Read The Breed Casstiel's Vow Online

Authors: Alice K. Wayne

The Breed Casstiel's Vow (24 page)

BOOK: The Breed Casstiel's Vow
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He couldn’t let her leave until she was his; he refused
to play games any longer.  He had been more patient with her than anyone
else in his life, and he would be rewarded for it tonight.

 Tonight she was going to give herself to him

Backing away from her he began to strip off his clothes, feeling her eyes on
him. She stared greedily at his reflection as he pulled his shirt over his
head, a blush crept into her cheeks and neck, but she never took her eyes away.

His cock stood strong and proud for her to see, his whole
body hot and calling for her.

When she turned to face him she had an animalistic glint in her eyes that he
had never seen before and it sent a shiver up his spine. Her blood red curls
flowed wildly around her body like a fiery halo, and her skin flushed with
sweat and enthrallment.

Prowling towards him she seemed more like a lioness than a woman, her movements
smooth and graceful, powerful and determined. She was emerging into the woman
he had been dreaming about for years, the woman who accepted and flaunted her
raw sexuality, instead of hiding behind it.

When she was within reach of him he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him
hard, crushing his erection against her soft belly, wanting her to feel how
badly he wanted her.

His lips scorched her neck with their heat, and it took all of his strength to
not plunge his fangs into the swiftly beating vein under his lips.

One step with her at a time.

His body visibly stiffened when he felt her hands enclose the hard shaft of his
cock. She touched him boldly, so unlike her usual self it momentarily threw him
off guard, and instead of stopping her and keeping control of the situation, he
melted into the sensation.

“You’re always in control,” she whispered as she stroked him, “You want me to
be with you? Fine, but you have to give up some control, let me make you crazy

“You do,” he grated, “everyday.”

 She reached down with her free hand and cupped the
sac underneath, causing his knees to buckle slightly and his throat to go dry.
At first she seemed unsure what to do, but within seconds her confidence was
back and she began to massage him in rhythm with her strokes.

He felt like he was losing his mind completely. Through
the years he had had thousands of hand jobs from different women, but nothing
could compare to the feeling of his mates hands on him.

“You’re not as crazy as I want you to be,” she said, her
voice low and sexy, all the girlish sweetness long forgotten in this moment.

Then she slowly sank to her knees in front of him, and
before Casstiel could stop her, she wrapped her lips around the thick head of




Tessa had never, in all of her life, ever, thought about giving a man a blow
job; but here she was and there was no going back now.

He was so thick at first she didn’t think she could fit him inside her mouth,
but the way his fingers wrapped around the back of her skull made her feel
sexy, and she worked harder to please him.

When she had taken him so deep that her eyes began to water, she heard a
strangled cry erupt from his chest.

Without taking him out of her mouth she looked up and made eye contact with

“Fuck,” he barked out, his knees going soft.  

She was enthralled by his reactions, by his muscles tensing and his guttural
moans. She wanted more though; she wanted him sweating and ready to beg for it
like she had been.

Adjusting her sitting position, then turning her neck more to the side she was
able to comfortably look up. She saw his head thrown back, the veins in his
neck bulging. His chiseled torso was covered in
a sheen
of sweat, while his abs clenched and contracted.

Seeing him so beautifully carnal made her want to push herself harder, and
ignore the aching pain in her jaw. Even though this was her first time, she had
to be doing something right, and she wasn’t going to stop.

She set to work with more steam then before, wrapping her hand around the base
of him, the last few inches she couldn’t take into her throat, and began to
stroke him.

Above her he let out a wicked hiss and clenched his fists deeply into her hair.
She felt an unfamiliar pride and ran her tongue around the head of his cock,
then plunged him back down into her throat. 

His body was tensing up, each long stroke of her mouth causing his muscles to
clench tighter. Could she actually give him an orgasm from this? The thought
gave her energy.          

Before she could finish what she started however, he
pulled away from her. She fought to keep control but he pushed her down with
his unnatural speed and thrust himself hard inside her.

Tessa’s eyes popped and her breath seized from the sudden filling of her body.

All thoughts of staying in control flew out of her mind as he pulled back and
slammed his cock into her again. She lifted her knees around his back and held
on for dear life as he rode her. 

As his body connected savagely with hers she felt his hunger, his need. With
every hard thrust he was driving home his point to her, using his body to spell
it out loudly.

Why had she fought this so hard? All the reasons she had given Remy seemed like
dust in the wind when his heavy body was pressing down on hers, crushing her in
the most pleasurable way imaginable.

“Look at me,” his rough voice broke her out of the haze of pleasure.

He stopped moving, his body stiffly poised above hers, caging her in.

“It can always be like this Tessa. No man can give you the pleasure that I can
give you, and no man will ever love you like I love you,” his eyes were on fire
above her, his face a storm of emotions.

Her heart stopped in her chest, was she really hearing him?

“Tell me why you love me and I’ll stay,” she replied, her voice sounding
stronger than she felt, “I can’t be with you if it’s only for the bond.”

This was it; there was no more room for weighing consequences and trying to
deal with personal insecurities. It was time to stay or go.

“Fuck the bond,” he growled his face contorting with rage, “You think that’s
the only reason I want you? Is that how I’ve treated you? Like some sort of

“No…  I just need to hear it,” she defended
his furious response had thrown her off guard.

He let out a deep sigh and went to pull himself out of her, but she tensed up
and locked her legs around him tighter. This was the worst possible moment to
have this conversation but she didn’t want him to leave her body, the thought
of not having him inside her made her feel cold and lonely.

“I love you because you’re beautiful, and because you make me laugh in a way no
one has ever been able to. You piss me off, don’t listen to me, then have the
nerve to turn around and be frustrated with me, but I keep coming back to you.
I can’t imagine one day without you, without that laugh that sounds like little
bells, or without seeing that hot pink blush you get,” he dipped down to kiss
her forehead.

“I know I love you because I’ve never been so patient with anyone before, ask
my team, they’ll tell you I’m a real demanding prick; but not when it comes to
you. I’m spoiled as hell, and I’ve never let anyone dare to tell me no before,
only you. You’ve dug a place in my heart so deep that I can’t even begin to
understand it myself, but I want you here, in my home, in my bed every day. You
are the sun to me,” he smiled sweetly down at her, his black hair haloing his
strong chin.

“The sun?”

“I cannot go out into the sun, I have no idea what it feels like, but from what
I’m told
bright and warm, it regulates your day
and keeps you balanced. That’s what you are to me. You are the only brightness
in my life, the only warmth I’ve ever had. You have balanced my life and taken
me out of the complete darkness it used to be. Do you understand? Is that good
enough for you?” he shook his head in frustration.

She panicked, she had never had a deep or profound thought in her life, what
could she say to ever top that?

“Well?” he demanded, then without warning plunged himself deep inside of her.

She gasped and dug her nails into his sides as he began roughly pounding his
body inside of her.

“Just tell me you love me,” his voice was guttural, his hot sweet breath
brushing her cheeks, “tell me you want me, and tell me you’ll stay.”

When she met his eyes there was no fear, no insecurities in them. He knew she
loved him, even if she hadn’t realized it until this moment. She had loved him
since she first met him, maybe longer, maybe her whole life.

She bit her bottom lip and looked away for a second, but he wouldn’t have it.
With both hands he gripped her bottom, lifted her off the floor and thrust down
into her hard.  

Their bodies crashed together, each thrust from him sending her small breasts
bouncing, and her legs struggled to hold on.

“This is mine,” he growled, digging his finger tips possessively into her ass,
“say it.” 

“It’s yours! I…” she screamed as her body began to climax, “I love you!”

“You are mine,” he cradled her chin and forced her to make eye contact as her
body pulsed around his cock.

“Yes,” she moaned as her breasts heaved and her toes clenched, “I’m yours.”

He growled hotly, his muscles tensing and within seconds she felt the warm
spray of his body
into hers.

“And I’m yours,” his voice grated, his body ramming into hers, sending the last
of his seed deep inside her.

His eyes were
blue as he looked down at her they
seemed white hot, his chest rising and falling as he gasped for breath, and all
the while their bodies stayed connected.

She had been his all along, and she knew it now.



Tessa felt slap happy, she laughed until her stomach
ached and she wasn’t making noise anymore, just gasping for air as her body
shook with mirth.

“What is it? What’s so funny?” he asked, beginning to

“I love you!” she finally gasped out as tears of
laughter spilled down her face, “didn’t you hear me? I said I love you.”

He pulled her into a tight hug then rolled them so they
were both on their sides.

“I heard you loud and clear,” he smiled brightly then
nuzzled her, “in fact, you were screaming it so loud I’m pretty sure all of New
York City knows about it.”

She gave him a playful jab.

“I just… I mean who am I? I’ve grown so much as a person
since I’ve met you, I feel like I’ve matured ten years in five days. I mean,
look at me. I just had sex, I’m naked… just completely naked in front of you,
not even trying to cover myself up, and... And I’m in love with you,” she was
drunk on the moment, her mind a buzz with emotions, “it’s like a weight has
been lifted off of me, I feel so free. I just told you that I loved you and I
didn’t even think about it, I just went for it, I feel like I can do anything!”

“Is my love so powerful to you?” he curled her into his
chest and wrapped his arms tightly around her, “maybe humans bond after all.”

“It’s not bonding at all, don’t even say that,” she said
nuzzled her cheek against his soft chest hair, “it’s just love. I love you, and
you love me, and it’s been that simple all along and I just couldn’t see it.”

“I’m glad you feel so empowered,” he laughed, kissing the
top of her head.

For a moment they simply lay naked together enjoying the
view of the city lights below and the feeling of each other’s company.

She felt surprisingly calm, not anxious, not insecure,

Life really can be this simple
she thought to herself, she didn’t need to over
complicate every moment, she needed to enjoy it.

“Have you eaten today?” he asked as a rumble ripped
through her stomach, putting a pause on their romantic moment.

“Not in the last couple of hours,” she mentally cursed

“Come on, let me cook for you,” he stood up and offered
her a hand, “What do you want to eat?”

“Everything,” she sighed, holding her stomach, the last
thing she could remember eating was the breakfast he had made her, “pasta, and
Chinese food, and cheese burgers, and ice cream.”

“I’ll see what I can do for you,” he laughed as he bent
to pick up his pants off the floor.

“Don’t wear pants, let’s stay naked together,” she
blurted out, smacking them from his hands.

“You want me to cook naked?” he stared at her like she
had lost her mind.

“Please,” she gave her first attempt at a pouty face.

Now that she had gotten to this moment, she wanted to
bask in it a little longer. She had finally opened herself up to him in a way
she never thought she could, and she wanted stretch it out for as long as

He shook his head as he walked to the kitchen, clicking
the lights on as he went.

“Oh my god!” she gasped, he was covered from head to toe
in bruises; his right knee was dislocated and his nose had clearly been broken

“What the hell happened?” no wonder he had insisted she
kept the lights off.

 “It’s no big deal. Me and Sebastian just… we
haven’t seen each other for a while, so … I guess it’s a brother thing,” he
shrugged his injuries off, though she didn’t miss the wince he gave when he
raised his shoulder blades, as if they too might be dislocated.

“It’s a brother thing to let Sebastian beat the shit out
of you?” she asked getting a closer look at the darkly bruised skin around his
ribs, where she was sure they had been broken.

“He didn’t beat me,” he sharply defended, “he looks much
worse than I do.”

She couldn’t imagine Sebastian's marble white skin
dotted with bruises and blood. With Casstiel, bruises looked almost
comfortable, his skin so used to them.

“I’ll never understand men,” she rolled her eyes.

She knew he wasn’t telling her the whole truth, she had
gotten better at reading his eyes and posture, but she wasn’t going to push it.

“Casstiel I have something I want to tell you,” Tessa
blurted out, suddenly feeling like after all the confessions they had already
made, this would be the best time to tell him about her gift. After tonight
there would be nothing he didn’t know about her and the sooner she told him
about her gift the sooner she could tell him she wanted to question the hunter.

“Let’s eat first before we get to serious things,” he
sized her up.

She sat quietly and watched him work. Based on the way
he kept his desk filled with fast food wrappers she had assumed he wasn’t much
of a cook; but watching him work he seemed as familiar and comfortable in the
kitchen as he did in the defense department.

“I had your buddy Lilly from the kitchen go grocery
shopping for me, so let’s see what she got us,” he called out to her as he
rifled around in the fridge, “I haven’t gotten a chance to tell you this, but
I’m a classically trained French chef and I’ve spent years studying different
types of cuisine, so I can make you anything you want, just give me a

When he poked his head out of the refrigerator it was to
find her staring at him, head cocked to the side and a strange look on her

“What? What is it?” his eyes went wide.

“Your ass,” she sighed, “I’ve never seen it before… it’s
so firm and sculpted.”

He immediately clamped his hands over his back side, “I
work out everyday… so  ...”

“Is that a blush? Are you blushing right now?” she
giggled in disbelief, “I love this naked thing!”

He shook his head and looked away, going back to work as
a small smile spread across his face.

“Tell me what you want to eat or you’re getting a peanut
butter and jelly,” he grunted as he rooted around in the fridge, rearranging
glass jars and pulling fresh produce out to inspect.

“Chicken Alfredo,” she decided.

“You sure?
I can make you
anything you want, I’ve studied food for decades,” he asked as he opened up a
fresh carton of strawberries and inhaled their fragrance.

When she stuck to guns on the Alfredo he pulled out his
knife block and set to work on two chicken breasts.

She couldn’t help but stare at him as he
he seemed more like a chef at a restaurant than a
man who cooked as a hobby.

Watching him made her want to learn to cook for the
first time in her life. Her mother had never been successful at teaching her
more than scrambling eggs, but she was sure somehow Casstiel could keep her

“Stop staring at my ass or you’re getting raw chicken in
your Alfredo,” he playfully flicked a limp noodle at her. 

“So you’re really classically trained as a chef?” she
watched in awe as he mixed things together to make the sauce.

“My mother was a big lover of the arts, and was very
firm that we at least learn some form of art. She always said she wouldn’t have
her boys remembered for their looks alone,” he winked, “Sebastian chose the
violin and was always an amazing painter, so when I got old enough I chose
cooking, I guess to get out of his shadow, piano came later as a hobby.”

“He plays the violin?” the brothers were turning out to
be more amazing by the day.

“He chose music because it was my mother’s great love.
He learned her two favorites, the piano and the violin, just to please her. I
was always too busy trying to find myself to worry if I was making my parents
happy. He would go to plays and musicals with her, while
and my father thanked our lucky stars we wouldn’t have to join them,” he

She couldn’t help but stare as he spoke, he looked so at
home and impressive in the kitchen, so full of life with happy memories, and
the hints of their love making across his body.

“Almost done,” he broke her out of her day dream.

“So what else can you guys do?” she laughed, “stop a
moving train? Leap tall buildings in a single bound?”

“Sebastian’s the one who can do everything; play
instruments, paint, sculpt, he can even sing well. He was always more focused
and disciplined than I was. I can cook, and play a little piano. Painting
always irritated me, I never had the patience,” he sounded as if his talents
weren’t impressive.

Tessa was practically bouncing out of her seat with
excitement at the idea of telling him about her special “talent”. Besides her
family the only person she had ever told about her gift was Nora, but tonight
the flood gates had opened between them.

The only thing that worried her was his reaction to the
idea of her wanting to interview the hunter. For some reason she didn’t think
that was going to go over too well.





The ground was hard and nearly frozen as Quinn trekked
toward the tree line of the woods. Now that his body had finally healed it was

Time for him to focus his mind and do what had to be
done. He knew if he stayed one more night holed away in the boxing warehouse
thinking of her he would break. Even now with the steady crunching of his feet
over the earth he thought of her, his wicked siren.

He ground his jaw and tried to push her out of his mind
as located one of the trees he had marked weeks before to guide him.

Damn her, and damn the embassy for sending her after
him. How had she so thoroughly destroyed his defenses? He had been with his
fair share of beautiful women, but no one had ever left an impression on him
like this. It had to be more than her perfectly caramel skin and luscious red

Unconsciously his fingers brushed across his own lips as
they began to tingle with the memory.

Her eyes were almond shaped honey colored jewels that he
could spend hours admiring, and her body was so perfect, it was as if she were
made especially for him.

Her breasts were soft and round and more than what would
fill his hand, with perfectly ripe raspberry nipples that made his fingers ache
to touch them. She had beautiful thick thighs and wide hips that made a man
want to grab on.  Her belly wasn’t flat, instead it was smooth and
slightly rounded,
the way he liked his women,
with meat on their bones.

He needed a woman with curves.

He finally came to the hole he had dug in the earth
months ago, and began digging it up, all the while thoughts of her plagued him.

After an hour he unearthed a long steel box.

Inside was a mini arsenal. He quickly changed from the
ratty clothes he had been wearing to the SWAT team uniform he had stolen,
complete with a bullet proof vest. Next he loaded himself with guns, extra
bullet clips and knives.

Part of him ached to keep thinking about her, to turn
around, forget what he was supposed to do, and find her. She called to him
every night, begging him to not go through with his plan.

He had to though, no matter how much she was making him
want to change his mind, it was too late. He had come too far.

The world of the Breed was harsh and filled with evils.
What had been done to him was unforgivable, and now was the time for vengeance
and punishment.

No matter how much his heart yearned to go back to her
and his family this is the way things had to end.




“Alright, lay it on me,” Cass clapped his hands together
when she pushed her licked clean plate away.

now I’m nervous,” she

“Come on, spit it out,” he prompted.

“I have a gift, sort of like Remy,” the words came out
rushed and cramped, but once they were out they couldn’t be taken back, “I… I
can read human minds.”

“Just humans, or can you read my mind as well?” he
suddenly sounded overly exposed.

“No just humans,” she quickly reassured him, “
how we found you guys in the first place. I can’t read
Breed minds, you have this defense,
almost like a
brick wall smacks me and pushes me out. So after Quinn was taken I went looking
for a mind that I couldn’t hack into. It took a couple of weeks but eventually
we found someone who told us we could get help from the Breed by going to
‘shelters’, and sent us to Sebastian.”

“Our minds are stronger than humans,” he smiled and came
around the island to hug her from behind, “This is incredible. Thank god I’m
not a human.”

She laughed and fell into his arms. The most incredible
feeling in the world was to be completely open and vulnerable with the person
you love, and for them to turn around and love you just as much, just the same
as before.

BOOK: The Breed Casstiel's Vow
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