Read Spark of Magic Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Spark of Magic (14 page)

BOOK: Spark of Magic
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Two weeks later.

Rebecca glanced around the massive ballroom in awe. The pictures Darien and Nicholas had shown her before didn’t do the event justice. Candlelight flickered from candelabras and side tables. Fountains overflowing with champagne graced the numerous tables throughout the room along with finger foods and flowers of every color imaginable.

An older couple nodded in their direction and she tensed. Nicholas had pointed the woman out earlier. She was Margaret Van Marshe, lead council woman. She was the one Nicholas and Darien had spent three hours explaining things to yesterday.

“Relax,” Darien whispered in her ear, his voice carrying a slight flicker of amusement. “You look beautiful.”

How I look isn’t the problem
, she answered in her mind.

Darien smiled slightly with a nod, indicating he’d heard her. She’d finally learned how to communicate with them through her thoughts. The whole idea had been very unsettling, at least at first but she’d gotten used to it and better at it.

Nicholas placed a hand at the small of her back for support, which she was hugely grateful for. Tonya and Marcus stood to the side, Vincent at their feet, his tail swishing as though he didn’t have a care in the world.

Margaret and her companion strolled over slowly then came to a stop directly in front of her. Rebecca bowed her head slightly in greeting. Margaret nodded in return, her regal stance quite dominating, making Rebecca all the more nervous.

A small smile tugged at the older woman’s lips, putting a sparkle in her observant gray eyes. “God, you look so much like your mother. But I think I see a little of your father in you also.” Turning to her companion, she asked, “Don’t you think, François?”

François nodded, his green eyes studying Rebecca’s face closely. “Yes, Madam Chancellor.”

“You’ve had a rough couple of weeks, Rebecca. How are you holding up?”

“As well as can be expected, I suppose.”

“Good. I’ll expect you to keep these two in line.” She used her closed fan to point toward Nicholas and Darien.

Rebecca nodded. “Yes, Madam,” she murmured.

Margaret’s lips spread into a wide smile. “Margaret, dear. You’re a member of the council now. Vincent will tutor you on rules and what not so you’re ready for the next meeting.” She turned to look down on the cat at her feet. “Won’t you, Vincent?”


Vincent meowed in response.

“Mada…Margaret,” Rebecca began, wringing her hands in front of her.

“Yes, dear?”

Rebecca licked her lips and almost faltered at the older woman’s knowing gaze.

“Wouldn’t it be easier for Vincent to tutor me if he were human?” Vincent rose to all fours, his wide gaze watching Margaret closely. “After all, he did help me with Sebastian.”

“I’m well aware of what he did,” Margaret began with a nod. “And under the circumstances I believe you’re right. It would be easier.”

With a wave of her hand, Vincent morphed from a cat to one very gorgeous male.

He stood tall, close to six-foot-three, and had wide shoulders that tapered down to a flat stomach and thick thighs. Long ebony hair similar to Nicholas’ and Darien’s cascaded down his back to a trim waist and hips. A black tuxedo flattered his figure and deep, almost navy blue eyes.


“Finally,” he sighed and his hands patted his chest then further down to his thighs, making Rebecca giggle. “I thought I was going to be a cat forever.”

He turned to Rebecca and smiled, making him appear even more handsome.

“Behave yourself,” Margaret replied in a firm voice. “Or you will be again.”

Vincent bowed toward Margaret. “I promise you, my lady. I will be on my very best behavior.”

“Sure you will,” Margaret drawled and Rebecca bit back a knowing laugh.

If Vincent was the same in human form as he had been as a cat the world was in for one hell of a ride.

“Nicholas.” Vincent turned and smiled brightly toward Nicholas. “Where are the car keys?”

Rebecca laughed. True to his word, Vincent wanted to drive a car. “On the dresser,”

she whispered and Vincent disappeared in a flash.

Nicholas frowned. “You realize he’s never driven a car before. And how did you know my keys were on my dresser?”

She smiled wickedly, making Margaret laugh as well. “Oh, she’s going to be quite the challenge for you two.

Darien came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze that made her stomach flutter. “I don’t know about Nicholas. But it’s a challenge I’m looking forward to.”

“So am I,” Nicholas whispered before placing a soft kiss on her temple.

If the truth were known, so was she. She’d never been happier in her life.


Tonya smiled, watching the three of them. She’d never seen Rebecca happier and the twins were good for her. Over her friend’s shoulder she noticed Jullian. He stood off to the side, his gaze taking in the scene from a distance. His tux hugged his wide shoulders and lean hips, the white of the shirt and vest complementing his ebony hair.

He and Marcus looked so much alike. More like brothers than father and son.

“I’ll be right back,” she murmured to Marcus.

“Where are you going?”

“To get some champagne. You stay here with them.” She nodded to Nicholas and Darien who still stood talking with Margaret.

Instead of heading straight toward Jullian she moved to the right and the champagne fountain on the far side of the room, hoping Jullian would follow. Lifting a small champagne flute, she held the crystal beneath the fountain, filling her glass.

“He’s lucky to have you.” Jullian spoke softly, his voice close to her ear.

“He would be lucky to have you as well.”

Turning, she met his hypnotic gaze head-on. As a full-blooded vampire Jullian was stunning. But coldness surrounded him like a shroud. This was a man who didn’t let anybody get too close.

“He has me,” Jullian murmured. “When he needs me.”

Glancing over Jullian’s shoulder, she caught sight of Marcus as he came to stand just behind his father.

“Why don’t the two of you try again?” she asked, watching sadness cloud over Jullian’s intense eyes.

“Marcus doesn’t need a father. He grew up just fine.”

“That’s not true. Every man needs a father.”

The corner of his lips lifted in a sad smile. Behind him Marcus frowned. “Marcus and I are from two different worlds. He’s my son and I will always love him but our worlds don’t mesh. I detest magic and he detests my world. I appreciate what you’re trying to do but this way is for the best.”

Tonya shook her head in denial and Jullian pressed a finger to her lips, silencing what she was about to say. “Love him,” he whispered then smiled slightly. “Good night, Marcus,” he added before winking at Tonya.

She stared in surprise. He’d known all along Marcus was behind him? In shock she watched him walk away.

“Jullian,” Marcus called.

Jullian stopped and turned to look at his son. She could see the sadness in his gaze, the loneliness that ate him up inside. It made her heart ache just to look at him.

He shook his head then gave them a nod before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Marcus sighed and Tonya moved to wrap her arm around his elbow. “He’ll come around in time,” she sighed.


Marcus placed his hand over hers and she admired how his strong fingers looked as they caressed hers against the sleeve of his tuxedo.

“It’s been over three hundred years. How much time do you think he needs?”

“As much as it takes,” she whispered. “He’s still hurting, Marcus. He must have loved her so much.”

With a sigh, he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I don’t want you to ever regret what you did,” he murmured.

“I won’t.” She turned and stared up at him, letting all the love she felt for him show in her gaze. “I love you.”

His lips spread into a beautiful smile that stole her breath. “I love you.”

“Save it for later,” Nicholas drawled, taking her attention away from Marcus.

“Kiss my ass, warlock,” Marcus snarled.

Rebecca chuckled then moved to pry her friend away from the handsome vampire.

“Was that Jullian you were talking to?” she asked.

Tonya nodded. “I’ll tell you all about it later.”

“So have you told Tonya yet?” Darien teased and Rebecca didn’t miss the slight widening of her friend’s gaze.

“Told me what?” Tonya asked.

Marcus shrugged. “Well I thought since Rebecca would be busy with her training that you and I would take a little trip.”

“A trip where?” Tonya asked with growing excitement.


“France?” Rebecca and Tonya both cried in unison.

“I have a house there.”

“A château,” Nicholas corrected. “And it’s attached to one of the largest vineyards in France.”

Tonya’s gaze widened and Marcus grinned, his shoulder lifting in a slight shrug.

“What can I say? We’re wealthy.”

“And you couldn’t have told me this?” Tonya gasped.

“Does it matter?” Marcus asked.


Rebecca nudged her in the side. “You know damn good and well it doesn’t so don’t even go there.”

Tonya winked at her. Turning to Marcus, she eyed him speculatively. “I suppose I forgive you.”

Marcus snorted but his lips twitched in amusement. “Damn women. No wonder Jullian avoids relationships like the plague.”


“That’s enough,
,” Nicholas drawled. “Get along. We have a double wedding to get ready for.”

“Double wedding?” Rebecca glanced toward her twins who stared at her with adorable smiles.

“I know you said you wouldn’t marry us,” Darien began as he slowly walked toward her. “But we were hoping you’d changed your mind, Madam Councilwoman.”

Her gaze moved from Darien to Nicholas, who watched her closely, his gaze expectant. She ignored the title. She couldn’t get past what they were saying. Her heart pounded in her chest with excitement. Marry them?

“How can I marry both of you? That’s not even legal.”

“You’ll legally marry Nicholas,” Darien said with a nod toward his brother. “But privately marry me.”

“I see. So are you asking?” she pried.

“Yes,” they replied in unison and she smiled, nodding her head.

“Yes,” she said with a giggle. “Of course the answer is yes.”

Laughing, she threw herself into their open arms.



About the Author

Trista penned her first ghost story at the age of eight. She still has a love of ghosts, but her taste and writing style have leaned more to the sultry side. She started writing erotic romance two years ago and with the help of her critique partners was soon published and she’s been running full steam ever since.

Raised an Air Force brat, Trista surprised her family by marrying a Navy man. But just as she knew he would, her husband won them over despite his military choice.

Together they’ve had three children, and she attributes their successful marriage to the fact he’s away flying a lot. Separation does make the heart grow fonder. After all, if he’s not there, she can’t kill him.

All joking aside, her family and writing partners are her biggest form of support and encouragement. Trista’s a big believer in happily ever after and although she may put her characters through hell getting there, they will always achieve that goal.


Trista welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at


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Also by Trista Ann Michaels

Callie’s Sexy Surprise

Crossing the Line

Fantasy Bar

Fantasy Resort

Holiday Love Lessons

Star Crossed







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BOOK: Spark of Magic
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