Read Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) Online

Authors: Sarah Anderson

Tags: #romance, #love, #god, #humor, #inspirational, #young adult, #teen, #best friends, #purpose, #ya, #second chances, #teen romance, #sarah anderson, #sarah dzuris, #southern belles

Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970) (25 page)

BOOK: Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970)
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“Okay, I’ll send the lactation consultant
down to meet with you. It’s good, especially for first-time moms to
have some extra support with nursing. She’s really nice and can
give you a few helpful tips that should make nursing your baby

“Thank you. I’m sorry to ask but I’m so
tired but really hungry. Is there any way I can get some food to
eat?” I said, feeling almost lifeless.

“Absolutely, there’s a menu beside you. In a
few minutes, if you want to look in there you can order from the
kitchen downstairs and they’ll bring up your food.” She smiled

“Thank you so much.” I said as I held little
Lucy close.

“She’s so cute, I just want to smooch her.”
CeCe said, rubbing her blanketed feet.

“She’s so perfect.” I starred at Lucy as she
was now quiet and seemed to be sleeping.

“I can’t wait for your father to see her.
She’s really beautiful Char. You did a great job honey.” My mother
said kissing the top of my head.

“Thank you mom.” I sniffled as I leaned my
head into her side, from the bed.

“Okay Char, we’re going to take Lucy over
here and Barb’s going to finish up with you. Then you can order
some food and hang out with Lucy. Sound Okay?” Megan asked.

“Okay.” I said, handing my little sleeping
bundle to Megan.

“What a pretty baby.” Megan said as she
carried her over to the small weight scale enclosed with clear
see-through plastic sides.

“Alright, I’m going to need you to push,
just like before. You’re going to feel some pressure. I will also
be applying some pressure on your stomach to help bring it all

“I’m so tired. Is it going to hurt

“It’s not going to be comfortable but it’s
much smaller and just tissue with fluid so it’s not as difficult to
push out.”

I pushed and worked with Barb to deliver my
placenta while my mother and CeCe stood near Lucy whispering,
pointing at her small body, and smiling. I couldn’t get past how
small she was and yet still her own little being. I began tearing
up again as I couldn’t believe the miracle I was witnessing.

“Alright, she weighs 6 lbs. 3 oz. and is 19
½ inches long.” Beth, the RN said proudly.

“She is really little.” My mother said
smiling at her first grandchild.

I could see Lucy’s fingers flexed out with
her arms waving in the air as they continued poking and prodding

“Just about done Char; you did a wonderful
job.” Barb grinned.

“Thank you. Can I have Lucy back?” I asked
feeling a wave of fatigue rolling over me.

“Almost; are you feeling okay Char?” Barb

“I’m just so tired and I feel like all my
blood just drained out of me.”

“You’re looking a little pale. We’re going
to get you on some Iron supplements right away. You might want to
order some red meat from the menu too. It will help to start
replenishing your red blood cell count from the blood loss during


“I’m going to get some ice for your bottom,
some tucks pad and some numbing spray—this will help with the
soreness. The good news is that you didn’t need any stitches. Your
skin is very elastic and should stretch back to normal because
you’re young and healthy. But you’ll be feeling some discomfort for
a week or two so I want you to take it easy. No sex or exercise
yet-not at least for the next six weeks anyway. Okay?”

“Not a problem.” I smiled facetiously,
looking at my mother as she smiled back at me, nodding her head,
with one eyebrow raised while CeCe smirked.

“Can I have her dad come in now?”

“Oh sure. We are all done and so is Lucy.”
Megan said as she handed me Lucy back.

“Make sure to get some red meat, Okay Char.”
Barb said. “You did great, enjoy that precious little one, she’s a
looker.” She smiled as she patted my shoulder before heading
towards the door.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to get your
dad.” My mother said.

“Thank you Barb and Megan so much.” I said
as they both opened the door to exit the room, followed by all but
one of the nurses.

“Is there anything else I can get for you?”
A nurse, whose name badge read Joyce, asked.

“Can I get a cup of ice water?”

“Sure, or we also have grape, apple, or
orange juice?”

“Oh, grape juice sounds really good.”

“Okay, I’ll bring you some ice water and
some grape juice. Would you like anything?” She asked kindly
looking at CeCe.

“Oh no, that’s okay. Just worry about

“It’s okay, I’d be happy to get you
something too.” She pressed.

“Well okay, since you’re so pushy.” CeCe
said jokingly. “I’ll have a grape juice too please. Thank you.”

“You are welcome ladies,” she smiled, “I’ll
be right back with your drinks. Don’t forget to look at the menu
and order some food for yourself.”

“Thank you Joyce, I will.”

“I’ll be back shortly, ladies.”

“I hear I have a really pretty little
granddaughter with dimples a mile deep.” My father said in a
reserved voice, as he slipped through the open door behind Joyce

“Hmm…Yes, she’s gorgeous. She looks just
like me.” I joked.

“Well, let’s hold her and compare.” My
father joked back, walking over to my bedside.

“Where’s mom?” I asked, noticing that she
didn’t follow him back in.

“She’ll be right back; she had to get
something.” My father said, pulling a chair over to the

“Come here little one. Meet your papa.” My
father said as my eyes filled up with tears all over again.

“Sweetie, I’ll be right back. I’ve got to go
get something.” CeCe said excusing herself.

“Okay, I’ll see you shortly.” I heard the
door close behind CeCe before whispering to my father, “She’s so
little, isn’t she dad?”

“She’s beautiful.” He said without taking
his eyes off her. “She looks just like you did when you were born
but with a black wig. You were bald for at least the first two
years.” We laughed.

“Thank you dad,” I said feeling a heaviness
in my heart.

“It’s true.”

“Dad”…I started but struggled to


“I’m sorry Charlotte.” He interrupted before
I could muster up the strength to finish my sentence. “I’m sorry
that I ignored you and that I hurt you honey.” He said with a
single tear dropping onto Lucy’s blanket.

Fighting back the tears, “I’m sorry too.
Dad, I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

“Charlotte, you’ve always been the apple of
my eye. I just want the best for you
your brothers. I
was mad that you didn’t listen to us—you know I worry about you. I
just didn’t want you to have this responsibility all on your own.
But she’s absolutely perfect. You couldn’t have done better than
her.” He said stroking her tiny pink cheeks, all nestled in the
bundled blanket in his arms.

“Thanks dad.” I said wiping my eyes.

“I love you honey.”
“I love you too dad.”

“Knock, knock.” I heard my mother’s voice
behind a bouquet of bright pink and orange flowers.

“Awe, they’re pretty mom.” I said feeling a
wave of drowsiness sweep over me.

“I thought you could use some pretty
flowers. Did you order your food yet?” She inquired as she set the
flowers down by the sink.

“No, I’m going to right now. I think I’m
going to have a big juicy burger.” I’m so hungry.”

“Good choice—the nurse said red meat would
be good for you right now.” My mom said pulling a chair over to be
closer to Lucy.

“Isn’t she beautiful? Her little nose and
tiny mouth are perfect. She’s got our dimples too dear.” My mother
said to my father.

I looked through the menu quickly so I could
order and take Lucy back. I just wanted to hold her and kiss her
small oval face. I thumbed through and found a cheeseburger, fries,
and chocolate pudding for dessert. I picked up the phone and
pressed three for the kitchen and ordered my food.

“They said my food should be up in about
fifteen minutes.” I said, feeling starved and sleepy. “Can I hold
her?” I, shyly, asked my dad.

“Oh sure, sorry.” He said, standing up
slowly to place her back into my arms.

“Hello.” I heard an unfamiliar female

“Hello.” I said, peeking around the curtain
towards the door.

“Hi, I’m Amber. I’m a nurse from
post-partum. I’m going to help transfer you to your new room and
get you out of labor and delivery. Just stay there—when we have all
of your things ready to go I will get a wheelchair and take you and
your little bundle over there.”

“Okay, will they know where to deliver my
food? I’m so hungry and they’ll be up soon.”

“No problem; I’ll call them from here and
let them know your new room number. It should probably be waiting
for you once we get everything packed and ready.”

“Oh good; I’m hungry and so tired.” I said,
yawning while rubbing one of Lucy’s tiny fingers.

“Once we get you over there and you have a
chance to eat some I’ll call the lactation consultant to come and
meet with you. I’m sure that when this pretty little baby wakes up,
she’s going to be hungry.” Amber said sweetly, while getting things
ready for the move.

“Okay. Hey mom—where’s CeCe? Did you see her

“I saw her run out to the parking lot. She
said she’d be back in just a bit honey.” My mother said packing up
my purse, clothes and shoes.

“Oh, that’s weird. Mom, is grandma

“Yes dear—Rose is watching Evi and will
bring her shortly when the boys are done at the farm.”

“Good, thanks.”

“It looks like we have everything ready.
Char, I’m going to help you into the wheelchair. Can we have your
mom hold baby?” Amber asked.

“Sure, I’d love to.” My mother piped in.

“First, I want you to sit up slowly and then
we’re just going to slide your legs over the edge of the bed and
let them dangle. I don’t want you to get up just yet. Sometimes
with all the blood loss after delivery people are just a little
weaker at first. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded just let me

“Okay,” I said as I sat there with my legs

I looked over at my mother and caught her
rubbing Lucy’s cheek as she swayed slowly from side-to-side,
humming softly. My father stood beside her, smiling, watching Lucy
as she squirmed slightly when my mother stroked her tiny pink

“Are you ready? I will help you down and
into the wheelchair.” Amber said.

“I’m ready. I’m ready for my burger too. I
have never been so hungry in my life.”

“I’m sure it will be there just as soon as
we get to your room.” Amber reassured me.

Amber rolled me down the hall and into my
new room where I would stay for the next two days. I had a private
room with a sea-green loveseat that pulled out into a small bed.
There was a large window with the late afternoon sun peeking
through and a small white board that read
Welcome, today is June
Below it read
Amber, RN
will be your nurse
Kirsten will be your nurse’s
Amber rolled me close to the bed and put the wheelchair
locks on each wheel. She helped me up and onto the bed in a sitting
position, again, with my feet dangling over the edge.

“Ughh.” I murmured.

“Are you Okay?” Amber asked?

“I’m kind of hurting down there. It’s really
sore.” I quietly said as I didn’t want my dad hearing all the
personal details.

“I’m going to check you in a minute and get
you set up so you can be more comfortable.” She said.

“Good, it’s really uncomfortable.” I said in
a low tone.

“Grandma and Grandpa, I’m going to have you
step out of the room for a minute. You will need to put her in this
little bassinette here while you step outside.” Amber said as she
helped to pivot my legs up and into bed.

“Oh that’s fine.” My mother said laying Lucy
in the bassinette.

Amber waited until the door closed behind
them and pulled the curtain around putting a barrier between me and
the door. “Okay, so I’m going to get an ice pack for your
peritoneum and some spray that will help numb the area some. We
will check you every few hours today and will change out the ice
packs then too. Getting the swelling down from the trauma of having
a baby will help to ease the pain. We will use some tucks pads too
to help cool the sting.”

“Will it feel better soon?” I asked hoping
for something to take away the pain.

“Yes, Barb also ordered some Ibuprofen to
help with the pain and inflammation but the ice should be a nice
addition.” She added as she prepped the ice-pack, tucks pad, and
spray to relieve me.

“Oh good.” I said, lying back as she eased
the mesh-like disposable hospital underwear with ice pack up my

“This will be cold at first but you should
start to feel pretty good soon. I’m going to spray this numbing
spray on you before I place the tucks pads in place. I’m going to
get the Ibuprofen and,” she paused as she read her sheet, “it looks
like Barb ordered some Iron supplements too. Your mom and dad can
come back into the room now.” She said pulling open the

“Wow, that’s cold but it feels good.”

“Hey honey, we’re back.”

“Hello, Charlotte?” I heard another
unfamiliar voice behind my dad say.

“Hi.” I said, seeing a petite blonde-haired
lady standing in the doorway. “I’m Teyah, the lactation consultant.
I am getting ready to leave for the day and wanted to see you and
your little blessing before I do. Is this your first baby?”

“Yes and her name is Lucy Grace.” I said
feeling a burst of pride roll up from the depths of me.

“What a beautiful name. Are you interested
in breastfeeding or bottle or both?”

BOOK: Southern Belles, a Novel About Love, Purpose & Second Chances (9781310340970)
13.75Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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