Read Sybil Disobedience Online

Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Romance

Sybil Disobedience (5 page)

BOOK: Sybil Disobedience
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She remained silent for a moment. Butterflies slammed around her belly as the intensity of each minute pulled them closer together. She raised her gaze, knowing she had to make a decision. This was when she walked away once and for all. Or…or she could tell him the truth and walk back into his life, spankings, floggings or not.

She met his turbulent eyes as he waited. Could she live without him?

“No,” she whispered, crossing the point of no return. “No one since you.”

“Good.” His stormy gaze calmed but remained trained on hers, consuming her, claiming her. His hands cupped her shoulders and slid down her upper arms as he leaned to her ear. “This body’s mine. No one touches you but me—unless I say so.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured as her insides shivered. When they’d been together, she’d loved his possessiveness. His dark tone nearly frightened her. She’d sprint for the door if she didn’t trust him.

His fingers tightened, digging into her skin. “On your knees.”

Willingly, she complied as he added firm pressure on her arms. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip as she imagined what would come next. She remained upright on her knees, her legs still parted, her hands still submissively behind her.

Kellon circled her. She knew it was less for inspection and more to raise her tension. He’d always been good at letting her know who was in charge. Him. To that end, she studied the wood-planked floor and waited for his command.

His feet came to rest on the spot where she’d focused, and he slid a hand over the top of her head. Suddenly, his fingers curled, knotting in her hair and tugging her head back. She was forced to look up his body, into his eyes.

“You know what to do, slave,” he growled as he stepped closer.

“Yes, S-sir,” she stuttered, her limbs weak. Her clit pulsed with need. She wasn’t a slave in the true sense of the word, but his rough words had always made her wet, and he knew it.

“Take out my cock,” he commanded.

Obeying him, she reached for his black pants and unbuttoned them then drew down the zipper. Deftly, she pulled the trousers and underwear to his thighs, exposing him. His masculine scent called her to take him between her lips, just as he wanted.

Immediately, her hands returned to their position behind her back. Unless he said so he wanted her mouth only. She adjusted her stance on her knees and gauged her next movement. He stood just far enough from her that she could easily fall into him—and she knew his positioning was on purpose. He was testing her.

Without a complaint, she leaned forward and opened her mouth on his sac while she held her thigh and stomach muscles rigid to keep her balance. His musky male scent filled her senses as she licked and sucked at his balls. Curling her tongue around one, she drew it inside and pulled until he groaned and his fingers sank into her hair again. Shifting, she released the globe and took the other to give it equal treatment.

He shuddered then dragged her back and directed her to his stiff cock. It rose thick and long from his body. Meeting his gaze, she opened her mouth and took the length between her lips. He growled as she closed around his tip. Her tongue swept over the head, collecting salty pre-cum before she sank farther forward.

She took him deep then pulled away as he hit the back of her throat. She fought against the urge to gag as she tried to adjust, but Kellon was having nothing of it. His hard gaze holding hers, he pushed forward. His fingers tightened in her hair. There was no escape.

Her eyes watered as he reached her limit, and she silently pleaded for him to pull back, but he was having none of that, either. He knew what she wanted and what she needed. Taking him might not be easy, but it always turned her on. She knew her tears would leave dark streaks on her cheeks since she’d left on her makeup after work. She didn’t care and focused on taking all of him without gagging. Her only wish was to show him her devotion, to prove she’d wanted only him even after she’d rejected their relationship.

His stare softened slightly as she felt him push farther.

“Fuck, Sybil,” he groaned as he set up a slow rhythm that pushed him right to her limit yet allowed her to breathe on each withdrawal. “That’s right. Take my cock. I want to feel you swallow it. Yeah…baby…”

Closing her lids, she lost herself in the steady motion while she did her best to suck and lick his length. Her tongue pressed into the underside of the shaft, flicking the glans before he surged back in.

He reached down and roughly rubbed her breast through her thin T-shirt, catching and twisting the nipple. “Reach down and open your jeans. Push them down then touch yourself,” he commanded.

She moaned around his cock then did as he said. She shoved her pants around her thighs and pushed two fingers into her pussy, circling her clit. Her upper legs trembled as steams of sensation pushed through her. She pinched the nub. Her release loomed just beyond her reach. She whimpered, knowing she had to obey him but that she was about to come—and that would be disobeying him, too.

“In,” he grated. “Push them in. Fuck yourself with them. I want to hear how wet you are.”

“Please, Sir,” she begged, trying to tell him how close she was, but her words were garbled. Still, she had no doubt he knew. He was pushing her.

Purposely, she bared her teeth and scraped them along his length. He jerked and pulled back at the same time. Cum flooded her tongue, and she opened her eyes to stare up at him again and see the expression of release on his face. She swallowed quickly, not wanting to lose any of it, then flicked her tongue over his length until he was ready to draw back.

All too soon, he stepped away. His hand smoothed over her head, petting her. “How close are you?” he asked. He pulled his lip through his teeth then licked the lower one as he watched her.

“Close,” she breathed. She adjusted her kneeling position so she was balanced as she thrust her fingers. Tension wound in her belly as her vision narrowed.

He refastened his pants as he surveyed her. “Did I say you could come?”

Her breath shuddered as she kept her fingers moving and kept her response at bay. “N-no.”

“Stop,” he said. “Come up here and give me your fingers.” Catching one of her upper arms, he pulled her to her feet and held her steady until the blood fully returned to her legs. He lifted her hand to his mouth and sucked her flavor from her skin.

“Okay?” he asked when she swayed.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied with a stoic nod. She fought the urge to cling to him. Her entire being shook with her need, but she had to collect herself and stay in control for him—until he told her otherwise. She stayed still, not even tugging up her pants.

“Good.” Turning from her, he went to the fireplace across the room. She stood perfectly motionless while he opened the doors and stacked wood inside. She understood what he expected from her. She’d grown up in a home where D/s was practiced, worked at a BDSM club and had been in a long-term relationship with this Dom. She knew the rules of this life’s decorum.

She watched him as he kindled the fire. His thick muscles worked beneath the black polo shirt he’d worn to work, and his corded thighs strained his pants as he squatted. Just looking at his power made her hungry. She’d been starving for him, and she prayed this was more than a one-time deal and that those swats hadn’t been an anomaly.

Her mouth watered as he rose, and she shifted her gaze to the shiny parquet flooring.

He stopped before her and lifted her chin with his fingers. “I want you to strip.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then I want you to throw these ratty jeans and T-shirt into the fire.”

She blinked, surprised.

He grinned when she didn’t reply. “I have some things to do upstairs. Be sure to close the doors after the clothes are inside then march your butt to that corner there,” he pointed, “and wait for me. I want you leaned right into it, and I want your fingers in your pussy. Think of me while you touch yourself. I want you nice and wet.” He kissed her temple then his lips grazed her ear. “But don’t you dare come.”

His favorite torture.

“Yes, Sir,” she managed around the sand in her throat and reached for the hem of her shirt.





Chapter Four



The fire kept the room toasty, but Syb felt exposed as she stood in the corner, waiting for Kellon to return from upstairs. Her head rested against the juncture while her shoulders and breasts brushed the old brick. Had he known how the tips of her nipples would be abused by the rough surface and how much it would arouse her? Already, she breathed heavily, and she hadn’t done more than stroke her clit with a single fingertip. Thick moisture coated the digit, arousing her even more.

What was going on here? That thought was foremost in her mind. Kellon had always been forceful before and after their breakup, but today he seemed even more driven.

Slowly, she pushed two fingers into her sopping folds. Her teeth sank into her lip while she drew the digits along her passage and paid close attention to her most sensitive spots, just as Kellon would, just as he’d expect her to do. Her hips pushed forward, causing her chest to contact the wall again.

She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut. She was so close to the edge.

“You’d better not come.”

Startled, Syb jolted and crashed back into Kellon’s chest. She hadn’t even heard him return. His arm slung around her waist, keeping her from falling into the wall and painfully scraping herself on the brick.

“Careful there, Sybil.” Grasping her hand, he brought it to his lips and sucked her fingers between his lips. His tongue flicked between her fingers, and her knees wobbled.

“Mmm…very nice,” he said, watching her. His palms skimmed down her sides until he grasped her hips. He pulled them against him. “But you were about to come, weren’t you?”

Well, crud…

“Yes, Sir,” she admitted.

“Hmm…” His hands splayed on her waist and trailed up her body to cup her breasts. Syb moaned as he kneaded the mounds, catching her nipples between his fingers and squeezing. Tendrils of sweet pain zigzagged from the tips to her core. He knew what he was doing; he knew he’d push her closer to the brink of orgasm. With difficulty, she fought to stay still and not writhe against him. He pinched harder, and she jerked with the bolt that went through her. Her pussy and thighs burned with the need that built inside her, while her slit nearly dripped with her moisture.

He splayed his hand on her belly then arrowed it to her pussy. Roughly, he thrust two fingers inside her primed channel. She shook, unable to stop the electric pulses exploding through her. Kellon sank his teeth into her shoulder, and she screamed. Her legs buckled, and her vision dimmed.

When she returned to herself, her breaths were nearly sobs, and Kellon’s arm was tight around her waist holding her upright.

His arm slid away, and she leaned her head back into the corner as he moved away. Behind her, she heard him sit on the couch.

“Sybil,” he said simply. “Here.”

Turning, she studied him. Her heart thudded so hard in her chest, she was sure he could see it slamming against her breast. His finger crooked, and she went to him. She expected him to pull her into his arms, to hold her and ease her through the aftermath of her release. Instead, he pushed her face-down over his knees. Everything inside her went on high alert.

“You disobeyed me,” he growled. Her eyes went wide as his palm smoothed over her ass.

“I’m…I’m sorry, Sir,” she gasped.

“Hmm… Not good enough, Sybil mine. I think perhaps you deserve a spanking—a long overdue spanking. You’ve become undisciplined, slave, and frankly your recent behavior has been completely disrespectful. A less patient Master might not have been so understanding.”

“I’m…sorry, Sir?” she repeated, completely unsure what to say. All her attention was on the large, hard hand rubbing her behind. Spanking her wouldn’t be much of a punishment for her transgressions; she wanted it too badly. “Kellon,” she ventured. “Please…”

If he’d just…

Everything inside her tensed with the need for something so close at hand, the promise of a wish fulfilled by a man who’d once promised to
supply it.

“Hmm…” he replied, and she bit into her lip. His noncommittal “hmms” always proceeded him pushing her to the edge of her control. Though he’d already done it once, she balanced on the edge, already to plummet again.

Her fingers curled into the carpet, and she tried not to contemplate what she looked like splayed over his legs, ass in the air. She tried not to anticipate something that might not happen. The disappointment would be too great. He’d said she deserved a spanking, but that didn’t mean he’d give it. The position put him in complete control, and he’d finger-fucked her like this on other occasions.

“You will be spanked,” he informed her, and her breath deserted her as relief weakened her. “You will not come. Understood?”

That was the punishment. The spanking itself was a gift. Obviously, he knew exactly what he was doing.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied. Excitement laced her words. Finally,
, she’d feel his firm hand on her ass. She suspected there was no way she’d get out of this victoriously, which was fine. She wanted Kellon to have control over her, but she also suspected she wouldn’t be successful in holding off release. He was setting her up to fail, and they both knew it.

Was that her true punishment? Being put in a place where she’d have the inability to follow his command? Was this retribution for the past weeks?

“I was only doing what I thought was best. For
of us,” she blurted.

Kellon froze. “Whoa, hang on.” He pulled his hand off her ass and helped her up. “Kneel,” he commanded. “We need to talk; you need to listen before we go further.”

He didn’t look happy at all. Apparently, she was screwing up left and right. Determined to be obedient, she settled to her knees beside his legs then sat back on her heels, bowed her head and waited. Her fingers twisted together nervously at the small of her back, but otherwise, she remained utterly motionless as she listened for him to speak.

BOOK: Sybil Disobedience
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