Temptation (The Temptation Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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“Is that right Mr Summers? Well
seeing I am the household bread winner now, I expect a hot cooked roast dinner
on the table waiting for me when I get home and an hour long foot rub, because
these shoes are starting to punish me.”

“Your wish in my command Miss
half-a-Mill.” I laughed, he really did know how to make a joke about pretty
much anything.

“Don’t you forget it. I’ll
call you later when I know what’s happening. Love you, bye.” I hung up just as
Bryce walked around the corner, he literally fell into the lounge.

“Is everything alright, how
is Lucy?” I got up and sat next to his seat, he seemed in shock. “Bryce?”

“Yes, yes she’s fine.” He
snapped out of it.

“She’s terrifying, but fine.
Guess what? I’m an Uncle.” He looked up, I could see his eyes start to well
with tears.

“I’m an Uncle Alexis, Uncle
Bryce.” He jumped up and pulled me into his arms.
Geez he’s strong.
hugged me so tight and practically spun me around.

“I’m an Uncle.” He gently put
me down and apologised, he ran his hands through his hair.
Ooooh Fuck, he
looks hot when he does that.

“Sorry, I’m just so, so, shit,
unprepared.” He slumped back down on the lounge.

“I don’t know the first thing
about being an Uncle.” This man was like no other, rich, powerful, strong,
obnoxious, a force to be reckoned with, yet he was also kind, caring, selfless,
scared and unsure of himself.

“I’m not an Uncle, but I am
an Aunty and all you need to know is how to love your nephew, I think you’ve
already got that down pat.” I touched his leg and gave him a reassuring look. I
really needed to avoid touching him, the feelings and sensations that coursed
through me were very hard to cope with. I retracted my hand and stood up. I
turned my back to him in the hope he couldn’t sense my embarrassment.

“I don’t know what the coffee
is like but the tea is alright, can I make you one?”

“No, I’m going to need
something stronger come on.” He gently grabbed my arm and led me out.




“Where are we going?” I
asked, as he ushered me along the hospital corridor.

“I need to take the chopper
back; they don’t allow long term parking on their helipads!” I liked his
sarcastic sense of humour, it’s fun to play with.

“Right, makes sense.” He led
me out to the helipad and helped me up into the front of the Helicopter, he
placed his hand on my hip and the other on my arse to boost me up.
Not that
I really needed boosting.
I didn’t want to make a big deal of his
inappropriate grope so just ignored it, but, the stirring in my groin was hard
to overlook. He reached over to buckle me in, his head was only inches from
mine, he smelt so good.
Oh please, hurry up and get that freakin buckle in,
I’m about to hyperventilate.
He was ‘smirking’, I glared at him.

“You’re enjoying this aren’t
you?” He laughed.

“Yes, but your safety is my
utmost concern, there you go all buckled in.” He reached for a headset for me
from under my seat. Now his head was basically in my lap.
Seriously Bryce
you are killing me.
I clenched my thighs together as hard as they would go.
Think about Poo and Snot and Baby Vomit and all things disgusting Alexis.
This man was getting the better of me, I’m not sure I like him getting the
better of me. I do like it, but do I like him having the upper hand? I could
step it up a little and try and beat him at his own smirking, flirting and
groping game, but will it work? Or will it just fuel his fire? Is that crossing
the line? I’m married, he isn’t. I’m dwelling on this far too much, probably
because I have just had an emotional couple of hours. It’s easy, go with the
flow, but don’t cross any lines.

“Do you know what it is you
are looking for down there, Mr Clark?” I opened my legs to allow him easier
access but kept my knees well and truly together, he gritted his teeth and
didn’t look at me for a moment or two. When he did finally meet my gaze, his eyes
burned with lust.

“I always know what I’m
looking for down in this vicinity, Ms Summers.” He removed his hand from
beneath my seat and placed the headset in my lap, it took every ounce of me to
keep my knees together.

“I should hope so, Mr Clark.”
I put the headset on, he burst into laughter, took it off my head, turned it
around and put it on the correct way, continuing to laugh and shake his head as
he closed my door. He jumped in and we took off for City Towers, as we
approached his magnificent building he circled it once. I shouted through the
headset, although I forgot I didn’t need to shout.

“Admiring your handy work Mr
Clark? The view is just beautiful.” He spoke so softly through the headset.

“The one next to me is better.”
I looked over at him in shock, he didn’t return my gaze. He landed the chopper
and helped me out, there was awkwardness between us from his declaration
moments ago. I followed him inside to his bar, he got two glasses out, poured
himself a Scotch and me a Gin. We sat down on the lounge opposite each other
and he handed me my drink.

“You and your creepy
research.” Gin is my drink of choice.

“It’s….” I mimicked his

“I know, I know. It’s what I
do Ms Summers.” I raised my glass. “Cheers, Congratulations Uncle Bryce.” He
squinted his eyes at me and I reckon if we were a lot younger he would have
probably poked his tongue out too, he leaned over and clinked my glass.

“Thanks, what a morning! I’ve
got to hand it to you ladies, that is a hard act to follow.” I laughed.

“What child birth? Ha, that’s
not an act, she did a great job and so did you.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to
do it if you weren’t there.” He looked at me sincerely.

“Really Alexis, you were
amazing and you kept me grounded, that’s,” he hesitated a moment.  “That’s not
something I’m used to.” He leaned back on his couch, putting one arm up on the
head rest and the other one resting on his leg holding his Scotch. He looked so
comfortable, and so incredibly hot in his jeans and t-shirt, it was a loose
t-shirt, but due to the size of his pecks and biceps it clung to him in all the
right places.

“Thank you, but it was
nothing really, it pays to have experienced it yourself that’s all.” I tried to
dismiss his compliment, I’m really not very good at receiving compliments, it’s
not that I don’t get them, Rick is always telling me he loves me and praising
me, it’s just I don’t think I deserve such sentiments for being just me. Now,
if I had actually delivered Lucy’s son, well yes, I’d accept the praise!

“Oh, by the way, you have
Jessica scheduled in at 3pm, I didn’t know who she was or how to contact her so
I was unable to cancel, also I didn’t cancel the 5 o’clock meeting either.”

“Don’t worry about Jessica,
I’ll deal with her.” He obviously didn’t know Lucy had filled me in on who
Jessica actually was, it was completely understandable that he would see a
therapist, what he had been through was terrible. I didn’t question him any
further about Jessica, if he was protecting his pride, then who was I to bring
that protection down.

“So Alexis, did Lucy give you
a tour when you were here last?”

“Yes, just briefly, your
apartment is amazing, she mentioned she stayed here every now and again, which
must be nice. She also mentioned you had a private elevator and an
Observatory.  It was only a quick tour, mainly just to familiarise me with
yours truly so that I can do my job more efficiently.” I was sounding
defensive, I really didn’t want him to think I was snooping around his place.

“And rightly so, you will
need to get to know me very well in order to do your job properly, which is why
I have configured your keycard to allow access to my apartment.”

“Oh, thanks.” Slightly
confused I took another swig.
access to his private residence.

“So what else has my darling
sister told you about me?” He looked so laid back and with a touch of arrogance,
he lounged back on his couch. It was this display that seemed to trigger my
inner naughty Alexis.

“Who says she’s told me
anything, I may have my own talent in creepy research!” I decided I’d mimic his
relaxed position, so I wiggled back into the seat, crossed my legs and put one
arm behind my head.
Alexis, you probably look ridiculous!

His stare penetrated my body
to its core, my heart started to pound, the physical and sexual tension in the
space between us was immense. I noticed his free hand clench into a fist, then
release again. What was I doing? I was beginning to understand just how much I
was affecting him and possibly torturing him, this wasn’t me, I’m not normally
like this. It’s just I can't help myself around him, I think he does this to

“Well lets hear it? Your
creepy research that is.” His tension, eased!

“Ok, you are incredibly
wealthy and innovative and have created an empire of luxurious Hotels
worldwide. You’re 36 years of age, adore your sister and baby nephew. You have
impeccable taste in décor. You are a Helicopter Pilot, Guitarist, Pianist,
Astronomer and Martial Art Guru. You like to cook, conduct creepy research and
you have an allergy to nuts!” He leaned forward and placed his empty glass on
the coffee table between us.

“Is that all?”
arrogance of this man.
I placed my empty glass down on the coffee table

“You suffered a devastating
loss, when your parents and younger brother died in a car accident. You have an
estranged relationship with your Uncle, yet seem to get along with his son. You
are highly desirable by women all around you yet you remain single. Why?
Because, you haven’t met your match yet!” I sat there frozen,
Oh Fuck, did I
just say all that? Shit, shit, he is going to have me thrown out.
I stood
straight up and put my hands to my mouth.

“Shit, I’m so sorry. I, I
didn’t mean, Shit” I spun around and practically ran for the front door.

Seconds later I felt a hand
on my arm and I was suddenly pinned against the entryway wall, he had both
hands pressed against the wall on either side of my head.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have
said any of that, it was inappropriate and rude. I’m so sorry.” He looked
directly into my eyes.

“Don’t be sorry, you were
right, except for one thing, I have found my match.” He leaned in and kissed me
passionately, he moved his hands from the wall and placed them on the sides of
my face. I was momentarily stunned, my hands were splayed out on the wall
behind me, at first I wanted to fight him off, but he tasted so good. He was a
superb kisser, his lips were soft and his tongue was incredible, it possessed
mine entirely, I opened my eyes, and pushed him back.

“Stop,” I whispered

“I can’t do this!” He didn’t
argue, he rested his forehead on mine.

“I can’t do this Bryce. I’m
married and I love my husband, I’m not the kind of person to cheat, ever” I
fought back the tears, he moved aside to provide some space between us and put
one hand in his hair and the other across his mouth.

“Shit, Alexis, I’m sorry.
Fuck!” He turned away and headed for the kitchen. I stood there with my back
against the wall for what seemed like eternity. What have I done?
This is
all your fault Alexis.
You flirted with him knowing he had feelings for
you. You crossed the line and lead him on. Now you have hurt him and fucked up
your job. I pushed off the wall and cautiously entered the kitchen. Bryce was
leaning against the bench with his head in his hands.

“Bryce, this is all my fault,
I shouldn’t have flirted with you, I was enjoying it a lot, maybe too much and
I let it go too far. I’m sorry. I never thought you would want to take it any
further, I’ll go and clear out my stuff.”

“Alexis No.” He was firm, yet

“Alexis, please don’t leave,
I should never have kissed you without your consent, I promise it won’t happen
again. I want you to stay and I think you want to stay as well.”

I did want to stay, more than
anything. This past week has been amazing, I have felt energetic, exhilarated
and a bit like the Alexis I once was before I had kids. Don’t get me wrong I
love my kids and I love being a mother and wife, but I gave up my single life
very early on and sacrificed my career for a family. I would never go back on
those decisions nor do I regret them at all, this was now the time to get a
little bit of the old me back and I needed that for my own sanity. I just lost
control a little bit, that’s all.

“No I don’t want to leave, I
love being here, I feel like I was meant to be here, but I am married and I
have two beautiful children that depend on me to make decisions in their best

“I know, I’m sorry. Just
don’t leave, I need you to stay.”

“I’m not going anywhere Bryce
if you don’t want me too, but I do need some air. You’re about to see Jessica
and I need lunch.”

“In that case take as much
time as you need, although the meeting tonight will still go ahead, so I’ll see
you back in the office at five.” He gave me an unsure smile, I nodded my head
and exited the room. I left his apartment I headed straight for the elevator, I
had to get some fresh air and dissect what the hell just happened.
Alexis, what
had just happened was so horribly wrong, but somehow it felt right, it felt
very right, how could that be?

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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