Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series (6 page)

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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The security guys on the door eyed her but not because they were considering whether or not to let her in. She knew she wouldn’t have a problem getting in which was a bit of a shame cos she was jonesing for a fight. They were both too busy checking her out all the way from the tips of her black leather knee high spike heeled boots to her glittery black cleavage revealing singlet top. Not at any point did they look at her face and as she walked through the entry she could feel their eyes glued to her black denim clad ass. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Straight across the main floor was the entry way to the nightclub. She eyed the line and knew there was no way in hell she was waiting in that thing. She bypassed it and went straight to the door. She knew the minute the door guy saw her heading towards him and the smirk that came across his face told her she wouldn't have to wait. "Hey Gorgeous" she exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. The guy grabbed a handful of her ass "Hey yourself." She slid her hand down his chest to discreetly slip a folded note into his top pocket, she knew the routine her friend had done the same thing to get them past the line last time. He stopped her when she was just about to his pocket and shook his head whispering into her ear "You're good babe. This one's on me but I knock off about midnight I'm coming in to find you. You're available awesome you’re not well there's always next time." Nikki stepped back giving him a once over. He was big, muscle bound, clearly spent a large portion of his time in the gym, shaved head, and deep voice. He had that Vin Diesel thing going on. She smirked right back at him and winked then headed in through the now wide open door followed by a chorus of complaints from the line.


The noise and heat hit Nikki as she moved into the club, the music vibrating all around her. She pushed through the sweaty mass of writhing bodies on the dance floor to reach the nearest bar. She needed to get out of her head like the rest of these people and the main bar was far too packed. She headed towards the stairs to the second level. This held a smaller dance floor and the club's VIP area. There were three ways to get in you either had to be a VIP, a hot chick or you had to seriously grease some palms. While Nikki had the cash she knew she'd be able to trade her way in off her looks. She stalked straight towards the opening without giving the security a guy a second glance and he pulled the rope aside without a word to her. It wasn’t as crowded up here but for near on ten it was pretty busy. Four of the five VIP booths were full and a lot of the tables down the left were occupied. The dance floor was busy but not so much that she couldn’t move easily to the bar and with waitresses working this section there was a few empty stools. Nikki wound her way through the dancers to the bar taking a stool closest to the VIP booths. She flagged down the nearest bartender and ordered herself a goose on the rocks. She downed it in a few quick swigs then ordered another. Her phone vibrated again with a text from Trace

*Where'd you go baby girl?? Let us know we'll catch you up*

She typed a quick reply fobbing Trace off with some lame excuse about having a drink with a friend and slipped the bartender a fifty "and keep ‘em coming."


Just over two hours later it was passing midnight and Nikki was feeling the buzz of too much alcohol. She stepped out on to the dance floor making her way through the crowd to the glass surrounds separating the second floor balcony from the open area of the club below. The dance music washed through her as she started to move. People closed in around her writhing against her. She got lost in the music until a sense of awareness slid through her body someone was watching her. She glanced around but couldn't pinpoint where the feeling was coming from. Suddenly a pair of strong arms circled her waist and she felt herself pulled back against a solid wall of muscle. A voice growled in her ear "Looks like your available." She peered back over her shoulder to see the bouncer who'd let her skip the line. It could’ve been anyone it didn’t really matter "Must be your lucky day." She ground her ass against him as his hands ran over her body. One swept up to her breast the other down to cup her between her legs and his warm breath whispered across her neck. Her body began to respond to his touch a shiver passing through her. A sweet ache built as he rubbed her through her jeans his growing erection pressed against her ass. He stroked over her hardening nipple with his thumb then pinched it hard. A moan escaped her and she felt his smile against her neck "You like that babe?" He repeated the action with her other nipple and she gasped again wetness flooding her panties "Yeah you like it." She reached a hand back between them and covered his hard length stroking him through his pants. He growled into her ear and turned her pinning her against the glass wall.


With her forehead pressed to the glass and her free hand going to the cold surface she continued to work the guy's cock. Nikki felt his hand push her shirt up a bit then pop the button on her jeans and push down into them sliding inside her panties. That self-loathing reared its ugly head whispering to her to let him use her right here, that she was a sick twisted bitch anyway and she deserved no better. His fingers slipped into her wet folds "Fuck baby you're soaked." He slowly slid his fingers back and forth over her clit teasing her. Her breath quickened fogging up the glass immediately in front of her. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the sensations in her body. Her clit throbbed and her pussy ached with the need for something to fill it. As his fingers dipped down into her opening Nikki moaned her head going back to lean on his shoulder. Two fingers slid inside her, her muscles clenching at the sweet invasion. "God you’re tight. I'm gonna enjoy the fuck out of this" he growled into her ear working his fingers in and out of her. His words brought another flood of moisture onto his fingers. She continued to absentmindedly work his cock as her body wound tighter searching for release. He hooked his fingers into the front wall of her passage finding that sweet spot. That ache turned into a burn and she ground herself down onto his fingers. Her skin began to prickle again with the sensation of being watched she opened her eyes and found herself staring at a wall of mirrors diagonally across the space from her. They hid the office which looked out over the main floor on one side and the VIP on the other. She was sure they were two way and from behind them someone was watching her. All of a sudden her guy added his thumb to the party sweeping it over her clit. But it wasn't that movement that put her over the edge. It was the guy’s teeth clamping down on the spot where neck met her shoulder. Her cunt clamped down on his fingers and that sweet burn exploded through her body. She gasped and moaned her eyes still locked on that mirror as she came.


The guy's groan sounded in her ear but she still couldn't pull her eyes away from that spot "Fuck baby we need to get you outta here and somewhere private quick." He pulled his hand from her pants and grabbed her wrist dragging her through the club. By that point she didn’t give a shit what she was doing or where she was going. She followed him through the crowd into a staff locker room and out through a door into a darkened alley. She should’ve been worried strange guy, dark secluded alley but her self-preservation instincts were as numb and drunk as the rest of her. She glimpsed him sliding his phone into his pocket before he pushed her up against the brick wall. His mouth crashed down on hers and she opened immediately giving his tongue access. Their tongues tangled and the bricks at her back scratched at her skin as he pressed himself hard against her. She yanked his shirt out of his pants and began working on his belt. Once she got his pants open his dick sprang free into her waiting palm. He was decently gifted in that department, enough so that she knew she'd feel it in the morning. Before she could really begin to work him he flipped her around roughly and pushed her face first into the brick wall. He ensnared both her wrists twisting them behind her and securing them in one of his big palms. The position pulled on her sore shoulder a sharp pain steeling down her arm triggering her already cloudy mind to leave the building. She was suddenly on auto pilot, her body reacting without any conscious thought. She felt his free hand pulling roughly at her pants trying to get them down. His fingers entered from behind pumping in and out of her warm wet passage.


A noise in the alley brought her back into herself. She turned her head to find three guys peering at them. "Just in time for the show. Don't worry boys there'll be plenty of this one left to go around after I'm done." She felt a quick flash of yeah you deserve this shit but then her anger spiked winning out over that feeling. She was plenty willing to let this guy man handle her but fucked if she was gonna get gang banged in a fucking alley. She began to struggle "I don't remember agreeing to a gang bang asshole. You let go of me now and I might just forget it happened." He pulled on her arms harder and slammed her into the wall with his weight "I don't think you got much of a choice bitch. You're gonna take what I got to give you and then you're gonna take it from my mates and only after we decide we've finished are you gonna go anywhere." As he positioned himself at her opening from behind she gritted her teeth and threw her head back into the guy's face breaking his nose. Satisfaction slid through her dark and ugly. That felt fucking good. He howled and dropped her arms his hands going to his face. She managed to get her pants up and turn around before two of his friends grabbed hold of her an arm held by each of them. "You broke my nose you bitch!" He sneered at her wiping the blood on his shirt. He back handed her hard enough to give her whiplash his ring catching the side of her mouth. Trapped again this was her punishment for the shit she left her mother too, for the fucked up things she did to that guy. She could taste blood as she kicked out at him catching him in the shin. "Hold that fucking bitch down." Despite her wriggling and kicking they managed to manoeuvre her onto makeshift table. One hand on each limb held her in place legs apart. The guy flipped a knife out of his pocket his eyes on her crotch "Unless you wanna loose more than those jeans I suggest you stay the fuck still." She was not going to go down easy, she was going to deliver as much damage as she could and she would get that much in return.


"What the fuck?" A voice growled loudly from the end of the alleyway. Her body and her mind stilled immediately. Nikki tried to look up but couldn't see past the bulk of the guy between her legs. The guy stiffened and slid the knife quickly back into his pocket gesturing for his friends to let her go. He took a step away from her but kept his eyes firmly locked on hers "Nothin' doin’ Boss we're all just having a little fun here right?" Nikki let the question hang in the air. If the bastard thought she was gonna go quietly he had another thing coming. They all waited for her to respond. "Some of us more than others" she hissed then kicked her boot up into the bouncers face striking him in the nose for the second time. He howled pulling his knife back out of his pocket lunging for her. She waited for the pain of a blade slicing into her body, wished for it even. It didn’t come. Instead she felt herself toppling backwards as the make shift table under her collapsed. Her head hit the pavement hard making her woozy as hell. She struggled to keep her eyes open as the noise of a scuffle went on around her. She grabbed out blindly instinctively hitting and clawing anything in her reach. She could hear that same voice yelling commands. She caught a boot in the gut and vomit rose to the back of her throat. She swallowed that shit back down and lashed out again. This time she caught an ankle in her hands gripped and pulled. Whoever it was went down landed on her knocking the wind out of her. The groaning body was dragged off her and she had the vague feeling of being lifted up. Her breath was coming in short gasps, her heart hammering and her head killing her. That growly voice sounded close to her ear "You get these pieces of shit out of here and make sure they know never to show their faces round here again..........No. I'll take care of her." With that she passed out.


Nikki surfaced from her unconscious state to a thumping headache, a dry mouth, an aching shoulder, sore guts and a massive sense of déjà vu. Fuck was she back in the hospital? Was everything just a damn dream? She struggled to get her eyes open. The first thing she noticed was the chandelier on the ceiling above her. She blinked again just to make sure she wasn’t still dreaming. Okay so not a hospital bed. She hadn’t been dreaming. She tried to lift her head but the throbbing in her skull turned to hammering. She groaned then dropped her head back down. The soft swish of material moving against material announced the approach of someone else. "Good you're awake" stated the growling voice from the alleyway. Nikki peered at him from under her lashes and was surprised by the clean cut man hovering over her. His dark brown hair was caught somewhere between being too long and just long enough to pull off the stylishly mussed look. His face was clean-shaven and beautifully tanned a strong jaw line and a sharp nose surrounded a set of lips that all but screamed X-rated things. Her gaze caught on his eyes, a sea green but so light they looked almost otherworldly set against the back drop of his olive skin and masculine features. One look at those eyes told her this man was beautiful, deadly and dark and lord knew something in her craved that darkness just the same as she despised it. She saw recognition flash through his eyes. "Doc?" the man disappeared with that statement and was replaced by another, clearly the aforementioned doc.


"I'm just gonna check you over looks like you took a bit of a tumble" with that he shone a light in her eyes and checked her over between her grumbles and groans. She could hear Mister Green Eyes talking to someone in the background but only snippets of conversation reached her. “I wouldn’t advise that Sir”, “I’m going to handle it myself”, “We’ll have everything ready for you” she couldn’t make sense of any of it. She peered out from under her lashes across the room her view was partly blocked by the doc. She could see another man in a suit the other voice belonged to him. Mister Green Eyes turned his attention toward her “She took a kick to the stomach too.” How very helpful of you. “I’ll need to take a look at that ok.” He pulled her shirt up slightly and prodded at her guts asking her if it hurt or not. When he was finished she closed her eyes again and listened to the doctor give green eyes instructions "Apart from a headache, some bruising on her stomach and that small cut to the back of her head she'll be fine. Give her these now they'll sort out the pain and probably put her back to sleep, then just normal over the counter pain meds should do the trick and she should probably keep away from the alcohol for a few days." Green eyes answered in his growly tone "Yes, well." She heard more shuffling and the sound of a door closing.

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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