Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9) (8 page)

BOOK: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)
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Cassidy planted a sweet kiss on his lips. “Thank you for a wonderful day.”

He winked at her. “It’s not over yet. We’re going on an adventure.”

She knew the layout well enough to know he was headed to the stables. When they arrived, Channing helped her out of the truck. Rowdy came running up to her and wanted to play.

“Rowdy, give Cassie some space,” Channing drawled and rubbed the pooch on the head.

“You know they say that dogs can sense cancer in people? I watched a documentary about how canines can detect certain diseases in humans.” She smiled and scratched under Rowdy’s chin.

“Rowdy has a thing for pretty women.”

Clyde, the ranch hand, appeared with Channing’s horse and one for Cassidy.

“Cassie, I’d like to meet my horse Patches.” Channing gave the horse a good, firm rub.

“Hi, Patches, you are a beautiful horse.” She waved at the stallion but didn’t attempt to touch him.

“It’s OK. He’s friendly.” Channing took her hand, placed it on the horse, and moved along its side.

“I like horses, but they look so intimidating. I’m scared I’ll spook him or something.”

“You’ll be riding his companion, Indigo. She’s a mild horse. We’re teaching the boys how to ride her.”

“I can’t do it. I’ve ridden a horse twice in my life and humiliated myself both times. I was the only kid who screamed on pony rides.”

“What is it about horses that makes you so skittish?” He chuckled.

“They’re so big and imposing. Just like their owner.”

“Me, big and imposing? I’m a little ol’ cuddly teddy bear.” Channing pulled her closer to him.

“You play the mild-mannered baby of the family bit pretty well. But I don’t believe it for a second.”

“Oh, really now? Then who is the real Channing Blake?”

“Trouble in a nice suit.” She played with the button on his shirt.

Channing looked at her for what seemed like an eternity. “What do I have to do to get you to ride this horse?”

“Nothing. I’ll scream so loud I’ll wake up your nephews.” She shook her head.

“OK, we’ll ride together.”

Channing asked Clyde to put Indigo back in her stall. He helped her onto Patches then mounted the horse himself. The feel of his strong body behind hers made her feel immediately at ease. He showed her how to control the reins with a few movements, and when she was ready, they began a slow, steady pace down the road.

He pointed out some of the places he’d had adventures as a child and told stories about growing up on the ranch. She could imagine him frolicking with his brothers, enjoying the slow pace of country life. Soon she felt so relaxed she closed her eyes, enjoying the rhythm of the horse’s stride. She wanted to feel closer to him, to be intimate. She wanted to explore his body.

“We’re back. See, that wasn’t so bad,” Channing whispered into her ear, and the stubble on his cheek created a sensual friction against her skin.

“No, it wasn’t.” She turned her head so she could look into his eyes. “Want to go back to your place and make out?”

“Hell yeah.”


* * *


He didn’t want to seem too enthusiastic, but driving back to the guesthouse at fifty miles an hour wasn’t exactly his smoothest move. He’d read the chapters on sex and intimacy in a few of the books he’d bought, and he listened to the stories of the men in the support group he attended. Cassidy was the driver tonight in their sensual activity; she needed to know she could be comfortable and vulnerable with him.

When they got in the house he guided her to the living room and sat her down. He turned on the radio and found a station that was playing soft love ballads. He turned to go into the kitchen, but she grabbed his arm.

“Hey, this doesn’t have to be perfect.”

“Yes, it does.” He caressed her cheek.

“OK.” She looked around the room. “I’ll get the refreshments. Is there something else you have to do?”

“I’m headed to the bedroom.”

Channing opened his closet and retrieved a pink bag from the top shelf. When he came back into the living room, Cassidy had lit some candles and had every pillow in the room on the floor, making a makeshift fort. She handed him a glass of ice tea.

“A toast to new beginnings.” She clicked her glass with his.

“I have something for you.”

Cassidy’s eyes grew wide as she perused the contents of the bag. It was filled with moisturizers, jell lubricants and condoms.

“You certainly did your homework.”

“This is your first time since…”

“Yes.” She let out a nervous giggle.

“We can take things slow. Let me know if I’m doing anything you don’t like. And we can stop at any time you’re feeling vulnerable.”



“Shut up and kiss me.” She smiled.

He leaned in a pressed his lips gently against hers. Kissing those soft full lips was the most natural thing in the world to him. He nipped at her lower lip to get her to open her mouth, and when she did, he thrust his tongue inside.

Channing fumbled with the buttons on her blouse. He pulled her down onto the fort she made and covered her body with his. He moved his hand up her thigh and caressed her through the cotton panties she wore. He squeezed some of the jell onto his fingers and parted her legs. Cassidy gasped as he took his time applying the jell, rubbing a thumb over her clit.

“How does that feel?”

“Heavenly.” She sighed.

Channing took his time putting on a condom, but he must have been taking too long because Cassidy decided to help him. His breath hitched when she finished rolling it down his shaft. He could feel her hesitation as he thrust into her gently. She was tight, damn near virginal. He wanted to stop, but she grasped onto his ass, a clear sign she wanted him to continue. He put the weight of his body on his knees so he wouldn’t crush her.

The sensitivity of the condom coupled with the warming jell felt amazing. He watched Cassidy’s face, looking for signs that he was going too fast. She grabbed onto his forearm to steady herself.

“Am I hurting you?”


As their bodies melded together, Channing hoped this feeling would last for the rest of his life.


* * *


After threats to storm the guesthouse, Channing took her to his brother J.J.’s house where the family had gathered and were hanging out in the back yard. Channing couldn’t keep the rest of the family at bay for long, especially since some of them flew in for a party. John Jacob was attending the father-daughter dance for the first time at his country club. Someone let it slip that they would make the exception for daughter-in-laws, and he wanted to go and show off the women in his life. So Morgan, Sam, Isabelle, and Michelle were going as his dates, and they informed Cassidy that she was invited too.

“Isn’t that a family event?” Cassie gulped.

“John Jacob invited you. We told him we’d help get you ready.” Isabelle said.

“That’s nice of him to include me, but—”

“If he said it, he meant it. Tell her Channing.” Morgan chimed in.

“She’s right. Daddy doesn’t make empty gestures.” He smiled.

“Good, it’s settled,” Michelle said.

Cassidy made eyes at Channing for his help, but he continued to sit there like a lump on the couch sipping his beer.

“Channing and I had plans to see a movie tonight.”

“I wouldn’t worry about him. The guys are having a bonfire,” Morgan replied.

“But I have nothing to wear. I didn’t pack anything formal, and it’s too late to go shopping.” She bit her lip.

“No worries. Sam’s closet is the next best thing to shopping for haute couture in Paris.” Isabelle put her arm around her.

She managed to get a quick kiss from Channing before the ladies shuffled upstairs.

“Cassidy, let’s find you something stunning to wear.” Sam herded everyone to the bedroom and opened the closet.


* * *


Morgan wasn’t exaggerating about Sam’s wardrobe. Half of the clothes in the enormous walk-in-closet that was the size of a bedroom still had the tags on them. There were at least five dresses that caught her eye as the clothes spun around on the motorized rack. The last time she dressed up, she attended an opera benefit. She’d loved the elegance and pageantry of the evening. A red off-the-shoulder dress passed by on the rack. It had beautiful, detailed embroidery on the shoulder strap and an empire waist. She hit the button for the rack to stop.

“I got that one on our trip to Paris.” Sam gave her an approving nod. “I have a nice pair of shoes to go with it, if you don’t mind the height.”

“No, I can get outrageous with the heels. So bring it on.” Cassidy laughed.

Cassidy went into the bathroom with the ensemble the ladies put together for her. She thought she didn’t have time for a shower but Sam insisted she take all the time she needed to get ready. Through the shut door, she could hear the ladies chatting about goings on in the family and the dance tonight. She waited for the dreaded twenty questions to come about her relationship with Channing, but they never came.

An hour later, she came out glammed up and ready to go. The ladies were all so nice to her, just like everyone else on the ranch, that she didn’t feel awkward about having just met them.

She managed to give Channing a kiss good-bye. As the limousine pulled up, she thought about what a crazy weekend it had been. The ladies all whistled when John Jacob got out dressed to the nines in a gray suit. It was going to be a great evening. The Blakes had a way of making a person feel at home.


* * *


Channing couldn’t remember the last time they had a bonfire. But with their father off to the dance with the women, and Mama babysitting all the grandkids, it seemed the perfect time to shoot the breeze and knock back some of Bo Sr.’s infamous moonshine. Bo was even able to make it. As they got the fire going, it brought back memories of the many nights they’d stared up at the stars contemplating life and women.

“So how is it we’re all sitting around the fire together, and Daddy is out with all of our women?” Tyler asked.

“Because he’s that good.” J.J. laughed.

“I’m still curious about what he was doing that got him…injured.” Seth threw a few planks of wood on the fire.

“I still have nightmares about it.” Channing shivered.

“So C.J., you don’t look so tense anymore.” Tate bit back a smile.

“I’d go as far as to say he has a glow about him.” Bo snickered.

“So, things are going good with you two?”

“Things are great.” He gave them a shy smile, waiting for the ribbing to start.

“I’m glad things are going well for you two. And if you’re lucky, Emma won’t be there with her father.” J.J. took a seat.


“You did remember that Penny and Emma go to that dance every year with their father?” Seth gave him a strange look.

“No, I did not.” Channing stood.

“Calm down. You and Emma parted amicably. Right?” Tyler quipped.

“I’ve been trying to talk to Emma for over a month. Whenever I try to get some closure, she bolts.”

J.J. scratched at his beard. “I thought you took care of that when she came to visit you at Blake Enterprises.”

“Everybody settle down. I heard Cal tell my dad that Russ Winterbourne wouldn’t be going to the dance this year. They were getting ready for Penny’s wedding.” Bo said.

“Whew.” Channing sank back down on a blanket.

“I didn’t know Penny was getting married. Did you know, Seth?” Tate asked.

“As a matter of fact I did. Penny and I are still on the board of the Main Street Clinic. We chat sometimes after the meetings. She told me personally. I wished her well. Her fiancé, Clint Dennison, is a doctor, has an outstanding reputation. He occasionally gives wellness seminars at the clinic. They met there.” Seth took a swig of his beer.

“Back to how you didn’t tell Emma you two were really over. What happened?” Tyler asked.

“We argued when she came to visit me. She said I was stringing her along and that all Blake men were the same.”

They all looked at Seth.

Seth held up his hands. “It sounds like Emma’s memory is a little fuzzy. We’ve all discussed that relationship, ad nauseam.”

“Sounds like you have some unfinished business with her. If I were you I’d do it sooner than later.” Tate patted him on the back.


* * *


Two hours later Cassidy had to take a seat after dancing with John Jacob again. He didn’t act like a man who’d been hospitalized for getting frisky with his wife in the kitchen. He danced with all the women in his life and had a great time showing off every time someone passed their table. She was so moved that they’d included her that she was still a little choked up when John Jacob asked for his third dance of the night.

“You are a good dancer, young lady.” John Jacob sat down in the chair beside her.

“Thank you. I took dance classes for years when I was a little girl.” She laughed.

“Are you enjoying your visit so far?”

“I’m having a great time. Channing said I’d like his view of Texas, and I love it. Everyone in your family has been so hospitable and kind and…” It hit her how good a time she was having.

“Cassidy, is something wrong?”

“No. Let’s just say I’ve been unplugged from the world for a while, and it’s refreshing to be part of something.”

He winked at her. “You are a welcome addition to our family. I haven’t seen my son this happy in a long time.”






Channing was waiting for her when the limousine arrived at the house. Cassidy barely had enough time to wave goodnight to everyone before he whisked her away.

“Did you have a good time?” He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her through garden toward the guesthouse.

“Yes. Your dad is a really good dancer. It was hard to keep up with him.” She giggled.

“He’s all right,” he murmured.

“And very handsome. Good looks run in the family.” She nudged him to get the pout off his lips.

“Well, that’s true.” He opened the door for her.

“If you don’t mind, I’m feeling a little tired. I’m going to change for bed.”

Cassidy knew she had her work cut out for her getting out of the fancy clothes and removing the makeup, so she took her time. She stepped out of the heels, thankful she was able to dance in those things. Next she removed her wig and ran her hand over her head. The cool air felt good on her scalp. She looked for the tissue box to begin the daunting task of removing makeup. She heard the door handle move.

“Cassie, I have some fresh towels for you.”

She shrieked when Channing opened the door. She didn’t know what to do so she jumped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to grab the wig off the counter.

This was terrible. She had to get to that wig.

“Channing, what are you doing in here?”

“I just wanted to bring you some towels.” He tugged at the curtain. She grabbed it and held it closed.

“Thanks. Can you please leave?” she squeaked.

“Why?” His deep voice echoed in the bathroom. “Is something wrong?”

“No. I just need more time to get ready for bed.” She sniffed. “You have to get out of here.”

“Are you crying?” He tugged at the curtain again.

“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “I need you to hand me the wig on the counter.”

“I didn’t know you wore a wig,” he said.

“One of the side effects of the treatment was hair loss. It’s pretty common. I’ve been wearing a wig for a while now.” Cassidy pulled back the curtain but closed her eyes. She was too afraid to see the look on his face.

Suddenly she felt his lips against hers. The kiss felt nice and soft, but then she felt his lips move to her cheeks, her nose, as he cupped her face with his hands and drew her closer. A moment later he tilted her head forward and kissed it too. He ran his hands over her head with a light, featherlike touch.

“You are even more beautiful than the day we met.”

“Please don’t—”

“Tell the truth?” He silenced her with a kiss.

It seemed ridiculous to be standing in the bathtub, so he helped her out of it and led her to his bedroom. She went to his closet and retrieved the pink bag, eager to be ready for him. Cassidy opened his shirt, exposing his well-defined pecs. She ran her tongue along his jawline and down his neck, taking in his masculine scent. He moaned when she nipped at his nipples.

She arched her back and moaned when he bit down on her breast, and all she could do was hold on for dear life. The ripples of pleasure resonating through her were so raw she felt…like a woman again. There was only Channing, and the rest of the world faded away.

He applied some of the lubricant on her then slipped on a condom. When he buried himself insider her, she gripped his shoulders and hung on for dear life until the waves of ecstasy escalated. Goodness, he’d found her elusive G-spot. She was convinced she didn’t have one, but he continued to hit his mark like he was ringing a doorbell. Channing picked up the pace, stopping to ask if she were OK. She slapped him on the butt as an incentive move faster, and he did. He pumped in and out of her until she climaxed, and she could hear him continue to slap into her body. Finally he tightened his grip on her and roared in her ear.



Channing could feel her breath on his shoulder becoming labored. He ran his hand over her smooth head, enjoying the feel of her, the real her. Didn’t she know how beautiful she was? Hair had nothing to do with it. Without the distraction of a long mane of hair, her features were magnified. She could give any supermodel a run for her money. But he knew she didn’t want to hear that. He needed to reassure her that her inner beauty outshined the exterior.

“Cassie?” he whispered.

She stirred. “Hmm?”

“There aren’t words that can express how happy I am.”

“I think you just did.” She giggled.

“I love you.”

It seemed like an eternity waiting for her response. Did he say it too soon? Should he have given her some time to process it all? Maybe—

“I love you too. Now get some sleep. I expect you to repeat that tomorrow so I know I wasn’t dreaming.”

He caressed her back. “How about I tell you every day for the rest of our lives?”

“Even better.”


* * *



Channing was in such a euphoric, deep sleep it took a few minutes to realize Cassidy was frantically calling his name. His eyes flew open. Cassidy was sweating, and she didn’t look well. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not feeling so good. Can you get me a glass of water?”

“Sure.” He pulled back the cover and got up to get a better look at her. She was drenched with sweat. He put his hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up.”

Channing sprinted into the bathroom and got the digital thermometer he kept in the drawer and a glass of water from the tap. He went back and took her temperature. The device beeped rapidly. He knew without looking at the display it wasn’t a good sign.

“One hundred and one. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“No.” She got out of bed. “Just let me take some aspirin, and we’ll see if the fever breaks. I’ve been through this before.”

He shook his head. “I’m getting your robe out of your room, then we’re leaving.” Channing pulled on his shirt and headed for her room.

“Please, wait. Don’t make a big deal out of it.” Cassidy followed him down the hall. “Channing.”

Her speech began to slur, and he could see her knees buckling. Channing ran back in time to catch her in his arms.


* * *


John Jacob and Teri-Lyn followed the ambulance to the hospital. As soon as they arrived, a group of doctors, including the head of oncology of the cancer center, was waiting for them. They bypassed the emergency wing and immediately took her to a private room where they started an IV and began running a series of tests. Channing refused to leave her, so they just worked around him while he held her hand.

Two hours later, when Cassidy finally drifted off to sleep, he went out into the hall to find his parents talking to one of the doctors.

“C.J., this is Clint Dennison, the head of the oncology department,” John Jacob said.

“Thank you, Dr. Dennison, for coming in at this hour. She was diagnosed with stage two cervical cancer about a year and a half ago. She was treated with both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. She’s been in remission for three months now. And…” He looked at his parents. Now was not the time to be shy when the woman he loved was in a hospital bed fighting for her life. “We were intimate tonight. Her sex drive had been returning lately.”

“You’re very thorough. I wish all of my patients had someone like you in their lives. I’ll have a conference Cassidy’s oncologist in the morning. Her immune system may still be a bit low, but we’ll run some a few more tests to make sure the cancer hasn’t come back. In the meantime we’re going to keep her here for a few days.”

“Thanks, Doctor.”

Dr. Dennison left to consult with another doctor about Cassidy. Channing turned to his parents.

“Mama, Daddy, thanks for coming. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep?”

“Channing Blake, I’ll put you over my knee in this hospital. That’s not what we do in this family. We’re worried about Cassidy too.” Teri-Lyn wagged her finger at him.

“I think we’ve proven many times in the last six months we can hold up good in a hospital.” John Jacob gave him a reassuring smile.

Channing looked down the hall to see Tyler and Seth coming their way.

“How’s she doing?” Seth asked.

“She’s asleep. They’re running tests, and she’s on antibiotics. We’ll learn more when the tests come back. They must have taken a quart of blood from her. Please tell me it’s only the two of you. The whole family isn’t in the parking lot, are they?”

“No, we agreed to be the ambassadors, but it was hard to keep the ladies away.” Seth sighed.

Tyler handed him a bag. “Michelle and Morgan packed Cassidy some things from the guesthouse. We brought you some fresh clothes too. What can we do to help?”

Channing let out a dry laugh. He was so taken aback by the love and support. It was all he could do not to succumb the fear and fatigue that welled up inside him. He wasn’t alone; he had his family to support him. Why did Cassidy choose to face this all by herself?

“Who’s her doctor?” Seth asked.

“Penny’s fiancé. Clint Dennison.”

Seth scratched his beard and chuckled. “What a small world.”

“What do you mean?” Teri-Lyn asked.

“He’s Penny’s fiancé,” Seth replied.

“So Cassidy’s in good hands?” John Jacob asked.

“The best.”


* * *


It was day two in the hospital, and Cassidy was showing signs of improvement. They cited an infection, not a resurgence of the cancer, as the cause of the fever and began treating it aggressively with antibiotics. Once she was resigned to having to stay in the hospital in Texas for a few more days, she called DC and informed her boss and a few friends that she’d be out of town for at least a week.

Channing decided to attend a cancer survivor’s meeting going on in the hospital while Cassidy went for more tests. He normally attended evening meetings after work, but he felt like he needed to go. On the way back he stopped at the gift shop and bought her a teddy bear. Cassidy’s room was already flooded with flowers and gifts from the Blakes. The boys sent her a tin filled with toy cars, a couple of their favorite books and get-well-soon drawings.

He entered the room to find the orderly putting her back in the bed. She looked a thousand percent better than she had when she was admitted. She even sported a cute, pink bandanna on her head.

“Aren’t these the most beautiful flowers you’ve ever seen?” She adjusted herself in the bed.

“Very nice. Those are from my mama’s garden.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss.

“How are you feeling?”

“Much better. They poked and prodded all morning. The nurse started me on the next cycle of antibiotics a little while ago.” She pointed to the new bags of meds on the IV pole. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“You’re kidding right? I had to call the paramedics after we made love the other night.” He gave her a strange look.

“I don’t want your life to change because of me.”

“Too late.” He kissed her hand.

“I must have scared the crap out of you.”

“When I retell this story I’m going to say you were exhausted to the point of collapse from my arduous love making skills.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“I want a do over. When I get out of here I’m going to rock your world.” She smiled.

“I’m counting on it.”

“Want to watch television? There’s a game show that I like to watch.”

“Whatever the patient wants.”

“What I want is to cuddle with you.” She pulled back her bed sheets.

Channing removed his sneakers and cozied up next to Cassidy. He was happy that she was OK. The nurse came in and checked on her and said lunch would be coming around soon. As they watched television and talked, he stole glimpses of her as she giggled at the corny jokes the host made. He’d been afraid he was going to lose her, and that was something he didn’t want to experience again.

Cassidy was fighting sleep, but he held her closer, hoping she’d relax into the warmth of his body and give into the feeling. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be with her, something he’d never felt with another woman. The game show was over and she’d finally fallen asleep, so he reached for the remote to turn down the volume. A knock on the door jarred him from thoughts.

“C.J.?” Emma poked her head in, but when she saw him, she quickly disappeared.

Channing eased out of the bed so as not to wake Cassidy and went out into the hall. “Emma, what are you doing here?”

“Penny said you were here at the hospital with a sick friend, and I had to come see for myself.” Emma pouted. “Is that the woman from DC?”

“Yes. You met Cassidy at the party you crashed.”

“I thought I was surprising you,” she snipped.

“Whatever. What are you doing here? What’s so important that you have to talk to me now?”

“Oh, so all of a sudden you don’t have time for me because of your sick girlfriend in there?”

“Every time I make time for you, it turns into a disaster,” he snapped. “And frankly I gave up waiting for you to decide if it’s worth being in a relationship with me. I won’t apologize for that.”

“I knew you were going to break my heart. That’s all the Blake men ever do. You go around discarding women like they’re playthings. Just like Seth did to Penny. It must be a family trait.”

“My brother did not screw over your sister.” Channing’s voice rose. “The way I remember it, Penny played double bluff, and she lost him. He loved her, and to say that he was some kind of heartless jerk only does a disservice to the relationship they had. It ended and they both moved on.”

“She hurt for a long time. When they broke up a part of me hurt too. I loved Seth like a brother.” Emma’s lip trembled.

It was becoming clearer to him now. The casualties in that breakup spanned farther than either of the families would admit. He remembered that Emma had adored Seth. It took some time for the Blakes and Winterbournes to be civil with each other.

“I saw them as the perfect couple too.” He ran a hand over his face. “I can’t change the past, and neither can you. But that doesn’t excuse you from the roller coaster ride you’ve taken me on the last two years. Maybe you ran out of fear because the first part of the fantasy didn’t come to fruition. But it’s not just that. Do you realize how often you mention me moving away from the ranch? The dirt on that ranch runs through my veins. My family is there. I am happy there. It’s where I belong. And I belong there with someone who isn’t tortured by the history of my family. I loved you for a long time. I’ll always love you. But it’s not going to work for us.”

BOOK: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)
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