Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (17 page)

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He turned to her as he opened the glass-fronted door, his green eyes holding hers. “Let me do all the talking.”

She knew better than to disagree with him.

Inside stood several hard-backed chairs, which had seen better days. A battered and dented coffee machine lay crumpled in the corner. It looked like it had been kicked repeatedly by unhappy customers. Perhaps it gave them hot chocolate when they wanted a latte. Who knew? Who cared? An assortment of magazines lay piled haphazardly on a cheap table, while opaque glass partitioning cordoned off a private office. On the other side of the rundown room, a gum-chewing woman in her thirties, with dark roots and far too much makeup, sat behind a desk, idly buffing her nails.

She reluctantly looked up as they both approached. “Yeah?”

“I’ve an appointment with Mr. Jackson, my name is Smith.”

She traced her finger down a list of names, her manicured nail, scratching annoyingly against the diary. She blew a big bubble. “Yeah, I gottcha. Take a seat over there.” She pointed to the hard-back wooden chairs. “I’ll let Dwaine know you’re here.”

As the only people present, and guessing they were the first appointment of the day, they took a seat. The over-made-up woman lifted the phone, chewing noisily on her gum. “Dwaine, your nine o’clock appointments arrived.” With that she put down the phone and continued buffing her nails. After a few seconds, she motioned to the office door with an extended talon. “Go right in. Mr. Jackson will see you now.”

They stood and made their way toward the opaque glass door marked “Private” before pushing it open.

“Good to see you, Mr. Smi—” A short, tubby guy, aged about forty and weighing about three hundred pounds extended his hand in greeting, but his accommodating demeanor suddenly altered when he saw Matthew. He slumped back down in his chair, looking wide-eyed and uncertain. Kelly didn’t feel remotely sorry for his obvious distress. This was the guy who’d invaded her private life. He deserved everything he got.

“Yeah, you recognize me don’t you,
” When Matthew spoke the guy’s name, he emphasized the letter “D,” stretching it out to comic proportions.

Jackson looked distinctly uneasy, and hurriedly loosened his tie. “Sir, I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He shifted awkwardly in his chair before taking a handkerchief and dabbing his forehead. “Sorry, it’s so hot, the air-conditioner’s not working again.”

Kelly knew that Matthew was real angry as he thrust his head to within inches of the odious investigator. “Oh, you recognize me all right,
. Let me tell you how. Either you or someone you’ve hired hid fifteen cameras in my club. Fucking fifteen,
. Do you want me to pound on your head for each one I found? Your little electronic gadgets have taken a series of compromising photos of me and the lady here, and let’s just say,
, that I want every single digital copy in your possession, otherwise I’m gonna hurt you real bad.”

Jackson spread his arms wide in appeasement. He sweated profusely and wiped his forehead with his handkerchief again. “Look, we’re both reasonable men, but I have my client’s confidentiality to consider.”

Matthew almost choked on the guy’s words. “Fucking confidentiality. You’ve broken every privacy law in the state of Massachusetts. Fucking low-life scum. I’m done with you.” Matthew locked his hands around Jackson’s thick neck. “Listen up,
, you got precisely ten seconds to tell me what I want to know, or I’m gonna rip you a new asshole. Do I make myself absolutely clear?”

A loud rap on the office door had them all turning in that direction. “You all right in there, Dwaine?” his receptionist asked in a worried voice.

Jackson swallowed, and then coughed. Rivers of sweat flowed over Matthew’s fingers, which tightly gripped his throat. He coughed again. “I’m real fine, cupcake, me and Mr. Smith are just discussing business.”

“Okay, as long as you’re sure.” Her faltering words didn’t convince Kelly. She wondered if Jackson’s receptionist would call the cops.

Matthew leaned in closer still. He was a big strong guy in his prime, and could do real damage to someone as out of condition as Dwaine Jackson. “Start talking, lowlife, before you and cupcake are parted for good.”

Kelly figured it was time to step in. Even though Matthew had made it clear he wanted to deal with this himself, she placed her hand on his shoulder. “Matt,” she cooed softly and calmly. “Let me try the woman’s touch.”

Matthew’s eyes narrowed on her, but he let Jackson go as though he’d just been burned. He stalked over to the window. “Two minutes, princess, then I get to see what he ate for breakfast.”

Kelly forced herself to smile sweetly at the private eye. The guy had a real problem with body odor. “Mr. Jackson, allow me to explain matters in a coolheaded manner. Give me the name of the person who hired you, and I will give you a thousand dollars in cash. If you decide not to accept my generous offer, then I’ll let my boyfriend finish what he started. As you can see from his angry demeanor, he won’t take much persuasion. Do
make myself absolutely clear, Mr. Jackson?”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Matthew pressed the elevator button marked “Executive Suite,” and glanced quickly in Kelly’s direction. On the journey to McCloud Energy, she’d barely said two words. He guessed she was still smarting with what she’d found out from Dwaine Jackson. He shook his head in dismay. Why would anyone do such a thing to a woman as wonderful as Kelly? The news had clearly come as a total shock. Her face was pale, and her lashes were lowered as she stared at the elevator floor.

He tried a little gentle questioning. “How you feeling, princess?”


“So what are you gonna do? You can’t let this pass. You need to kick ass.”

“I know and I will, but I still feel sad and betrayed that someone so close to me, could be so hateful.”

“I’m still pissed that you gave a thousand bucks to that lowlife Dwaine Jackson. Why’d you do it?”

She raised her gaze from the elevator floor and stared directly at him. “Because it was better than seeing you beat the crap out of him and ending up in jail. You’d have killed him if I hadn’t been there.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I get real angry when my blood’s up, and some punk’s hurting the woman I love.” There was a slight jolt and the elevator doors swished open. “We’re here.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “At least Jackson handed over the illegal images.”

Kelly shrugged. “That’s something, I suppose.” They stepped from the executive elevator and headed toward her office. She suddenly stopped outside in the corridor, reluctant to push open the door.

He gently took hold of her hands. “Do you want to do this on your own? I’m here if you need me.”

“I’m fine. I have to do this alone.”

“Okay, your call.” It broke his heart to see her looking so pale and disheartened. “If there weren’t so many of your employees about, I’d put my arms around you and hug you tight.”

Kelly smiled. “Go right ahead. After what I’ve been through this weekend, I could do with a cuddle. I’m proud of you, Matt, and I love you. I don’t care who sees us together.”

He leaned forward and pulled her into his arms, holding her tight against his chest, fully aware of the curious eyes in the adjacent offices, watching them intently.

Kelly whispered close to his ear, “That’s lovely, you’re so warm. I enjoy what we do at Club Submission. We’re not inflicting our lifestyle on anyone else. So to anyone who disapproves, I say quit being so interested in my life and get a life of your own. I won’t be blackmailed into hiding, Matt. That’s something I’ve learned these past few days. You’ve taught me so much. You’ve taught me how to live, and more importantly how to love.”

“I’m so proud of you, Kelly McCloud.” He kissed the top of her head, and held her close. “You’re my woman, and I love you…” He took a deep breath. “So very, very much, lady. Together we can overcome anything. Together we’re invincible.”

She lifted her head from his chest, and looked at him with those beautiful silver eyes of hers. “I know.” He could just make out a teardrop threatening to run down her cheek. Kelly nodded, stroked his arm, and then stepped away from his embrace. Standing tall, she pushed open the door to her office, and strode purposefully inside.


* * * *


Kelly sagged in her executive, leather chair, and held her head in her hands, slowly massaging her throbbing temples. She really didn’t want to do this, but as the boss, the buck stopped with her. Sometimes life threw up shit that no one could anticipate, and this was one of those times. Reluctantly, and with a heavy heart, she pressed the button on her intercom, connecting her with reception. “Can you come to my office please, Eve?”

“Certainly, Kelly. Shall I bring the diary?”

“That won’t be necessary.”

Within a few seconds there was a rap at the office door, and Eve entered, exactly as she’d done a thousand times before. First with her father, and now with her.

Kelly motioned to the chair on the other side of her desk. “Take a seat, please.”

Eve looked slightly anxious. “You don’t look too good, Kelly.”

Kelly shook her head and sighed. “That’s hardly surprising with the weekend I’ve had.” She folded her arms across her chest. “But then you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Eve.”

“Excuse me?” Eve’s brows drew together forming a frown. “I don’t follow you.”

“I think you do. I think you’re obsessed with me. Whatever made you do it?”

The color had drained from Eve’s face, giving a clearer indication of her guilt. “Do what, honey? I’ve worked at McCloud Energy for forty years. First with your father in charge and now with you heading the company. Is there a problem with my work?”

Kelly felt as though she were in a bad dream and would wake up at any moment. Of all her employees, she thought that Eve would be the last person to betray her. When Dwaine Jackson divulged her name, she’d been stunned. Too stunned to believe him at first. Then slowly the pieces had started to fit together.

Kelly studied her former friend and confidant with a fresh set of eyes. Now in her early sixties, Eve was an integral part of McCloud Energy. Tall, and slender, she sat in the chair opposite with her hands knitted nervously together. Before her father had died, she’d always been a bottle blonde, but recently she’d allowed her short bob to turn a natural silver gray. It suited her oval face, which even now showed no sign of remorse.

“So, Eve, we reach an impasse. I know you’re responsible for the photographs secretly taken at Club Submission, and you know it, too.”

Regaining her composure, Eve was unafraid to hold Kelly’s gaze. “Photographs? Club Submission? I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, honey. May I suggest a little time away? Perhaps a vacation would do you good.”

“Does the name Dwaine Jackson mean anything to you?”

Eve’s eyes briefly flickered with recognition. “Fuck you, Kelly.”

“But why, Eve. Why did you do it? I thought we were friends? I’ve known you since I was a kid. You used to come to our house for dinner, for Christ’s sake.”

“Why? I’ll tell you why. Because I wanted ‘little miss I’ve got everything’ to feel as cold, empty, and frightened as I do.” She spat the words out with such hatred it unnerved Kelly slightly.

This usually accommodating and placid lady, whom she’d known all her life, had suddenly become an evil, vengeful caricature of herself. “That still doesn’t tell me why. I’m still trying to understand why you would jeopardize forty years with the company. You’re due for retirement and a considerable annuity at the end of the year. Why throw it all away, Eve? Why? Why? Why?”

Eve snapped her fingers dismissively. “Money means nothing to me, Kelly. I loved your father. It’s as simple as that. I loved him even when your mother was alive. When she died, it was God’s way of telling me that we were meant to be together.” She threw back her head and laughed hysterically. “Only, Jed had another woman in his life, who was far more important than I could ever be. You, Kelly, you. You may have only been five when your mother died, and can barely remember her, but you had a power over Jed McCloud that most adult women could only dream of. Oh sure, after your mother died, I was there when your father needed comforting, or when he needed sex, but he’d never commit to me.

“You wouldn’t believe the number of times he’d call with an excuse.” Eve pointed a finger. “You make me sick. He’d say Kelly’s ill. Kelly’s fallen off her horse, and I can’t leave her. It’s Kelly’s birthday party. Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. Fucking Kelly.” Tears suddenly flowed unchecked down Eve’s face. “What about me, what about me? Don’t I deserve a life, too? I gave your father forty years. The best years of my life, waiting for him to take notice of me, waiting for him to love me like he loved your mother, and now he’s dead, it’ll never happen.” Her eyes narrowed with hate and bitterness as she stared across the desk at Kelly. “We could have had a happy life together, if it wasn’t for you.

“So when that good-looking guy turned up at reception one day asking for you, I knew he was nothing to do with McCloud business. That’s when I hired Dwaine Jackson to dig deeper. It didn’t take long for him to expose you for what you are. A dirty little tramp who engages in ungodly sex. If Jed had known what a common little whore his daughter really was, he’d have lavished his love and attention on me, instead of you.”

BOOK: Taming the Boss Lady [Masters of Submission 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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