The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series) (12 page)

BOOK: The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)
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"Escort the princess back to her place," he growled, delaying his approach to motion at his guards. 

And, faster than I could blink, a group of them were hauling me to my throne.  "Why are you creeps doing this?" I screamed, kicking at their knees and flailing my arms wildly. 

Of course, the pieces of crap neither answered nor stopped their ruthless onslaught. 
Surprise, surprise.
  With seemingly effortless ease, they repositioned me in my chair and encircled me so that I was unable to move. 
One of these days I'd have their asses for this, especially William.  Goddamn he had it coming...

"It's tradition," Tsedaka drawled, adopting his irritating monotone.  "All slaves are branded with the mark of the royal house to whom they serve.  Your infantile desires are of no consequence."

Before I could protest further, he pressed the smoldering metal into the soft skin on the underside of Amelia's forearm.  Seconds later he removed it, leaving behind a perfect red crescent moon.  The inch long burn rested in the exact spot as my own birthmark.  And, frankly, I had to give the girl credit.  As meek as she appeared on the surface, she didn't even flinch.  The same went for Lucien when his turn came; he took the pain without balking in the slightest.

Horrified, I squeezed my eyes shut to the macabre scene and wondered what in the world we'd gotten ourselves into.  Indifferent to my reservations, the festivities went on.  The string quartet resumed their tedious harmonies, the onlookers gradually transferred their attention from me to those within their groups, and everyone proceeded to have a good ol' time. 
Dancing, chattering, laughing. 
Meanwhile, I sank deeper into my own muddled thoughts, desperately
wishing I could wake myself from the nightmare that now defined my life.









"May I have this dance?" Adrian asked as he bowed with a gallant flourish, nearly losing his crown in the process.

Outwardly, I met his pretentious exhibition with a disinterested stare while silently observing the familiar tingles of anger that were creeping up my spine. 
For real, all the groveling irritated me worse than nails grating across a chalkboard.
And a dance?  Yeah sure, like I knew how to dance to the classical garbage they kept playing.  Hadn't any of 'em ever heard of techno?  Sigh.

"I refuse to do
," I eventually sneered, pointing toward the center of the room.  "Whatever
the hell
that is..."

"It's the waltz and I'll show you how.  Come on, don't be shy," he teased, a jovial smile accentuating his freakishly inviting lips.

Perturbed, I glared at several onlookers that'd been gawking at me incessantly for the last hour before slowly returning my scrutiny to him.  "Look, I'm sick of sitting on this stupid throne, being on display.  How 'bout you help me
get outta here?  I mean, I'd prefer to escape and all.  But, since I probably can't have that, I'll just settle for going back to my room."

"It's customary for the honorees to remain until the festivities conclude.  Nevertheless, you might be able to slip out early if you do something to make it seem as though you've exerted yourself."  He paused to wink at me.  "Dancing would be an excellent ruse."

"Well then," I grumped, standing and taking his hand.  "Dancing sounds

With a chuckle, Adrian led me to the edge of a circle that'd formed around the dancers.  After which, he gazed straight into my eyes.  "Relax, darling," he whispered, concentration lining his mouth as he moved closer.  "I'll show you the steps."

Briefly, I wondered how he was gonna teach me without actually being on the dance floor.  However, my skepticism rapidly dissipated when an uninvited flood of images bombarded my mind. 
Woozy, cramped, too much to process.
  Frantically, I wrenched my face away from his and croaked a gruff, "Shit!  Stop that!"

In a flash, Adrian backed off and shrugged his shoulders apologetically.  "Sorry, it's the first time I've ever transferred information through a knowledge stream.  My father advised me of the possibility, given the correct match of powers between participants.  That said, I might've pushed it a bit far.  Are you alright?"

"I think so," I muttered, taking a second to explore my frazzled brain. 
Yep, everything appeared to be working fine, thank god.  Crazy vamp mumbo-jumbo. 
"So, uh, I know the steps now and, um, well, a lot of other weird old dances.  The pavane, the rigaudon..."

"Oh my!  I definitely overshot my mark.  I haven't thought of those in centuries."

"The really strange thing is that I remember how you were taught.  Your teachers, a few of your dance partners, some of the parties you attended.  And, I've gotta say, you looked pretty funny in tights and a powdery wig."

Adrian's jaw dropped wide open.  "You saw how I was dressed?"

"Yeah, one of your lessons took place in front of a full length mirror," I snickered, halfheartedly attempting to stifle my laughter.  "Don't worry, though, you were kinda cute. 
Total vampire chic

Cheeks reddening, he cleared his throat and stirred restlessly.  "Well, seeing that we've gotten to know each other a little better, does that mean you're ready to dance?"

I rolled my eyes.  "As long as you promise never to
me anything again."

"If you prefer, I'll refrain from sending knowledge mind to mind
without your permission
," he replied in earnest, grabbing my hand and leading me to the middle of the circle.  "I give you my word.  That said, one day it may prove useful and, for this purpose, I won't bar myself completely."

"You're always practical, aren't you?"

"Yes, that's one of my more positive traits," he beamed, spinning me into a perfect waltz.  And, surprisingly, it was sorta fun.  Well, once I closed my eyes and ignored the crowd's annoying stares, that is. 
"You'll have to get used to it,"
he thought to me. 
"Celebrity comes along with your station."

"Hey, stay outta my head!" I hissed.  "No more of
unless it's an emergency, got it?"

"Alright, alright," he grinned, warmly deflecting my aggravation.  "I must say I'm a tad disappointed, though.  I've never found another with telepathy as powerful as mine.  I'd enjoy exploring the boundaries of it with you."

"So, that's why you keep hangin' around and acting like my friend," I retorted curtly, trying my best to ignore a couple vampires in the audience who were peering down their noses at me and whispering.

"No, not at all.  In truth, my mother was a hybrid which makes me quite sympathetic to your situation.  You see, the years preceding her death were filled with grievous bigotry on the part of the aristocracy.  In my heart, I believe that they hated my mother enough to assassinate her.  Regrettably, I could never prove it.  I merely hope to protect you from some of what she experienced."

"Oh," I mumbled, my conscience nipping at me for being rude.  "I'm sorry to hear about your mom.  Mine died a few months ago, so I can relate."

"No need to apologize, it happened long before I came to the new world.  Attitudes toward hybrids were much worse in those days.  She wasn't even allowed to visit high court, let alone be officially crowned in her rightful place." He hesitated, pressing my body closer to him.  "I imagine this whole ordeal is causing you great stress, especially in light of your mother's recent passing."

Great stress?
I'd say it's closer to enormous, horrible, or earth-shattering.  But whatever. 
I was readying myself to prey on his sympathy and hopefully convince him to help me escape when, all of a sudden, the music stopped.  And, of course, I didn't get the chance to work my manipulative magic.  Instead, Adrian promptly released his hold and guided me in the direction of my servants.

"I don't wanna go over there," I protested, an embarrassing whiny tone accenting my voice.  "Look at 'em,
their faces are covered with adoration and I just, I just can't take it.  I mean, I chomped on 'em for god's sake!"

He touched the small of my back in reassurance, prodding me forward.  "It's a part of life, darling, no reason to torment yourself.  Besides, Lucien and Amelia are obviously overjoyed at being your blood slaves.  If they're not bothered by the arrangement, why should you be?"

"You said the words yourself,
blood slaves
, get it?" I moaned, a sour taste rising in my throat.  "No one should be anybody else's slave!  They're brainwashed!"

"Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of discussing the matter at length.  If I kept you for more than one dance, it'd only feed the gossip-mill and wouldn't benefit either of us.  Nonetheless, I promise we can revisit the topic later."  And with that, he bowed and placed my hand in Lucien's.  Then, instants before disappearing into the audience, he said, "I leave you with good people, Luna.  Trust in them as they trust in you." 

Frozen in my awkwardness, I struggled to figure out what I was supposed to say to my
new friends.
I kid you not
, the two of 'em gleamed with happiness worse than prizewinners on a game show. 
Truly bizarre.
  At a total loss, I fidgeted idiotically for several minutes until Isabella, the duchess of sector two, approached.

"Little cousin!" she exclaimed flamboyantly, linking her arm through mine.  "Let's take a stroll and get acquainted."

Cousin?  Jeesh. 
I shuddered at the prospect of meeting more
, yet on the flipside I understood that accompanying her would assuredly help me dodge a chit-chat session with my
.  So, hastily, I mumbled a barely audible "sure" and we were on our way.

Walking arm in arm, we leisurely circled the room while onlookers blatantly gaped at us.  Granted, we were definitely an odd pair. 
Her frilly antique dress next to my modern one.
  Still, adjusting to it posed a real challenge for me.  Likewise, the hooped hem of her ostentatious gown brushed roughly against my legs, steadily taunting my psyche with an uneasy sense of friction.

"I hope we can become the best of friends," she bubbled in a super sweet voice, simultaneously squeezing me into a hug.  "We are family after all."

"How are we related?" I asked, shrugging out of the woman's grasp as her attitude quickly started reminding me of the strippers at my club. 
How they'd be friendly to my face while continually spreading lies to customers behind my back.

"Tsedaka's my father's brother which makes him my uncle and you my cousin," she replied, puffing up her chest and holding her head high.  "My parents, your aunt and uncle, are the king and queen of France."

"Fascinating," I grunted,
honestly not giving a crap.
  So my family consisted of more vampire royalty, big damn deal.

"Tsk-tsk.  Don't fib, little cousin.  I agree with you, pedigrees can be rather exhausting.  At any rate, we should plan on brunch tomorrow.  I'll send one of my slaves for you, let's say around eleven?"

"I, uh, I'm not sure..."

"Isabella, you can't occupy her all evening," Tsedaka chimed in, gracefully interrupting us.  "I believe it's my turn.  May I have the next dance, daughter?"

I glared at him, meeting his politeness with hate. 
The last thing I wanted to do was be anywhere near the creep.  Nevertheless, I'd also give my newly acquired right fang to avoid a sit down with miss fake. 
So, cringing to myself, I
seized the only foreseeable escape from my screwed up predicament.

BOOK: The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)
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