Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (7 page)

BOOK: Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Rafe groaned. Dale’s hot mouth took him. Rafe closed his eyes. “Oh yeah.”

Dale pulled back and began working his way down the shaft of Rafe’s cock, licking and kissing. Rafe moved his fingers through Dale’s hair in gentle massaging circles. Dale tightened his grip and moaned, his mouth on Rafe’s balls. It was almost too much.

Rafe pulled Dale up. Dale’s mouth left a trail of wet, fire-heated kisses up Rafe’s body until their mouths sealed together again. This time Rafe walked his lover back, pushing him against a boulder. He moved down Dale’s body, licking, returning kisses, stopping to nip at Dale’s nipples then swirling his tongue in Dale’s navel. His young lover gasped and swore. Rafe glanced up to see Dale had one hand on the rock and the other arm over his eyes. His mouth was open in a silent gasp. Rafe smiled and licked the head of Dale’s cock.

“Ah, shit.” Dale’s body jerked. Rafe explored Dale with his tongue and teeth until Dale’s breath came in harsh gasps. He stopped for a moment to watch Dale’s distress. The young Werewolf was gorgeous in his passion, he need to come etched into the set of his features.

“R–rafe. Please.” Dale’s voice broke. Rafe pressed Dale’s hips against the stone. He placed an infinitely gentle kiss on the end of Dale’s cock. Dale sobbed. Rafe found the small opening and pressed the tip of his tongue into it. Dale cried out and tried to buck under Rafe.

Rafe circled the base of Dale’s cock and squeezed, tugging back, stopping Dale’s orgasm. Dale moaned in protest. Rafe stood and pulled Dale into his arms again, holding him until his breathing calmed a bit. When Dale sighed, Rafe turned him.

Dale spread his legs and braced himself. Rafe pressed into him slowly. “Tell me if it hurts too much,” he whispered.

Dale nodded. “Burns. Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

Rafe pushed again, sliding all the way in. He wrapped his arms around Dale’s waist and kissed his shoulder. Dale rocked back, and Rafe moved with short, hard thrusts until his balls drew up and he emptied himself into Dale.

Dale groaned and swore as his orgasm shook him.

Afterward, Rafe lay back against the boulder beside Dale. The breeze cooled them, drying the sweat on their bodies.

“That was good.” Dale sighed and rubbed his stomach. “I’m hungry now.”

Rafe laughed. “Let’s take that swim, and we can go get something at the diner.”

Dale raised his eyebrows, expressing his interest.
He headed for the creek. Rafe followed a little more slowly. Watching Dale slip into the water,
Rafe had a thought. Wolf had been a virgin as far as women went. What if Dale was as well? “Have you had a woman before?”

Dale shrugged. “I think so.”

“You think so? How can you not be sure?”

“Hard to know in Old Town. Do Fairies count?”

“I guess they do. If they’re female.” Rafe let it go and followed Dale into the water. Sometimes he forgot Dale’s past. But Fairies?
Damn, I have to ask him about that one of these days

Chapter Ten:

Morning and Bad News

The sun sent bright stabbing rays of light into the small bedroom, illuminating the still-wet clothes and boots strewn on the floor. Wolf rolled over onto his back, a contented smile on his face. Memories of his night with Cora had him halfway hard. He sighed sliding his hand along the soft sheet to where he expected Cora to be.

He froze when he felt the side of the bed she’d slept on. The sheets were cool, like she had never been there.
Gods, no, she can’t be gone
. He sat up, a feeling of panic rising, listening for any sounds in the house. No sound reached his sensitive ears.
We told her she would be safe here
All I’ve done is put her in more danger making her my chienne de loup-garou
. Wolf threw the bed covers back, stumbling out of bed. He strode through the house without bothering to dress. Clothes would be a hindrance if he needed to shift.

The main rooms of the house were empty. Wolf didn’t scent anyone. His Pack hadn’t been in since late the day before. No enemies were near. He would have known right away if Dolores had come anywhere close to the canyon ranch. She counted as the biggest enemy they had with her opposition to their small Pack. She wanted to assimilate them, to rule them. He shuddered. Dolores’s distinctive stench made him ill. He began to relax.

The faint sound of the shower running in the bathroom inspired a wicked smile with thoughts to match.
Ah, so that’s where she is
. He listened a second then walked to the little bathroom, stopping at the door. He stepped inside, taking a moment to gaze at her through the clear plastic shower curtain. She stood with her head back, her face turned up to the spray. His cock rose. Her body called to him the way no other did. Rafe and Dale were his Pack brothers. He would die for them. For Cora, for his
chienne de loup-garou,
he would kill.

He stepped into the shower, sliding his arms around her waist. She made a little startled sound, turning her head to look at him.

“My, you’re jumpy. Sex is supposed to relax you,” he murmured in her ear.

“Wolf, you’re crazy, you know that?” She shivered.

“So I’ve been told.” He traced the curve of her ear with his tongue.

“Your friends will be here soon.” Her breath caught.

“I couldn’t care less.” He turned her around to face him. “You don’t either, do you? Not really. I saw how Rafe affected you. He affects me that way, too.”

“But...mmpff—” He cut her off, covering her mouth with his. He ran his hands down her back, pulling her against him.

He slid his mouth down her throat, never leaving her skin. He licked her breasts, continuing down over her belly. Kneeling, he combed his fingers through the curls between her legs. With a gasp, she tangled her fingers in his hair, moaning. Wolf swirled his tongue over her clit. He pushed his fingers into her pussy, sliding them in and out slowly as he flicked his tongue over her clit. He growled as she moaned his name. She was his, would be theirs, as long as he lived if he had anything to say about it. When he felt her knees start to give, he stood, using the movement to enter her. She cried out, holding onto him, letting him do all the work until she tightened around him, her orgasm making him come.

He eased away from her, both of them trying to catch their breath. “Water is getting cold. We should get out.” He took her hand then stepped out of the shower, pulling her along with him.

“I don’t have anything to wear. All my clothes are in my car.” She took the towel he handed her, wrapping it around herself. He looked her over for a few moments.

“I think we can find you something. Come on.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. They headed for the bedroom to find her some clothes.

* * * *

Wolf watched Cora set the pan off the burner. The way she looked dressed in their clothes sent a surge of lust through him. She did things to him, made him feel things he didn’t understand. He supposed what he felt was love. It rivaled what he felt for the Pack. Wolf hoped she felt the same. He walked up behind her, sliding his hands over her hips, making her jump again.

“I thought I told you, sex is supposed to relax you,” he murmured in her ear. “Dale’s T-shirt looks better on you.” He moved his hands over her hips. “So do my jeans.” He pulled her back against him.

“Wolf, stop it.” She shivered.

“You love this. I know it, and you know it.” Wolf brushed his hand up her spine, up under her hair, brushing it away from her neck. He slipped his hand through her hair, kissing the back of her neck. He heard footsteps on the gravel outside. The breeze through the kitchen window brought him the familiar scents of his Pack lovers. Rafe made no secret of their return. Wolf heard the door open. He leaned in, kissing her neck, aware Rafe watched from the doorway.

“Softly,” Wolf heard Rafe whisper. Wolf knew Dale would understand.

* * * *

Cora saw Rafe along with a young man she guessed was Dale standing in the doorway. Her face heated. From things Wolf said the night before she knew these men were his lovers. She met Rafe’s gaze, refusing to look away. Wolf walked over to the table. He kept hold of her hand until the distance got to be too much before letting her hand slip free. He stood beside a chair. Something was happening between the men she didn’t understand, some sort of dominance thing. Rafe lowered his eyes in deference, a slight smile gracing his lips. The young man with him was quick to bow his head when she looked at them. Dale followed Rafe to the table, both men waiting to sit until Wolf did. Cora picked up the dishes, occupying herself with bringing breakfast to the table. Maybe someone would explain what had just taken place.

“I’ve found out some of what’s going on,” Rafe said as Cora joined them at the table.

“Good, let’s start with why those monsters were chasing Cora.” Wolf reached over, covering her hand with his.

“Well, seems like Cora ran into some visitors up from Mexico,” Rafe informed Wolf as he looked at Cora. He waited for a long moment before he continued. “Dolores, rot her hide, is dealing with the council down there. She can’t control her Pack, much less the Mexican Werewolves.

“Shit. Cora, I’m sorry you got pulled into all this.” Wolf sounded truly distressed.

She shook her head, mystified. “I don’t understand what is going on here. Why would they chase me?”

“We’re what you would call Werewolves, Cora. The Pack is ruled by an Alpha. The Alpha is ruled by a
. Dolores is
to the Pack that runs out of Jimson Weed. It’s a town a few miles north of us. She’s been harassing us for years. She wants me.” Wolf gave her an apologetic smile.

“You have the aura of a
.” Rafe looked embarrassed.

Cora looked from Rafe to Wolf then back to Rafe. “I have the aura of a

Rafe nodded once. “I knew it the second I saw you out in the desert. You can bet the Pack from Mexico and Dolores saw it right away.”

Cora made an odd moaning noise, covering her mouth with one hand.
Oh no, this is not happening to me
What will Jean-Paul say?
She took a deep breath to collect her thoughts. “Do I have a choice in this?”

“No, please.” The anguish in Wolf’s barely audible voice startled Cora.

“Of course you do. We would never force you into anything. You can leave at any time. I parked your car beside the truck.” Rafe shot Wolf a glare as he reached across the table and covered her hand with his.

Cora’s insides jolted as if she grabbed a live electrical wire. His touch jangled every nerve in her body. “I don’t know what to say. Until yesterday you, creatures like you, were myths, stories to scare people.” She stood, pulling her hand away.

“I’m sorry. You do have a choice. Always. I hope you won’t leave us, though. I need you…We need you so much,” Wolf said. He sounded subdued.

She went to the door, opening it as she looked back at them. “I need to think.”

Rafe nodded. Cora looked at Wolf for a long moment. He sat there with his head bowed. Dale simply waited, looking from one to the other of his friends.
, she corrected herself,
his Pack
. With a sigh, she stepped outside into the bright sunshine. She looked around herself at the place Wolf called a ranch. The little canyon was beautiful. The red of the canyon walls contrasting with the green of the pine and the blue of the summer sky looked like a post card. She walked toward the trees.

How did she deal with this? She didn’t deny the attraction she felt for Wolf, Rafe, or Dale. She had only met Dale that morning yet something about him pulled her as strongly as the other men did. Cora found the creek Wolf mentioned. She could hear birds singing and the sound of horses. She sat down on a rock, enjoying the peacefulness of the desert.

BOOK: Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
9.9Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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