The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood) (20 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood)
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“Where and when what?” Claire asked, completely confused.


“Just call me and tell me. I gotta go,” she said and rung off, leaving Claire to stare at the phone, trying to make sense of Emma’s words.


Claire looked around and considered her options. Emma was right. She needed to go over to Mitch’s house. But she’d do it her own way, she thought.


An hour later, she was ready. Her backpack loaded, her gear on and her bag packed. She revved her car, feeling more alive than she had in several weeks.


Driving to her spot, she waited patiently until it was full on dark, which wasn’t long since the winter nights descended early now.


When it was finally dark enough, Claire grabbed her bags and hefted them through the night. When she reached the fence, she attached the hooks, shot through the same program and waited the few seconds it took to nullify the electricity.


She was over the fence in moments and hurrying along the grass and through the bushes. When she reached the house, she chose a different door this time, now that she knew the house a bit better, she would work this more intelligently.


With her heart beating rapidly and her hands shaking, she had difficulty getting the door open. Several times she thought she’d done it, only to lose the tension in the picking mechanism at the last moment.


Patience, she told herself. She had to have patience!


Taking a deep breath, she tried one more time, working carefully, slowly, patiently. This time, her perseverance paid off when the lock quietly clicked open. She opened the door silently, bringing her bags in right behind her but leaving them on the floor. She didn’t want to be hindered by them as she moved through the house.


She made her way through the mud room, listening. It was all quiet so she opened the door a crack. Then froze. Something was wrong. She could feel it. She could sense it in every cell of her body.


A moment later, a steel band wrapped around her arms and she was swung around, pinned against the wall with both arms trapped up above her head. In the darkness, she knew it was Mitch just by his spicy scent.


“I told you the consequences you’d have to face if you ever tried to break into my house, Claire,” he whispered, his hot mouth breathing on her neck, sending tingles all over her body.


“Yes,” she whispered back, her body aching to move against him, to feel him more thoroughly but his entire body was pinning her against the wall and she couldn’t move an inch.


“Good,” he replied. “Then now you face the consequences.


Claire had no idea how he did it, but with a twist and a flick, she was flying through the air, only to land in his arms. With a whoosh of her breath, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her quickly through the house. No lights were on but he knew exactly where he was going.


He wasn’t even out of breath as he carried her up the stairs, then shouldered his way into his bedroom, tossing her onto the middle of his huge bed.


He turned on the light beside the bed, then slowly peeled his shirt off his body.


Claire could only lay there watching, fascinated as his tanned skin was slowly revealed to her yearning eyes. When his hands reached his belt, he shook his head. “Take them off Claire,” he commanded.


She knew exactly what he was ordering her to do. Her hands moved to her coat and pulled at the belt, pushing it off to the side. They did the same thing with the tie of her black, wraparound knit shirt, which was already clinging to her curves, the deep V showing a great deal of cleavage. Just as she’d hoped, Mitch watched her, his hands frozen as she pulled the tie loose, separating the sides, slowing, inch by inch.


She heard Mitch’s breath hitch as he saw the lace bra she was wearing and her eyes looked up to his. “I can see that I need to teach you better attire to wear when you’re breaking and entering,” he growled as he whipped the belt off and tossed his slacks to an unknown corner.


Claire laughed softly as he came down beside her. “I think my clothes are having the exact effect I intended.”


A long time later, Mitch pulled her over and looked down at her. “You came back to me, right?” he asked.


She touched the side of his cheek and smiled gently. “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”


He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent, burying his face in her neck. “You’re going to have to marry me, Claire. I can’t go through that again. I need to know where you are all the time, and that should preferably be right here by my side.”


“Okay,” she laughed.


He froze and lifted his head. “I mean it Claire. You’re going to marry me.”




He still watched her hesitantly, not fully accepting that she was agreeing with him. “And you’ll make more of those chocolate chip cookies?” he added hopefully.


She couldn’t help herself when he looked so sweet. Her tough, strong and shockingly sexy man liked her chocolate chip cookies and wanted to marry her. What more could a woman want in life? “It’s a deal.”


“Tomorrow,” he commanded and proceeded to nuzzle her neck once again.


“What tomorrow?” she asked, wiggling away to get a better look at his face. “You want more chocolate chip cookies tomorrow or you want to get married?”


“Yes and yes.” He watched her horrified expression and sighed. “I guess I’m going to have to wait for the wedding, huh?”


“You’re going to have to tell me you love me before anything, even the chocolate chip cookies!” she commanded, rolling onto her side away from him.


Mitch laughed at her belligerence. “I’m going to have to teach you some more tricks because turning this adorable backside towards me is not going to help you get your way,” he said as his hand moved to cup her derriere. “But in response to your command, I love you and I never want you very far from my side. I’ve already decided on our sons’ names and I want six of them.”


Claire rolled back to face him, laughing at his outrageous proposal. “We are definitely not having six boys, but I’ll go for the wedding.”


“Okay, seven boys,” he replied. “And the wedding is next week.”


“Two girls, two boys and the wedding is in six months so that Emma can be here for the wedding.”


“No girls,” he countered, “And no way are we waiting six months for anything. Tell me who Emma is and I’ll have her here next weekend for the wedding.”


“Why don’t you want girls?” she asked.


He looked down at her and shook his head. “Are you kidding me? I know what I want to do to you all the time. There’s no way I would survive the teenage years with daughters that look like you,” he said and bit her lower lip to emphasize her point.


She smiled and hugged him. “We’ll discuss it later,” she promised. “I’ll work on the chocolate chip cookies first.”



BOOK: The Billionaire's Impulsive Lover (The Sisterhood)
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