The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1)
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“I can’t believe how nonchalant you’re being about this whole thing,” she hissed.

He sighed. “Kiana, when you have been in this business as long as I have, you learn not to get too worked up about certain things. I always keep my cool and deal with things calmly and swiftly. So, I do not want you to worry, little one.”

She huffed. “Alright, so what now?”

“Now we wait for Kate to show up at my club tonight.”

“What are we going to do with her?”

He smiled, “I love how you use the word 'we' all the time now.”

“Well, aren’t you taking me along?”

“As long as you want to stand by my side, I will never refuse.”

Kiana lifted a hand to graze his jaw with gentle fingers. “I almost killed her, for you.” Stavros gazed at her questioningly. “After the drug knocked her out, I found her gun. I thought about shooting her to protect you.”

His eyes darkened. “I will never expect you to get any blood on your hands. I have pulled you into my world, taken your innocence.  I will at least protect you from having to take a life.”

“I was never innocent to begin with. I wanted to kill her, Stavros. I would have, and I think I would have liked it.”

His jaw clenched several times. He wasn’t sure how to feel about her admission. Should he be thrilled that he could be completely open with her about
of his activities? Maybe he should be more concerned about the fact that an otherwise innocent woman was having murderous thoughts to protect him. “Kiana, taking a life is nothing easy to live with.”

“You sound like you're speaking from experience.” Her eyes bore into his.

He swallowed and softly made the admission. “I am.”

Kiana thought of asking him about it but decided against it. He probably wouldn’t appreciate her prying into that part of his life. She was surprised when he voluntarily began to share.

“I killed the man who abused my mother.”

Her eyes widened, “Y-your father?”

“No, my father moved back to Greece when I was a teenager. My mother had a boyfriend who beat the shit out of her for years, but for some reason, she refused to leave him. I had vowed to kill him one day. I told him I would, and he laughed.” His face twisted into a wicked smirk. “Imagine his shock when I showed up at his door a decade later. I blamed him for killing my mother. He didn’t directly take her life, of course, but he drove her into the drug addiction and alcoholism that eventually killed her. I stood over the bastard and watched the life vanish from his eyes. That was the first time I took a life. I was quite young in the drug business.”

Kiana couldn’t help the cold chill that ran down her spine. “T-the first time?”

He maintained his smirk, “Yes, Kiana, the first of many times. Are you afraid of me now?”

She shook her head. “You wouldn’t hurt me.”

“You’re right. Like I said, I will only ever hurt you if you’re enjoying it.” His voiced dipped to a level of pure carnal need.

Kiana’s gazed dropped to his wicked but sexy smirk. Dipping her head she grazed his lips with hers. “Thank you for telling me.” It made her feel like there was a higher level of trust between them. He knew her deepest secret, and he revealed to her how dark he really was. She cupped his face and placed her mouth back on his. His hand lifted to grip the nape of her neck, pressing her closer.

His tongue delved into her mouth, exploring violently. “I want you to tie me up and do your worst,” she murmured against his mouth.

He drew back to search her face. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she whispered, without hesitation.

The feral gleam in his eyes sent desire shooting through her. He stood up and took long strides to the bedroom, with her straddling him tightly.

Chapter Twenty—Stavros


“I have something for you.”

Kiana turned around with a smile as Stavros stepped onto the balcony. “What?”

With a grin, he presented her with a long, flat velvet box. She cocked an eyebrow and accepted it. Flipping the box open, she gasped.

“Do you like it?” He asked.

“I-it’s gorgeous.” She stared down at the diamond drop pendent. She was sure it cost more than what she made in about three months. She glanced up at him. “When did you get it?”

“Today. When you called to tell me you were meeting with your sister, I was in the jewelry store.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Is this some kind of reward for doing your dirty work?”

He roared out a laugh. “Leave it to you to be ungracious about receiving a diamond necklace. You are indeed a different kind of woman.” When she glared at him, he added, “I mean that as compliment, of course.” He picked up the necklace and turned her around to drape it around her neck. “No, it is not a reward for what you did today. I simply wanted to get my woman something nice.”

“You already bought me a car.”

“You deserve to have the best in life, my gorgeous girl. I am here to give you everything you will ever want and need.”

“I only want and need you,” she responded. Fingering the diamond nestled between her breasts, she added, “Of course, diamonds don’t hurt. Thank you, Stavros. I love it.” She turned around to show him her gratitude with a deep kiss.

“I’m glad. The dress is inside.”

She groaned. “You don’t have to shower me with gifts.”

He shrugged. “I have tons of money, and I wish to spend it on you. Humor me, will you?” She rolled her eyes as he pulled her inside. “It’s almost time for us to get going.”

A while later, Kiana stood before a full-length mirror. She studied her reflection, unable to recognize the woman looking back at her. The stranger was clad in a senselessly expensive dress that hugged her curves, along with equally expensive shoes and jewelry. Her hair hung around her shoulders in a mass of wild curls. She no longer looked either innocent or anxious in the slightest. She was darker, more confident. Her soul was now tainted. She saw it as plain as day. Kiana tilted her head, her lips lifting slightly.

She liked what she saw.

“You are stunning,” Stavros whispered, coming up to a stop behind her. “I knew you were the right woman for me from the first moment I saw you.” He dipped his head to kiss her bare shoulder. “You are my queen.”

She smiled, “And you are my king.”

His gaze connected with hers in the mirror. His smile made her knees weak. “We should go before we end up not making it to the door.”

His nostrils flared as he shoved down his need to tear the dress from her luscious body and ravish her on the spot. “Yes, that’s a good idea.” He took a reluctant step back and offered her his arm.


“Maybe she isn’t going to show up after all.” Kiana glanced at the club’s entrance with concern.

“She will, trust me.” Stavros placed a palm possessively on the small of her back and led her through the crowd toward the back of the club. “It is time to officially introduce my subjects to their new queen,” he whispered in her ear.

She frowned up at him, “Really Stavros, your subjects? That’s not very nice.”

“I am not a nice man, little one. You must know that by now.” She shook her head but remained silent.

Standing in front of the closed door, Kiana glanced nervously up at Stavros. “Don’t be nervous, baby.” He pushed the door open and everyone went silent.

Jeremy nodded. “Boss.”

Stavros took in everyone coolly. “I trust all is going well.” There was ripple of murmured positive replies.  “Good.” Pulling Kiana closer to his side, he declared, “This is Kiana, my wife and your new boss.”

She gawked at him with furrowed brows. Did he just refer to her as his wife? He grinned as the men in the room also gaped at him, some with their mouths actually hanging open.

Jeremy was the first to gather his wits, clearing his throat. “Well, here’s to Bonnie and Clyde,” he said promptly, taking a swig from his beer can. Everyone else nodded and gave Kiana nervous smiles. No one dared speak, fearing retaliation from their cold and ruthless boss.

“So what’s the update, Jeremy?”

“Your, uh, 'method' is working quite nicely.”

“You can speak freely, Jeremy, she knows.”

Jeremy’s eyes widened, “Oh, great. The women you brainwashed to sell the product are bringing in serious cash. They have no fucking idea what they're doing.” He let out a laugh but quickly sobered. “You’re a brilliant bastard, Kane. The cops will never suspect a bunch of soccer moms of peddling drugs.”

Stavros grunted. “Yes, well, genius as the idea was, it won’t last forever.”

“You can always set up another study to get new puppets,” Kiana suggested.

Jeremy snickered. “I like her, Kane.”

“Don’t fall too much into like, Jeremy. I won’t hesitate to kill you if you cross the line.” His hands rested on Kiana’s hip, staking his claim.

Jeremy shook his head and held up both hands, “I would never dream of it, boss.” His gaze still ran over Kiana’s figure appreciatively.

“Alright everyone, I’m going to need this room cleared out in half an hour. No trace of anything left behind, understand?”

There was a chorus of “Yes, sir.”

“Jeremy put the cash in its usual place. I’ll need you to disappear as well.”

“You got it, boss. Get to it boys, clean up time!”

Stavros led Kiana out of the room.

“Why are you clearing out the room?” She inquired.

“It has to be ready for our little DEA agent’s visit,” he murmured absently.

Kiana’s heart skipped a beat. She wondered if he was planning on killing Kate in the room. She slid her hand in his, silently agreeing to go along with whatever he had planned.

Stavros gazed down at her as they stepped back into the crowd. He pulled her into a dark, secluded corner. “Dance with me.”

Kiana wound her arms around his neck, pressing her body as close to him as possible. His large hands palmed her hips and inched lower to cup her backside as they moved to the beat. He stared into those deep pools of brown. A lump formed in his throat, moved by the complete trust he saw reflected in her gaze. He realized then that he had fallen in love with her, something he never thought would happen.

His life never left room for love. He had also gone out of his way to avoid such a thing. But Kiana had pushed through every barrier he had erected. He drew in a sharp breath as his emotions threaten to engulf him.

Kiana frowned, “What’s wrong, Stavros?”

He blinked, “Wrong? Nothing is wrong. I have you, and everything feels right.”

She smiled sadly. “That’s sweet, but everything really isn’t right. You’re on the authority’s radar. What if we can’t get rid of Kate, or what if we do, but they keep coming anyway?” Her features were clouded with worry.

Lifting a hand to caress her cheek, he said, “I told you not to worry.”

“I can’t help it. I just don’t want anything to happen to you. I can’t lose you.”

He was touched by her concern. It wasn’t something he was used to. “I find that I like having someone show concern for me. No one has since my mother died.”

“What about your father?”

“He has a whole other life and family on the other side of the world. I’m not sure if he even remembers that he has a son.”

“Oh, Stavros, I’m sorry.”

He placed a finger on her lips, “No pity. I’m fine, I always have been. I’m even better now,” he finished with a smile.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

He obliged, capturing her lips. He kissed her lovingly, his tongue gently probing. He lifted his head, his arousal elevating. “God, Kiana I could fuck you right here.” Her sharp breath told him she wouldn’t mind. “She’s here.”

Kiana followed his gaze across the room. Kate walked through the door and stopped to survey the room. “What do we do?”

“Wait for me in the room.”


“No buts, baby. Just go.”

With a pout she turned and scurried toward the door.

Stavros headed in Kate’s direction. “Hello, Ms. Morrow.”

She whipped around, “Dr. Kane.”

He peered down at her, satisfied by her dazed appearance. She smiled up at him. “What are you doing in a place like this?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t seem like the night club type.”

He laughed, recalling that Kiana had said the same thing. He shrugged, “Even doctors want to have fun. Care to dance with me, Kate?”

Her gaze swept over him flirtatiously. “Is that the only thing you want, Dr. Kane?”

“Call me Stavros,” he said, choosing not to answer her question. She stepped toward him and he pulled her in. Kate rubbed seductively against him. Previously, he would have been turned on, but there was only one woman on his mind now a day. He was slightly surprised by the changes in himself. He gritted his teeth and continued to play the game. “So, what brings you here, Kate?”

“I don’t know, I woke up and had the sudden urge to come here tonight. I’ve only ever been here once.”

He nodded. His hypnosis had been effective. “I suppose it's fate. I’m glad to have run into you.”

“Oh, really?” She asked, batting her lashes. “Why is that?”

“I've been thinking about you. You really stood out when you were coming to the clinic.”

“Hmm, is that so? Was it because I was the only one you couldn’t drug,
Kane?” Her voiced dripped with contempt.

Stavros paused briefly. “All of my patients received drugs.”

She laughed, “Cut the crap, doctor. I know what you were up to.” He looked down into her eyes with a frown. “It was really low of you to use Kiana Taylor to drug me. Did you drug her and hypnotize her too?”

He sighed.
Fuck, she got me
. “How about we go somewhere quieter to clear this up?”

Kate smiled sweetly, “How about we go to the back room where you conduct

So she knows about that
. “I would prefer if we went somewhere else.” Kiana was waiting for him in the room, and he wanted to keep her out of Kate’s sight. He had initially planned to take Kate into the room and end her. But looking into Kiana’s eyes earlier and seeing her trust in him, he didn’t want to spill any blood in front of her. So he had sent her to wait, with the plan of taking Kate elsewhere.

“Move it, Kane before I arrest you, or better, shoot you right here.”

He glanced down at her, his expression that of amusement. “As you wish, Kate.” He cursed mentally. Kiana would be a part of the showdown after all. He walked calmly through the crowd with Kate close behind him.

“Whatever you had planned for me won’t work, Kane. I brought backup.”

Stavros glanced over his shoulder to see a burly man following them.
Damn, more police
. “What makes you think I had anything other than fucking you until morning planned?” He saw the effect his words had on her, and he grinned. “You would like that, wouldn’t you, Kate?”

“Shut up and keep moving,” she hissed.

He chuckled softly and kept walking. They stopped in front of the door, and he reluctantly pushed it open. Kiana was inside, pacing, and stopped when Stavros appeared.

“Stavros,” she started towards him but stopped abruptly when Kate emerged. Kiana’s eyes dropped to the gun in her hands. “Kate,” she breathed. Another man stepped into the room behind her and locked the door.

“Get over there, Kane,” Kate roared.

He walked toward Kiana. “I’m sorry, baby. I wanted to keep you out of this.” She looked up at him, fear in her eyes.

BOOK: The Devil's Dream: A Dark Romance (Dark Romance Novel Book 1)
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