Read Taydelaan Online

Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More, #Bolt Uploaded


BOOK: Taydelaan
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Kayla has been hurt before so it feels very safe to secretly fall a little in love with her best friend and her best friend’s husband.

Jessica and David have a few secrets of their own, and the fact that they’ve both fallen in love with Kayla is probably the least shocking of them. They’ve been searching for their Taydelaan, or third, the one who completes them, but they found Kayla instead, and no matter how sensible it should be to walk away, neither Jessica nor David wants to. They love Kayla and are willing to alter their plans for the future just to stay with her.

But in an effort not to hurt the woman they love, they’ve left out a few essential details. When Kayla finds out and their world comes crashing down, will they be able to convince her she is exactly where she belongs?

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction
21,130 words


Rachel Clark


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More


Copyright © 2011 by Rachel Clark

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-191-0

First E-book Publication: January 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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For everyone who dreams of that special person but is yet to find them…Don't give up. Sometimes love has a funny way of finding us.



Copyright © 2011


Kayla could barely breathe.

Her chest squeezed tight, and her eyes filled with tears, making it that much harder to find her clothes. Where the fuck was her other shoe? She’d managed to drag her slacks and shirt back on as she fought the nausea that threatened to bring her to her knees. Humiliation burned white hot as she finally abandoned the shoe and left her lover’s apartment.

Never in a million years would she forget the look on her lover’s

Six months they’d been dating, six long, strange, not exactly perfect months, but plenty of time to build the fantasy in her mind. Half a year of planning and dreaming and wondering if this was the one, the beginning of her happily ever after.

The bastard never mentioned he was married.

She nearly made it to her car, but the urge to vomit overwhelmed her, and she fell to her knees. Her stomach emptied violently, but she refused to stay a moment longer than she absolutely had to. She climbed into her car, wiped her eyes so that she could see, and headed for home. Her apartment wasn’t far from here, but now it seemed way too close to a man who would treat her so poorly.

The expression on his wife’s face flashed through her mind again.

Nope, never in a million years would she forget that look.

Chapter One

Two years later…

Kayla sat on the plastic chair in the crowded food court and listened to David and Jessica tease each other. Now this was a perfect marriage.

They knew each other well. They respected each other’s opinions. They had lunch together most days. Yes, this was the sort of marriage Kayla had once dreamed of. Not anymore, though. David and Jessica were the one-in-a-million couple, but Kayla wasn’t silly enough to hope she’d one day find the same. She was content to simply have good friends.

She smiled as David laughed harder, his good humor lightening her heart even as dark memories crowded her head. Why today? Why was she thinking of the asshole? It had been nearly two years since she’d seen him. She’d quit her job soon after—working in the same building had proven even more humiliating than she’d expected—packed her meager possessions, and driven three hours to the next major city.

She was much happier here. She’d taken the first job she’d been offered and had worked there ever since. It wasn’t designing, but it kept her close to these two. Jessica and David were good friends, so even though she should really take her life off hold and get back to the career she’d studied so hard for, she found the idea of not seeing Jessica and David every day too hard to bear. So she worked as a secretary by day and halfheartedly sketched designs at night.

It was a good life. It was. Really.

“Ready to go back to the office?” Jessica asked.

“No,” Kayla said with a smile, but she moved to collect her trash and their empty trays.

“We could take the afternoon off and go shopping,” Jessica said as she wrapped an arm around Kayla’s elbow. “Maybe get facials or manicures or…I don’t know. Anything but go back to the office.”

Kayla laughed. That was one way to force her to get her design career back on track—get fired from the job that currently paid the bills.

“As fabulous as that all sounds, I think I should head back before my boss decides I’m not worth the buck-fifty an hour.” Okay, so she earned more than that, but there were weeks when it sure felt like minimum wage. She certainly didn’t get paid enough to put up with her boss’s fairly regular tantrums. “But you go. The boss is not going to bat an eyelash at her star accountant taking an afternoon off.”

Jessica laughed. Still holding Kayla’s arm, she turned to her husband and kissed him good-bye. David gave her his usual farewell hug, but for a weird moment Kayla imagined that he was going to kiss her as well. Just as her heart leaped into her throat with a mixture of anticipation, anxiety, and guilt, he pulled back. Happily, he grinned at them both and then walked away.

Kayla watched him go, admiring his casual, confident stride in tight-fitting jeans for quite a while before she realized what she was doing. Heaven help her. She was lusting after her best friend’s husband. Guiltily, she glanced at the woman beside her. Jessica’s attention, thankfully, was also on the man walking away from them. Kayla tried really hard to rein in her rampant thoughts. The fact that she seemed as attracted to Jessica as she was to Jessica’s husband was not something she planned to admit, even to herself.

She must’ve made some sound of distress, because Jessica suddenly let go of Kayla’s arm and placed her hands on either side of Kayla’s face. She stared into Kayla’s eyes, her gaze intense, searching. Her smile faltered, and Kayla had the weirdest feeling that Jessica was reading her mind.

BOOK: Taydelaan
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