Read The Blogger and the Hunk Online

Authors: Jane Matisse

Tags: #humor, #comedy, #romance, #romantic comedy, #blog, #wit, #sweet romance, #contemporary, #women's fiction

The Blogger and the Hunk (3 page)

BOOK: The Blogger and the Hunk
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“Oh, umm, sure?” she replied, a little buzzed from the drinks.

“Great! Let’s go!” Jack grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the dance floor without another word. She clumsily followed, tripping over her heels a couple of times.

“What was that about?” Penelope asked once they were away from the model. She was ready to let his hand go, but she found he wouldn’t loosen his hold. Instead, he placed both her hands on his shoulders and grabbed her by the waist. She was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. She was sure he felt at least a little weird holding her thick waist. She was bound to be at least twice as large as the models he was no doubt used to dating. But Penelope didn’t want to dwell on her stream of self-consciousness. At least, not for tonight.

He had asked
to dance. Not the other way around. For tonight, she would not let anything ruin her fun.

“I really don’t feel like working tonight.”

“Working?” Penelope asked.

“Chicks like that require too much work. They want the world at their feet.”

“Whereas girls like me don’t?”

That seemed to stump him. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I—well—I only meant—” He looked down at the tiny smirk threatening to turn into a smile on Penelope’s face. “You’re teasing me,” he stated, shaking his head.

Penelope let out a hearty laugh.

“So,” Jack began, “no boyfriend I have to worry about?”

Penelope scoffed. “I’ve never had one,” she stated flippantly.


“You seem surprised.”

“Well, yeah.”

Penelope laughed as if he’d made some joke. “Come on, you’ve seen me. I’m not really capable of attracting anyone from the opposite sex.” She somehow couldn’t stop the word vomit that had taken over her.

“Wait a minute. I’m here with you now, aren’t I?”

“And why you are I’m still wondering myself,” she said, looking up at him curiously.

Jack looked unsure what to reply, and Penelope tried to think of something to make up for her awkwardness.

“So, no boyfriend ever.”

A shake of the head was her response.

“But you have dated before?”

Another shake of the head. “I haven’t even been kissed,” Penelope blurted out. She silently cursed her wagging tongue.

Why can’t I stop this diarrhea of the mouth?

Jack suddenly stopped swaying to the rhythm of the music. He didn’t say anything, and neither did she. She was looking around, trying to avoid his gaze, afraid to find ridicule or humor in his eyes. She figured she might as well make a quick jest of it before he could.

“Want to be my first?” She put on a teasing smile and looked up at him.

There was no humor. The expression on his face was anything but humorous. Her smile slowly faded and her eyes widened in horror as she wondered what he might be thinking of her. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

Jack slowly leaned in to Penelope until she could feel his warm breath tickling her ear. “Can I be your first in bed, too?”

Holy shit! Where did that come from?

Penelope’s knees buckled, but she did her best to keep her composure as much as she could with a vodka-muddled brain.

* * *

top fooling.” She nervously laughed, slightly smacking Jack’s arm.

God, he wished he were. He didn’t know why he had asked her to join him for drinks. She wasn’t even his type, but something about the innocent look on her face or the way she carried herself pulled him to her. It didn’t make sense, but hell, he wasn’t going to put much thought into it. He was beginning to feel a massive headache. At the moment, he was trying not to explode in his jeans. It was getting extremely uncomfortable down there, and he didn’t want to scare poor, innocent Penelope with his sexuality.

“I wasn’t.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she replied uncomfortably. “Anyway, it’s never been my priority to g—”

Something in Jack snapped, and before he knew it, he had placed his lips on Penelope’s. He felt her surprise at first but then she seemed to slowly give in to his embrace. It wasn’t spectacular. There weren’t any fireworks, but it had to be the sweetest kiss he had ever experienced. It reminded him of a simpler time. A time when life wasn’t overwhelmed with rules and responsibilities.

It was different from any kiss he had ever had.

He slowly pulled away from her lips and looked down at her dazed face. She finally opened her eyes and looked straight at him.

“Thank you,” she whispered, so softly he almost didn’t hear her.

“My pleasure,” he responded.

“Would you do it again, please?”

And with that, Jack swept down again. This time his lips pressed a little more firmly against hers. He slipped his tongue out of his mouth and teased the seam of her lips until she opened for him. She tasted like the vodka she had been drinking with the slight hint of peppermint he had smelled earlier that night.

Penelope held Jack a little tighter and whispered against his lips, “I might as well come right out and say it before I chicken out. Be my first.” She looked up at him with expectant eyes.

* * *

h shit.” Penelope had startled herself. Was she really going to go through with it? Sex was no game; neither were STDs. She’d have to make sure they took the right precautions when the time came. Her lips were still burning from his kiss. It hadn’t been what she had imagined a first kiss would be, and it had been better than the crap her sister told her:

“You need to kiss a lot of toads in order to find your prince.”

Jack was definitely not a toad, and that kiss was anything but awkward. She watched him take care of the tab at the bar, and then he was in front of her, taking her hand in his and leading her toward the exit.

“Penny, where are you going?” Stephanie came out of the crowd on the dance floor.

“I’ll call you later,” Penelope mouthed, miming a pretend phone with her hand.

Stephanie looked at her, then looked at Jack, her eyes widening. She gave her a thumbs-up, and mouthed to text her later. Penelope’s escape was easy enough. God, if only her head weren’t such a mess. Well, this was the chance she had been waiting for. Something spontaneous that she could hold on to for the rest of her life. And if Jack turned out to be not so nice, she had a can of pepper spray in her clutch.

Jack held the taxi door open for her and she climbed inside. She stumbled a little, but immediately felt his strong hand at her lower back, holding her steady.

“Longfellow and Sixth, please,” Jack instructed the driver as he sat beside her. Despite the space in the back of the cab, his body was pressed against her from shoulder to thigh.

“Is that where you live?”

“Yeah, it’s my apartment,” Jack replied, then hesitated. “Unless you wanted to go to a hotel?” he asked, although he didn’t look like he really liked the idea.

Penelope shook her head and was hit with a sudden shyness.

“If you don’t want to do it anymore, it’s okay to say no.”

When Penelope turned to look at him, he kissed her again. She responded with great enthusiasm. He trailed his lips and the tip of his tongue along her jaw and down to her neck. Penelope could hear her heartbeat pulsing in her head, and the sound of their heavy breathing was like music to her ears.

“Oh God, Jack. I-I don’t usually do this,” a breathless Penelope whispered.

“Shh,” he whispered. “I know.”

It took them almost ten minutes just to get to Jack’s apartment door. Penelope found she’d drunk a little more than she had initially thought. Or maybe it was the combination of the kisses and the drinks that had her on cloud nine. It took them a long time to get the key into the keyhole, distracted by kisses and earlobes that just needed biting, and then they stumbled into the apartment. Once inside, Jack turned on the light.

Penelope looked around the apartment. It was surprisingly clean for a bachelor pad. Her eyes rested on Jack as he placed the keys on the coffee table, his gaze never leaving hers.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

A tiny smile adorned his face. “You probably won’t believe me, but I don’t think I’ve brought anyone here before.”

Penelope nervously laughed. “You’re not going to chop me up into little pieces now are you?”

“No, I’m not. Not before I give you a drink at least.” He chuckled, walking over to his minibar. Penelope was suddenly hit with a wave of self-consciousness. A drink might just be the boost of confidence she needed. She wasn’t a big drinker, but tonight she was going to need all the confidence she could get. And if that meant drinking, then by God she would get shitfaced. She watched as he poured amber liquid from a decanter into two glasses with ice.

“Take one,” he offered as he put the glass decanter away.

“Thank you,” Penelope replied, taking the glass. She waited for Jack to take the first sip before she sipped from hers. She pointedly stared at everything in the room, avoiding Jack’s gaze.

He began to chuckle. “Why so nervous now? You were enthusiastic about this just a few minutes ago.”

“I’m a virgin in all aspects of the word except for one.” Crap, there was the word vomit. Penelope glared at the alcoholic beverage in her hand. Stupid alcohol.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, it’s not like I haven’t had an...
.” She whispered the word as if there were someone other than the two of them in the apartment.

Jack looked at her. “Masturbation is a normal part of human life,” he responded slowly, his gaze so intense she thought she was in danger of bursting into flames. “If you’d rather not do this, I could take you home.” He sounded a little hesitant.

“You’re too drunk to drive,” Penelope slurred.

“A taxi. Whatever.”

Penelope looked at Jack for what felt like forever and quickly gulped down the drink that was in her hand, letting it give her the boost of courage she needed. “Let’s go to bed, Jack.”

* * *

ack’s heartbeat went into overdrive, and his cock pulsed. He was surprised he’d even had the chivalry to suggest he would take her home if she wasn’t ready. He was as hard as he could be inside his jeans. He’d gotten a fucking hard-on the moment Penelope had suggested he sleep with her. He was still coming to terms with it himself. Maybe it had to do with the curve of her ass, or the look of unadulterated lust in her eyes. There was something about Penelope he found intriguing. Her innocence, maybe? That hidden confidence that took a bit of digging to release from the deepest part of her personality. God, he wanted her against his better judgment; he wanted her in his bed. She stood before him, looking as skittish as a deer. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed her. He immediately felt her respond and heard her glass fall onto the carpet.

Their breathing came in sharp bursts. Jack led Penelope through the small hallway leading to his bedroom. He walked her toward his bed until the backs of her legs hit the edge of the mattress, and they fell ungracefully onto the sheets. After getting themselves comfortable, Jack began to unbutton his shirt. He could see the desire in her eyes, the unconscious licking of her own lips in anticipation of his next move. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had looked at him with such unguarded emotions. His women were usually experienced, which was great for him, but they used coyness as a fetish rather than it being a personality trait.

His large hand slowly slid up the hem of her black dress until it rested extremely close to her wet sex.

Easy, Jack. You don’t want to scare her away, do you?

He waited a little for Penelope to become more comfortable with the lack of personal space, despite his desperate need to be inside her. The slight changes in her expression were like turning the pages of a book. He pressed his lips against hers in an effort to distract her before sliding his hands around her lacy black underwear and slipping them down her thighs. She shuddered underneath him, and he enjoyed her response. He drank it all in.

It was her first time. He was going to be her first. This was going to be the moment she would remember for the rest of her life, so he had to be sure to make it the most memorable night. The thought stroked his male ego and it was about to make his head explode.

Both of them, actually.

He immediately jumped out of bed and heard her whimper in protest.

“Hold up, let me turn the light on,” he responded before lighting a small lamp beside the bed. He turned back to climb on the bed, and stopped. Penelope was trying to cover herself against the dim light. He chuckled. “Too late for modesty now, don’t you think?”

* * *

espite the dimness of the lamplight, she was feeling a little uncomfortable. Darkness seemed to create an invisible cloak of confidence around her. Light made her vulnerable. Even a little light. Jack walked back to the bed and kissed Penelope, no doubt trying to settle what little nerves she had left. His hand finally reached for her sex and his finger slowly filled her wetness. She gasped against his lips, her breath caught in her throat. It was overwhelming, but she was too overcome with desire to worry about the embarrassing way she was huffing and puffing. No one had ever touched her this way before, let alone undressed her. She could feel his hard-on pushing against her leg.

It must be uncomfortable to be trapped in denim
, she thought, trying her best not to lose complete control, which was apparently a difficult task when there was someone massaging her clit and stroking her. Penelope hadn’t been too keen on Jack looking down there. It wasn’t exactly pretty to look at, but he certainly didn’t seem to mind it in the least.

“God, you’re so wet,” he whispered in her ear.

How many nights had she daydreamed about a moment like this? A man holding her in his arms and showing her how much she was desired, whispering sweet, dirty nothings in her ear. Jack fit the bill perfectly, and he was skillfully moving his fingers with confident strokes.

In, out. In, out.

He continued stroking her as his thumb focused on Penelope’s clit, making deliberate circles around it, teasing her senses with featherlike touches while his other hand squeezed her breast. It was driving her mad, and she couldn’t catch her breath long enough to tell him to touch her the way she wanted. Then, as if he’d read her thoughts, his fingers began to add the right amount of pressure. She couldn’t seem to stop the movement of her body, grinding against Jack’s hand as she cried out.

BOOK: The Blogger and the Hunk
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