Read The Deal with Love (One on One) Online

Authors: Jamie Wesley

Tags: #one-night stand, #fling, #office romance, #own voices, #Lovestruck, #POC, #contemporary romance, #coworkers, #sport, #NBA, #sports romance, #category, #Romance, #diverse, #basketball

The Deal with Love (One on One) (10 page)

BOOK: The Deal with Love (One on One)
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He wasn’t finished. As her orgasm crashed through her, he urged her up again by finding her clit with his hand as his thrusts intensified. She went over the edge again as he tensed, then let out a shout.

Christian rolled off her and lay next to her. Elise stared at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. She could still hear her pulse pounding in her ears. She gulped in a lungful of air. “We had sex on the floor.”

“It had a little more space than the bench. At least the bench is still unsullied.” He sounded winded, but content. “We can change that if you want.”

She wanted to laugh but couldn’t force the sound out.

He sighed. “What just happened here?”

She’d never noticed before how fascinating her ceiling was. “We…scratched an itch.”

“Right.” A buzz filled the air from a distance. “What’s that?”

“My phone. I need to get it.” He rolled his head toward her. She had no trouble reading his expression. “Yes, now. It might be important.” Grateful for the reprieve, she stumbled to her feet and pushed her skirt down. On unsteady legs, she headed to the living room, trying not to think about the man who followed her. Who’d just given her the best orgasms she’d had in almost three weeks. Who’d made it clear he was only too eager to do it again. The man she’d promised herself she would keep at arms’ length.

Her phone buzzed again with another text message. She grabbed it off the coffee table and looked at the screen. She stabbed at the screen to open the message. And nearly did a flying leg kick. “Oh my God!”


She whirled to face Christian, who was leaning against the doorframe. He’d fastened his pants, but his shirt hung open. His impressive chest beckoned to her. No. Drooling over Christian was not what she needed to be doing right now. “I got a text from Drew’s agent. Drew wants a visit with us. He’s willing to fly in tomorrow.”

His lips lifted in a smile. “Congrats.”

“Thanks. This wouldn’t be happening without you.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. Ordered herself not to linger and follow the line of his hard, strong jaw. She stepped back. “Seriously, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He eased off the wall. “Let me guess. You want me to leave.”

“Umm, it’s just that I have a lot of work to do in order to coordinate Drew’s visit and our pitch to him.”

Christian nodded. She didn’t look behind her as she led him to her front door.

On the threshold, he turned to face her. The fire in his eyes threatened to singe her. He scraped his gaze up and down her figure. “I know you have a lot of work to do, but are you sure you don’t want to continue what we started earlier? Scratch that itch one more time? At least for a little while.”

Of course she wasn’t sure. He was offering up another surefire orgasm. She forced herself to look him in the eye. “I can’t. I have to think about Drew’s visit, not about...”

He raised his eyebrows.

“My physical needs,” she finished through clenched teeth.

Christian shook his head. “Because that’s all this is, of course.”

He moved lightning quick, using her hand to draw her to him and capturing her mouth underneath his. He sank his hand in her hair, tilting her head back to give him better access. On her gasp, his tongue slipped between her lips. Her tongue, that hussy, was waiting and tangled with his. He explored her mouth with slow, sensuous swipes of his tongue, drugging her senses. She moaned and crowded closer, needing to take the kiss deeper. Heady desire thrummed through her veins.

He drew away. The heat in his eyes pinned her to the spot.

“Think about that.” Christian turned on his heel and walked out the door without a backward glance.

Like she had any other choice.

Chapter Ten

“We’re about to meet Drew Newsome at the airport,” Christian said. “How are you feeling?”

Elise looked back at the camera focused on her and smiled at the man manning it. “I’m excited. A little nervous, but mostly excited. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime to sign a player of his caliber. I can’t wait to show him what the Stampede has to offer.”

He turned the camera off and lowered it to his side.

She frowned. “What are you doing?”

He trained his dark gaze on her. “I just wanted to take this chance to tell you I believe in you and know you can get this done.”

“Thank you,” she murmured. He never failed to surprise her. Or make her question her desire to keep whatever was going on between them to what now qualified as a two-night stand.

Somehow they were standing close together with not much space between them. Their connection was real. Scary, but real. She placed a hand over his heart, his heat warming her hand. She searched his eyes. He felt it, too. She leaned in, needing to touch his marvelous lips. Only squeals from several onlookers stopped her. She jerked away. What was she doing? She was here to work, not make out with Christian.

Drew Newsome had arrived. There was no doubt. A murmur was sweeping through the crowd. Her gaze swung to the gate. She had no problem spotting the basketball player. Being six-seven lent itself to standing out in a crowd. Granted, Drew would stand out in any crowd regardless of his height. He wore designer jeans, a red blazer, and a striped, blue button-down shirt. He was ready for his
moment. She loved it. Part of her job was to sell the team to fans, and she loved when a player was unafraid to do his part.

Elise cut through the crowd and greeted his agent, Tim Barnes, with a nod. He’d done everything in his power to prevent this meeting, and he’d failed. The least she could do was be cordial. Quite magnanimous of her, if she did say so herself.

“Hi Drew,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m Elise Templeton. I’m pleased to meet you.”

He shook her hand. “Nice to meet you.” He caught sight of Christian and stepped around her. “Hey, how are you doing? Long time no see.” He held out his hand, and he and Christian completed a one-armed man-hug.

“I’m doing good,” Christian said. “Just trying to get through the day.”

“I hear that, but what are you doing here? What’s with the camera? Do you work for the team? I should’ve asked when you called, but I was so surprised to hear from you, it slipped my mind.”

Christian explained about the NBA TV special. “Is following you around with the camera going to be a problem?”

Drew flicked his jacket’s lapels. “Naw, man. I love the cameras, and the cameras love me. I’m down for whatever publicity I can get.”

Elise exchanged glances with Christian. This was going to be an interesting day. No doubt about it. She could understand Drew’s reasoning though. Athletes had a short window of time to play and earn as much money as they could. They had to take advantage of any and every opportunity that came their way to help them reach that goal.

A loud shriek split the air. “That’s Drew Newsome!”

She winced. She’d hope to keep this meeting secret, but there was only so much she could do, especially when the player was as well known as Drew. But she had more pressing concerns than overzealous fans.

This visit with him would tell her a lot. Like if he would fit into the Stampede culture. He was ridiculously talented, no doubt, but the main reason the Stampede had won a championship was because of the chemistry the team had cultivated over the course of the season.

The year had started out rocky. She’d been worried when Brady joined the organization and didn’t immediately gel with the other players. Thankfully, the tension had gradually eased and then disappeared entirely as the players learned to sacrifice personal glory for the good of the whole. The season had ended with a championship, just like she’d visualized when she’d suggested they trade for Brady.

Now, it was time to see if she could pull another rabbit out of her player personnel hat.

She’d done her research on Drew. Everyone had great things to say about him, so she was almost 100 percent sure he’d be a positive addition. But that was the reason for this visit—to get a sense of who he was as a person. Would he bond with the players off the court?

His basketball stats spoke for themselves. Last season, he’d scored nearly twenty-five points and grabbed over ten rebounds per game. He was the real deal, and, if he was who she thought he was, she wanted him to play for the Stampede. Unfortunately, so did every other team in the league. But he was here now, and she was going to give him the best presentation she could.

Elise took a deep breath. “What do you say we get out of this madhouse? We have a tour of our facilities planned. You’ll meet Mack Jameson, our head coach, and my father, and then we’ll have dinner.”

“I can deal with that,” Drew said.

Fans were waiting as they exited the airport, so she stepped aside while he signed a few autographs. She liked that Drew took his time with everyone who came up to him, even the woman who wanted him to sign her bra strap. His agent took in the scene but kept quiet. Fine by her. The less he tried to influence Drew, the better.

Thirty minutes later, they finally made it to the limo. When they arrived at the arena, she showed Drew the practice court, the workout room, and the training room, all of which were outfitted with the latest and greatest state-of-the-art equipment. If there was something players needed to increase their productivity on the court, all they had to do was mention it to her father, and it magically appeared within a week.

Their next stop was the arena floor. She tried to see the court through his eyes, but it was impossible to be impartial. She loved this building. Although the twenty-thousand seats were empty, the place still pulsed with energy. Her father had invested serious cash into making it a world-class arena the city and fans could be proud of, and it had paid off. Plus, this was the building where the team had won its first championship. She could still hear the cheers and visualize the purple confetti that had rained down on the court as the final buzzer had gone off in the championship-clenching game.

“What do you think, Drew?” she asked.

He turned in a circle, taking in the arena one more time. “This has always been one of my favorite places to play. Even when the fans were booing the hell out of me, I knew it was because they loved their team so much.”

Elise beamed with pride. “We do have the best fans in the world.”

“Trust me, I know. This is the loudest arena in the league. What player wouldn’t want to play in front of them?”

She mentally pumped her fist. And almost laughed when she noticed Christian giving her a sly thumbs-up behind Drew’s back. Throughout the tour, she’d never forgotten for a moment he was there recording everything. His solid presence had calmed her, his earlier words of encouragement resonating with her.

She noticed a man heading their way. “Great fans aren’t the only thing we have to offer. Our training staff is top notch. Let me introduce you to Kyle Street, our team trainer.”

The two men shook hands and began talking shop. Elise glanced over to the scorer’s table where Agent Tim had his head bent over his phone. He still hadn’t said much. But if he wasn’t on board, the odds that Drew would be were slim to none. She excused herself, walked over to Tim, and waited for him to acknowledge her presence. He sighed and stuffed the phone in his pocket. “Elise.”

“Thanks for coming,” she said pleasantly.

“It wasn’t my idea.”

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and say “no shit, Sherlock.” She couldn’t blow her chance to get some answers from him and to fully understand what she was up against. “Why were you so opposed to this visit?”

He didn’t resist rolling his eyes. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”

“I’d appreciate it,” she said in her sunniest voice.

“You only got the job because of who your daddy is. Drew wants to win. Why would I put my client in that kind of situation?”

Ignoring the insult and getting to the heart of the matter was her only option. “Because this is the best place for him. His skill set fits in perfectly here. He plays the exact type of game Mack loves to coach. I may have just gotten the job, but I know that much. You do, too.”

He didn’t look impressed by her answer. “His skill set fits in anywhere. He’s a stud. He belongs in New York or L.A. Places that have more marketing potential than Dallas.”

She chuckled. “You make it sound like we’re in the middle of nowhere. Dallas-Fort Worth is the fifth largest media market in the country. Texas is the second largest state as far as population is concerned. Our athletes have absolutely no trouble getting endorsements. Ask Brady Hudson.”

“Brady Hudson came from New York. He came with his endorsements.”

His mocking tone grated, but she would not get annoyed. She would not let this prick bother her. She needed him too much, damn it. “True as that may be, Brady’s appeal has grown since being here. He’s rehabbed his image, and he just won a championship. Nothing excites fans more than titles. Nothing makes kids worship athletes more than the athletes winning at the highest level. You can’t deny that. You also can’t deny that the Stampede know how to win.”

The agent nodded slowly. “You make some good points. I’m still not sold on this place, but we’re here for the next few hours, so show us what you got.”

She had no problem doing that.

She’d planned this visit down to the last second. The next stop was to introduce him to Mack. She could always count on him playing his part. He was as genuine as they came. Everyone loved him. She glanced at Christian. Well, almost everyone. Again, Christian didn’t react visibly when Mack walked through the arena door, but Elise felt for him anyway.

She moved to stand closer to him—the most comfort she could offer at the moment. Did she even have the right to do that? They weren’t together. Not really. Still, she had to curl her hands at her side to keep from reaching out. Tension emanated from his body. This wasn’t easy for him, but it couldn’t be helped.

“Drew, I’m not sure y’all have ever met, but this is Mack Jameson,” she said.

“Drew, I’m so glad you’re here,” Mack said, shaking his hand. “You always give my team fits when we play, so I want you to join us and make
better. We want to repeat as champions. We know you want to be a champion. This is the best place for you to make that happen.”

Drew didn’t shy away from Mack’s assertion. “You were one of my favorite players growing up. I want to win a championship more than anything else in the world. If you think you can make that happen, I’m willing to listen. That’s what this trip is about.”

Mack spread his hands wide. “Then let’s get started. What questions do you have for me?”

“How do you envision me fitting in with the team?”

“Easily. We’re looking to upgrade our play at your position. We love what you bring on the defensive end of the court. You’re the best on-the-ball defender in the league. Our three-point defense needs the help you can bring. On the offensive end of the floor, I know you love the pick-and-roll. Brady Hudson is the best point guard in the league and is a master with the pick-and-roll. He takes the time to learn his teammates’ preferences and knows how to get you the ball in the spot you like it. You’ll thrive playing with him.”

Drew crossed his arms. “Funny you should mention Brady. He’s not signed for the next year. Do you have any guarantees from him that he’ll be back?”

That was her cue.

“I’m glad you asked,” she said, stepping in between the two men. “He’ll be back. I have no doubts about that. His agent and I are in constant contact. We’re working on the final details of his contract. He’s willing to take a little less money if it will help sign another player. Not another player. You.

“Brady has loved his time here,” she continued. “He got a fresh start, and it worked out better than he could’ve ever imagined. We want the same for you. I probably shouldn’t be putting his business out in the streets, but he recently got engaged to Christian’s sister, so I can’t imagine he wants to leave. I’m sure that plays into his reasoning as well.”

“Good for him, but you can’t offer me more cash than my current team can.”

She nodded. Damn collective bargaining agreement, which allowed a player’s current team to offer more money than the league’s other teams. “You’re right, but there are other factors to consider. Texas doesn’t have a state income tax like California does, so the difference in pay won’t be nearly as much as it looks like once you get your first paycheck. With Brady’s help, we’re prepared to offer you as much as the league allows us. We want to make you a maximum-salary player because we know you deserve it. We’re committed to showcasing you in our offense. You want to win a title. We want to win another title. If we teamed up, we’d both be unstoppable.”

The gym door opened behind them. Elise breathed a silent sigh of relief when Brady strolled into the arena. He’d shown up right when she’d scheduled him to.

Drew took several long strides over to Brady. “Hudson. How are you?”

They grabbed hands and man-hugged. “Couldn’t be better,” Brady said.

“What’s this I hear about you getting married?”

Brady sent a look her way. She shrugged. She’d had to do what she had to do. Brady turned his attention back to Drew. “I am. Not that it’s a secret, but we’ve been keeping it pretty quiet because that’s how my fiancé would prefer it.”

Probably because of the thorny situation with Mack, Elise assumed.

“So when are you signing with us?” Brady asked.

“So when are you going to sign?” Drew asked in return.

Brady laughed. “Good question. It’s just a matter of time. My agent hates it, but I want to make sure the team has enough cash to sign you. I’m okay taking a little less money.”

“So your GM told me.” Drew turned to Elise. “I’ve done my research on you and the Stampede.”

Elise held out her hands. “I’m an open book. Anything you want to know, just ask.”

BOOK: The Deal with Love (One on One)
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