The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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     Her heart flip-flopped. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

     “I’m saying that I want to marry you. I want you to be my wife.” He framed her face in his large hands. “So, now, I’m asking you, Ms. Olivia Lange, will you be my wife and continue this unprecedented and unpredictable journey with me?”

     “Yes!” she squealed, hurling herself at him. “Yes, yes, yes!”

     “Fuck yeah,” he grinned roguishly. “I’m finally getting the girl.” Then, his green gazed simmered with fire. “Why don’t we celebrate the good news?”

     “Why don’t we?” she whispered.

     Breathless, she moved in for the kiss.

     A half-hour later, giddy, they both returned to the pool side. Jarrod took a careful perch in one of the lounge chairs and conversed with the sole male who’d attended. As she rolled the birthday cake close to the counter, she caught Rosa’s eyes. Across the way, she mouthed silently, ‘we’re getting married’, and she could tell that the woman was elated.

     She returned her attention to the task at hand.     “Come on everybody, it’s time for the birthday cake.”  

    Smiling, she watched as the horde of young girls raced for the oblong table, and of course, Meghan was leading the charge. Their chatter and bubbly behaviors were infectious and she found herself enjoying them all.

     Once they were all seated with Meghan sitting at the head of the table, Jarrod joined her side, and they all sang the birthday song. The flames of the lit candles seemed to sway as she placed on the table before Meghan.

     “Go ahead, Poppet, make a wish,” Jarrod murmured, squatting down beside her, and smiled.

     Meghan looked at her father shyly and then looked at her. “While I make my wish, will you both hold my hand?”

     “Sure,” they both agreed simultaneously.

     Standing on opposites sides of Meghan, they clasped her tiny hand in theirs. Closing her eyes tight, Meghan filled her mouth with air and blew the candles out, and everyone clapped as she did so.

     The occasion was joyful, and their moods were light. When cake, punch, chips, and other goodies had been consumed by the crowd, they moved to the presents. With each one, they clapped and cheered when the birthday prize was revealed.

     Standing side by side, they watched together as Meghan opened the last gift.

     She gave him a gentle nudge. “Jarrod, let’s tell her now.”

     “Great minds think alike, don’t they?” he grinned wolfishly. “I just had the same idea.”

     Clasping her hand in his, he pulled along with him as he moved to Meghan’s side. “Excuse me, everyone,” Jarrod said, looking at the crowd. “We have a very personal gift to give to Meghan, and I hope that she likes it.”

     “But, Daddy, you don’t have no big ‘ol box,” Meghan murmured, looking up at him wide-eyed, and then looked at her confusedly. “Livvy doesn’t have nothing in her hand either.”

     “Poppet, we’re seriously going to have to work on those double negatives that you’re using,” he teased with a wink, and then squatted down beside her. “Maybe you can help me out. How can I possibly put Olivia in a big ‘ol box like you’re proposing?”

     “Why are you putting Livvy in a box?” Meghan frowned, and then, her eyes rounded big with pure hope. “Is Livvy my present? Is she going to stay with us forever?”

     Smiling tearfully, she hugged Meghan to her as kneeled down. “What your father is trying to tell you is this. We’re getting married.”
     “Yes!” Meghan squealed, raising her thin arms in the air triumphantly. “My birthday wish came true after all!”

     Together, all of three of them embraced.

     Amidst the applause, her eyes clung to his.

     And they both understood one thing.

Perhaps, there was such a thing as happily ever after.











Author’s Note



           Indeed, love does make the world go around, and it’s the motivating drive behind my characters and stories. I’ve always been an avid reader, spending endless hours getting lost in the fictional world of heroes, heroines, villains, and such. My love of reading, naturally, transcended into my own writing craft, and it’s a journey that I eagerly want my readers to take. I always enjoy hearing my readers’ thoughts about my stories. So feel free to leave comments on any of my social media outlets!



Happy reading!


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Coming Soon


The next exciting novel by Chloe D. Ashton….



Haunted Whispers


Chloe D. Ashton



     When twenty-four year old graduate student, Allie Grayson answered the “Nanny Wanted” ad, she never anticipated being interviewed by an eight-year old child. Immediately, entranced and intrigued by the unusual circumstances, she takes the assignment and is whisked away to the southern hillsides of Willingham Road. But, Willingham Road is brewing with dangerous secrets, and when she arrives there, she’s more than surprised to learn that her mysterious charge is thirty-year old Jasper Kane. Upon their chance meeting, she’s drawn to him like a moth to a burning flame, and sensual feelings are awakened within her that are unimaginable. Jasper Kane is an enigma that she’s determined to unravel, and their dangerous attraction leads to an intriguing adventure. But soon, it transcends into a living nightmare. For what horrible secrets has she stumbled upon? Will it destroy her life, or will she discover hidden truths about herself?




Other available titles

by Chloe D. Ashton



Forbidden Sacrifice: A Saga

4 Novels in one book!!!











                 The fury of hell has followed the dragon prince straight to Earth. Exiled from his fiery dragon world to escape execution, Daemonicus is thrust onto Earth for his very survival. Now, a century later, he walks the streets and undergrounds of Atlanta as enigmatic private investigator, Daemon Caldwell. Wielding a bloodline and ancestral fire of dragon and vampire, the dark prince has a sole purpose: claim a human bride as the sacrificial penance to save his kind. Only then can he defeat the white dragon lord and reclaim the throne. So, when he plays savior for a woman in desperate need of his help, the last thing he needs or wants is to become emotionally involved. But, when he lays eyes on his broken angel, all his plans are thrown awry. Once again, fate is the deceiver as he’s forced to face his forbidden desires and redemption.

                         A dark world has claimed Daniela Jamison since her tragic accident, and it becomes even more unsettling when she’s targeted by an obsessed madman. But, amidst the danger, she crosses path with the dark, brooding Daemon Caldwell. Instantly, he awakens her forbidden fantasies and wicked desires, and she’s helpless to turn away from them. As the stakes are raised, she is determined to break down his defenses and win his heart. But, can she withstand the astounding truth when she uncovers his deadly secret and intent? Or will she take the biggest gamble of all with her heart?


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Or purchase the novels in the Forbidden Sacrifice Saga series separately:

Novel 1- Bare Innocence

Novel 2- Cruel Wanting

Novel 3- Chained

Novel 4- Freed: The Finale



The Pawn

A Novel




     A horrible accident leaves amnesiac Olivia Lange trapped in a world of oblivion. When she awakens to a strange world at Laramie Rock with no memory, she’s intrigued once she meets the man who claims to be her fiancé. Dangerous, sexy, and mysterious, her Italian billionaire lover exists in a world of hidden secrets, and she’s immediately drawn to him. Once he snares her heart, she becomes entangled in his wicked web of deceit, pleasure, and pain.



BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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