Read The Best Thing Yet Online

Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke

The Best Thing Yet (8 page)

BOOK: The Best Thing Yet
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“Okay so he’s good. But he’s just Tim.” Arissa shrugged.

“See that is why I love you my friend. Just accepting anyone for who they are. So fill me in on the trip.”

“In a sec. Let me check on Tim.”

“Okay. I’ll grab some drinks,” Jackson said going into the kitchen.

Arissa went back out into the hall. Tim, from the sounds of it, was still on the phone with Jorge. Arissa walked up behind him. “Have him park the car and come up. There is a garage across the street.”

Tim glanced at her. “I’ll be down in a moment.” He pressed a button to end the call. “I’d love to but need to get home to get a jump on work.”

“Jorge said you were still on vacation.”

“He’s an interfering pain in my ass.” Tim grinned.

“And I’m sure you need it.”

“He’s already won you over to his side.” Tim groaned.

“It was the shirt and pants,” Arissa said.

“He loves to be shocking. Confuses people when they hear that British accent and then see his clothing. It’s amusing to watch.” Tim laughed.

“I bet.” She studied Tim then added, “Jackson mentioned you designed this building and a few others. And are some kind of big shot.”

“And does it matter to him?”

“Nope but I’m curious why you didn’t say something on the cruise.”

“It wasn’t relevant. And still isn’t. Or is it?”

“Are you going to keep asking me that?”

“No need to get growly on me. Come give me a hug and let me get on my way.” Tim laughed.

Arissa went over to him and hugged him. Tim embraced her and kissed the top of her forehead.

“See you this weekend.” Tim released her.

She followed as he went into her apartment. Tim approached Jackson and put out his hand.

“It was nice meeting you at least briefly. We’ll talk more this weekend.”

“This weekend?” Jackson said.

“Arissa invited me over to your game day. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, that’s cool.”

They shook hands. Tim came towards her, touching her shoulder as he passed.

“Tell him about Deiter.”

Arissa shoved him. “Get out, troublemaker.”

Tim laughed as he left. She locked the door behind him then went to join Jackson on the couch. She picked up the beer he had got her then curled her legs under her.

“Who’s Deiter?” Jackson asked in a mild tone.


“Rissa,” Jackson said in his calm way.

Arissa sighed, knowing it was useless not to tell him. He’d get it out of her. Or gang up on her with Deyon and Sarah until
got it out of her. She filled him in. Jackson listened not interrupting her. Once she was done she leant back and they drank their beers.

“You really like this man.” It wasn’t a question.

Arissa shrugged.

“He’ll call then explain what happened to make him leave. I’ll get us another one and you can fill me in on the rest of the cruise,” Jackson said.

He stood and went to the kitchen. Arissa picked at the label of her beer. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but she would be willing to listen if Deiter did call. Jackson returned.

“Turn up the heat,” Arissa said.

Jackson paused by the thermostat, adjusting it. “This is one thing I will not miss when we move to New Mexico.”

“Amen. Just three more months,” Arissa agreed.

Jackson finished with the heat then sat where he had been before. He held out a new bottle. She put down the old one and grabbed the new one.

“Are you sure you’re ready for the climate change and relocating?” she asked.

“Yes. I’ve loved all the times we’ve visited McKingley, your family and Deyon. Deyon telling us about the open positions in McKingley Hospital came at a great time. For us both.”

“It did,” Arissa said.

The thought of returning to her hometown of McKingley made her happy and apprehensive all at once. She loved the town but hadn’t lived there in a long time. She wondered if she could once again get used to the different pace. Arissa shook off the apprehension. She wanted this. Working in Chicago was draining her. It was time to reconnect with her close-knit family. Emails and phone calls only did so much to keep up with their large extended family.

“I think Deyon was more excited than we were when we got the jobs.”

“Deyon has an ulterior motive. Having at least two of her three best friends in driving distance to bug made her dance a jig. She insists she will convince Sarah. But Sarah is stubborn and loves Minneapolis. She isn’t moving from there anytime soon.” Arissa snorted.

“You’re right. Deyon recorded her dance of joy and sent it to us. She is nutty.” Jackson laughed.

“Yep, she is,” Arissa agreed.

“Now tell me about your trip.” Jackson prodded.

 She filled him in on her vacation. Much later, she closed the door behind him. She retrieved her laptop and booted up. As she waited, she picked up her house phone and dialled voicemail for her messages. She listened to all the messages from her family welcoming her back, waiting to hear that one voice she longed for. As they droned on she skimmed through her emails. All the messages were from the familiar names of her family and friends. Even the spam folder didn’t show anything. Clicking off the phone after the last message, she closed her eyes. He hadn’t called. She stood and got ready for bed. After cleaning up, she slid between the cotton sheets.

He’ll call soon.
She went to sleep hoping it was true.


* * * *


McKingley, New Mexico

Three months later


“Is this it?”

Arissa startled, looking out of the window then at Tim. “Yes.”

“It is beautiful. I wonder who the architect is?” Tim murmured.

“Iona McKingley.”

“Like the town? I want to meet her,” Tim demanded.

“Yes like the name of town. And yes, she’s in town, you can meet her,” Arissa said.

“But no working while you’re here,” Jackson said.

“You’re worse than Jorge. It’s not work just admiring the house,” Tim grumbled.

“I’ll tell Jorge on you,” Jackson said.

“Tell me what?” Jorge said.

Arissa motioned to Jorge outside her window. He stepped back. She opened the door and Jorge helped her out of the black Chevy Tahoe LTZ. Arissa bit her lips, stifling a grin. When they had arrived in the warmer climate he had gleefully changed his pants to matching Hawaiian shorts. Today’s shirt was red, blue and green.

“Tim is thinking of work already,” Arissa said, heading for the sprawling house.

“Christ, Tim. We’re helping our friends move to New Mexico. A beautiful place with scenic views. Take in the sights instead of thinking of work,” Jorge said.

“Rissa, you’re a traitor. You know how he nags,” Tim called.

“Yeah, yeah. You need it.” Arissa waved her hand over her head not breaking stride.

Jackson was laughing as Jorge continued to bitch. She and Jackson had gratefully accepted their offer to help them move. Between them splitting the drive time they hadn’t been too tired. Jorge had insisted that they’d made some stops along the way and act like tourists. Being fond of the older man, they had all agreed and had had a great time. As they’d got closer to McKingley, Arissa had become more anxious to get home than taking in the sights. She stopped just before the house and inhaled deeply. The familiar scents filled her nose.

“Rissa,” a melodious voice said.

She smiled and rushed to the woman running towards her out of the house. The woman hugged her tightly. Arissa leaned away, looking up into her face. She studied Deyon De’clare. The familiar teasing grin was on her lush lips and her captivating face enhanced her curly lashed, light grey eyes. As usual, Deyon was dressed stylishly. Her burgundy and pale yellow shirt sloped off one shoulder, highlighting her rich caramel skin.

Arissa released her to take in the rest of her ensemble. She realised that the outfit was actually a pants suit. The shorts matched the top and stopped just above her smooth legs. Stylish red, high-heeled sandals finished the look. Arissa made a twirling motion with her finger. Deyon turned around in a slow model spin, making sure Arissa got a good look. Once facing her again, Deyon struck a pose, lowering her head making her wild kinky hair frame her face enticingly.

“Now strut,” Jackson said.

Deyon raised her head then strutted her stuff. Arissa stood back and watched the walk that had made Deyon the most recognised full-figured super model in the world. The walk was graceful, powerful and all out sensual. Deyon had used her talent and success to create a fashion line then a boutique that catered to full-figure women. Deyon’s home base was in McKingley, however she travelled for various fashion shows and events. She was in high demand. Deyon reached Jackson then put her hands on her hips and moved from side to side.

“Is that what you meant, Jackie?”

“Exactly, divalicious,” Jackson teased.

“I’m so glad you’re moving here, studly.” Deyon laughed delightedly.

“Me too.” They hugged.

“Can we keep her, Tim?” Jorge asked.

Deyon pulled away from Jackson. “You must be Jorge. It is great to put a face to the voice.” Deyon hugged Jorge.

She glanced at Tim and cocked her hip. “What, no hug after harassing me so many months?”

“You’re the one who was harassing me.” Tim laughed then hugged her, lifting her off her feet.

“Oh you’re strong. Nice. I have so many great buildings to show you. But no working. Maybe you’ll move here too,” Deyon said.

Arissa grimaced, recognising the tone. It was the one Deyon had used when she had been working on getting Jackson and her to move here. She walked over to them.

“You might as well give in and move. She is relentless,” Arissa said.

“I like the weather here. I’d love it,” Jorge said.

“Hush, you. Go unload the truck,” Tim said.

“See how he treats me? I should stay here with you and Jackson.” Jorge linked his arms with Arissa’s.

“You know you’ll miss him. And he needs you,” she whispered.

“He does,” Jorge said.

Arissa went with him to the back of the U-Haul he had been driving. They opened it then Jorge reached for a box.

“Not that one.” Tim growled.

He stopped Jorge from taking out a heavy box handing him some cushions instead.

“I can damn well lift a box. I’m not that old!” Jorge roared.

“You won’t hurt yourself.” Tim’s tone was impeccable.

Arissa stifled a laugh. It was the same argument they had when they loaded the truck back in Chicago.

“Don’t think I don’t know you bought the Tahoe so when we drive back I have lots of space so I won’t feel cramped. It wasn’t needed, boy. I’m fine.”

“And you’re going to keep that way. Now go into the house and supervise,” Tim said, turning his back on him.

Jorge hit him across the head with the pillows. Tim spun.

“Just fluffing them against your hard head. I’ll go check out the house.” Jorge smirked and walked away.

Tim sighed. “That stubborn goat will be the death of me.”

Arissa pulled down a box and said, “He’ll keep you young and on your toes.”

“You’re not lifting that. Go to the house with Jorge.” Tim plucked the box out of her arms.

He passed it to Jackson. Arissa frowned.

“Come on, Rissa. We feeble women folk have been banished to supervise.” Deyon beckoned.

Arissa glared at Jackson and Tim as she went to join Deyon, sitting at the table under the shaded porch on the one side of the house. Jorge came from in the house with a tray. He placed it on the table and shared the iced tea. Jorge sat and sipped his tea. They watched as Tim and Jackson sweated and unloaded the truck. They called out directions, ignoring the looks and grumbling.

“They wanted us to direct. I bet you they will be sore later.” Arissa snickered.

“Serves them right,” Jorge said.

“Nah. They are big, manly men,” Deyon said dryly.

They looked at each other and laughed.

Relaxing in the chair Arissa said, “Thanks for letting Jackson and I live here with you.”

“No prob, Rissa. It’s a lot of house for one person. I rarely let anyone stay in the two apartments on the second floor anymore.”

Arissa frowned. That was news to her. As far as she knew, Deyon used the apartments to house the models she flew in for her shows. They stayed in the apartments, which had their own separate entrances just inside the front foyer. The centre door led to the main house where Deyon lived. The other two—one on the right and other on left—led to the second floor apartments. The main floor had beautiful, high vaulted windows with seats built in and lots of space, since that was what Deyon had wanted when she’d had the house built. It wasn’t just her living area, it was partially her design studio where she worked on some of her projects. With the ground floor space it made the two apartments over it very spacious and they had some of the same features. The whole house was a visual and physical oasis.


“One of the male models who I’d invited to stay in the apartment thought I wanted him in my bed. Crazy fool broke into my house then got all huffy when I said hell no. He couldn’t imagine that I didn’t want him,” Deyon said.

“No. What did you do?” Arissa asked.

“Showed him my gun. Then when he didn’t think I was serious I got out my other gun and tranqued his ass. Then called Leo. He was huffy about my brandishing my weapons, as he put it. He knows I have a permit to carry them. I almost darted his butt too, but resisted seeing as he is your family. Leo took my guns and the knives. Fucker.”

Arissa started to laugh.

“You were right to do that, Deyon,” Jorge said.

“You know it, Jorge.”

Arissa calmed down then asked, “So what did you get to replace them with?”

“The same type of guns and the tranq gun too. But then I saw this sweet pistol crossbow and had to get it. Made sure to tell your grumpy butt brother about my new weapons.” Deyon took a sip of her tea.

“What did he say?”

“After lecturing me for what seemed like forever, he called your brothers and cousins and they came over and had a grand old time trying it out. Of course, you know Lis wasn’t about to be left out. She rounded up the women and came over. We had a fabulous cook-out and tried out my new weapons.”

BOOK: The Best Thing Yet
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