Read Strictly Business Online

Authors: Lisa Eugene

Strictly Business (9 page)

BOOK: Strictly Business
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Ummm…so wet. You like that?”

’s hips bucked against his hand in avid response, and he issued a throaty moan as she closed around his probing finger. She felt the sweet tightness of an orgasm start to build inside, and she was ready to let the sensation wash over her when he withdrew his finger and resumed his soft gentle stroking.

Her eyes flew open and she met his gaze instantly. She was crazy with wanting and her breath was coming in short pants. She couldn’t read his expression, but she saw the intense need she felt reflected in his smoldering gaze. Mutely she watched him drag his long fingers up her body then circle her nipple with moisture he’d collected from her. The sensation was agonizingly erotic, hitching up her arousal another degree. When his mouth opened over the same nipple and he sucked greedily, she moaned deeply, not recognizing her voice.

She found the strength to lift her hips and he inched her soaked underwear down he
r legs. Her breath arrested when he knelt and settled between her thighs. She wondered briefly if she’d survive this brand of pleasure. He lifted a slender thigh over his right shoulder and with a throaty moan laved her sensitive nub with his hot tongue. A giant shock wave churned through her as she felt his lips moving against her aching flesh. His velvety tongue sweetly tortured her, his leisurely pace offering no succor.

“Umm…so sweet…I want you to come for me
, baby

Her hips lurched at his throaty command. She felt every muscle in her body clamp down when he slipped two fingers inside her seeping channel. Meanwhile his tongue initiated a feverish rhythm, lapping at her folds and swiftly circling her rigid button. Her head whipped about wildly, and her nails dug into the couch as the tight band inside her flew apart and her release spiraled through her like a raging tornado. His name was ripped from her throat on a scream, and she wondered if she’d ever again find her voice.

Wade crawled up the couch and held her as her spasms subsided. She shifted, trying to make room for his large body. Her hip encountered a small rectangular object and fishing it from beneath her, she handed him his cell phone. With a lazy gaze she watched him toss it onto her coffee table, then he turn to rain tiny kisses on her face.

brain, although still dazed and foggy was computing rapidly. She was trying to sort out the emotions gathering inside her. It had never been like this. She’d never behaved like this before and was almost embarrassed by her response. Sex was usually a quiet release for her, a soft pleasant ripple of pleasure.
Nothing like this
. She never thought it could be this…this…intense.

hope your walls are soundproof,” he teased, nudging his nose into the warmth of her neck. He nipped lightly on the tender skin just below her jaw, igniting a riot of sensations.

turned into his chest and snuggled against him. “No. But most of the tenants are deaf.” Her voice was hoarse.

Wade looked down at her with a questioning raise of his eyebrows
, and she laughed.

“A lot of little old ladies in this building.”

“Well you’ve probably given them something to talk about at their next co-op board meeting.” Wade chuckled deeply.

“Oh yeah?”
she asked wickedly, overcome by the uncharacteristic boldness he always seemed to inspire. She twisted her body against him and reached down to massage the rigid protrusion in his pants. Cupping her hand around his impressive length, she stroked slowly.

growled low against her ear and thrust his pelvis into her touch. His large hand eased down the length of her naked body and he surprised her when he captured her fingers and brought them to his lip for a soft kiss.

“If you start that, we’ll never leave this apartment.”

“And the problem with that is…?” She teased. She could already feel desire starting to stir again. If he could make her feel this good with his tongue, she could only imagine what other talents awaited her.

Wade laughed. “I’ve
let loose a monster.” He rose up on his elbow and regarded her soberly. “I know we have this amazing physical chemistry between us, but...I…I don’t want this to be just about sex. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel a connection between us. I think we can have something special.”

  Nina blinked a few times, trying to process his words. She felt a
n emotional thickness welling in her throat, muting her vocal cords. Instead she reached up and kissed him gently on his cheek.

“Can we still make it to the restaurant in time?”

He checked his watch. “I think so.”

gathered up her clothes and kissed him quickly before scurrying into the bedroom to change.

“What’s for dinner?” Nina called from the bedroom.



Wade chuckled softly as he empti
ed the wineglasses in the sink, trying to ignore his persistent boner. He was also trying to process what he’d just confessed to Nina. What exactly did he want this to be about? And what precisely was
? He wasn’t the kind of person to deny himself. When he wanted something he got it. Period. And he wanted her in his bed, under him, around him, moaning his name. He looked down at his pants. This current line of thought did nothing to ameliorate his physical condition.

‘I feel a connection between us’? ‘Something special’?
He groaned inwardly with embarrassment. Since when did he become such a sap? How did this woman affect him so? Although he did have uncommonly strong feelings for her and had meant his words he wondered what man would openly confess them.
Surely he was smoother than that!
The last time he’d said such prattle to a girl he was in eleventh grade and trying to get laid, not the opposite! She must think him a total dolt! He shook his head. Bad form Connolly. Bad form.

” Nina yelled again from the bedroom, causing him to cease his self-reproach. “Did I hear you say
she asked in disbelief as she strolled out of the bedroom, now dressed in smart capris and a blouse. Her face scrunched up disapprovingly. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. You know, the board of health—.”

“Says it’s fine,
” he finished for her, returning her spirited gaze. “Have you ever tried it?”

“Well. I have no desire to catch a parasite. Thanks.”

“Don’t worry,” h
e said following her through the door. “This is a very reputable place. I’ve eaten there many times and apart from the occasional facial tick I get from eating the blowfish, I’m fine.”

sensuous lips twitched with amusement as her green eyes rounded to saucers and horror filled them.

“You don’t eat blowfish, do you? It’s poisonous!”

“Just certain parts.”

That’s very risky.”

It’s fine if it’s cut right. Plus,” he added wickedly, “nothing wrong with taking a risk every now and then.”

Nina was pondering his statement when
the door across the hall opened and a small white-haired elderly lady emerged carrying a plastic garbage bag.

“Well, what a surprise.” Mrs.
Witkin’s wrinkled face was draped with a beaming smile.

Nina smiled back at her neighbor, knowing that her impromptu appearance was no
coincidence. Mrs. Witkin had a reputation as the building snoop. As the oldest and longest resident in the small brownstone, she made it her business to know everyone else’s business.

she rubbed some tenants the wrong way, Nina got along well with her. Nina figured she was left alone because her mundane life offered no fodder for gossip—until now, that was.

st going to the trash compactor,” Mrs. Witkin announced, her crinkly eyes openly assessing Wade. She turned and gave Nina a sly wink of approval and an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

Nina introduced the two and almost laughed out loud. Mrs.
Witkin was barely five feet tall and reached just above Wade’s elbow. She had to crank her neck all the way back just to see his face. Nina peered at the large garbage bag she carried. It was practically empty! She could just imagine Mrs. Witkin scurrying around her apartment trying to find something to throw out so she could
bump into them.

“Going out for Sushi
, huh?” Mrs. Witkin asked, her face set disapprovingly.

How did she know that?
Nina’s eyes caught the hearing aid in her ear. She must have cranked it up to the max. She blushed as she wondered just how long Mrs. Witkin had been listening in on them.

Wanna come?” Amusement filled Wade’s voice as they made their way to the elevator.

“No way.” Mrs.
Witkin shook her head firmly. “Didn’t make it to eighty-four by eating raw fish! You young people today are all the same….living life in the fast lane. In my day a young man knew his place. Young women were courted. Why, a young man would never come up to my apartment, he’d…. ”

nodded, bowed to her reverently, and stepped into the elevator. “Nice meeting you.”

Witkin, undeterred continued her diatribe as the elevator doors slid closed. Nina suppressed a laugh and turned to Wade.

“Are all your neighbors like her?”
He chuckled.

“I’m afraid so.”

“Next time my place.” His warm breath tickled her ear. “Besides, my walls are sound proof.”












Wade laced Nina’s fingers through his as they crossed the wide downtown avenue
. Couples hurried pass them on their way to dinner and traffic clotted the street as yellow cabs zigzagged recklessly up the avenue. A car honked in the distance and a loud impatient yell was carried away on the summer breeze. The crisp night air filled his lungs and he almost sighed happily.

What wa
s wrong with him? Had he really refused sex earlier? The way she made him feel was uncanny. He actually wanted to please her more than he wanted to satisfy himself. The look of pleasure on her face was enough to spur him to push her higher, to test her self-imposed boundaries. He was in no way immune to her. She didn’t even have to touch him and he was ready to explode. He hoped the brisk air would clear his head and stop his heart from doing flip-flops whenever he looked at her.

They were just turning up Franklin Avenue when a figure in the shadow
s about forty meters ahead caught his attention. Wade continued his pace, but was instantly on guard. He didn’t want to alarm Nina who was telling him the story of how she and Sally met.

The man
hiding in the gloom took a step forward and Wade’s neck stiffened. He visibly relaxed when he recognized Ben’s stocky form, but his brows furrowed in confusion. What was Ben doing here? If he’d wanted to reach him he could have called his cell phone.
Wade suddenly realized that he’d left his cell phone on Nina’s coffee table. Ben must have been trying to reach him and couldn’t get through. Wade had told him earlier where he’d be having dinner tonight. Wade’s mind flooded with possibilities.

The only thing that made sense was that he’d figured out the identity of the person altering the MRI films. Maybe his cop friend had found some viable prints on the film. That had to be it.
The hairs on the back of Wade’s neck prickled as a sense of foreboding settled over him.

Ben caught his attention
, then made a bee line towards him. The feeling of uneasiness grew as Wade watched his friend take determined strides in his direction. His wrinkled face was stoic and unreadable.

“What’s wrong?” Nina asked.

He squeezed her hand reassuringly

Ben stopped
in front of a nearby newsstand and appeared to be casually perusing the colorful magazines in front of him. The dark skinned man behind the partition flashed a toothless smile as he took a couple swigs from a stained paper coffee cup. A cool wind kicked up a scattering of leaves on the sidewalk and an exotic scent wafted from a nearby restaurant. Wade got within arm’s length of Ben, and suddenly his friend looked up, feigning surprise to see him.

“Wade Co
nnolly! How are you?”

Wade noticed what looked like a folded slip of paper
concealed in Ben’s hand when he held it out in greeting, waiting casually for Wade to respond. Wade caught his friend’s eye, but his face was still a mask of bland emotion. The dread in Wade’s gut burned hotter and his internal radar was screaming.

Just as he was about to shake Ben’s hand, a
loud deafening pop blistered his ears and the screams that followed erupted around him like cannon fire. Footsteps were heard scrambling in every direction and bags flew as pedestrians ditched whatever weighted them down. Nina hit the concrete hard as Wade tackled her, his big body landing on top of hers like a human shield. He issued a stream of harsh curses as the chaos continued.

He could hear the dark skinned vendor ducking inside the booth yelling frantically in a high pitched Middle Eastern tongue. Wade stayed still as the agonizing moments passed and the screams tapered into an eerie silence. He finally rolled off Nina, adrenaline pumping through his veins
. His hands fluttered over her body making sure she was all right.

“Are you okay?
You okay?” He inquired breathlessly.

“I—I’m okay,” s
he assured him, the tremors in her body visible. “
Oh my God!
” she screeched, her gaze landing on the stocky man that lay twisted on the sidewalk.

Wade gasped and rushe
d over to his friend. “Ben! Ben?”

Wade’s watched as the color drained from Ben’s face and his heart
teetered in his chest. The pink hue around Ben’s mouth and eyes was fading into an ashy gray and beads of liquid pooled on his balding forehead. Wade’s gaze traveled quickly down to Ben’s chest where the area of blood on his shirt was quickly expanding. The red color was so bright that it blinded him with disbelief. He placed a finger on Ben’s chest and winced at the warmth of the ruby liquid pouring from his friend’s body.

“Give me your shirt!” Nina’s crisp
command pierced his ears as she knelt next to him.

Wade was daze
d, but followed her instructions, quickly discarding his sling and practically ripping the shirt from his body.

Nina’s head snapped up
toward the vendor peeking over the top of the booth.

“You got a phone in there?” s
he yelled up at him.

ma’am,” he responded, his eyes round and wide.

“Call 911 now!”

Wade watched as Nina tore open Ben’s shirt. Blood flowed everywhere and he wondered how she could see what she was doing. She grabbed Wade’s shirt from his hands and after bunching it up, placed it over the erupting wound.

“I want you to press down as firmly a
s you can,” she instructed calmly.

She moved to Ben’s neck and
poked around for his pulse.

“It’s w
eak and thready, but it’s there,” she noted. She crouched low with her ear over Ben’s mouth and tilted back his head. “He’s not breathing.”

Wade watched as Nina pinched
Ben’s nose and blew two quick breaths into his lungs. She fingered his neck again and the look he saw on her face scared him to death.

“Is he..?”

“He’s lost his pulse. His heart’s stopped,” she said grimly.

Wade swore and yelled at his friend to hang on to the life that was
rapidly draining from his ashen body.

Nina shifted her position from Ben’s head and moved to the upper part of his body. Suddenly she made a fist and delivered a vigorous thump to the left side of his chest
. She palpated his neck again and Wade could see her eyes fill with determination. She balled her fist up again and delivered another blow to the left side of Ben’s chest. This time when she felt his neck she gave Wade a grim nod and blew out a long breath. He watched as she filled her lungs and delivered a robust breath into Ben’s mouth. Ben lay lifelessly beneath them, his face a gray mottled tapestry. Wade saw no signs of the street-savvy friend he’d had drinks with that afternoon, and as the shirt he pressed firmly against Ben’s chest wall started to saturate with blood he feared the worse.

The high pitched wails of the ambulance in the distance gave him momentary comfort and he stared hopefully as the large ambulance
skidded to a halt in front of them; its whirling lights flash in brilliant display. Several police cars rounded the corner and came to a screaming halt as pedestrians suddenly crowded them.

“Step back! Coming through! Coming through!” He heard voices yell at the
thong of spectators.

An emergency technician relieved him and applied a large heavy pressure dressing to Ben’s wound. Another man in uniform knelt beside Ben and
threaded a needle into his vein.

“I’m a doctor. He’s got a gunshot wound to the right upper chest. He’s not breathing on his own
. Possibly a collapsed lung,” Nina told one of the ambulance workers between puffs.

“Okay, step back.”

Nina joined Wade and they observed in bleak silence as the technicians worked on Ben. When he was finally lifted onto a gurney, he had tubes and machines snaking from his flaccid body, and the technician was using a bag to squeeze air into his lungs.

Wade stepped forward. “Where are you taking him?”

“Washington Memorial Hospital,” one of the technicians answered.

Wade grabbe
d the man’s arm and stilled him. Fierce anger stung his eyes.

“No. You can’t go there.”

The technician frowned at him. “What? It’s the closest hospital. We have to take him there.”

Wade’s large body
blocked the gurney and Nina stepped forward.

“What’s going on?”

“He won’t let us take the patient to Washington Memorial.”

Nina turned to glare at Wade. Her
eyes filled with puzzlement. She looked like she was about to say something to him, but instead she turned to the ambulance workers and showed them the identification badge she’d fished out of her purse.

“I’m his doctor and I want him to go to St. Vincent Hospital
. It’s about the same distance. I’ll meet you there,” she said.

The technician hesitated, but evidently deciding the priority was getting the patient to the hospital, scrambled into the back of the ambulance, yelling out
new instructions to the driver.

released the long slow breath that had been trapped in his lungs. He raked his fingers through his already disheveled hair, causing the waves to flow unevenly.

head shot up as he remembered something and he quickly scanned the area where Ben’s broken body had lain. The folded note was peeking out from under his discarded blood soaked shirt. He struggled to subdue the tremor in his hand as he picked it up and attempted to unfold it. It was saturated with blood. Whatever was written on it was illegible. The only words he could make out were, ‘Be Careful’ and ‘Dr. Henley’.

The conflicting emotions swirling through Wade were staggering. He
pocketed the note and turned to the sound of the ambulance as it disappeared down the avenue with its siren screaming.

“I want to know what the hell is going on.”
Nina appeared before him, her jaw taut and her green eyes blazing with confusion and anger.

spied a uniform cop weaving his way through the crowd towards them and he grabbed Nina’s arm.

“Let’s get out of here. Let’s go to the hospital.” When she didn’t budge he added, “I’ll explain everything later. I promise.”



The waiting room on the second floor of St.Vincent’s hospital was quiet. It was only the loud ticking of a large wall clock that challenged the eerie silence. The florescent lights overhead obliterated shadows and bathed Nina’s skin as she searched for Wade.

She’d just left him sitting in one of the chairs that formed a row of seats that bisected the room. She’d gone to the bathroom down the hall to rinse the blood that had crusted like a macabre tattoo on her hands and forearms.
Her silk halter-top was speckled with blood and the knees of her capris were stained with patches of dirt. This was the least of her worries.

She and Wade had taken a silent cab ride to the hospital. He’d been visibly distraught by the shooting of the man on the sidewalk
, a man he obviously knew and cared for. He’d clasped her hand tightly during the cab ride, his gaze fixed on the road ahead, his brow creased and tense.

hadn’t prodded him then for information, instead her heart had ached along with his. The pain in his eyes was too intense and his anguish too raw. As a doctor she understood grief. She’d witnessed it many times. He needed to claw his way out of this initial shock, then he’d be ready to talk.

She’d sensed it earlier. She’d sensed the change in him as they’d walked to the restaurant. She remembered him in stride beside her and the firm squeeze of his large hand, but she’d sensed that he’d been somewhere far away
. A cold shiver vibrated through her as she relived the shooting. She could still hear the echoes of the blood-curdling screams around her. That poor man.
Who was he?
What was he doing there? What was his connection to Wade?
Her heart bucked in her chest as another thought came to mind. Had that bullet been meant for Wade?

Ben had been taken immediately to the operating room. Nina had spoken to the surgeon briefly who’d told her that the bullet had shattered two of Ben’s ribs and pierced the upper lobe of his right lung, causing it to collapse. The bullet had fortunately missed his major vessels
, but had caused so much damage it was impossible to tell at this point if he’d recover. From the information Wade had given the doctors Ben was not in good health to begin with, which made his chances of survival even slimmer.

followed the far wall of the room that turned abruptly to form a secluded alcove. The sound of whispered voices floated to her ears and she stopped suddenly, recognizing Wade’s angry voice.

“Damn, when he told me someone was tailing him I should’ve
voiced my concerns! I should have told him to lay low for a while. Maybe get protection!” Wade stated harshly.

“What were you suppose to do
, Wade? You know how Ben is. He likes to work alone.” The other male voice was resigned.

BOOK: Strictly Business
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