The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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His tongue invaded her mouth and took over every one of her senses. It was a deep kiss, an intense and lingering kiss, and when he finally let her go, his eyes were heavily hooded with desire.


Felicia felt as though there were embers inside her body that had begun to grow from red and orange to a white hot, and were beginning to catch fire. Her arms tightened around him as she breathed him in, and there was no doubt in her mind that she was doing exactly what she really wanted to do.


Jake took a half step back from her and looked at her seriously. "This has to be comfortable for both of us, but I want you. I want you now. I couldn't wait. I didn't want to let any more time go before I had you in arms. Are you ready?" he asked her huskily.


"Can I have you now, please?" His voice was a hoarse whisper.


Her answer was a hard and hungry kiss for him, her lips moving over his and feeding the fire that had ignited within her. Jake moaned and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to her room where he stood her beside the bed and pulled her clothes off  swiftly, staring at all of her as if he was unwrapping a priceless piece of art.


With every bit of skin that was revealed to him, the flames grew hotter in her and she began to ache, her body warming for him, needing him, moistening for his touch and penetration. She pulled his clothes from him slowly, a little shy but anxious to see him and to touch him, and everything in the manner with which she undressed him made him more and more anxious to be with her. It was one of the single most erotic moments of his life, and he could barely breathe through it.


Nude and ravenous for one another, they lowered themselves onto the bed and began to explore each other with their mouths, lips, tongues, and hands. They kissed and nibbled, they sucked and licked, they squeezed and teased and tasted, and it wasn't long before it became too difficult for them to hold back from loving one another.


He pushed her back into the deep cushion of the bedding and spread her thighs apart, his mouth invading her body at the core as his tongue reached into her and made her cry out in intense pleasure. He grasped at her hips, maneuvering his mouth over her until she came, clutching at him, sighing with release.


It was then that he could not wait another moment, and he lifted himself above her and pushed his thick and solid erection deeply into her, bit by bit until the fullness of him was enveloped by her body, and in desperate need, she began to move with him, arching her back and rocking against him as they wrestled their love in the sheets.


They clung to each other, driving themselves against one another in an impassioned dance, their hands and arms tight around one another, their lips and mouths moving over one another; his lingering over and again on her dark and hardened nipples and her full soft lips.


Jake and Felicia writhed with one another in pleasure until they both came together and he filled her with his passion, spending himself in her depths until he collapsed at her side in satisfaction.


They caught their breath, and as their hearts and bodies and blood slowed, they gazed at each other and smiled at what had passed between them.


"I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” he told her, quoting old Bogey.


She laughed at him and kissed him softly, touching his face with her fingertip. "I think you couldn't be more right," she answered. She had spoken the truth. She was so enraptured just then and felt nothing but good about what they had and what was to come. Any slight inhibitions that had lingered within her vanished in the heat of his arms, and she knew that she had made the right choice to be with him. It was unconventional, but it was very, very good.



The days began to pass for them, and Jake found himself at the penthouse there in her arms more and more frequently. He would visit her, they would share passionate encounters; they would watch movies and make meals and sit out by the fire in the fire pit.


He took her out to fancy restaurants and private screenings of movies and performing arts events. He took her out of town for short trips using his private jet and zipping her off to fun and beautiful places, and, all the while, they grew closer and closer to each other.


She was sitting in the library of her home reading a book, lying on the thick leather sofa in there, when her cell phone rang one afternoon. It was her mother.


"Hello Mama?" she answered happily.


There was the muffled sound of crying on the other end of the phone.


"Mama?" she asked, sitting straight up on the sofa and dropping her book. "What is it? What's wrong?" She was growing more worried by the second.


The muffled crying grew softer and her father spoke. She knew he had probably taken the phone from her mother who obviously was too emotional to speak.


Felicia, this is your father." His tone was serious.


"Hi Daddy, is everything okay? What happened? What's wrong?" she was on the edge of the sofa now. The last time the two of them had been together on the phone crying, her last living grandparent had passed away. Fear shot through her as she waited to hear them tell her what it was that had them in such a state.


"Felicia, I just got off of the phone with the bank. I was going to make my mortgage payment today, but instead of a bill in the mail, I got the deed to the house, and I thought it was a mistake, so I called the bank and they told me that all of our loans have been paid off. They said that someone called last month and paid everything all at once with a card. They thought it was your mother who called, and then they checked the name on the card for the payment and it was you." He stopped speaking and she could hear him choke up with tears and emotion.


Felicia felt her own emotions welling up in her chest, hearing the relief and gratitude in her parents’ voices. She was touched beyond measure that they were so overwhelmed by her act, and tears began to spill down her face. 


"I don't know how you did it, but I don't want you taking over our debt, young lady. That is not your responsibility. That's for us to take care of," he said in a thin voice.


     She shook her head. "No, Daddy, it isn't like that. I didn't go into debt to pay off the house. I don't owe anyone anything at all right now. Not even my student loans; everything is paid off."


It was true. She had gotten so much money from her “signing bonus” and from the agency, as well as her slush fund that Jake had provided for her, that there was nothing more that she owed to anyone.


Her father's voice went up an octave as he tried to speak to her through all of his tremendous emotions. "How is that possible? How could that even be?" he asked her incredulously.


She smiled and laughed through her tears. "I got a couple of good bonuses at work, Dad. I wanted to do it. You and mom have done so much for me over the years that I just wanted to give back to you and take care of you for once. I was so happy to do it for you both. I love you," she said, choked with her own emotions and tears. Her father cried a little and she could hear him smiling. "We love you too, baby girl, and we are so grateful for what you did. You don't even know how much it means to us that you did this. Your mother and I were just going to each take on extra jobs and we don't have to do that now.


In fact, you wiped out so much of our debt that she doesn't have to work at all now. She has wanted to take her retirement for so long, but she hasn't been able to because we needed the money so badly, but now she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to, and we'll get by just fine with what I make. I can't believe you did that for us. It's the most anyone has ever done, baby. Thank you," he was almost whispering as he spoke, and she could hear her mother crying in the background.


"Listen, Daddy, why don't you and mom and the kids come to my apartment for dinner tonight. Come celebrate with me, okay?" she pleaded. "I miss you so much. It would do me so much good if you were all here. Please come." she asked.


She could hear her father talking to her mother about visiting Felicia for dinner. The conversation was very short. "Yes, yes baby, we will be there," he told her.


"Tell the kids to bring their swimsuits, and you guys too, if you want, okay? There's a nice pool here." she smiled, thinking of how much fun they would all have.


"That sounds good, honey." he said with a smile for her.


"Dad, I'm going to send the car for you; that limo that I left in, so just hop in that when it comes, and bring your suits, and we'll have a nice time tonight. Okay?" she said with a huge grin on her face.


Jake was out of town on a business trip with his wife and wouldn't be back for a couple of days. It was the perfect time to have her family over, and nothing could have excited her more


Her father agreed and at five o'clock that afternoon, the limousine pulled up to the house and her family climbed inside, bowled over by the luxury of it, and they were whisked off to see her new home.


As soon as they were announced in the lobby, she rode the elevator down to greet them. They were amazed at the hotel, and even more impressed when she walked them into the private elevator that went to her penthouse.


When her family walked out of the elevator and saw where she had been living, they were speechless with wonder. None of them had ever seen anything like it, and they loved it. Her mother went straight for the kitchen while her younger siblings and her father headed for the balcony and the pool. He found the barbeque grill beside the bar near the pool and was playing with that while her brother and sister changed as fast as they could and dove into the pool, screaming with delight.


Her mother and father practically pinned her down while the younger kids were busy in the pool.


"This is all part of your job? This is one of the perks of your benefits?" her mother asked in disbelief. "This huge fancy place? You drive around in a limousine? You have enough of a bonus to pay off all of our mortgage debt as well as your student loans and you are living like this? That doesn't sound like an assistant to me. I don't know any assistants that make money like that." Her mother stood there in the library with her hands on her hips as Felicia sat on the sofa there and looked up at the two of them as they talked with her.


Her dad spoke more softly. "Don't get us wrong, baby, we appreciate all that you did for us, we just want to know that you are alright. You aren't doing anything you shouldn't be doing, are you?" he asked.


Her mother leaned forward and raised one eyebrow. "This isn't from anything illegal, is it?" she asked carefully.


Felicia shook her head and smiled. She knew it was hard to believe. She could barely believe it herself most of the time and she was living it and she knew the whole truth. They only knew the stories she had told them, and even Felicia had to admit that her story was getting a little thin.


"Dad, Mom," she said looking earnestly at them, "This is all because of the job I took and it is all on the up and up; it's all legitimate, and it's all legal. It's just as I said; I got a big bonus, I was given the house and car to use; I don't own them; they aren't mine. If I left the job, I couldn't take them with me, but for now it's all for me to use. It's all okay, though, seriously." She felt horrible about lying to them, or at least stretching the truth so thin that it was almost transparent. It's what she had to do, though. There was no way around that.


They finally acquiesced and let her spoil them and show them a wonderful time in her home. However suspicious they might have been, it was still good to see her and get to spend some time with her. They missed having her at the house with them.


She made dinner with her family that night, and cooking together with them was one of the sweetest experiences of her life. They ate outside by the pool, enjoying the warm afternoon, the view, the cool water, and each other.


Her mother and father could not seem to get over the fact that she was living where she was and it wasn't costing her anything. It amazed them to no end.


After the night began to descend, she went with them into the living room and they watched a movie together, and by the end of the night, her siblings were tired and happy, ready to pass out. She kissed and hugged them all goodnight, sharing in their happiness over owning their home and being able to have some freedom in their lives, and then they left and she sighed with happiness as she closed the door. Her world seemed as if it could not possibly be anymore perfect.


It was then that things began to turn in an unwelcome direction.


Felicia was out at a cafe with Mary in her old neighborhood, drinking coffee and enjoying her company, when she saw a familiar face walk through the door. He was tall, dark haired, dark eyed, dark clothed, and dark tempered. His eyes flashed to her and he stood there for a long moment, staring at her and then he began to walk toward her.


"Oh no," she spoke quietly to Mary, nudging her under the table. Mary looked up and, seeing the expression of dread on Felicia's face, looked over her shoulder to see what it was that had caused that reaction in Felicia.


"Vincent?!" she gasped quietly. "Oh no..." Mary repeated.


Vincent was Felicia's ex-boyfriend. She had been attracted to him when she was younger because he was a bad boy and there was something wild about him that drew her in, but when she found out that bad boys earn their reputations justly, she had broken up with him and taken her bruised and battered heart away with her.


She had broken up with him; but he had not broken up with her in his opinion, and though they almost never spoke, there was something in his mind that made him believe that no matter how much time or distance passed, she was his, and she would always be his.


He reached the table and jerked his chin at her.


She looked up at him and frowned.


“What are you doing?" he asked her. "How come you never call me anymore? What's your deal anyway? You losing your respect for me?"


Felicia narrowed her gaze at him. "I never had any respect for you, Vincent. I had a crush on you and it went away. We're through. We haven't dated in ages. I've moved on so far that you aren't even in my rear view mirror anymore. It's time that you moved on, too. Like, now. Move on," she said, indicating that he should leave their table.


Vincent leaned down toward her and placed his hands on the table, giving it a powerful jolt and making the coffee slosh out of their mugs and over the tabletop.


"Nobody tells me what to do, especially you. How would you like it if I took you back to my place and taught you some of the respect that you ought to have for me?" He reached his hand up to her chin and grasped it firmly, holding her face up to him.


He grinned at her and one of his silver teeth showed. "Yeah, I bet you'd like that a lot." he said, chuckling. "You loved it when I was bad."


Mary jumped up shoved him. "Get off her, and leave us alone,” she snapped at him.


Felicia jerked her face out of his hands and stood up facing him. "You take your hands off me right now. You don't have any business touching me or even talking to me. Get away from us right now!" she raised her voice, drawing the attention of the people in the cafe and the staff.


Before he could respond, he was yanked backward by the collar of his shirt and pulled down low to the floor; his arms flailing as it happened. Felicia looked up to see Nick, her limousine driver, looking at her sternly.


"I'll take care of this," he said, and he dragged Vincent out of the cafe by the collar of his shirt with his legs dragging behind him.


Mary stared at Felicia with wide eyes, and the two of them scooped up their belongings and raced after the men to see what was going to happen.


Nick twisted Vincent's collar and flung him a fair distance away, shouting to him, "You stay away from both of those ladies, or you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. I don't want to see you anywhere near either one of them ever again. That's the only warning I'm going to give you."

BOOK: The Billionaire's Call Girl: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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