Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy (6 page)

BOOK: Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy
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“Ashley, I was being an ass, because I wanted to get one up on Nancy.”  He kissed her forehead. “Believe me I’ve been paying for that night.”


She looked at him with questioning eyes.  “Sweetheart, you have a very expressive face and eyes. It was very plain by the look on your face that night that I had hurt you.”  He squeezed her.  “I see that look of yours in my dreams and I wish I could take that moment back.”  He whispered against her lips.  “I feel your pain as if it were mine.”


“Kyle, do you know why it hurt so much?  Do you know why Nancy and I are such great friends?”

Frowning he shook his head.
 “I may not know everything about you.  But, I do know 
.”  He kissed the tip of her nose.  “Besides, getting to know each other better is the best part.”

With her hands flat against his chest, feeling his strong steady heartbeat, she asked softly, “Can I please think about it?”


Scowling and getting a little upset, another thought came to Kyle.
 “Is this about another man, Sanchez, perhaps?”


“What?”  Ashley was stunned.


“I see the way you two have been huddling in corners together since Agent Lyte has left.”  Kyle knew jealousy was now driving his brain but he couldn’t stop himself.  She totally threw him by asking for time to think about them.  It rankled, when for him he had done nothing but think about them getting together.

Stepping out of his arms and feeling a little hurt, she looked into his eyes.
 “I can’t believe you’re asking me this.”


In the same vain, mocking her, he said, “I can’t believe you’re asking for time!”


Totally pissed now she fired back, “Not anymore I’m not, forget it, we’re done!”


Ashley stalked over to the table where her gun was and put it back on her hip.  She turned to face him and was brought up short by him being directly behind her.  She glared up at him, “Anything else, sir?”


His eyes had blue ice in them.  “Yes!”  He pulled her roughly into his arms.  She wasn’t ready for the heat of his anger.  He took her mouth furiously, conquering her refusal with a very active tongue.  He had her returning his harsh kisses in seconds.  


She didn’t even object when he opened her blouse, popping a couple of buttons in his haste.  She didn’t stop him when he one-handedly opened the front clasp on her bra.  Nor did she call a halt to things when his hands took a hold of her breasts and began to knead them.


She moaned and called out his name when he took first one hard nipple in his hot mouth, suckling her until she was writhing in his arms, and then he treated the other nipple to more of the same.

Her body betrayed her as he took off her gun, setting it back on the table and then sitting and putting her in his lap.
 His tongue unmercifully teased her begging nipples.  Soon she was lying back with him above her.  He tutored her body in response.  Her pants were now open with his hand inside her panties.


He expertly stroked her slick folds, finding her swollen bud.   Huskily, while still stroking her clit, he said with his mouth against her nipple.  “Do you get this wet and hot for Sanchez?  Do your nipples get this big and hard for him?  Do you call out his name when you have a mini-orgasm from having your delicious nipples sucked?”


Ashley couldn’t do anything but respond, “Oh, Kyle!”  She panted as he inserted two fingers in her tight entrance and his thumb rolled her clit.


“That’s right, 
!”  With fire in his eyes he watched her spread her legs wantonly, thrusting against his hand.  He pinched one of her nipples as he sped up his penetrating fingers.


She cried out again, panting loudly as her climax was nearing a conclusion.  “That’s right, come for me, baby!  Me, Kyle!”  Thrashing her head back and forth, clutching at him, she flew apart, screaming his name.


When she became aware of her surroundings, her legs were still parted, her clothes open.  She looked at Kyle who was now standing, looking down at her.  Anger burned in his eyes.  “Now, we’re done agent.” With that parting shot he turned and walked out of his office, leaving Ashley beyond stunned and feeling hurt.



Kyle sat in the parking lot of Club Beats in Colonial Heights.
 He had wanted so badly to cancel. But, he had promised his nephew and his sister.  He knew Ashley would be here.  He had totally screwed up with her.  He had let his anger over her request for more time to think about them as a couple take over his actions.  He forgot that she hadn’t been sitting by his bedside every day for weeks waiting for him to wake up, thinking about all the missed opportunities between them.  She hadn’t been the one falling asleep next to his hospital bed holding his hand.  He had done all that with her and had agonized over losing her without ever even having her.  He had promised himself if Ashley woke up he would fix the things between them.  He had waited until she was healed, returned to work and he had spoken with Bunny, but, he did keep his promise.  He made his move for Ashley and had blown it.


Well, he can totally forget about being her man now.  His anger and jealousy had put paid to his ever having anything special with Ashley.  He didn’t know if he was going to be able to adjust his feelings and work with her as though nothing happened.  


He had seen red, thinking about Sanchez being with her, thinking something with Sanchez could be the reason she wasn’t accepting him right away, thinking about Sanchez being the first man to enter her. Urr!  It was driving him insane to think about Ashley giving her virginity to anyone other than him.


He should just stop sulking and take rejection like man.  His father would not be proud.  Hell, he wasn’t proud of himself.  He didn’t think he could ever be ruled by his emotions alone, not since being in the Navy.  He took down crazed killers and took in his command unruly young men wanting to defend their country.  Yet, one small woman could drive him to distractions and drive him just a little bit crazy where he was acting as though he didn’t have any common sense.


Kyle growled aloud when he saw Ashley’s Nissan pull into the parking lot.  And sitting right beside her was Sanchez.  They were laughing.  That was just great.  Didn’t they make a wonderful couple?  Not!


He continued to watch them park and walk in together.  Kyle was disgusted with himself.  The woman turned him into a stalker!  Well, not technically, because, this was 
 family’s event and he had actually arrived first.  Just because he chose to sit in the parking lot like a chump didn’t make him a stalker.


Resigned to be tortured all evening by Ashley’s closeness; so close but yet so far, Kyle got out of the car and went inside.  He spotted his family’s table almost immediately.  On the far side away from the door but close to the main stage, his family commandeered several tables and chairs, fitting them together to form a larger table so they could all be together.


Kyle made his way over, excusing himself as he passed, tiny groups of other families who were obviously here for the same reason.  The club patrons were predominantly black and Latino. There were a few whites, his family being the largest group.  The closer he got to the makeshift table his relatives horned for themselves, the easier it was to tell something was amiss.


Kyle arrived at the table, gently putting a hand on his mother’s shoulder.  He bent down and talked over all the noise.  “What’s going on?”


Drew saw him and came over.  “I am sorry to get you and grandma out here for no reason Uncle Kyle.  I know this isn’t your scene.”


Kyle looked into his nephew’s eyes.  Remembering Ashley’s words about Drew being a mini-him, Kyle could see the very strong resemblance.  Drew could pass for 
 son.  Also in his nephew’s eyes Kyle saw disappointment and was that pain?


“No reason?  What happened?”  Kyle took a look at Ashley standing slightly behind Drew with Sanchez just off to her left.  She had a hand comfortingly on Drew’s shoulder.


“He got played.”  Holly said with anger.  His niece Holly had inherited the Strongs’ explosive temper out of the two siblings.  Drew was usually the calmer one.


Kyle took in his sister’s angry stance.  She looked like a mother lioness about to tear someone apart for messing with her cubs and his mother looked like she was ready to back her up.  Their antagonism was directed at a table behind him.

Kyle took a look.
 There was a group off to their far right against the wall.  In the center of the group of mostly black and Latino males was a pretty Latina teen.  She was staring at Drew.


Kyle looked at his nephew.  Drew was devouring the girl with his eyes.  Oh boy.  Great, that’s all he needed, young love angst.  “I take it that girl you all are drilling holes in with your eyes is the reason you are no longer competing tonight.”


Drew nodded, putting his head down.  “She is doing 
 routine with Razor.”


“Oh, no, she didn’t?”  Ashley said.  She threw a nasty glare at the girl.  Now all the females were giving the table behind him danger stares.


So now Kyle knew what Holly had meant by Drew getting played.  The girl had used her feminine charm to get a routine out of Kyle and then at the last minute dumped him to do the routine with her real partner.  Kyle tried not to roll his eyes.  Could this hip-hop thing really be all that serious?


An officious looking DJ with a clipboard and a headset walked to their table, “Team Double Trouble, Drew Strong and Maria Rivera?”


Kyle saw that his nephew was having trouble getting the words out so he said it for him.  “No, they’re not performing tonight.”


“You guys are backing out?”  The man was consulting his clipboard, his pen poised above Drew’s name.


Seeing tears come to Holly’s eyes; she knew what this had meant to her brother, and Drew clench and unclench his fists, had Kyle wishing he could do something.  He too now sent a dirty look the girl’s way.


Suddenly he heard Ashley, “We’re performing, but you got the names wrong.  It’s Team Ebony and Ivory; Drew Strong and Ashley Mackenzie.  We will be doing the backup routine and need that setup on stage.”


The man made the changes to his clipboard and said, “Dressing rooms 7 and 8, you’re on in about 30 minutes, then your song follows about 15 minutes after, either one or both of you sings.”  The man was busy writing so he missed the stupefied looks all around him.


When he left, Drew and Holly stared at Ashley with huge smiles.  Nancy came over, taking Ashley’s hand in hers.  “Are you sure, Mack, you have to sing?  I know that hurts you.”


Kyle frowned.  How did singing hurt Ashley?  He didn’t like not knowing what was going on, especially if it could hurt Ashley.


Ashley hugged Nancy.  “I am sure.  This is your son.  No one messes with your son!”

Nancy gave her a watery smile.
 “That’s right!”  Nancy hugged her tightly before wiping away tears and releasing her so her mother could hug Ashley.


Ashley pulled keys from her jeans’ pocket.  She whispered into Sanchez’s ear.  He took off out the door.  Ashley, Drew and Holly stood in a tight circle, their arms around one another.  Then Ashley looked at them with a determined expression.  “Ok, guys, what time is it?”


His niece’s and nephew’s smiles grew tenfold.  “It’s school time!”  They said together.

Ashley returned their smiles. “I didn’t hear you!
 What time is it?”


“It’s school time!”  They shouted loud enough that others near their table turned to watch them.

“That’s right!
 It’s time to school some fools!”  Ashley shouted back, pointing a finger at the Latina girl.  Miss Maria Rivera it seemed was in trouble.


The trio laughed and started some intricate hand shake.  It was apparent it was something they did often. Each knew when to hit high, low, sideways and across, ending with their right hands shaped into a gun, which they all pointed at the girl.  


Kyle almost felt sorry for the girl having to stare down the single-minded three, almost.  Looking at his mother and sister as they watched the 3 with pride, it hit him, his mother and sister treated Ashley as though she were related by blood.  Thinking of when he told Ashley that she wasn’t family made him feel shame.  Seeing them together it was very clear they were indeed a family.

BOOK: Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy
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