Read Tessa's Chosen Online

Authors: Becky Wilde

Tags: #Romance

Tessa's Chosen (6 page)

BOOK: Tessa's Chosen
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“You will not fucking talk about my mate that way,” he said with a snarl, “and you should have more respect for your queen.”

Dropping his head in submissiveness the pack member apologized. “Sorry my Alpha I did not realize she was your mate otherwise I would not have spoken out of turn. Forgive me my queen?”

Gabe pulled Tess to his side introducing his pack member, “This ignorant bastard is Brett. Kneel to your Queen Brett prove she has you respect. Her name is Tessa.”

“Please Queen Tessa forgive me. I did not realize my Alpha's had taken a mate. My humblest apologies.”

Tessa cleared her throat, “No problem Brett,” she said extending her hand, “It's nice to meet you.”

“You too Queen Tessa.” Brett replied with a cold look in his eyes.

“Oh please just call me Tessa, I don't need the title of Queen.”

“As you wish Tessa. Alpha,” Brett said again bowing his head and then continued walking away.


“Well that was interesting.” Tess stated.

“I don't trust him Tessa, so I don't want you anywhere near him unless you have someone else with you. He's up to something but I can't figure it out just yet. But I will.”

Gabe took her hand in his again and they walked amongst the trees and cabins, stopping every now and then for Gabe to introduce her to more pack members.

“I'll never remember everyone's names Gabe. I've forgotten most of them already.”

“Don't sweat it babe, it's just going to take some time.

You'll get used to them and before you know it you will know everyone's. Come on let's go back to the house and get some lunch.”




Back in the kitchen Gabe introduced Tessa to their cook housekeeper, “Tess baby I'd like you to meet Alice. Alice this is our mate Tessa.”

Tessa held and shook hands with the woman, “Nice to meet you Alice.”

“Nice to meet you too my Queen.” Alice replied bowing her head.

“Please don't bow your head to me Alice, and my name is Tessa, not my Queen. As far as I am concerned you should be demanding respect from me, not the other way around. You are my elder.”

“Ooh I like this one Gabe,” Alice said as she took Tessa's face between her hands and kissed her cheek. “If you ever want anything, anything at all you just ask me honey. Now I expect you will be wanting some lunch, so sit yourselves down while I prepare it for you.”

“Do you want some help Alice?” Tessa asked.

“My but you're lovely. No thank you child. I already have everything prepared, I'll be serving in a just moment.”

Tess and Gabe sat at the table talking companionably until more pack members started filing into the dining room. One of the women to seat herself at the table was 52

Stephanie and two other women with her. Stephanie glared at Tessa as she seated herself next to Gabe, the two women with her sat next to Stephanie.

“Baby I'd like to introduce you to Stephanie, Megan and Cherry. This is our mate Tessa.”

The two women to Stephanie’s left bowed their heads and murmured polite greetings. Stephanie just glared at Tessa before turning her back on her conversing with her friends.

“What's with her?” Tess asked Gabe.

“I think she's jealous baby. Don't let her get to you.”

More people entered the dining room until the table was filled to capacity. Lucien entered the room with Rafe behind him. They sat across from Tessa and Gabe at the table. As Alice served the food, conversations flowed around the room, creating quite a din of chatter. Lucien introduced Tessa to the pack members she did not know as yet and they all bowed their heads in respect.

Tessa squirmed in her chair, not used to people treating her with respect. Her parents had died when she was eighteen in an automobile accident, while she was getting her accounting degree at college. She had met Darren Smythe on campus and being in a vulnerable state grieving for her lost parents, she had latched onto him as he wined and dined her. Believing she was in love with him, she told him so after only three months. When he asked her to marry him she had accepted. Thinking back know, Tessa realized that she had been lonely. Being an only child of only children parents with no surviving Grandparents, she had fallen for Darren's false suave sophistication. Tess believed he was really only after the small inheritance her deceased parents had left her and did not really care for her at all.

As soon as they were engaged, he had wanted to move into her house. Tessa thinking it was too soon, had not relented on that. They had started a physical 53

relationship after becoming engaged. Tess being a virgin had not like the first time they had made love, it had hurt too much. Darren advising her that the physical aspect of their relationship would be better the second time round had been a total lie. It had been worse. A lot worse, Darren had told her she was frigid, not caring about her needs at all.

Knowing now Darren was the one lacking and glad that she had finally escaped him. She tried to push her thoughts aside.

Rafe noticed Tessa's glazed eyes, “Tessa, honey what's wrong?” Not getting a response he looked at Gabe worriedly.

“Tess baby are you okay?” Gabe asked in a soft voice. When she still did not respond Lucien took over.

“Tessa,” his voice boomed around the room.

Looking at Lucien with a puzzled expression on her face, annoyed at his tone she snapped, “What?”

The noise in the room diminished to nothing until you could have heard a pin drop.

“You will not speak to me that way Tessa.” Lucien said with a growl. "Rafe and Gabe have been trying to get your attention. When you did not answer I raised my voice so you would respond. We were worried about you.”

Noticing for the first time that everyone was looking at her she bit down the retort she was about to make, “Sorry I was miles away. Please forgive me Alpha” she said through gritted teeth looking down to the table.

“Apology accepted my mate,” Lucien said with humor as he noted the way she apologized. “Care to share your thoughts with us little bird?”

Clearing her throat before speaking she looked up at Lucien, “Not at the moment, but thank you for asking.”

Lucien nearly burst out laughing as he saw the fire in his mates eyes.


The noise in the room exploded again as everyone started conversing, realizing the show was over for now.

After Alice placed the food onto the table and they all began eating. The noise dimmed to a more comfortable level.

“Are you okay honey?” Gabe asked in concern.

“Yeah I'm fine. Just overwhelmed a little.”

Gabe put his arm around her shoulders and rubbed his palm up and down her arm in a soothing manner. Sighing Tessa put some of the delicious food on her plate and picked at it. The food was delicious but Tess did not seem to have an appetite at the moment. Taking a few mouthfuls when she saw Lucien watching her, to placate him.

Tessa noticed Stephanie talking to Gabe with an attempt at a sultry smile on her face. Tessa snorted to herself when Stephanie placed her hand on Gabe's shoulder and he immediately shrugged it off. Stephanie had been trying to monopolize her mate's time and attention throughout the whole meal and finally deciding she had had enough, pushing her plate away she rose from the table.

“Please excuse me, I'm not feeling very well at the moment. I think I will go lay down for a while.” That said she left the room.

Lucien watched Tessa leave the room through narrowed eyes. Trying to figure out what had upset her.

“Any idea what that was about?” Luc asked his brothers using their mental link.

“No idea” Rafe replied.

“I think she's jealous of Stephanie.” Gabe replied.

“She has nothing to be jealous about, Stephanie was just a quick fuck.” Lucien replied with exasperation.

“I know that, you know that, and even though I tried to tell Tessa she had nothing to worry about, I don't think she really listened.

“You told her we fucked Stephanie? What in the hell did you do that for.” Rafe roared his question.


“Well I didn't actually tell her. We were walking near the cabins and she asked me who lived in them. She eventually got around to asking me if we had fucked any of our female pack members. I couldn't very well deny it, since it was true, but I told her it was only a fuck, to scratch an itch.”

Lucien advised his brothers, “I'll go talk to her, see if I can find out what has her so worried.”




Lucien found Tessa staring out the bedroom window.

She didn't turn around when he entered the room, even though she knew he was there by the stiffening of her shoulders. Coming to stand behind her, he breathed in her delicious scent. Wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, he pulled her back against him so she was leaning on his chest.

“Why are you so sad little bird? What has you so upset?”

“I don't know if I can do this Luc? I don't fit in here.

You have women adoring you with their eyes, vying to get the attention of all three of you. How can I compete with that?” Tessa asked with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lucien grasped Tessa gently by her shoulders turning her to face him, gently wiping the tears from her face with his thumbs, “Tessa honey, don't you understand, you don't need to compete with the women of our pack. You will never have to compete with a woman for our attentions.

You are our mate, little bird, we can never look at another woman with love or desire in our eyes. You are the one and only female that exists for us.”

“I just don't know if I can be what you all need me to be for you. I am not as strong as the other women of the pack. I can't change and become a wolf like you all do. I am human Lucien, how is a weak human female ever going to fit into your lives?” Tessa said on a sob.

Lucien shook Tessa gently by her shoulders, “Tessa you are being ridiculous. You are the only female that will fit into our lives. There will never be another. Do you think I care that you cannot shift like we can? You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for pajarito. Just give us the time you promised to us, but promise me if you have 57

any doubts, worries or problems you will come to one of us and voice your concerns. If we do not know what is troubling you, we cannot help you. Please promise me you will do this Tessa?”

Taking a deep steadying breath Tessa replied, “Okay, I will still give you the month I promised; but I want you guys to keep Stephanie away from me. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. I don't want her touching any of you, I don't know if she does it to annoy me or if she is trying to get your attention, but I don't like it, I want it to stop.”

“Agreed pajarito, I will inform Rafe and Gabe. Now you hardly ate any lunch do you want me to bring you something?”

“No thanks Luc, I'm really not very hungry. I just want you to hold me for a while, if that's okay?”

Lucien pulled her against his chest wrapping his arms around her, until her head was resting just above his heart.

The steady beat lulled her to relax as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Lucien moved one of his hands so that he was stroking her back in a soothing gesture.

Tessa tried crawl into the comforting protection of his warm hard body, as his hand moved up and down her back.

She felt moisture form at the apex of her thighs as arousal pooled low in her belly. Wiggling her hips she felt Lucien's cock harden, pressing into her stomach. Growling low in his throat he gripped her butt in the palm of his hands lifting her from her feet until her pussy was cradling his erection. Rocking his cock against her mound he took her mouth with such heat, Tessa cried out into his mouth.

Tongues twining and licking, teeth nipping, the warm wet passion consumed them. Tessa became the aggressor, ripping his shirt over his head and pulling the buttons open on his jeans, she pulled his pants down to his knees.

Kneeling she took his cock into the depths of her mouth, licking and sucking him in deep until he was about to spill his seed.


Leaning down he picked her up, tossing her to the bed in desperation. Quickly shucking his jeans, Luc crawled up in between her legs swooping in to taste her cream. Licking and nipping her clit, then delving into her tight little hole with his tongue. She felt his tongue lengthen, pushing it in deeper into her cunt, swiping over her G spot. Tess bucked her hips up trying to push his tongue in a little further. Just as she felt the muscles of her pussy start to clamp down on his tongue, he pulled away from her.

Moving up over her body he stared deeply into her eyes as he rammed himself into her depth. Tessa screamed as she felt him slide in all the way to the hilt. Taking her mouth as he slammed in and out her, his tongue mimicking the movements of his cock. She could taste herself on his mouth and it drove her crazy. Bucking her hips up to meet his they slammed together, their bodies making a wet sucking slapping sound. Lucien moved one of his arms underneath her and she felt the tip of a finger push into her arse. That was all it took. She clamped down hard on his cock covering him with her cream as she milked him.

Lucien roared as he spurted her full of his cum.

Collapsing on top of her but being careful not to squash her by keeping some of his weight on his arms, he licked the side of her neck before biting her with his sharp canine teeth and sent her over the edge into another earth shattering orgasm. Licking the wound he gave her as she came back down to earth. Pulling out of her body then picking her up he took her into the bathroom, turning the shower on. Placing her on her feet in the shower he washed her body and hair, then cradled her into his large body.

Tessa had never felt so feminine, so loved and cared for, she started crying as she felt the love for this Alpha male consume her. Not even realizing she was chanting as she placed kisses all over his chest.

“I love you. I love you. I love you. Love you.”


Lucien placed a finger under her chin, tilting her face up to his, placing a sweet gentle kiss on her lips, “I love you too little bird. Now that you have finally admitted your true feelings, I would ask you a question.”

Taking a deep breath she stared into his eyes as she saw love and passion blazing out of them for her. Clearing her throat around the huge lump, she asked “What do you want to know?”

“Will you drop this silly idea of giving us a trial month and promise to stay with us, forever?”

Tessa's mouth turned up slightly at the edges then a smile of pure joy spread out and lit up her whole face, “Yes Lucien, I promise to stay with you, all three of you. I love you all so much, I think it would kill me if I left you.”

“Thank you pajarito, you will not regret it. You are like a dream come true for us. Weres are all told they all have a mate, one woman they can call their own. We were beginning to think we would never meet you. When you walked into the bar that night, I wanted to pick you up strip the clothes from your body and fuck you on the pool table.

When I saw your bruised face and torn shirt, I wanted to rip that bastards throat out,” Lucien said with a growl.

“I am well and truly rid of him. I think you scared the crap out of him. I don't need to worry anymore. I have three very strong handsome Alpha men to protect me.”

Lucien got out of the shower drying off, reaching into the shower he turned the taps off. Holding a clean towel out to Tessa she stepped out to be enveloped when Luc wrapped it around her. Drying her off tenderly they both redressed, clasping Tessa's hand in his Lucien led her down to the kitchen and her two other men.

Raphael and Gabriel smiled when Lucien led Tessa into the kitchen. Everyone else had left to do whatever is they did, the only other person in the room was Alice and she was busy cleaning up the lunch dishes.


Lucien sat down at the table, pulling Tessa onto his lap as he looked at his grinning brothers. “Tessa isn't going to be giving us the trial month she said she would. She has agreed to stay with us, be our wife and us her husband’s.”

Holding up his hand to keep his brothers from speaking he continued, “She does not want to have anything to do with Stephanie. If she catches Stephanie touching anyone of us there is going to be hell to pay. Our little mate does not like Stephanie and is under the impression Stephanie does not like Tessa. We are to keep her from touching us and in doing so Tessa will love us and we will be able to show her how much we love her in return.”

Rafe and Gabe both left their chairs and walked over to Tessa. Rafe got to her first by shoving Gabe with his shoulder. Tessa had to hold back a laugh at their juvenile behavior. Rafe squatted in front of Tessa clasping her face between the palms of his hands, staring into her eyes, “I love you babe. Thank you for giving us this chance to prove to you how much.” Leaning down he placed a kiss so tender and sweet on her lips it brought tears to her eyes.

“I love you to Raphael.”

Gabe moved in shoving his brother away from Tessa and sent Rafe back onto his arse. Tessa giggled as she watched their humorous antics.

Gabe scooped Tessa up of Luc's lap cradling her in his arms against his chest.

“I love you baby,” he whispered against her mouth, sipping at her lips.

“I love you too Gabe.”

Gabe sat down at the table placing Tessa on his lap, snuggling her into his chest. His arms wrapping around her making her feel safe.

Alice came over to the table wiping it down as she spoke to Lucien.

“I didn't mean to eaves drop on your conversation Alpha, but I heard what you said about Stephanie. Our 61

queen is right not to trust her. She is a piece of work that one. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. She is up to something. I can feel it. I'm not trying to do your job but if I was you, I would have someone watching that one.”

“Thank you Alice, I'll take what you've said into consideration,” Lucien said inclining his head in respect to the elderly woman.

As Alice turned away she caught Tessa's eye giving her a secretive wink as she headed back to the sink. Tessa gave her a small answering smile.


BOOK: Tessa's Chosen
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