The Billionaire’s Forgotten Fiancée (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire’s Forgotten Fiancée
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Holding back while he was deep in her mouth was damn difficult, but it was worth it. His cock muffled her second scream of pleasure, and that hot little vibration was enough to push him over the edge.

He pulled out at the last minute and spurted onto her as an orgasm crashed through him. The white seed hit her chest, and the sight of her being marked as his consumed him, filling him with a monstrous satisfaction. She might not be wearing his ring, but she was his. Nobody better come sniffing around her unless they wanted their nose broken.

His legs felt like overcooked pasta, and he dropped to his knees.

She looked at him, her lips curved in bemusement. “Well. Now I gotta wash up.”

“There’s the ocean,” he said lazily, then kissed her deeply. She tasted like her and him.
This is how it should be

Reluctantly, he used his shirt to wipe her down, then pulled the dress back into place and smoothed the skirt. When she raised an eyebrow, he said, “Sunburn.”

“Oh.” She flushed. “I didn’t even think about that.”

“Probably just stunned with post-sex euphoria. It’ll wear off in a few hours.”

Laughing, she punched him lightly on the arm. “Where did my hat go?”

“Forget it. I’ll buy you a new one.”

As they walked back to the house, Shane felt like everything was right with the world for the first time since he’d lost his memory.

Chapter Seven

Ginger sighed softly as warm water and suds sluiced down her body, remembering how Shane had come on her. Like he was staking his claim.

And the crazy thing was, she’d really liked it. Even though she knew better than to give in to their attraction when they still had so many unresolved issues.

She couldn’t believe she’d succumbed so quickly, but not even a phalanx of elephants would’ve been able to drag her from him. The two of them had always had sizzling chemistry.

He was going to regain his memory soon enough. She could sense it.

And then what are you going to do?

She was convinced the reason he’d left had something to do with her, even though she had no idea what that might be. Not knowing made it so much worse because she couldn’t do anything to fix it.

Hopefully, he’d choose to talk to her instead of disappearing again. She didn’t know if she’d be able to handle being deserted by him a second time.

When she went downstairs, there were boxes stacked everywhere. She blinked at the sight. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“Packing,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to help me carry them. Peeraya’s going to ship the rest.”

“All this is yours?”

“Yup. Stuff I bought while traveling.” He handed the housekeeper a sheet of paper. “Just follow these instructions. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, sir,” she said, then nodded at Ginger. “Hello, madam.”

Ginger smiled at her, then turned to Shane. “Where are you going?”

“Home,” he said.

“This is pretty sudden.”

“Not really. It’s how I’ve been traveling around.” He cupped her face. “I’ve been living someone else’s life for the past year. You were right. My past makes me what I am, and it’s about time I reclaim it.”

“You’re going to see specialists.”

“Maybe. I might just remember more when we’re home and surrounded by familiar things and people.”

“You might not like everything you remember,” she said.

“Like what?”

She pulled her lips in. She didn’t want to talk about whatever it was that had made him go to South Africa. “Your parents? You didn’t always get along with them, especially your father.”

“I had a feeling,” he said with a shrug.

“What kind of feeling?”

“Gut. Every time I think about my parents—especially my father—I get a cross between heartburn and a nasty ulcer.”

“They aren’t

“You’re a terrible liar.”

She gave him a rueful smile. “No matter what, they’re still your parents.”

* * *

Is that your dad?

Shane turned his head to look
A man who bore an obvious resemblance to Shane
only older
stepped out of his car
What the hell was he doing here again?

As if he’d noticed the stares
he turned
A brief frown crossed his handsome features
then they smoothed into an affable mask
. “
What are you boys doing out here? It’s a school day
isn’t it?

What are
doing here?

Shane demanded

Just checking up on your progress at school

Shane looked at his friends
. “
fifteen minutes away from campus

True enough
I finished talking with your teachers and thought I’d stop somewhere
he gestured at a small eatery on the opposite side of the road
and grab a bite

Fucking liar
He could never make any time to see Shane
but he’d come all the way out here to check up on his progress? Like that made any sense

Bitterness churned in his gut
Shane already knew where he ranked in his father’s priorities

a couple of places below a decent shoeshine

Salazar was actually interested in a pretty brunette who lived in the neighborhood
The really shitty thing about it was that the woman was married
The marriage wasn’t on the rocks or anything
from the rumors Shane had heard
She just had an uninspiring husband
But Salazar Pryce didn’t let that kind of detail stand in the way of getting what he wanted

Shane would have bet his yearly allowance that the woman was waiting for his father in the stupid little café across the road
They’d pretend to have coffee or some bullshit like that

and then they’d go to a hotel

Suddenly angry
he took a step toward his father
. “
I don’t care who you fuck
but at least consider the location and the audience
he hissed
. “
You don’t care who the pussy’s attached to so long as they spread their legs for you

Salazar’s expression didn’t change
but it became tight
. “
Such language
Is this what my money’s paying for?

You chose the school
not me

Salazar leaned closer until the tip of his nose almost touched Shane’s
. “
You think girls give a shit about you?

He smiled nastily
. “
They want you because you’re my son
Because I give you money
You’re nothing without me
Might want to remember that the next time you’re lucky enough to get laid

Shane clenched his shaking hands into fists
How dare he


Salazar stepped back
the affable smile once again smooth and relaxed
. “
I’d better get going
I’m starving

That bastard
That total bastard

Shane blinked away the memory. It had appeared so suddenly, playing in his head like a mini-film. It probably wasn’t something he’d just imagined. It was too vivid and too messed up for that.

“I’ll go ahead and pack too,” Ginger was saying, and he forced a smile.

“Take your time. Ask for help if you need anything.”

“Okay.” She nodded and went upstairs.

Once she was gone from view, he shoved a hand into his hair and dropped onto a couch. When he’d decided to go home, it had seemed like the most logical thing to do. Ginger was obviously worried about the reason—reasons?—he’d left, and he wanted to prove to her it was nothing. And to do that he had to remember.

But the two memories that had come back to him had been ugly. His father was a nasty piece of work, and he… He himself wasn’t that much better.

He dragged in a shuddering breath. He’d dated other women after kicking Ginger out in Johannesburg. He hadn’t been able to sleep with them or anything—there was a
that made him unable to do anything—but shouldn’t he have remembered something about the fact that he was engaged? Shouldn’t he have realized he was doing the same shit his father did when he’d wined and dined those women?

His gaze swiveled to the stairs. Had he ever cheated on Ginger? Had he ever hurt her, made her cry or suffer?

Maybe there was more to Ginger’s reluctance than just the way he’d disappeared. That might be why she kept telling him they couldn’t go back to what they used to be until he remembered everything.

He pressed his fists against his knees. He wouldn’t let her go. She was his. He’d fight for her with everything he had, and by any means, fair or foul.

Chapter Eight

A black SUV took them to the private jet that had brought Ginger to Thailand. She raised her eyebrows; she’d assumed Dane had called it back. Had he been that confident she could bring Shane home?

They boarded quietly. The inside of the jet was luxurious with creamy beige leather on the seats and gleaming faux-marble and wood finishes on the fixtures. A pretty cabin attendant smiled and greeted them.

As she sat next to him, waiting for the jet to take off, Ginger wasn’t sure what was going on with his mood. He’d seemed upbeat and happy until he’d started packing. Now he was brooding.

He’d deny it of course. Shane was very, very good at denying how he really felt because that was how he coped with his dysfunctional family. Some of his siblings were nice, like Mark and Vanessa, but some of them like Dane and Iain were nasty and cold, respectively. Then there were his father and mother, who had to have married specifically to make each other as miserable as possible. They rarely seemed to care how their behavior affected their family. Ginger sometimes felt like she couldn’t even breathe around them, and she’d only spent a few holidays with the whole family. She still couldn’t understand how Shane had lived most of his life with them.

“You’re frowning,” Shane said.

“I’m thinking.”

“What are you plotting?”

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Just…” If she’d told him everything about her thoughts he might just decide to stay at the beach house forever. “I just don’t like takeoffs.” Which was true, just not the thing that was bugging her the most.

“How come?”

“I heard that the chances of crashing are greatest during takeoff and landing.”

He chuckled softly. “Is that true or some kind of urban legend?”

“Probably true,” she said primly.

He reached over and linked their fingers together. “Better?”

She turned toward him, her eyes wide. The gesture was unexpectedly sweet, like he used to make when they’d been together. The engine roared as the plane picked up speed. Her fingers tightened, and he leaned close and covered her mouth with his.

The contact sent a shockwave through her system. It was like being pulled into a maelstrom of irresistible heat and delicious sensation. Need pulsed through her, her heart pounding. And underneath the sexual want was a sense of completion—she was with the man who was created just for her. And she clung to that feeling, trying to forget everything else that had been bugging her.

She clutched the back of his neck and pulled him closer. He kissed her hard and deep like they hadn’t just pleasured each other only hours before. He thrust with his tongue, and she pulled it in, sucking it and loving his aggression. The spot on her chest where he’d spurted tingled, and she clenched her thighs, the emptiness between them aching.

The PA system pinged, and the pleasant voice of the cabin attendant announced that the jet had reached cruising altitude.

Ginger blinked and drew back to her seat, her sensitive mouth parted and swollen. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Shane pulled his lips in like he wanted to savor a final taste.

Her gaze slid to the stateroom in the back. The Pryce family jet had a king-size bed and a shower in there.

Her phone buzzed. She looked down, her face still hot. “Jeez. I forgot to turn it off.”

“Who cares? It’s a perk of flying private. You can do whatever you want,” Shane said.

She glanced at him sharply. That was something he’d used to say. Quickly she forced a smile. “Yeah, you’re right.” There was a text waiting for her from a number she didn’t recognize. It read:

A deposit has been made to your account
Dane Pryce asked me to tell you that you’ve done well

It must be from his assistant. There was also an email from her bank, informing her of the incoming money. She raised her eyebrows. It was far too much, even if he was paying for almost five times the money she would’ve normally made for half the year. She quickly wrote:
It’s too much

A moment later, another reply came.
Consider it a bonus
Pryce is pleased with your progress

She pressed her lips together. Just like Dane to reduce everything to money, like it was the only motivation.

Her coming out here had probably made him believe she was in it for financial gain. And she couldn’t lie that finances were a part of the equation since he’d threatened to ruin her freelance career if she didn’t cooperate. But she also had a line she wouldn’t cross, no matter what anybody promised.

“What’s wrong? You look like you just saw a leech,” Shane said.

She laughed at the description. “You know, I think I just did.” She put the phone back in her purse, then pushed all thoughts of Dane aside. There was no reason why she should let him put her in a crabby mood.

BOOK: The Billionaire’s Forgotten Fiancée
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