Read The Alpha's Captive Online

Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

The Alpha's Captive (6 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Captive
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A light flickered in the distance. Devon looked back toward his house. His room was positioned in the front of the house on the second level. After his parents had been killed Devon had become paranoid and with good reason. He liked to be where he could see who was coming and going from their estate. It calmed him.

Devon had excellent vision and could see into the window of the room that was next to his. He could make out Josef’s silhouette as he checked in on Aiden. Aiden was still asleep. Devon could see his chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm.

All too soon the light flicked out. Devon’s feet itched to run back to the house and up to that room. His wolf wanted to claim what was his, but Devon’s human half still held back. He tried to reason with his wolf, but his wolf growled its displeasure.

Maybe there’s a way.
His inner voice spoke reason.
You don’t know if Aiden is like his father. Maybe he’s been waiting all his life to find you.

Devon felt like a fool, but he was starting to think his conscience was making sense. What if Aiden fell in love with him? Then that would change everything. If Aiden stayed or left it’d be by his choice, not Devon’s or his father’s.

Turning away from the house, Devon made his way down the hillside. He walked at an easy trot, in no rush to get back home because once he arrived he knew exactly what he would be doing.

Chapter Six


When Devon reached the edge of the tree line, he shifted back to his human body. He walked up the porch steps and opened the front door. The house was dark and quiet. Everyone had turned in for the night.

Devon headed toward the stairs and walked slowly up them. He didn’t stop until he reached the end of the hallway. He turned left and stared at the closed door.

The only thing that separated him from his mate was a piece of wood. Nothing was stopping him from seeing Aiden, just himself.

“Fuck it,” Devon growled. He’d been standing outside Aiden’s room like a moron.

Reaching out, Devon turned the knob and slipped inside. His eyes adjusted to the darkened room instantly. Aiden lay passed out on the bed unaware that anyone had entered the room.

Devon eased forward, careful not to make a sound. He knelt beside the bed and looked upon his mate. The moon wasn’t out, so the only light coming through the window illuminated from the stars in the sky.

Aiden’s right wrist had a metal cuff around it and it was attached to a length of chain fastened to the iron bedpost. The chain weighed Aiden’s arm down. Josef left enough give so Aiden could reach the bathroom should he need it when he woke up.

Edging closer, Devon ran his gaze from the cuffed wrist up Aiden’s arm. A blanket was tucked around his waist leaving his nipples exposed for Devon’s pleasure. He ghosted a finger along the circumference and watch as the little nub pebbled from his touch.

Aiden shifted and brought his free hand up to rest on his forehead. The position pulled his muscles tight, and Devon ate up the view. A few scratches and bruises colored Aiden’s pale skin, but they would fade. Devon longed to lean forward and kiss all the marks away. He wanted to beat the crap out of Viktor for harming Aiden.

A yawn stretched Aiden’s mouth, and the sweet scent of his breath met Devon’s noise. He sucked in a deep breath, wanting more from his sleeping mate.

Devon ran the tip of his finger down Aiden’s chest and traced the bulge outline through the blanket. He felt Aiden’s cock twitch, and Aiden shifted again, releasing a desperate little moan.

“God help me,” Devon whispered as he pushed away from Aiden. His pulse raced, and his bare dick protruded outward begging for relief. He had been so caught up in Aiden he hadn’t realized his cock had filled and ached to come.

Devon stood up and headed for the door. With one more look over his shoulder to make sure Aiden was still asleep, Devon left the room. He went straight to his room and didn’t stop until he was in the bathroom and flipped on the shower. The water rained down in a steady stream. Once steam fogged the glass door, Devon stepped inside.

The hot water cascaded down his body, easing the aches and pains in his muscles. He grabbed his body wash and soaped up. Frothy bubbles dripped down his body to puddle at his feet.

Letting the water rinse him clean, Devon leaned against the tiled wall. The hardness in his cock had yet to fade. His balls were heavy with seed, and Devon wouldn’t get any sleep if he didn’t relieve the pressure.

Devon spread his legs and positioned the shower head to where the water hit his front, drenching his groin area. Devon took his shaft in hand and tugged at the velvety flesh. The first pull felt sublime. He’d jacked off a lot over the years, but for some reason it felt better than all those times, better than sex.

He thought of Aiden lying in his bed. How sleep softened the man’s features even more. The way Aiden’s eyelashes lay long against his cheeks and how his tongue snaked out to wet his pouty lips.

The image of those rose-colored lips wrapped around his cock had Devon jacking his hand faster. He pictured Aiden down on his knees sucking him as he hummed around his length.

A swirling sensation swam in his gut, and Devon lost his control. His cum shot from his body, sending a jolt of electricity to all his nerve endings. Devon watched as his white cum got washed away from the shower spray.

Devon sagged heavily against the wall and gulped for breath. God how he wished Aiden had just really sucked him off.

Turning off the water, Devon stepped out of the shower and dried off. He wrapped the towel around his hips and went to the sink to brush his teeth. Devon swiped his hand over the mirror wiping away the moisture.

The eyes reflecting back glowed with arousal. His wolf wanted out, and Devon wasn’t sure how much longer he could contain his desires.


* * * *


Aiden yawned and moved to stretch out his arms. They felt cramped and he needed to move. When he tried to lift his right arm up, something held it down. He rolled to his side and looked down to see what the problem was. His eyes widened when he saw a thick piece of metal wrapped around his wrist, and attached to that was a long chain.

“What the hell?” The sun had started to rise, and the golden rays flooded through the window, and Aiden glanced around at the unfamiliar room. “Where am I?” His sleep-addled mind couldn’t comprehend anything at the moment.

Aiden sat up and kicked his legs over the edge of the bed. He tugged on the chain and saw it had some give. The need to relieve the pressure on his bladder had him up and off the bed. There was a room next to the bed and Aiden shuffled toward it. He held the chain as he moved, not wanting to make a ton of noise. For some odd reason it seemed rude.

He flipped on the light and used the facilities. Afterwards, as he washed his hands, he looked at his reflection. A bruised and bloodied face stared back at him, and he remembered. He wasn’t at home. He was being held prisoner.

“Oh my god!” Aiden spun around, worried someone would jump out at him. The action caused his chain to slap against the wall. The metal chinks scraped the wood doorframe as Aiden moved and unintentionally pulled it with him. In a haste to grab the chain, Aiden tripped and landed hard against the wall, banging his head. Pain radiated from the lump blooming on the back of his head.

The sound of stomping feet sent a shiver up his spine. He remembered the men from last night. They hurt him and brought him here. But where was here?

“Are you okay?” a man asked as he rushed forward.

Out of instincts, Aiden scooted away as the man drew near. His vision was still blurry from the knock to the skull, but Aiden squinted his eyes, trying to focus.

The man, well, the man was gorgeous. Aiden thought it was crazy to think since he was being held against his will, but the man was stunning. He had shoulder-length dark-blond hair with a few highlights mingled in the thick strands. The man only wore a pair of sleeping pants, and his bare chest was on full display for Aiden to look his fill. Hard muscles wrapped around the stranger’s shoulders, winding down to his tapered waist. Aiden didn’t see one ounce of fat anywhere on this man’s torso.

“Huh?” Aiden vaguely heard what the man said.

“I asked if you were okay.”

The man reached his hand out, and Aiden moved out of his reach. Aiden looked to meet the man’s eyes, and the most captivating blue he had ever seen stared back at him. They were similar to Viktor’s but held a maturity about them that Viktor’s lacked.

After a few moments the sound of the man’s voice registered in Aiden’s mind. It was the man from last night, Devon. He had been blindfolded, but he remembered the rough timbre of Devon’s voice when he spoke.

Aiden let his eyes take in the beauty of Devon’s face. He had a straight nose and a solid, chiseled jawline. Devon had the looks of a statue one would see at a museum, almost too perfect to be human.

Devon was speaking again, but Aiden didn’t hear a word. He was watching Devon’s lips move up and down as he spoke. It must have become apparent he wasn’t listening because Devon rubbed his hand along his chin. The sound of stubble scraping across Devon’s hand almost seemed to echo in the close quarters.

His emotions were running wild, and his dick decided to wake up and show its appreciation for the sexy hunk in front of him.

“Kid, are you all right? Do you need anything?” When Aiden didn’t answer, the man snapped his fingers in front of his face. “Can you hear me?”

Aiden started to nod his head, but the pain was unbearable. He lifted his hand, but the chain caught, and his hand fell to his side.

“I can hear you perfectly,” Aiden snapped.

Devon reached out and brushed his knuckles down the side of Aiden’s face. The moment Devon’s hand made contact to Aiden’s skin, his fury stared to fade. As if by its own accord his head leaned into Devon’s large, warm hand as it cupped the side of his face. Aiden nuzzled against the strong, firm hold. Had the situation been different Aiden could see himself wanting this man, or at least wanting him more than he did now.

“So you’re fine then?” Devon continued to caress his skin.

The kindness in Devon’s tone wasn’t consistent with the actions that landed him in this house. He didn’t care how hot this guy might be. Aiden was a person, not an animal to be chained up. “No I’m not all right. Look at me.” Aiden used his free hand to point to the metal cuff on the other then to his face. “Do I look okay to you?”

His emotions took a different turn as anger infused his words. He had never been the argumentative sort, but this just wasn’t his day.

Devon very carefully pulled his hand back. “Calm down, Aiden,” the man said calmly.

“Are you insane?” Aiden shouted, and the sound echoed in the small bathroom. “You’ve got me chained up for god knows what, and you want me to calm down.” Aiden huffed.

“Well you must be all right if you can run your mouth off like that.” Devon stood up and held out a hand for Aiden to take. “Let’s get you out of here.”

Aiden so desperately wanted to take the offered hand but didn’t dare. He felt an unexplainable attraction to this man, and it didn’t make sense with the current state of things. Even now his cock twitched in his cotton pajama bottoms as Devon’s hard stare pinned him to the floor.

Taking a deep breath, Aiden pushed up from the floor. He waited until Devon exited the restroom first. Aiden didn’t want to have the man at his back just in case he attacked him.

Aiden sat on the edge of the bed and he watched as Devon pulled a chair over to sit across from him. The man looked tired, and Aiden didn’t feel threatened, but that could be because of the bump to the head.

“Aiden, do you remember anything from last night?” Devon asked.

Now that Devon mentioned it, he did. Aiden looked off into space as the previous night’s events ran though his mind. The one thing his brain settled on was that Devon accused his dad of taking someone, but that was absurd. His father wasn’t a bad person. In fact he was the best man Aiden knew. There was no way his dad would hurt another living soul, never.

“You said my dad kidnapped your brother, but that’s impossible. My father would never do something like that.” That was all Aiden could think to say. It was the truth.

“There are things about your father that you don’t know, Aiden. I’m not lying to you about this. He’s done some bad things.”

Aiden laughed. “Right, like this?” He held up his arm indicating the chain.

Devon looked away from Aiden’s accusing glare. “I’m sorry about that, but we couldn’t chance you trying to escape. We need you in order to get my brother back. Your father is a hunter, and hunters don’t like my kind.”

“Your kind?”

“Let’s just say we’re different, you and I, and because of that your father and his friends want to kill us. And in their prejudice took my baby brother. He’s just a kid who doesn’t deserve what has happened to him.”

“And I do?” Aiden totally looked over the
remark and took a deep breath and counted to ten. If anyone didn’t deserve this sort of treatment it was him. He was sitting at home minding his own business when this guy’s brother knocked him out and brought him to wherever here was. Plus, what Devon spoke of was nonsense. His dad was a veterinarian. He would be the last person to want to hunt down animals of any sort, let alone another human.

BOOK: The Alpha's Captive
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