Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel (28 page)

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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I gave a small smile. “You already know, though.”

With guilt on her face, her eyes drifted away as her mouth lifted into a smile. “Well, of course I dabbled a little.”


“He’s so adorable to you, and you grow attached. You two make a good pair for a pack. I’m a tad bit jealous. Though, I know there’s no reason to be. You won’t take my wolf man away from me.”

I smiled. “Absolutely not.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Athena asked.

“I’m not sure,” I grumbled.

“It helps,” Chelsea said.

There was a part of me that was hesitant to, because it was hard for me to open up. I always pushed the feelings aside—well, tried to, anyway—but I knew that if I wanted things to change then I had to learn to talk about it and face it rather than ignore it, where it only ended up building until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Okay, I guess I can try.”

“What was Silas like?” Chelsea asked.

I sighed, feeling the sting of hurt as his face came flashing through my mind. “He had a way with words. He always knew the right moment to dazzle you with his charm. He always seemed so mysterious, yet I instinctively knew that there was a much vulnerable and softer side to his evil one. He was playful, and he made me laugh.” I brushed the tears away that fell down my face. “His eyes were dreamy, and his smile…I’m going to miss that smile. I’m going to miss him.”

Violet grabbed my hand. “We know. He’ll always be with you, though, as long as you have those moments with him and think back on him in remembrance. He will always remain alive, through you.”

I nodded and sniffled.

I then met Athena’s stare. “How did you get over Isaac’s death?”

She then looked down, sorrow rushing to her face as she sighed. “I don’t think I ever did. I guess it just got easier as time went on. The sorrow lessens, but, still, I will never forget and I will always miss him. I wish I could go back and save him…but I can’t. I think you dwell on what happened too much. You’re constantly reliving the tragedy, and it’s keeping you from moving forward and healing from it,” Athena said.

I looked down. She was absolutely right.

“You could go Chelsea style on her. She
a wolf now. She can handle it,” Chelsea said.

“Chelsea style?” I asked.

“When I have a troubled mind, I turn to archery to help settle my emotions. I used to hunt to take my mind off my problems, but I can’t do that anymore. Anyway, Chelsea likes to help me by challenging me to a fight. It always helps. I would have to take it easy on you, though. My fighting skills are far more advanced than what you can take.”

“Oh, I’m sure I can take you, pumpkin.” I smirked and cracked my knuckles.

Her brows rose as her eyes glinted with amusement. “Is that a challenge?”


“When I bring the heat, I
bring the heat.”

“So will I.”

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. So when are we doing this?”

“I have a few things to take care of first. After that, I’ll be ready to rumble.”

“Okay then. I can’t wait.”

We shook hands, locking in the challenge.

“So we thought we should make a toast to a loved one lost—hence, the vodka,” Athena said.

“Okay,” I said.

One last drink before my road to recovery.

Chelsea filled the three shot glasses up, handing us ours before grabbing her own.

My brows rose. Was this chick serious? She can’t drink. “You’re drinking?”

“Of course not. Mine has water in it.”

I raised my shot glass, and so did they.

“First, I want to make a toast to Paige, our little rebel, for her bravery and impeccable strength. You are far stronger than you will ever know, and I hope that one day you will be able to find peace within yourself,” Chelsea said.

I smiled. “Thank you.”

It was my turn. My smile quickly faded and I sighed, feeling the burden of loss. The pain never got easier. The little joy that I found from my playful spat with Athena had been drowned out as grief rushed over me once more. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster ride. They would do or say something that would fill me with joy, but then I was hit with the heavy and it brought back the misery.

“To Silas, whom was technically my guardian angel in disguise: I may have lost you today, but you will forever live in my heart.”

We clinked glasses and drank up. Only it wasn’t the least strong and it didn’t even taste like vodka. In fact, there was no taste at all.

“Yep, not vodka,” I said.

“I don’t remember vodka tasting like
, Chelsea Watson. I was ready to feel the burn, damn it,” Athena said.

“I knew it all along. I just went with it,” Violet said, shrugging.

Chelsea grinned. “Oh, come on, guys; if I can’t have alcohol, neither can you.”

I snorted and burst into laughter, as did they. It was a deep, long laugh; one that left your cheeks sore and your stomach hurting. It felt good to feel something other than pain. I didn’t want to hurt anymore. I wanted to heal. I could feel a change in myself. They were changing me. I was around a group of people who had felt so much loss themselves and had been through so many things. They had scars just like I did. They all were, in a way, my strength.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I stood in front of the elegant, white marbled wall that housed Tessa’s body. My eyes drowned in tears as I stared at her name. I still couldn’t believe she was gone. After three years, it still didn’t seem real.

With a shaky hand, I ran my fingers over the marble, and as my cool tears flowed down my face, I let myself grieve, I let myself feel the raw, deep sea of sorrow without any restraint, and it came rushing over me, taking my breath away. I heard a whimper as I felt the vibrations of my wolf running through me. My emotions were affecting her.

“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I took everything away from you to win a stupid race. I tore you away from your family and Sean, and I wish I could go back and change it all. I’m sorry I didn’t come visit you sooner…I just couldn’t accept what I did. Please, don’t hate me, Tessa.” I sniffled and took in a breath. “I miss you every day.”

Eli’s arms slid around my waist, pulling me close. I shut my eyes as his comfort enclosed on me. His lips pressed against the back of my head and he kissed my hair. He said nothing, he just held me, and it was exactly what I needed to get through this day.

“I can’t remember what her voice sounded like anymore. I blocked her out for so long that I forgot how she sounded when she spoke.” I turned in his arms. “Is that pathetic?”

“No; it was your own way of coping. Do you remember the first night we met, and I told you that everything was going to be okay?”


“You didn’t believe me then. Do you believe me now?”

I smiled and rested my head on his chest. My tense body, stricken with hurt, had melted into his touch at once as I absorbed his comfort and love. I was shown a different way to cope with the loss of the ones that I loved and with the guilt of my actions, and because of that, hope had blossomed within me.

“Yeah…I do believe that everything will be okay.”





Continue for a sneak peek of the third installment in The Huntress Series, The Unforgiven…

The Unforgiven



“Hello, Athena…Did you miss me?”

My breath hitched and my heart soared into my stomach as a familiar, deep voice filled my ears. It was the voice from someone I never thought I would hear again.

My hand tightened around my Morningstar as I turned and came face to face with an enemy of my past. I saw nothing even remotely familiar in those piercing, orange eyes. He was driven by hatred and revenge, and it had forever changed the person that I once loved. As tension filled the air, I could feel a storm brewing between us. Somehow, he remembered everything and he came back, stronger than ever, seeking my blood. He would destroy everything and anyone in his path until my heart stopped beating and he ended my existence.



Coming Soon

About the author



Adria Wade has had a passion for writing since she was a kid. Her favorite part about writing is getting lost in the world she created. She lives in Maryland and is the second oldest of eight children. When not writing, she loves to read, listen to her favorite bands, watch way too many eighties movies, and has a fascination with sharks.




Follow the author on her Facebook page for more news about her upcoming releases.


BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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