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Authors: Shelia Goss

Star Struck (6 page)

BOOK: Star Struck
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“Shareeka, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why would you invite who you deem to be the other woman to your party?”

“To show her I’m not intimidated by her celebrity status. Trevon is mine and its about time that heifer knew it.”

“You got issues.”

“And its spelled H-a-i-l-e-y.”

Garrett glanced at the clock. “I got to go. Stop stressing. Stop calling me and by all means, talk to Tre about your suspicions.”

He hung up without waiting for her to respond.
Women. They all have issues.




“That’s a wrap,” John said, through her earpiece.

Hailey greeted the people in the audience before retreating to her office back stage. While she went over her notes for the next day’s show, Brenda sat at a table going through her recently sent fan mail. Hailey hadn’t heard from Trevon nor Garrett. Her personal life was in shambles and it was beginning to affect her daily routine.

John burst through the door as if someone was after him. Brenda shot up on alert.

“Sorry, I was just excited,” John said, as he handed Hailey a faxed sheet of paper. “You did it.” Hailey jumped up and down. She hugged John and continued to jump up and down. “I’m nominated. I’m nominated,” she repeated over and over.

Brenda said, “I hate to rain on your parade, but nominated for what.”

John opened his mouth to say something, but Hailey stopped him. “No, let me. I’m nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for not only The Best Talk Show, but for the Best Talk Show host.”

“Congratulations,” she responded.

“Thanks. I have a People’s Choice Award, but this is my first Emmy nomination.” She turned to address John. “Did you tell the staff?”

“You’re the first one I told,” John responded.

After John left, Hailey reached for the phone to call Trevon but stopped before dialing the last digit. It pained her to know that although she had a successful career, she really didn’t have anyone to share the fruits of her labor with. If she really thought about it; it had been like that for awhile. Maybe Garrett was right. Maybe she should think about just moving on and letting Trevon go on with his life.

She hung up and dialed Garrett’s number. “The favor I was asking. Forget it. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Garrett responded, “You would change your mind after I got us an invitation to the party of the year.”

Hailey looked to make sure Brenda wasn’t watching her and she wasn’t. “I don’t understand.”

“I’ve been invited to a party hosted by Tre and his fiancé and I want you to go as my date.”

“You got to be a kidding.”

“I’m not joking.”

Hailey contemplated the idea for a moment before responding.

“Are you still there? I can always pull out my little black book and get someone else to go.”

“You wouldn’t dare. Count me in. Email me the details.” Hailey hung up the phone and forgot about leaving Trevon alone. She knew Garrett would come through for her.

Brenda commented. “You look like you got some more good news.”

“If you only knew,” she responded, as she logged on her computer to wait on Garrett’s email.




Garrett could kick himself for agreeing to attend the party with Hailey. He hadn’t planned on it, but when he heard Hailey’s voice, he couldn’t resist an excuse to spend more time with her on a social basis. What he was doing was playing with fire. Trevon had no idea what both women were up to and he debated on whether or not to warn him.

“Man, life is good,” Trevon said, after bursting through his office door.

“You need to learn how to knock first.”  Garrett hit the send button in his email to Hailey and turned off his monitor as Trevon took a seat across from him.

“Whatever. I just came by to tell you that I just got off the phone with our next big client. We’re to handle security at the Grammy’s.”

“Good job man.”

“It was your proposal that got us in the door.”

Garrett stuck out his chest. “Well, you know I can’t take all of the credit.”

“True, true. It was a team thing.”

“We do make a good team,” Garrett admitted.

“Since grade school.”

Garrett felt guilty about not telling him about his plans on crashing his party with Hailey. He thought about how to break the news to him. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

“Me first.  I’ve decided to let Hailey go.”

“For real.”

“No. But it does sound good doesn’t it.” Trevon laughed.

Garrett didn’t. “Tre, you need to let her go and this is the last time I’m going to say it to you.”

“What man in his right mind would give up having Hailey Barnes? Man, do you know how many men wish they were in my situation?”

“Sometimes you disgust me. Hailey is a human being. She does not deserve to be used.”

“Hailey is selfish. Always has been. If she wasn’t, it would be her I’m marrying and not Shareeka.”

“The only person I see being selfish is you. Don’t you think your future wife deserves all of you and not just a piece of you?”

“I didn’t want to get you all up in my business, but since you are. Shareeka’s not all that innocent.”

Garrett shook his head in disbelief. “You two deserve each other.”

“Well, Shareeka’s who I want as my wife. Hailey can either get with the program or bounce.”

“You’re selfish. I don’t know what either one of them sees in you,” Garrett admitted.

Trevon stood up. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were jealous.”

“For what. Man, I can get any woman I wanted and believe me, Shareeka isn’t one I would call wife material.”

“Watch your mouth. That’s the woman that I love.”

“You need some help for real. You’re so confused, you don’t know who you love.”

“I better go before this gets out of hand.”

“Yes, you better.”

Trevon was at the door and was about to leave out, when he stopped, turned and asked, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Garrett changed his mind about warning him. He was a big boy; let him deal with the situation. “Nothing. I figured it out myself.”

“Whatever man. I’m out of here.”

Garrett threw up his two fingers making the peace sign.


~ 10 ~


“Hailey, I have a rep on hold from Entertainment Tonight,” Jackie entered Hailey’s office and said.

She put her hand on the phone receiver. “Take a message. I’m on the phone with my designer.”

“But, they want to set up an interview.”

“You’re my assistant. You know more about what’s on my calendar than I do. Make the appointment.”

Hailey could hear Jackie saying a few things under her breath. Hailey didn’t mean to snap at her, but Jackie got paid good money to be her assistant and she was tired of holding her hand. “Back to you. I need the dress pronto. The event is this weekend.”

“Anything for you dear,”
Fazio said, from the other end.

“Don’t make me regret it. I saw that last dress you designed for Parris Mitchell,
Casper’s wife, and I want mine to look even better.”

“I have one that I designed with you in mind. I’ll send someone over to take your measurements and it’ll be ready for Saturday.”

“Thank you Fazio. You’re a dear.”

“Smooches to you too.”

Hailey scratched off finding a dress on her to do list. She was confident that Fazio would come through. She should credit R & B singer Parris for turning her on to his designs. There weren’t enough people of color behind the scenes of fashion.

Speaking of Parris, she thought it was past time, she gave her new friend a call.

“Has Casper been staying out of trouble?” she asked, after going through the pleasantries.

“You know your friend. He’s a handful but I love him.”

“No mushy stuff please,” Hailey teased. “Tell CJ, the hit maker I called. I don’t want to hold you long. Just called to see how you were doing.”

“We need to get together. Girl, it’s been far too long,” Parris responded.

“I know. Let’s do lunch. My treat,” Hailey said.

“I have a better idea. Why don’t you and a date come over next week for dinner?”

Hailey didn’t know how to respond. She wasn’t sure she would have a date. Folks would laugh if she admitted that. Most men looked at her as a trophy piece but she was looking for more. “I’m free Thursday. How about then?”

“Sounds good to me. We’ll see you around seven,” Parris confirmed before getting off the phone.

Trevon, next week, it’ll be you and I going to that dinner. You’ll see.




Garrett rarely got a chance to see Hailey in her work element. She seemed to light up when she was on stage talking to her guests and studio audience. He watched the taping from a room not far from the stage.

He listened as Brenda gave him an update on Hailey’s case. “It’s good to hear that the fan mail has stopped. Let’s think about re-assigning you.”

Brenda said, “I would keep me on for at least another few weeks.”

“Oh no. I know you didn’t say that. Working for the diva Hailey.”

Brenda laughed. “I admit when I’m wrong. She’s not as bad as I thought she would be. Don’t get me wrong; she does have her moments; but for the most part, she’s down to earth.”

“Wow. I’m shocked,” he said, as he handed Brenda an envelope containing her payroll check.

“Thanks Boss man.”

“If anything comes up, let me know. On Saturday, you can have the day off. I’ll be escorting Ms. Barnes to a party.”

“It wouldn’t be the same party I’ve been invited to now would it?”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” Garrett responded.

“I wasn’t going to attend. But I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

He ignored Brenda’s curiosity.  The show was about to end and he wanted to avoid Hailey until Saturday. He made a quick get away. He heard Hailey yelling his name as he turned the corner, but he pretended like he didn’t.

After dropping off Brenda’s check, he returned to his office. He was spending too much time here lately. He needed a life outside of work. His rash decision to stop living the player’s life offered him more free time. Time that he wasn’t used to having. He had to admit that he was less stressed. He no longer worried about whether one of the women he was messing with would have a disgruntle lover lurking near by.

“Hi handsome,” Shareeka’s voice bounced through the room.

He was surprised to see her there. “Where’s Trevon?”

“He’s getting something out of his office. Thought I would come by and say hi to the best man,” she purred. She walked around to where he was sitting. She leaned in for a kiss. He pushed her away.

“You’re playing on dangerous territory. I told you it was over.”

“Can’t blame a woman for trying.” Shareeka moved closer to him.

“You best back up.”

“Or what?”

“What’s going on here?” Trevon asked.

Shareeka walked from behind the desk and wrapped her arm around Trevon. “I was trying to convince our best man to not cancel out on coming to our party on Saturday.”

“Yes, man. How would that look? My own best man, not showing up.”

Garrett looked from one to another. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Great. Now that it’s settled, Tre and I must be going.”

Tre shrugged his shoulders as he followed Shareeka out.

Garrett said out loud, “You two deserve each other.”


~ 11 ~


Entertainment Tonight followed Hailey around the entire day. She was used to being in the spotlight, but she couldn’t wait for the day to be over with. In between shooting, she had Mo re-touch her make-up.

“Girl, thanks for letting me be a part of your ET spotlight,” Mo said, unable to mask his excitement.

“The Hailey Barnes Show is a team. My name is just on the billing,” Hailey said.

“If I wasn’t scared of ruining your make-up, I would hug you,” Mo responded.

“You’re so dramatic.” Hailey laughed.

“You’re not the only drama queen around here.”

“I see,” Hailey said, right before hugging Mo and leaving the room.

Hailey thanked the ET reporter and crew for featuring her. She had food catered to celebrate the event. She had forgotten that Brenda was lurking in the background until it was time to go.

“You startled me,” Hailey said, as she picked up her purse and keys.

“Sorry. You were so busy being a gracious host, I didn’t want to get in the way.”

“You did get you something to eat didn’t you? If not, we can stop and pick you something up on the way to my house.”

BOOK: Star Struck
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