brush off the forest first.”

He claimed the middle of the couch and waited with his arms draped along the back to either side. Q sat to his right
and Sabrina snuggled into his left side.

Jude hugged Q in closer and kissed the top of her head. “Christmas just has some bad memories for me. My dad
had a stroke the week before. It was years ago now, but it still bothers me.” When Q stirred he patted her shoulder. “I’m stupid and selfish if I take away your joy though. So…just ignore me. You have fun. Okay?”

“Jude.” Q wriggled to face him
, then put her arm across his waist and leaned her forehead against his shirt. “We
going to have fun, damn it. All of us together, as a family. I have some pretty craptastic memories too, but it’s time to make new ones that don’t suck. We have each other now, and we have to stop replaying negative memories in our heads. It’s time to choose to be happy and make what we can of things.”

Me and Q are like happy little Christmas elves. You can’t resist our charm. We’ll get you in the spirit yet.” Sabrina smiled brightly.

Were they right? That night, all those years ago…hospitals, phone calls, his mother dumbstruck yet standing strong and proud. He bit back the sadness that threatened. Then he recalled the other great times with his father.
Way better times.

Okay. I’ll try.” He sighed and patted Q again, then reached down and caressed Sabrina’s cheek. “But don’t go overboard, you two, or you’ll put me right back in Scrooge mode.” He grunted. “My house looks like Santa’s workshop blew up in here.”

house,” Sabrina said. “Can we finish decorating now, Mr. Grinch?”

Q smirked
, then struggled upright. “Wait a minute. Don’t I owe you a spanking?”

He waited for Sabrina’s answer. There was no doubt she deserved a spanking for something. And Q seemed in the mood to deliver it.

“You need one,” she said when Sabrina went quiet. “You were begging for it at the tree farm.”

“You already took care of it there.” The indignant look on her face almost hid her desire for more.

For a long while
, Q just stared at her. Every so often, Sabrina glanced up. When she saw Q glaring in that amused Dom-like way, she’d duck her head down again.

“Enough, Q,” he finally said. “Does she deserve a spanking?
Because a Christmas spanking would get this season off to a good start.”

. She was a brat when we were getting the tree. She’s been looking for a smack-down.” She threw a cushion onto the floor. “Kneel there.”

Slowly, without looking up again, Sabrina shuffled off the couch and knelt. Her
blonde wisps hid her face.

Q leaned on her forearms. “
Turn around, little girl. Pull down your pants.”

After one long
, shuddery breath, Sabrina edged around on the cushion. She wriggled down her dark, lycra pants until they were bunched beneath the curve of her backside. Her top partly concealed her skin.

“Bend over, Sabrina,” he added. “Arms folded, head on the floor.”

As she obeyed, the top slipped up her back. A red bite mark showed on one side. The double mounds of her ass looked so delectable, as did the slightly open line of her sex. Pink, moist, ready for him. He almost went and touched her there. No. Later. He’d let Q play first.

Is that a bite mark, Q?”

A smirk played on the edge of her lips. “
You have no idea how enticing it was when she was being sassy and bending over to pick up stuff.”

“I do know how enticing she is. You both are. You can do the rest now. But I want Sabrina with her head here, on my lap.” He leaned down and tapped her leg. “Up.”

When she popped up her head and looked, he beckoned. Q sat forward more, as eager as a gourmet sniffing a tray of delicacies right before her nose. Which gave him ideas. Later though. When Sabrina was only halfway shifted around, Q stood and grasped her at the back of her neck.

Sabrina squeaked. “What? What did I do?”

Slowly, Q wound her other hand in Sabrina’s hair, tightening, tightening, until the poor girl quivered.

“Too tight

Safeword?” Q growled. “No? Good. Come.” She half dragged Sabrina to him and shoved her face down over his legs.

“Just where a sub should be.”
He undid the buckle on his belt, making sure the leather slithered as it went through the loops, then he whacked it on the couch once. Sabrina jumped and whined, but her ass did a little shift back and forth too. “Undo my button and pull down the zipper, Sabrina.”

At her whimper, Q chuckled and forced her head down more. Unable to see with her eyes buried in the cloth of his trousers, Sabrina did it all blind
. Her hands fumbled between his open fly. Already hard, he stiffened more at the touch of her small hands.

“Wrap them around my dick. Do
n’t let go. Q, put her face up so I can hear her when you start.”

To make sure he had some control
, he placed his hand over where Q held her hair.

The first slap made Sabrina flinch
, then moan. Her hot breath coasted over his dick. Her fingers shifted on him. Fuck.

Q was going slow but starting hard. The red
mark from her hand showed instantly on the pale flesh. Though Sabrina’s ass was bare, he didn’t look again. Watching her open her mouth, her tongue lick out, and the changes of her expression was enthralling. He saw pain, stunned pleasure, the heightening of arousal, and her losing herself in the continuing thud of the blows. The bigger smacks made her move her fingers, squeezing him.

BOOK: The Dom on the Naughty List
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