Read Tarnished Honor Online

Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Tarnished Honor (5 page)

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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“I do nae need to use drugs to
a woman!”

“Ye did with me!” Her voice grew louder as her te
per flared.
“I tasted it in my wine that eve!”

“This is what ye believe of me? That I deceived ye into becoming my Countess? Ye think that I have nae integrity? Most ladies would be thrilled at the prospect…the t
tle…the wealth!” He bellowed in rage.

“Oh! Ye think like every other man! Well, let me tell
something, my lord! I am not
ladies! Titles and wealth mean naught to me!
What are ye doing?” She asked as he retrieved his clothes.

He turned cold eyes on her. “I am going somewhere else where my honor is nae besmirched so vilely! Ye are too perfect to be sullied by my unworthy touch!” The bed shook from the force of the slamming door.

“Honor? What honor?” she screamed at the closed door before she broke down in tears.

Connall stalked into the common room, where his men pretended to sleep. The entire inn had heard their argument. It was a small
building. He sat on the floor before the hearth seething with rage when he felt a small pat on his back.

“Are ye going to play warrior this eve, as well, Da?”

Connall could not help but chuckle. “Aye,
, it would appear so. I have fought the battle…now tis time to lick my wounds.” She squealed as he scooped her into his arms then stretched out beside her. “Time for sleep, lass.”

“Aye, Da.”

* * *

Chapter VI


* * *

They began the final leg of their journey before dawn. Amy barely woke long enough to dress snuggly in her new clothing. Connall cocooned her in his plaid once he was mounted while Robbie assisted Brighde. They traveled at a steady pace till dawn, then sped up once there was enough light.

Brighde was cold and heartsick. She knew that she should not have accused him of the drugging. It would have been wiser to ask if he knew of it. Insulting him at the start did not bode well for a congenial marriage.
I will have to apologize to Connall. Whoever did the deed makes nae di
ference now. We be wed and that is that.

Blacksword scowled. He was not pleased at how the eve had progressed. Instead of bedding his bride, he had slept with his men…when he slept. He had deliberately kept the argument short. It was not a discussion to have where so many ears could not help but overhear. He had meant to tell her all last eve, till she broached the subject in such an accusing manner.
Let her think the worst! What do I care?
But there lay the problem…he
care what she thought of him.

They stopped to rest the horses
and eat
around mi
day. Brighde took Amy by the hand, leading her into the woods to relieve themselves
. Connall followed at a distance to give them some privacy.
Foolish wench! She should nae go traipsing off in the wood without escort! There are many dangerous beasts here.
He snorted. His wife would prob
bly scare them off with her temper. A grin touched his lips. Aye…he did admire her temper.

His head shot up as he realized that the forest had gone quiet…too quiet
. The stillness was deafening. Connall u
sheathed his sword as he crept closer to the place where they had entered. He heard a deep growl and a small whi
per from Amy. Peeking through the brush, he was surprised at the scene before him.

The bairn was hiding behind Brighde’s skirts clinging to a squirming grey ball of fur while his wife faced down an angry wolf with nothing more than a tree limb in her grasp. He quickly assessed the situation
, realizing what the child was holding.

Stepping out slowly so he did not startle the beast into an attack, he murmured softly to them. “Do nae move, wife. She will attack if ye do.
, put the pup down gently and release him.”

Big blue eyes turned on him. “But Da, I saved him. He was all alone…like I was when ye saved me.”

His heart melted. “And that is a good thing, lass. But he was merely lost from his mother
, nae orphaned,
and she wishes him back. If that had been what happened with ye, I would have returned ye to
your mother
. Tis the honorable thing to do.”

She considered his words for a moment then released the pup. It ran straight to its mother and they slunk off into the woods. Connall breathed a sigh of relief, then ran to catch his bride as she fainted. He carried her back to their dry camp with Amy close on his heels.

His men came to instant attention at the sight as he strode in.
He barked a few orders then settled beneath a tree to tend her. “Fergus! See that Amy eats something. Robbie! Bring the uisge beatha!” He knelt in front of his ward. “Do nae fash yourself,
. Your mama is fine. She merely fainted with fright. Dry your tears now and have Fergus feed ye. We must move on soon.”

“Are ye certain, Da? Her face is all white.”

He smiled. “Aye…I be certain. Run along now.” It o
curred to him that Amy may fear that she would die like her parents. They had been pale, as well. A surge of anger at Angus flashed over him.

Amy left with Fergus as Robbie arrived with the win
skin. “What happened, my lord?”

Connall chuckled as he brought the skin to her lips. “Amy desired to save an orphaned wolf pup…its mother had other ideas. My fool wife stood between the two with naught more than a branch to fend her off! She swooned after I convinced the waif to release it and they left.”

Robbie whistled low in amazement. “That took great courage!”

“Aye. There are nae coward’s bones in this lass.”
Brighde coughed as the liquid burned a path down her throat. Her eyes fluttered open. Her body began to tremble as shock settled in. Clinging to Connall’s cloak, a torrent of tears spilled over. “Shhh. Hush, love, ye are safe now. Twas a very foolish thing ye did but…twas very brave as well. Ye make me proud to call ye
.” He stroked her
sable tresses as she calmed.

As he held her close in his arms she relished the sense of security that encompassed her senses. She was safe here. Regardless of the circumstances of their wedding, Brighde was certain that she could trust him. That this is where she belonged. Taking a deep breath, she absorbed his scent
into memory. He smelled of the forest, earthy…solid.

“Connall…please forgive me for the insult last eve. I was wrong to accuse ye of such a despicable act.” She gazed up at him. “I should have asked ye if ye kenned who had done it, instead.” Studying his face for guilt, she was satisfied to see none.

His eyes softened to jade as her words touched his heart. “Aye, ye are forgiven, Brighde. I would be pleased if ye forgive my temper as well.
I am nae accustomed to ha
ing my integrity questioned. I will try to curtail future ou
bursts.” He lifted her chin as he captured her lips with his own. Her arms wound around his neck as it deepened, scorching her with desire.

“Da? Is mama all better now?” The Earl released her mouth with a look of
on his countenance. He sighed.

. She
is much improved.” With remorse, he swiped Brighde’s lower pouty lip
his thumb. “Come wife. We must eat and be on our way.”

* * *

The weather had held for five days and they had made good time.
We will be at Halkirk this eve. Finally, I will have some time alone with my bride.
Connall had sent a rider ahead to alert the castle of their arrival. He glanced back at Brighde. Although she had not complained, it was clear that she was exhausted.
He could not blame her. He had pushed hard to get home swiftly. His nostrils flared as he scented snow on the gusty wind assaulting them. This last day was certain to be difficult if the weather did not hold.

Their good fortune gave out around midday. The blu
tery winds turned into a steady gale
as the grey sky releas
thousands of white flakes mixed with ice. He swore an oath as he swung his steed about and handed Amy off to Robbie. He pulled up as he came astride his shivering wife

“Fergus, take my lady’s mount.” He had to shout to be heard over the forceful wind. His hands wrapped around her tiny waist, then lifted her to sit before him. Connall pulled her cloak snugly about her and then
wrapped his plaid securely to cover both Brighde and himself. Black locks of hair slapped his face as he assured himself that she was covered properly. “Warmer, wife?” She nodded. Her chattering teeth would not allow speech. He grun
ed…satisfied, and continued westward
into the wind

Within an hour they had lost sight of the path co
pletely. The snow fell so hard that
the men barely saw the horse before them. Robbie had two men go the length of their entourage, tying the horses to the tail of the one in front of them as a precaution. Many a man had gotten lost, neve
r to be seen again until spring
during such storms. The
increased creating large drifts of snow in their path.

Blacksword considered stopping and waiting it out, but one glance at his bride shivering in her sleep, dashed the thought. They must persevere until they reach shelter

It was growing dark when a guard on the castle walk perceived a long white snake approaching the gates. He rubbed his snow-blind eyes and looked again. Surely he was hallucinating! No…it was real. He called down to the gatekeeper.

“Something approaches, Liam! I can nae swear as to what it be.”

Liam shielded his tired eyes as he peered in the dire
tion the guard indicated. Blinking his grey
several times to rid them of flakes, a broad grin spread over his lips.

“My Lord Blacksword!” He bellowed for all to hear.

Connall’s head jerked up from his frozen stupor. Had someone called his name? Through narrowed eyes he b
gan to make out the walls of his fortress emerging from the white onslaught.
Finally, we are home

“Look alive, men, afore your womenfolk think ye are naught more than specters!”

One by one, the men straightened their spines and shook off the white mantles that had gathered on their backs. They entered the bailey in high spirits as the few clansmen who would chance the frigid weather
greeted them.

Liam hurried to Connall’s side after seeing to the clo
ing of the gate. He was spry for his age, nearing three score, and would have ridden with them if not for his cri
pled knee.

“My Lord. I did nae believe ye would make it through this storm.” He gasped as Connall unwrapped Brighde to his view. He handed her down to him before he dismounted stiffly. Seeing that Robbie had his ward in hand, he r
trieved Brighde and strode into the great hall.

He went straight to the hearth

s roaring fire barking orders along the way.

“Bring blankets, lots of them, and uisge beatha…for the men as well! Prepare hot baths for my lady and the little mistress. Make haste!”

He did not look to see if anyone listened. He knew they would obey. Connall settled on the bench near the fire, soaking in the welcome warmth. He quickly removed Brighde’s mantle along with her boots, stockings and gloves, as he inspected her carefully for signs of frostbite. Robbie followed suit with his charge.

Brighde’s aqua eyes fluttered open as he tucked the dry blankets about her. She yawned as her eyes began focusing on the surroundings. Connall brushed sable hair from her face, smiling when she leapt up at the realization that there was a roof above her.

“Aye. We are home, wife. Are ye warm enough?”

“I am getting there. Oh! I must look a fright!”

His face softened
as he studied her dishabille. “Ye look beautiful, Brighde. Especially with mussed hair.” He picked up a goblet and ordered her to drink.

“Nay, Connall, I do nae care for your uisge beatha.” She shook her head vehemenently.

“Ye will drink it this time, wife. Twill take away the chill and ward off the ague. Now drink.”

Seeing the stubborn determination in his eye, she swa
lowed the foul liquid…and chok
as it burned a path downward. He patted her back to aide her. Soon
warmth began seeping throughout her body.
She drank more, without choking this time, giving him a lop-sided grin as the alcohol reached her empty stomach. She swayed in his arms
drained the cup and held it out to be r

Blacksword’s brow arched in surprise. I thought she did nae care for the uisge beatha. Her stomach rumbled. Ah! Now I ken why. Tis going from her empty gullet straight to her ravishing head.
Connall chuckled as he shook his head in response.

“Come, Brighde. Ye and Amy need to eat afore ye have anymore.” As he carried her to the table he felt a ge
tle touch stroke his bristled cheek. Startled, he glanced at her. She had never initiated tenderness betwixt them before. Her overture pleased him greatly. His shaft stirred in his trews, anticipating the eve ahead.

“I like your beard in this fashion, husband
. Tis soft and nae over-long.” Passion flared in her eyes as she, too, looked forward to this eve. Connall nearly dropped her as she raked her teeth lightly down his earlobe. Chills shot through him.

“We are nae alone, wife.” He growled in her ear. She was driving him to distraction. Brighde swung her head around to find a large group of strangers staring at them. She blushed at her forwardness in front of them.

“Who are they?” she whispered in his ear.

“They are my clansmen, lass. They be yours now, as well.” He could not hide his
over her disco

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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