Read The Buccaneers Online

Authors: Edith Wharton

The Buccaneers (9 page)

BOOK: The Buccaneers
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“I saw you go upstairs just now—and I waited.”
“You waited? For me?”
“Yes,” he muttered, still more awkwardly. “Could I speak to you?”
Miss Testvalley reflected. She could not imagine what he wanted, but experience told her that it would almost certainly be something disagreeable. However, it was not her way to avoid issues—and perhaps he only wanted to borrow money. She could not. give him much, of course... but if it were only that, so much the better. “We can go in there, I suppose,” she said, pointing to the door of the public sitting-room. She lifted the
and, finding the room empty, led the way to a ponderous rosewood sofa. Lord Richard shambled after her, and seated himself on the other side of the table before the sofa.
“You'd better be quick—there are always people here receiving visitors.”
The young man, thus admonished, was still silent. He sat sideways on his chair, as though to avoid facing Miss Testvalley. A frown drew the shock of drab hair still lower over his low forehead, and he pulled nervously at his drab moustache.
“Well?” said Miss Testvalley.
“I—Look here. I'm no hand at explaining... never was... but you were always a friend of mine....”
“I've no wish to be otherwise.”
His frown relaxed slightly. “I never know how to say things....”
“What is it you wish to say?”
“I—Well, Mr. Closson asked me yesterday if there was any reason why I shouldn't marry Conchita.”
His eyes still avoided her, but she kept hers resolutely on his face. “Do you know what made him ask?”
“Well, you see—there's been no word from home. I rather fancy he expected the governor to write, or even to cable. They seem to do such a lot of cabling in this country, don't they?”
Miss Testvalley reflected. “How long ago did you write? Has there been time enough for an answer to come? It's not likely that your family would cable.”
Lord Richard looked embarrassed; which meant, she suspected, that his letter had not been sent as promptly as he had let the Clossons believe. Sheer dilatoriness might even have kept him from sending it at all. “You have written, I suppose?” she enquired sternly.
“Oh, yes, I've written.”
“And told them everything—I mean about Miss Closson's family?”
“Of course,” he repeated, rather sulkily. “I haven't got much of a head for that kind of thing; but I got Santos-Dios to write it all out for me.”
“Then you'll certainly have an answer. No doubt it's on the way now.”
“It ought to be. But Mr. Closson's always in such a devil of a hurry. Everybody's in a hurry in America. He asked me if there was any reason why my people shouldn't write.”
“Well—is there?”
Lord Richard turned in his chair, and glanced at her with an uncomfortable laugh. “You must see now what I'm driving at.”
“No, I don't. Unless you count on me to reassure the Clossons?”
“No. Only, if they should take it into their heads to question you...”
She felt a faint shiver of apprehension. To question her—about what? Did he imagine that anyone, at this hour, and at this far end of the world, would disinter that old unhappy episode? If this was what he feared, it meant her career to begin all over again, those poor old ancestors of Denmark Hill without support or comfort, and no one on earth to help her to her feet.... She lifted her head sternly. “Nonsense, Lord Richard—speak out.”
“Well, the fact is, I know my mother blurted out all that stupid business to you before I left Allfriars—I mean about the cheque,” he muttered half-audibly.
Miss Testvalley suddenly became aware that her heart had stopped beating by the violent plunge of relief it now gave. Her whole future, for a moment, had hung there in the balance. And after all, it was only the cheque he was thinking of. Now she didn't care what happened! She even saw, in a flash, that she had him at a disadvantage, and her past fear nerved her to use her opportunity.
“Yes, your mother did, as you say, blurt out something....”
The young man, his elbows on the table, had crossed his hands and rested his chin on them. She knew what he was waiting for—but she let him wait.
“I was a poor young fool—I didn't half know what I was doing.... My father was damned hard on me, you know.”
“I think he was,” said Miss Testvalley.
Lord Richard lifted his head and looked at her. He hardly ever smiled, but when he did his face cleared, and became almost boyish again, as though a mask had been removed from it. “You're a brick, Laura—you always were.”
“We're not here to discuss my merits, Lord Richard. Indeed, you seem to have doubted them a moment ago.” He stared, and she remembered that subtlety was always lost on him. “You imagined, knowing that I was in your mother's confidence, that I might betray it. Was that it?”
His look of embarrassment returned. “I—You're so hard on a fellow....”
“I don't want to be hard on you. But since you suspected I might tell your secrets, you must excuse my suspecting you—”
“Me? Of what?”
Miss Testvalley was silent. A hundred thoughts rushed through her brain—preoccupations both grave and trivial. It had always been thus with her, and she could never see that it was otherwise with life itself, where unimportant trifles and grave anxieties so often darkened the way with their joint shadows. At Nan St. George's age, Miss Testvalley, though already burdened with the care and responsibilities of middle life, had longed with all Nan's longing to wear white tulle and be invited to a ball. She had never been invited to a ball, had never worn white tulle; and now, at nearly forty, and scarred by hardships and disappointments, she still felt that early pang, still wondered what, in life, ought to be classed as trifling, and what as grave. She looked again at Lord Richard. “No,” she said, “I've only one stipulation to make.”
He cleared his throat. “Er—yes?”
“Lord Richard—are you truly and sincerely in love with Conchita?”
The young man's sallow face crimsoned to the roots of his hair, and even his freckled hands, with their short square fingers, grew red. “In love with her?” he stammered. “I ... I never saw a girl that could touch her....”
There was something curiously familiar about the phrase; and she reflected that the young man had not renewed his vocabulary. Miss Testvalley smiled faintly. “Conchita's very charming,” she continued. “I wouldn't for the world have anything—anything that I could prevent—endanger her happiness.”
Lord Richard's flush turned to a sudden pallor. “I—I swear to you I'd shoot myself sooner than let anything harm a hair of her head.”
Miss Testvalley was silent again. Lord Richard stirred uneasily in his chair, and she saw that he was trying to interpret her meaning. She stood up and gathered her old beaded dolman about her shoulders. “I mean to believe you, Lord Richard,” she announced abruptly. “I hope I'm not wrong.”
“Wrong? God bless you, Laura.” He held out his blunt hand. “I'll never forget—never.”
“Never forget your promise about Conchita. That's all I ask.” She began to move toward the door, and slowly, awkwardly, he moved at her side. On the threshold she turned back to him. “No, it's not all—there's something else.” His face clouded again, and his look of alarm moved her. Poor blundering boy that he still was! Perhaps his father
been too hard on him.
“What I'm going to ask is a trifle... yet at that age nothing is a trifle.... Lord Richard, I'll back you up through thick and thin if you'll manage to get Miss Closson's bridesmaids invited to the Assembly ball next week.”
He looked at her in bewilderment. “The Assembly ball?”
“Yes. They've invited you, I know; and your fiancée. In New York, it's considered a great honour—almost” (she smiled) “like being invited to Court in England.”
“Oh, come,” he interjected. “There's nothing like a Court here.”
“No, but this is the nearest approach. And my two girls, the St. Georges, and their friends the Elmsworths are not very well known in the fashionable set which manages the Assemblies. Of course they can't all be invited; and indeed Nan is too young for balls. But Virginia St. George and Lizzy Elmsworth ought not to be left out. Such things hurt young people cruelly. They've just been helping Conchita to arrange her dress, knowing all the while they were not going themselves. I thought it charming of them....”
Lord Richard stood before her in perplexity. “I'm dreadfully sorry. It is hard on them, certainly. I'd forgotten all about that ball. But can't their parents—?”
“Their parents, I'm afraid, are the obstacle.”
He bent his puzzled eyes on the ground, but at length light seemed to break on him. “Oh, I see. They're not in the right set? They seem to think a lot about sets in the States, don't they?”
“Enormously. But as you've been invited—through Mrs. Parmore, I understand—and Mr. Santos-Dios also, you two, between you, can certainly get invitations for Virginia and Lizzy. You can count on me, Lord Richard, and I shall count on you. I've never asked you a favour before, have I?”
“Oh, but I say—I'd do anything, of course. But how the devil can I, when I'm a stranger here?”
“Because you're a stranger—because you're Lord Richard Marable. I should think you need only ask one of the patronesses. Or that clever monkey Santos-Dios will help you, as he has with your correspondence.” Lord Richard reddened. “In any case,” Miss Testvalley continued, “I don't wish to know how you do it; and of course you must not say that it's my suggestion. Any mention of that would ruin everything. But you must get those invitations, Lord Richard.”
She held him for a second with her quick decisive smile, just touched his hand, and walked out of the room.
New York society in the ‘seventies was a nursery of young beauties, and Mrs. Parmore and Mrs. Eglinton would have told any newcomer from the old world that he would see at an Assembly ball faces to outrival all the Court beauties of Europe. There were rumours, now and then, that others even surpassing the Assembly standard had been seen at the Opera (on off-nights, when the fashionable let, or gave away, their boxes, or at such promiscuous annual entertainments as the Charity ball, the Seventh Regiment ball, and so on). And of late, more particularly, people had been talking of a Miss Closson, daughter or step-daughter of a Mr. Closson, who was a stock-broker or railway-director-or was he a coffee-planter in South America? The facts about Mr. Closson were few and vague, but he had a certain notoriety in Wall Street and on the fashionable race-courses, and had now come into newspaper prominence through the engagement of his daughter (or step-daughter) to Lord Richard Marable, a younger son of the Marquess of Brightlingsea (no, my dear, you must pronounce it Brittlesey). Some of the fashionable young men had met Miss Closson, and spoken favourably, even enthusiastically, of her charms; but, then, young men are always attracted by novelty, and by a slight flavour of, shall we say, fastness, or anything just a trifle off-colour?
The Assembly ladies felt it would be surprising if any Miss Closson could compete in loveliness with Miss Alida Parmore, Miss Julia Vandercamp, or, among the married, with the radiant Mrs. Casimir Dulac, or Mrs. Fred Alston, who had been a van der Luyden. They were not afraid, as they gathered on the shining floor of Delmonico's ball-room, of any challenge to the supremacy of these beauties.
Miss Closson's arrival was, nevertheless, awaited with a certain curiosity. Mrs. Parmore had been very clever about her invitation. It was impossible to invite Lord Richard without his fiancée, since their wedding was to take place the following week; and the ladies were eager to let a scion of the British nobility see what a New York Assembly had to show. But to invite the Closson parents was obviously impossible. No one knew who they were, or where they came from (beyond the vague tropical background), and Mrs. Closson was said to be a
and to lie in bed all day smoking enormous cigars. But Mrs. Parmore, whose daughter's former governess was now with a family who knew the Clossons, had learned that there was a Closson step-son, a clever little fellow with a Spanish name, who was a great friend of Lord Richard's, and was to be his best man; and of course it was perfectly proper to invite Miss Closson with her own brother. One or two of the more conservative patronesses had indeed wavered, and asked what further concessions this might lead to; but Mrs. Parmore's party gained the day, and rich was their reward, for at the eleventh hour Mrs. Parmore was able to announce that Lord Richard's sisters, the Ladies Ulrica and Honoria, had unexpectedly arrived for their brother's wedding, and were anxious, they too—could anything be more gratifying? —to accompany him to the ball.
Their appearance, for a moment, over-shadowed Miss Closson's; yet perhaps (or so some of the young men said afterward) each of the three girls was set off by the charms of the others. They were so complementary in their graces, each seemed to have been so especially created by Providence, and adorned by coiffeur and dress-maker, to make part of that matchless trio, that their entrance was a sight long remembered, not only by the young men thronging about them to be introduced but by the elderly gentlemen who surveyed them from a distance with critical and reminiscent eyes. The patronesses, whose own daughters risked a momentary eclipse, were torn between fears and admiration; but, after all, those lovely English girls, one so dazzlingly fair, the other so darkly vivid, who framed Miss Closson in their contrasting beauty, were only transient visitors; and Miss Closson was herself soon to re-join them in England, and might some day, as the daughter-in-law of a marquess, remember gratefully that New York had set its social seal on her.
BOOK: The Buccaneers
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