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Authors: Kym Grosso

Solstice Burn (7 page)

BOOK: Solstice Burn
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Switching off his emotions, he attempted to approach their lesson as he’d done with every other person he’d taught over the years.

“You dry?” he asked her.

“Just sunscreen.”

“You may want to just towel off, make sure you aren’t oily or sandy.” He handed her her wetsuit.

“How far down are we going? Do we really need the suits? I see people on TV and they aren’t wearing them.”

“Yeah, well. Remember fire ball guy the other day? I’m sure he didn’t expect that little surprise. At least if you’re suited up, there’s less of a chance of that sort of thing happening.”

“Okay,” she responded. Without hesitation, she shoved a foot into the stretchy fabric.

“I know we talked about this at the pool, but I think we should review the rules.”


“Number one. Stay with me. Do not wander off to look at something interesting. Obviously, I’ll be keeping my eyes on you, but just in case there’s a distraction, no swimming away from me, got it?” Penny nodded, and he continued. “You clear on the equipment? If you have a failure, I’ve got a secondary octo and so do you.”

“Yes.” Penny flipped off her sunglasses, squinting into the sun.

“Once we get in, we’ll double check the equipment. We’re going down slow to give you a chance to acclimate. This is a shallow dive. Fifty feet tops.” Chase zipped up and watched as Evan helped her don her gear. “Ascent is the important part. We’ll take safety stops on the way up. When I stop, you stop. Okay?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, a flirty lilt in her voice.

Holy shit.
Chase stopped in his tracks, and raised an eyebrow at her. The idea of her calling him sir as he smacked her ass caused his dick to stir. It took all of ten seconds for the image to form and he was hard. His eyes glanced to Evan, who laughed, well aware of the effect it would have on him.

He scratched the back of his head, and turned to check his equipment. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d gone diving with an erection and wondered if his balls would be as blue as the sea when he got out.
Concentrate, asshole
, he told himself.

“Ready?” he bit out.

“Thanks, Evan.” Penny gave his friend a smile as he patted her on her shoulder. “Yep, let’s do this.”

“You can let her go now,” Chase growled. He pulled his mask over his eyes, shocked at the jealousy that punched his gut. He must be losing his damn mind, he thought, reminding himself that he’d been dating her for all of three days. “I’ll go first. Make sure she gets in okay.”

As he spilled into the ocean, he tried to play off his feelings. But he knew he was in the deepest water of his life when it came to his mermaid. With unfamiliar feelings spinning out of control, the best he could do was to let it ride. Of all the risky things he’d done over the years, having a vacation affair with Penny Travis had turned up the dial on what it meant to be an adrenaline junkie. He’d set out treating the situation like an experiment, yet what he’d already learned was that he was in way over his head.

As Penny relaxed into their dive, she grew fascinated with a wondrous universe she had never known existed. When she’d snorkeled, she’d had trouble with the breathing apparatus. Accidentally inhaling water, she’d been deprived of time to view the gorgeous corals. Although she knew scuba diving wasn’t without risk, she’d done her best to learn from Chase, and was now enjoying the experience. Within the depths of the Caribbean, she gave over her trust to him.

As he swam by, she mused that he was a master in the sea as well as the bedroom. She was beguiled by his quick-witted conversation; he kept her on her toes with his spontaneous sexual-tinged banter. The more time they spent together, the more she didn’t want it to end. In truth, Penny didn’t believe in love at first sight. Of a more practical nature, she’d been convinced the concept only existed in fairy tales. Lust seemed a more rational explanation for her feelings, she surmised. But as she contemplated the reasons why she was attracted to her handsome rescuer, she knew it wasn’t just the heat of passion that had drawn her to him.

Chemical attractions faded but the true nature of a man didn’t. Chase’s desire for adventure seemed to be matched with his interest in getting to know her. Their lovemaking sessions were accompanied by long conversations. From favorite movies to family vacation stories, they shared parts of their lives. More than a lover, he’d become a friend, and she couldn’t face never seeing him again. Despite her logical nature, she felt herself falling hard for the captivating man who was no longer a stranger.

A dark shadow caught Penny’s attention, her daydream coming to a blunt end. A tug on her arm caused her to startle and she caught the look of anger in Chase’s eyes through his mask. She immediately knew she’d broken one of his rules, realizing that she’d drifted several feet away from him. Her stomach lurched as he pointed to a large striped shark. The good news was that it appeared uninterested as it swam away. The bad news was that it was a deadly creature and she’d put herself in danger by not paying attention.

Penny was thankful that they were underwater, because if they hadn’t been, she was fairly sure he would have reprimanded her. She wasn’t convinced he’d forget, however, and expected that when they surfaced, he’d address it. If there was one subject that turned him serious, it was safety. Although he engaged in many dangerous activities, from skydiving to heli-skiing, he’d told her several times that he didn’t try to cheat death.

He pointed to a small cave and gave her a thumbs up. She took sight of the cavern and shook her head, promptly returning his signal with two thumbs down.
No fucking way
, she thought. She had her limits, and he’d just discovered one. Self-preservation had always taken priority over things that appeared fun to other people. Snowmobiling through Yellowstone?
Too cold.
White water rafting with coworkers?
Not happening, I’ll drown.
Swimming through a tiny black hole that looked like Barbie couldn’t fit through it?
Hell fucking no.

Penny caught the disapproval in his eyes, and her chest squeezed with guilt. She knew there wasn’t much time left, and this might be the only dive she’d ever go on. Chase reached for her hand and brought it to his chest. Her boring routines flashed through her mind, reminding her how he’d breathed vigor into her otherwise mundane lifestyle. His warm eyes brimmed with confidence, and she knew he’d never hurt her.
Trust him.
Taking a chance on love and life, Penny nodded and gave in to her own desire to experience the sea through his eyes.

Acquiescing to adventure, she followed him into the hollow rocks. To her surprise, it was just a short tunnel to the other side. When they emerged, she was stunned at the spectacular sight. Hundreds of colorful fish swam in harmony, brushing around them. What seemed like a blink in time passed before he gestured for them to begin their ascent. After several decompression stops, she broke the surface. Chase already had his mask off and helped her with hers.

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Elated, she kissed him before he had a chance to say a word.

“You liked it?” he asked into her lips, the salty water on their tongues.

“It was unbelievable. I loved it.” As she said the words, she wondered what it would be like to say the words to Chase. He smiled at her, and the moment was broken as Evan called to them from above.

“Good dive?”

“It was amazing,” she responded, reaching for his hand. As he hauled her up on deck, she panted, trying to catch her breath.

“You okay?”

“I’m good. It was just so…I’ve never seen anything like it. Chase…he’s a great teacher.”

“I wish I could say the same for my student,” Chase commented.

“I’m sorry. I just…I was distracted.”

“What happened?” Evan’s tone turned serious.

“Someone drifted away for a few minutes is all.” Chase removed his equipment and unzipped his suit but kept his eyes trained on Penny.

“A shark,” Penny told Evan.

“A tiger,” he added.

“Sounds like maybe you need to do a review with her. Don’t want to become fish food,” Evan commented. After assisting her with her gear, he turned his attention to the bridge. He fired up the engine, and her eyes met Chase’s. “All right then. Time to get back.”

“Chase, I didn’t mean to…”

“I realize that, but when we go again, I think perhaps we need to find a way to help you remember instructions.” His tone was serious, but he gave a devious smile.

“Perhaps.” Penny shivered at his stern words, laced with sexual innuendo.

“I’d be happy to help.” Evan winked, catching his meaning.

“No. This is my responsibility. The next time she will follow the rules,” he promised.

“If there’s a next time. Vacation’s almost over,” Penny baited him, presenting him with an indirect invitation to continue their affair after the vacation ended.

“That it is, but it doesn’t mean I’m letting you off the hook,” he answered, without giving her any indication that he intended to see her again.

Penny sighed and shoved her sunglasses onto her face, hoping they’d conceal her disappointment. Wishing for something that couldn’t happen was ridiculous. She could feel her heart slowly breaking, unsure of how she’d get on a plane in two days. Wrapping her towel around her shoulders, she took a deep breath as the boat sped toward shore. The wind in her hair, she prayed it would blow away the foreboding of sadness in her chest.

Chapter Ten

After returning from the dive, Penny had gone off to have lunch with Tori. Although they hadn’t spent much time together, her friend had insisted she’d had a good time. During their conversation, Tori had hinted she wanted to fly out early. One of her ex-boyfriends was in the city on business, and she wanted to see him before he left town. Although Tori had protested, Penny had insisted she’d be all right on her own for the remaining days. With separate hotel rooms, they’d barely seen each other the entire vacation anyway. By the end of the meal, Tori had changed her flight, and had made arrangements to fly home tomorrow.

In two days, she’d return to New York, and everything in her predictable life would fall back into its place. No sand, sun, or cocktails at noon. Her affair with Dr. Abbott would be nothing more than a beautiful memory.

Penny glanced around the small open-aired cabana, and gave the masseuse a smile. The pint-sized woman appeared friendly, but Penny held no doubt that she was a professional, taking notice as her muscular forearms and hands worked the water out of a washcloth.

“You can go ahead and undress,” she instructed. “We’ll start face down. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you.” Penny glanced around the room, realizing the small hut provided little privacy. She made quick work of removing her sarong and mounted the table. As she lay on the bed, she took in the spectacular sight of the beach, the sun slowly dropping into the horizon. The sound of breaking waves soothed her mind.

A small towel brushed over her bottom, and she breathed in the sea air. Strong fingers scrubbed her scalp, and within minutes, Penny fell into requiescence. As the masseuse removed her covering, the sensation of the warm sea air teased her bare skin.

Warm oiled hands worked her shoulders and she released an unintentional moan, closing her eyes. Every muscle relaxed as they made their way down her back. Just as she was beginning to drift off into sleep, the massage lingered on her bottom. She startled as fingers delved precariously close to her inner thighs. She turned her head to protest only to find Chase smiling down upon her. His white linen pants were tied precariously low on his hips, and her eyes were drawn to the v cut, his tanned abs, ripped as if they’d been made of chiseled marble.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice sleepy. “Where’s the masseuse?”

“She’s taking a break.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but what did you tell her?” She gave a small laugh.

“I told her we were on our honeymoon and I wanted to surprise you,” he responded, with a lilt of amusement.

“What?” Penny clutched the table.

“You know, as in married. You really need to relax.” Chase unclenched her fingers from the bed and moved them to her sides.

“And she believed you?”

“As you’ve pointed out, I can be very convincing,” he stated, resuming his work.

“You got me to go scuba diving today, didn’t you?”

“That I did. But technically you agreed.”

“Oh my God, that feels amazing,” Penny moaned, as his thumbs stroked through a knotted muscle. “You could have a second job.”

“Miss Travis’ personal masseur?”

“You’re hired.”

“About today, why didn’t you listen, mermaid? I know you knew the rules.”

“Hmm…sorry. I just was so overwhelmed. Normally I don’t lose concentration like that, but it was beautiful. I’ve never see anything like it.”

“It’s pretty amazing, huh?”

“I can see why you do it, now. I don’t think I could appreciate it before. If you hadn’t dared me,” she laughed, and continued, “I don’t think…no, I know I would have never done it.”

“We can do it again sometime,” he offered.

BOOK: Solstice Burn
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