Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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It takes every ounce of strength I possess not to break down and sob like I want to. The one person who should be begging me to do this is the only one who isn’t. She’s the least selfish one.

Reaching for her hand, I grasp it firmly. “It’s gonna be okay,” I tell her, knowing I shouldn’t but can’t help it. Right now, everything is screaming at me to promise her the world—promise her life. “I don’t know how, but I feel it in my heart. Everythin’ will work out.”

She nods, but I can tell she doesn’t believe me. “Thanks. Even for just coming in and getting tested. Thank you.”

Leaning over, I hug her. One—because I need one, and two—because I’m hoping to hide the fresh wave of tears streaking down my face. I’m so close to my breaking point that I know I have to get out of here.

Without making eye contact, my lips find her forehead, pressing a gentle kiss there. “Rest, Lucy. I’ll be back,” I whisper, before getting up to leave.

“Bye, Grace,” she says softly.

“See you soon.”

My vision is blurry as I leave the room. I start down the hall in a hurry but stop when someone calls my name. Turning around, I see Piper standing next to the door.

She walks closer to me, her eyes red and blotchy from crying. “Are you going to help her?”

I suck in lungfuls of air as I try to speak past the pain filling my chest. “I don’t even know if I can. I don’t know what the tests are going to show.”

She watches me carefully, her eyes assessing. “She tried to talk you out of it. Didn’t she?”

You don’t have to do it, Grace.

Lucy’s selfless words have me choking back a sob and I know I can’t do this right now.

“I’m sorry. I have to go.” I see Piper’s nod just before I turn and rush to the elevator. I manage to hold myself together until I’m in my car—then I shatter. My forehead falls on my steering wheel as I cry out all of the agony ripping through my body. I cry for the unfairness of the situation, for the terrifying decision I need to make, but mostly I cry for the brave seventeen-year-old girl who deserves to live a long, healthy life.

I can’t let that happen. I will do everything in my power to make sure she lives through this.

I have to.



ith a heavy heart I sit on the counter by the register, staring at the picture of Mama and me. The bakery has long closed. Darkness has fallen and I feel horrible for not being home to put the kids to bed, but I’m in no shape for them to see me right now. There’s no way I’d be able to hide my emotions.

As I stare into my mother’s bright smile and warm brown eyes, I silently seek guidance from her. As hard as it is I always try not to dwell on the fact that she isn’t here and instead try to remember that I’m living our dream—thanks to Sawyer. I try to cherish every moment with my family and live life to the fullest. But some days—most days—it’s hard not to miss her. Hard not to think about how much fun she’d have with Hope and me, or how much she’d love Parker’s funny nature, and Sawyer’s arrogant yet charmin’ personality.

With times like now, I miss her even more. What I wouldn’t give for her to be here and tell me everything will be okay. Help guide me to make the right decision. After meeting Lucy, I know in my heart what the right decision is. If those tests come back a match I need to do this for her, but at what cost? Will Sawyer forgive me? I’ve never doubted his love, but I know he’ll be furious, and in all fairness he raises very good points.

What about the sacrifices of my family?

But he hasn’t met Lucy. He hasn’t seen the beautiful, selfless girl lying on her deathbed, fighting for her life. Trying to be brave yet terrified to die. A girl who has her whole life ahead of her.

A girl who is my sister.

Whether I’ve known her my whole life or not, she’s my sister. She and Piper are my only living relatives I have who aren’t mean and cruel. They seem really kind, like girls I’d get along with. I felt a connection to them today, especially Lucy.

At the feel of another tear tricklin’ down my cheek, I swipe it away with a heavy sigh then jump off the counter. Kissing my finger, I press it against my mother’s lips and drop my forehead on her shoulder like I would if she were here. “Love you, Mama, and I miss you so much.”

The sound of the door opening pulls me from my moment. My heart leaps in my throat as I spin around, only to see Sawyer. “You scared me,” I breathe out with a hand over my chest.

“Sorry, Cupcake.”

We watch each other, a silent exchange passing between us. The sight of him makes my fragile heart ache all over again. I desperately get the urge to go to him, to feel his arms around me and hear the strong, steady beat of his heart. I’ve missed him so much these past few days. I hate the tension and distance between us.

“Where are the kids?” I ask softly.

“In bed. I figured they would be fine until we got back.”

My eyes widen in horror until he gets that teasin’ grin on his face. “Not funny, Sawyer,” I grumble.

With that sexy grin in place, he silently makes his way over to me. My heart tumbles at his purposeful strides and fierce gaze.

“What are you doin’ here?” I ask, licking my suddenly dry lips.

“I came here for you. We have some things to discuss.”

Uh oh
… My pulse races for a whole other reason now.
Does he know about my visit at the hospital today?

“Like what?” I whisper.

“Like this.” Hooking an arm around my neck, he yanks me against him then claims my lips in a heated caress.

My fingers curl in his shirt, a blissful sigh escaping me as he suddenly makes everything in my world right again.

A growl vibrates from him just before he picks me up off my feet, letting them dangle inches off the ground. My arms encircle his neck and I cling to him, absorbing his warmth.

“Too long, Cupcake,” he groans against my lips. “Been too fucking long without this.” He blows through the swinging door to the kitchen and sets me on the island. His large, warm hands slip under my skirt and run up my thighs to grip my hips. I suck in precious air as his mouth moves to the tender flesh of my throat. “No more, Grace. You hear me? You’re my wife, which means I get your taste, your body, and your heart every fucking day. You belong to me.”

I moan as his fingers move to the center of my silk panties, skillfully stroking me. “I belong to you when you ain’t bein’ an asshole.”

I hear him chuckle before he brings his face level with mine. “Actually, you belong to me always, but”—his hand cups the side of my cheek—“I’m sorry for being an asshole, Cupcake. I love you, and I want things back to how they were before that bastard showed up.”

I swallow thickly, feeling tears spring to my eyes. “Me, too. I hate this distance. I’ve missed you. I’ve needed you these past few days.”

He releases a heavy breath, his forehead dropping to mine. “I know, baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten upset. I was mad at him, not you, but it doesn’t matter anymore. We’re going to pretend like he never showed up and things are going to go back to how they were.” Reaching behind him, he pulls an envelope out of his back pocket and hands it to me.

“What’s this?” I ask as I open it. My eyes snap to his when I pull out four plane tickets.

“We’re going to go visit my parents for a couple of days.”

“What? When?” I ask in shock.

“We leave in two days.”

“Two days?” I squeak. “But—but the bakery and the kids’ school. We can’t just—”

I glare at him as he silences me with a hand to my mouth. “Easy, Cupcake. Everything is taken care of. Mac will hold down the bakery and all the girls are pitching in to help. Especially Anna and Kayla. Jaxson and Julia will take Chuckie and I already spoke with the kids’ teacher. Everything is good.”

I stare down at the tickets and can’t help but think about Lucy. What happens if she needs me or finds out I left and thinks I’m not coming back?

Sawyer’s arm curls around my waist, pulling me closer. “Come on, Grace. Let’s get out of here for a few days and forget all about this shit. We wanted to go over the summer and never had the chance because things were too busy. We need this, our family needs this.”

I sigh, knowing he’s right. And Dr. Schaefer did say Lucy’s results wouldn’t be back for a week.

“My mom’s excited, you don’t want to crush her hopes and make her cry, do you?”

I slap his chest, making him chuckle. “Don’t be usin’ your mama to guilt-trip me, Sawyer Evans.”

His hands move to the back of my apron, untying the loose knot while his lips brush the shell of my ear. “All right, baby. Instead of laying on the guilt, how about I persuade you?”


His chuckle trails off on a groan. “Fuck, I love it when you’re compliant, it makes my dick so hard.”

“It usually doesn’t take much for that to happen,” I tease, but it’s breathless with anticipation as his fingers work the tiny buttons on my blouse.

“Not when it comes to you, Cupcake. Everything you do makes me fucking hard.” Letting the shirt slip down my arms, he flicks the front clasp of my bra and cups the heavy weight of my breasts. “Especially your tits. I’m constantly craving to have my mouth on them or thrusting my cock between them.”

“God, Sawyer.” I whimper, arching into his touch.

He smirks arrogantly, knowing exactly what his filthy words do to me. Reaching over, he dips his finger in the bowl next to me and smears the chocolate cream pie filling I made earlier over one peaked nipple. I’d scold him for ruining my batch if the cool sensation didn’t feel so incredible.

A heated cry escapes me as he leans down and sucks it off, his teeth tugging my sensitive tip. My fingers spear into his hair, holding him captive to me. I release him only long enough for him to spread more chocolate on my other nipple and give it the same attention. My hips thrust against his stomach, trying to alleviate the sharp ache between my legs.

I reach under his shirt and rake my nails across his defined abs, knowing it drives him crazy. A deep groan rumbles from him before he stands to his full height, reaches behind him, and pulls the material over his head. I scoot closer to the edge and immediately go for his pants, my hands shakin’ with urgency, but he halts my attempts by encircling my wrists in one hand.

“Not yet.” He pushes against my chest, forcing me to lie flat on my back, then spreads more of the decadent fillin’ on my body. His mouth continues its delicious assault down my stomach. Instead of removing my skirt he bunches it at my hips, then trails his nose along the thin, wet satin of my panties.

“Sawyer.” His name falls on a pleading whimper.

His thumbs hook in the edge of the thin straps before pulling them down my legs. I appreciate he didn’t rip them off like usual since I still need to get home.

A harsh gasp leaves me as he runs a knuckle through my wet flesh, his warm breath only inches from my aching core.

“You want my mouth, baby?”

“You know I do.”

“Then let me hear you say it, Grace.”

Rising to my elbows I look down at him, my gaze locking with his. “I want you to lick my pussy,” I breathe out, knowing it’s the exact words he wants to hear.

His green eyes flare the same time that sexy smirk touches his lips. “Good girl.” Grabbing my calves he drapes my legs over his strong shoulders, leaving my heels on. He presses a soft kiss on the inside of one thigh before delving in.

I cry out and fall to my back as pleasure sweeps over my body. His skillful tongue works my clit, heat burning like an inferno within my blood. My heels dig into his back as I buck against his mouth.

He grips my hips to keep me in place as he takes me higher and higher, bringing me closer to the edge of destruction. “So close already, Grace. Do what you need to do,” he mumbles against me.

On a moan I cup my breasts, pinching my stiff nipples with a pressure that borders a beautiful pain. In the same moment, Sawyer thrusts a finger inside of me and captures my hard bud between his lips, making me shatter. I scream his name and arch off the counter while sweet ecstasy rushes through me.

Sawyer’s lips move up my body, loving every piece of skin, as I slowly find reality again. A soft whimper escapes me when his teeth rake along my sensitive nipple, bringing my satisfied body to life again. “God, I love your mouth.”

“Yeah, but you love my dick more, right?”

I giggle. “Actually, I love you more.”

He brings his face level with mine, gracin’ me with that lopsided grin of his. “I love you too, Cupcake.”

My arms wind around his neck as his mouth fuses with mine. I lock my legs around his hips and thrust against the roughness of his jeans. With a growl he stands, bringing me with him, chest-to-chest, skin-to-skin. He moves across the kitchen before pinning me against the cooler door.

I gasp at the cool metal against the heated flesh of my back. “Gosh that’s cold.”

“Don’t worry, baby, I’m about to set you on fire,” he says arrogantly, reaching between us for the buckle on his jeans.

I’m about to put him in his place for the cocky comment but the words die in my throat when he thrusts up inside of me, claiming me—body and soul. A cry of pleasure parts my lips, my fingers digging into his shoulders, feeling the jagged scars beneath my touch.

Scars that still pain me every time I see or feel them.

Scars that shouldn’t be on a man as honorable as him.

“Jesus, you feel incredible,” he groans. “Every fucking time, Grace, feels like the first time.”

My forehead drops to his, emotion clogging my throat at his words. “That’s because it’s us.”

“That’s right, baby. We’re fucking perfect together.” I close my eyes, absorbing the feel of him being connected to me like this. “How do you want it?” he asks. “Slow and deep or hard and fast.”

My eyes snap open, locking with his bright green ones, and I see his need for release. The need for complete abandonment, the same as I do in this moment. “All of the above.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” he says with a dirty grin. With my legs draped in the crook of his arms he begins driving up inside of me, stealing my breath. First with slow, deep strokes, hitting every nerve ending in my body. His eyes remain connected with mine. “Feed me your tits, baby, let me suck those pretty little nipples.”

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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