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Authors: Marie Haynes

Tasting Pleasure (10 page)

BOOK: Tasting Pleasure
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Paul raised his head and grinned at her.

“You see, Alicia, no need for instruction, just lie back and enjoy yourself,” he said.

Panting, Alicia simply nodded.

“Do you know,” he continued, “what a pleasure it is to attend to a beautiful woman?” He reached beneath her and untied the apron. Carelessly he dropped it to the ground. “Do you know—I suppose you do, though—what a thrill it is to watch another person melt under your hands?” He trailed kisses down her stomach, his hands gliding over her hips.

“Yes,” Alicia whispered. “I do.”

“Here is my command, then.”


“Enjoy.” Paul dipped his head between her thighs and, spreading her nether lips apart with his fingers, flicked the tip of her clit with his tongue.

Alicia jumped, and shockwaves of pleasure coursed through her. Paul continued to attack her clit, poking and prodding it with his mouth and tongue until it filled with blood and stood erect. Then he drew it into his mouth as if it were a tiny penis and sucked. Alicia lifted her hips to meet his mouth, clawing at the brocade covers on the bed. She cried out again when Paul inserted two fingers into her pussy, pulsing them in rhythm with his mouth. Using his other hand, he began to rub and tease her anus, dipping a third finger into her pussy, gathering wetness, then with exquisite slowness, inserting it deep into her rectum. Alicia’s breath came in short gasps as she bucked against Paul’s mouth.

“No!” she called as he pulled out his fingers, and she suddenly sat up. She reached out for him, bereft at the loss of his touch.

“Yes!” he responded, grasping her hips and impaling her on his rod.

Alicia threw her head back, clenching her muscles around his manhood. Paul thrust into her, again and again. Lifting her legs to his shoulders, he leaned over her, nearly bending her in half, and pulled a nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God!” she called out. She was sure the depth of him within her would split her apart, but what a way to go! Feeling her body quiver, Alicia dug her hands into Paul’s tight, hard arse, pulling him in even deeper. Trying desperately to hold off her own final pleasure, Alicia squeezed her eyes shut. Suddenly Paul released her nipple and buried his head in her shoulder, his body shuddering. Alicia, feeling the cheeks beneath her hands become rock hard, opened her eyes and cried out again, the colours of the room melting into the colours of her mind as the orgasm crashed over them both.

Afterwards, they simply lay in each other’s arms, trying to catch their breath.

“You poor girl,” Paul said, rolling off her, “I must have crushed you.”

“You did,” Alicia smiled. “It was wonderful.”

Paul laughed and pulled her to him. She rested her head against his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.








Chapter Eight




Cheesy Hash Browns


2 large russet potatoes

2 strips bacon cut into pieces

1 Tablespoon butter

1/2 cup milk

1/3 cup Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


Wash and scrub potatoes, leaving skins on. Grate. Squeeze out excess moisture from potatoes. In a Cast Iron skillet, fry bacon pieces until translucent. Add potatoes and fry until they begin to brown. Add butter, milk and cheese, stirring to prevent clumping or burning. Season with salt and pepper.


“So what are your plans for the day?” Paul asked the next morning.

“Actually, I don’t have any. Tomorrow I’ll need to do some marketing and cooking for another client, but today I’m open,” Alicia responded while flipping an egg.

Alicia had slept for two hours the night before then awoke to a nibble on her breast. Apparently Paul recovered quickly, because twice more during the night they had made love. Finally exhausted, both Paul and Alicia had slept in the next morning. Now, dressed in one of Paul’s T-shirts, Alicia was preparing breakfast, American style—fried eggs, a slice of ham, hash brown potatoes and sourdough toast. The slight ache between her thighs reminded Alicia of Paul’s virility. Secretly she hoped he would take her at least once more before dismissing her. At the moment, though, Alicia grinned, noticing he was already salivating, his mind clearly on food.

“In that case, why not spend the day with me?” he offered.

“That would be fabulous, Paul. I’d like that.” Alicia smiled as she set the plate of food in front of him, thoroughly enjoying the way his eyes widened and his jaw dropped at the sight of breakfast.

Quickly, he picked up his knife and fork and began shovelling the hot food into his mouth.

“Holy Christ!” he said between mouthfuls, “this is heavenly!”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Alicia answered as she daintily cut a bite of ham.

“I usually get by with a piece of toast and some tea. Anyway,” Paul continued, “I’ve a bit of shopping to do and thought you might enjoy an outing. Besides, I’d like to give you something—a remembrance of our time together.”

Alicia dropped her fork and stared at him.

“What?” Paul asked, frowning in obvious confusion.

“I’m not a whore, Paul. You don’t have to pay me,” she said quietly, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

“What?” he questioned again. Then, “Oh, Oh!” as he apparently finally understood the insult he had just delivered. “No, Alicia, I didn’t mean it like that!” He too dropped his fork and held her hand.

Alicia, looking directly into his eyes, saw true remorse.

“Sometimes when I say things, they just don’t come out right. I never thought of you as a whore—never will! It’s just that last night— Well, it was special for me.” He looked down and seemed to stumble for words.

“It was for me too, Paul,” Alicia said, trying to fill in the awkward silence.

“Please, just come with me. You’ll understand. I guess I’m asking you to trust me, forgive me too. Truly, I didn’t mean to offend you.” He gave her a lopsided grin.

How could she resist that?

“Sure, I’ll go with you. But on one condition,” she added.

“You got it.”

“You clean up again while I bathe.”

Paul laughed and kissed her hand before grabbing his fork again. “Done!”


* * * *


A few hours later, after Alicia had helped Paul select a gift for his mother—a beautiful hand-painted silk scarf—she and Paul entered a small gallery. Alicia turned in a circle, eyes wide, mesmerised by the explosion of colour and texture.

“Oh, Paul,” she murmured, “your work is incredible.”

“Glad you like it.” He smiled. “I’ll be right back.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head and walked into the back room. Alicia slowly made her way around the gallery, shaking her head in amazement. How could he come up with the ideas for these breathtaking paintings?

“Here we are,” Paul announced, obviously holding something behind his back. “This is what I wanted to give you. I painted it a few months ago. For some reason, though, I didn’t want to display it. It was almost as if I was…well, called to create this.”

Alicia cocked her head and began to fiddle with her braid, unsure of what to say.

“Anyway,” he continued, “after meeting you I know why I had to paint it.”

“Why is that?” she asked quietly.

“Because I dreamed of you.” He pulled the small, framed painting from behind his back.

Soft lavender melted into sea green waves then crashed against each other, creating a tidal wave of deep purple lined with magenta and culminating in dark forest greens. Alicia was speechless.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” he asked, frowning.

“How did you know?” she wondered, bringing her hand up to her chest.

“Know what?”

“When I come.”


“When I come,” Alicia said, tears springing to her eyes. “That’s what I see—the colours. I see beautiful colours. And when it’s good—really good, like last night—the colours are vibrant purples and greens! How did you know?”

“I didn’t,” Paul answered, looking again at the painting. “Like I said, I had a dream one night and when I woke up I couldn’t get this image out of my mind—not until I had it on canvas.” He grinned. “I guess I really was dreaming of you.”

Alicia wrapped her arms around him and kissed him gently on each cheek. “Thank you, Paul. This is the best gift I’ve ever received.” She wiped a tear away.

He gave her a lopsided grin and said, “Then turn off the tap. Come on, you’ve cooked for me enough. Let me take you out for lunch. Then maybe you can explain to me why you have an air of sadness around your eyes.”

Alicia linked hands with Paul and shook her head in bewilderment. It was true. The last few months had provided her with more contentment than ever before in her adult life, but still, something, some sadness, tickled the back of her mind. But how, she wondered, had Paul picked up on that? Considering the painting and her response to him, perhaps the two of them truly did share a special connection.


* * * *


“So,” Paul began an hour later as the two of them shared a pot of tea, “tell Uncle Paul what troubles you.”

Alicia smiled in response. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

Paul simply stared at her until Alicia began to squirm.

“Okay,” Alicia sighed, “I’ll tell you, but really, it’s nothing. The last few months have been wonderful. Professionally, my business is taking off, I’m improving my cooking skills, I’m doing what I love and making a decent living off of it.”

“Yeah?” Paul encouraged.

“And Maverick—he’s, well, he’s…” Alicia waved her hands, unsure of how to describe Maverick.

“Are you happy when you are with him?”

“Yes!” Alicia answered immediately. “I feel— This is hard. I’ve never tried to put how I feel into words.”

“I’m a good listener.” Paul reached over the table to hold her hand.

Alicia wasn’t sure if he realised it, but the simple movement of his thumb over her knuckles was beginning make her tingle.

“I feel complete. When I am at his disposal—either his personally or if he lends me out—well, I feel…” Still struggling for the right word, Alicia began to fidget. “I feel…empowered!”

“Good! That’s how you should feel—at least if your nature truly is that of a submissive.” Paul smiled.

“I don’t understand. How can I feel powerful and submissive at the same time?” she questioned.

“Because, my dear, it isn’t the master who holds the power, it is the submissive. Only she—or he—has the power to say ‘enough’,” Paul explained.

Alicia mulled that one over in her head for a while. “You’re right. I never thought of it that way before. It makes sense though,” she responded.

“One problem solved, then! Now, what else is on your mind?”

“I don’t know anyone,” she blurted out.

“You know me.”

“True, but that’s not what I mean. I don’t have any girlfriends. I’m actually lonely, I think.” Alicia realised what she was saying was the truth.

“What about Megan? I know the two of you have been introduced.” Paul sipped his tea and watched her carefully over the rim of his cup.

A picture of Megan’s venomous eyes popped into Alicia’s mind. “I don’t think she really liked me much,” she whispered.

Paul laughed. “So you’ve discovered just what a jealous bitch that one is, huh? Well, my advice is to stay away from her. I don’t understand why Maverick keeps her around sometimes. Don’t take your eyes off her, Alicia. She’s vindictive,” he added with a serious note in his voice. “I know. Let me introduce you to Ivory.”


“Ivory. She’s lovely. One of Maverick’s favourite models actually,” Paul explained.

“I don’t know. What if she hates me too?” Alicia asked.

“Not a problem. While it’s true Maverick and Ivory have been intimate, she is not one of his companions. She’s not submissive. My guess is that if she were into the lifestyle at all, she’d be a Dom.”

Alicia didn’t know what to say.

“Look. Ivory’s bright, fun to be with, forceful and honest to a fault. If she doesn’t want anything to do with you, she’ll say so. She is not a game player. Why don’t the three of us meet for lunch in a few days?”

Still Alicia hesitated. What would Maverick say?

“Well…” she stumbled.

“Leave it to me.” Paul ended the conversation by leaning over the table and kissing her.















BOOK: Tasting Pleasure
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