Survivor's Remorse: Brothers of Ink and Steel (4 page)

BOOK: Survivor's Remorse: Brothers of Ink and Steel
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She lay down in the bottom of the tub, the water from the shower pelting her like rain. Suddenly the tub was the floor of a forest and the water from the shower was summer rain as Leo’s lips caressed her body in fleeting kisses, his cock probing her. Jamie’s head tipped back, her lips finding his as her finger probed and touched, Leo’s cock hitting her just right.


Her left hand grabbed her breast, pulling and twisting as his tongue flicked over the nipple, the sensation of his touch causing her orgasm to bear down on her. She moaned softly as his cock and lips destroyed her, her finger stroking and darting until with a shuddering groan her orgasm took her. She tried to continue stroking, driving her orgasm on as he cried out in orgasmic ecstasy, but the pleasure was too intense and she stopped her touching with a gasp.


She lay panting in the bottom of the tub a moment before she blew out a cleansing breath, shuddered again in the after-wash of her orgasm, and then struggled to her feet. She placed a steadying hand on the wall of the shower a moment until she felt confident on her feet.


was the one that needed to get laid.   




After leaving Jamie’s place, Leo took a ride through the countryside to try to clear his head. Today was the fifth anniversary of
the slaughter.
He thought he was hiding his turmoil pretty well, but Jamie seemed able to see right through him. Yes, the intercepts got him down. They always did. While he did little of the actual killing anymore, he gave the command to have it done, and that made it his responsibility. He didn’t like the killing, but it was club policy long before he arrived, and he couldn’t argue against it. The Prieto Cartel knew if they sent drugs and illegals through Lima 6 territory, and they got caught, their lives were forfeit. That had to make their recruiting drives a bitch.


Their vigilantism, and that was what it was, was important but ugly work – work that had to be done to keep the citizens of Vallecito safe. But that didn’t mean he had to enjoy it.


So the vigilantism wasn’t the problem… not all of the problem anyway. The real problem was that he always felt the loss of Second Platoon most keenly this time of year, when the ghosts, as he called them, spoke most loudly. Intellectually he knew it wasn’t his fault that Second Platoon was wiped out, and likewise he knew that no one blamed him for surviving – no one but himself, but that didn’t make the ghosts any less real.


Leo backed his Harley into his space at the clubhouse. He was a little early for the meeting, but he always felt most comfortable here, around people who knew how he felt and he didn’t have to pretend.


The Lima 6 clubhouse was a 1950s ranch style house the club had bought on the cheap and fixed up. Set on a five acre lot with a barn, the clubhouse was far enough away from everything that they didn’t have to worry about disturbing the neighbors. It was where they came to let off steam and where they met to conduct club business.


As Leo dismounted, Ron, the club President, sauntered up and took Leo into a hug, slapping him hard on the back. “How you holding up today, Leo?”


“I’ve had better days.”


“Yeah, I can image. But hey… it’s Friday, payday, and time to party. You going to stick around and join in on the fun?”


Leo smiled. “Don’t I always?”


Ron smiled and steered Leo toward the clubhouse. “Yeah, you do. But tonight has to be tough. Try to forget about it, if you can, and enjoy yourself, okay? And if you can’t do that, drink enough to drown the fucking memories. You can crash here. I’m sure somebody will be around in the morning to help get you the hair of the dog.”


Leo smiled at Ron’s gentle support. “Thanks Ron. I might just do that.”


“Which one?”


Leo’s grin spread a little more. “Either. Maybe both.”


“Good man. Come on… you can help me stuff envelopes.”




“Everyone!” Ron called two hours later. “Will the last intercept team come over here a moment?” As each man walked up, Ron handed him an envelope and offered his hand. “Any more club business?” Ron asked when Leo, the last in line, received his envelope and shook his hand. “No?” he continued when no one answered.


As was their ritual, after a brief pause to give someone time to respond, a voice in the crowd called out. “Hey! Anybody know what time it is?”


There was a brief pause before another voice answered. “It’s time to…”


“Party!” the rest of the voices joined in. Leo smiled and looked at the ground. His life may have sucked, but these guys made it suck a little less.


For the next two hours, the food and drink flowed liberally. As their custom, Ron and Leo, as the two leaders of the club, manned the grill and kept the steaks and burgers coming until everyone was fed.


Finished serving, he sat down with Maggie and Tuck while he ate. The company, beer, and thick cut steak, with the potato on the side, had dulled the edge of his hurt. 


Tuck was a lucky guy. Maggie was sharp as a tack, beautiful as a sunrise, and sweet as Texas tea. He would never admit it to anyone, but he envied Tuck a little for his Maggie, and wondered what it would be like to have someone like that in his life. A couple of months before, Tuck had admitted to him that he was thinking about asking Maggie to marry him. Leo had given his enthusiastic support to the idea and didn’t know what he was waiting on.


As Maggie swayed up, a pretty young thing followed in her wake with two beers in her hand. Leo stared at the girl as they approached. He was certain he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where.


“Leo… this is Anna. She wanted me to introduce her to you.”


It took a moment before the name clicked. He looked to Tuck and he could see that Tuck was wondering the same thing he was…was this the Anna that had started all the shit at HNH? The girl’s age looked to be about right, but there was no way to be sure.


Anna slithered to the ground beside Leo, handed him one of the beers, and put her hand on his knee. “I heard there was a party happening out here tonight, so I tagged along with a couple of friends. I know how the cowboys do it…I thought I would see how the bikers do it.”


Leo saw Maggie shrug a shoulder at Tuck’s questioning look. “Nice to meet you, Anna,” Leo said. “You know Maggie?”


“Well, no. But Lisa, one of the girls I came with, answers the phones at her office. So I introduced myself. I saw her sitting with you over here. I thought you looked a little lonely so I…”


When she trailed off, Leo helped her along. “Decided to come over and keep me company?”


“Yeah! That’s a good way to put it.”


“Come on Tuck. Dance with me,” Maggie said, standing up while dragging Tuck to his feet and stepping in close…very close, her hips gyrating against his own as she pulled him away.


“You’re Leo Graves, right? The guy that owns the landscaping company?”


“That’s right.”


“I thought that was you. You bank at WTNB, where I work. I’ve seen you around.”


“You work the window, right?” Leo asked as he suddenly recalled where he had seen her. He didn’t use the drive-up at West Texas National Bank, but the drive-up window was right behind the counter so he had seen her.


Anna beamed, obviously thrilled he remembered her. “Yeah! That’s right.”


“Well, nice to finally meet you, Anna,” he said, holding his beer out until she clinked her bottle to his.


“Come through the drive-thru sometime and say hi. I give out kisses.”


“You must get a lot of traffic, then, with a deal like that,” he teased.


“Hershey Kisses, silly! But for you…we might be able to work something else out.”


Leo felt his face flush from the overt come-on. “Is that so?”


“Maybe,” she said as she sat in his lap.


Leo could feel himself begin to stiffen. Anna was just like dozens of other women he’s had, a pretty young thing that wanted to take a walk on the wild side. Lubricated with a few beers, and an itch they want scratched, they came to their parties looking to get laid by the badass biker. Most regret it the next day, but a few hung around and eventually became someone’s old lady. If Leo had to place his money, he would put it on Anna regretting it the next day.


As he looked into her eyes, she leaned in and placed her lips to his. He didn’t know if this was cue-boy’s Anna, but if she was, he could see why he would want to hang onto her… because she certainly knew how to kiss.


“That drive-thru is looking better all the time,” Leo said as their lips parted. 


“That’s good. I’m all about the service.”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah. Want to try me sometime?”


Leo stared at her a moment. It had been a couple of weeks since he got laid. Maybe that was what he needed… a good hard fucking to clear the fog he had been in for the last week or so. It’s not often you got a chance to try fresh pussy, and Anna’s appeared to be fresher than most. And she obviously wanted it… wanted it bad.


“How about now?”


Anna beamed. “Why not? You want to come to—”


“The clubhouse,” Leo said, interrupting her. If she wanted a ride on the wild side, he would give her the full treatment.


“Fuckin’ A. I’ve always wanted to get fucked in a biker’s clubhouse.”


He pushed Anna to her feet and took her by the arm as he steered her toward the clubhouse. As they entered, Richard Copperton, Copper to his friends, was making out on the couch with one of the regulars that liked to put out.


“Fuck,” Leo snarled after trying each of the three doors leading to a bedroom. “Ever been fucked in a barn?”




“Want to be?”


“God, yes.”


“Good. Come on.” Leo led her out, past Copper and Kat, and down the back steps. As soon as she saw the barn looming in the moonlight, she began to jog, tugging at him, trying to hurry him along. The moment they stepped into the barn, she turned on him and began to strip him.


The barn was dilapidated and empty. They don’t use it for anything, but it was good enough for a quick fuck. They kissed frantically, tearing at each other’s clothes. Anna’s breasts weren’t as large as Kat’s—but then whose are—but she still had a pretty nice rack.


Once her shirt and bra were removed, Leo shoved her hard against one of the large beams that supported the roof. “Are you sure you want this?” he growled, giving her one last chance to change her mind before he took her.


By way of answer, she pushed him backward and dropped to her knees in the dirt where she pulled his pants down and engulfed his throbbing cock with her mouth. She roughly fellated him, causing him to groan as he put his hands on her head, and pulled her onto him until she struggled.


“Not so deep,” she gasped when he let her go.


“Get undressed,” he commanded as he began to shed the rest of his clothing.


She sat on the ground and pulled her boots and pants off. The moment she was done, he settled on the ground with her and pulled her legs over his head.


“Oh fuck… oh fuck… oh fuck…” she whimpered as she lay across him, looking behind her as she thrust at his face.




“I’ve never been eaten out before. My boyfriend, he won’t do it,” she gasped as she continued to writhe in anticipation.


Leo went in hard and fast, his tongue slashing and probing, causing her to whimper then bear down on his mouth as she took him into the warm wetness of her mouth. She didn’t last long and she removed him from her mouth and began to keen softly. A small splash of her liquid hit his chin as she shuddered, thrusting her hips against his face for a moment before gasping and sagging against him.


“Shit…” she gasped softly as she began to move again. “That was incredible.”


“We’re just getting started,” Leo murmured as he gently pushed her off of him and onto her back.


“Fuck… I can’t take much more,” she gasped as she lay back and opened for him.


He didn’t say anything as he positioned himself then drove himself in with a single hard thrust. Anna cried out softly and then began to match his rhythm, thrusting her hips in time with his.


“That’s it. Fuck me. Fuck me so goddamn hard. Fuck me like a biker bitch.”


At her words, Leo felt all the fire go out of him.
That’s all this is…just another fuck. Sex without meaning… a screw with no attachment.
He wanted to stop the merry-go-round… but the least he could do was finish her.


“You like that, you bitch? You like me fucking you like the biker bitch you are?” he snarled, driving into her furiously hard, still playing the game.

BOOK: Survivor's Remorse: Brothers of Ink and Steel
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