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Authors: K. Lyn

Tags: #erotic fiction

Sold (2 page)

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The premiere chocolate event, as the chocolate festival was
known to the world, was held at the old town center.
Chocolate retailers and wholesalers from
around the world marketed their cocoa products at the fair.
Cheri and the other women, each with her own
mate or so it appeared, quickly became caught up in the festive atmosphere and
exquisite taste of hand crafted chocolates offered by the vendors.
Each one was unique, like art, and nothing at
all like the mass produced commercialized products that one would find in a
There were street
performers, musicians, and a variety of activities to see and do, with
everything and everyone celebrating chocolate.
Tents were set up, enclosed booths offering chocolate massages, facials,
body rubs, manicures and pedicures.
Chocolate sculptures, chocolate body painting, chocolate cooking and
eating contests were all a part of this world expo.
Cheri watched with great interest the nude
performers who danced and rolled around in gooey masses of brown sticky melted
This was a haven for
chocoholics like her.
She loved the
varieties of chocolates available for the taking.
Each vendor was more than happy to offer free
chocolates to tempt those who had come to purchase.
When they arrived at a life-sized chocolate
gingerbread house covered with berries, raisins, and other delicious goodies,
Cheri was mesmerized by the sight of such a thing.
It must have taken the entire year to make
A man whose hair, face, and hands
were partially covered in a layer of flour stood in the doorway with a broom in
his hand, sweeping the interior of the fascinating building.
Wiping his hands on his apron, the man
extended his hand to shake Cheri’s,
handing Jav an invitation to a chocolate celebratory party at his private
hangout that evening.
They were to be
there at ten.

It was close to
eleven that night when Cheri and her new friends arrived at a large farm house
of the
Jav and his friends never left Cheri and her
friends, not for one minute, and Cheri had the suspicion that the men had been
hired to be more than their guides or mentors.
The parking areas were filled with party goers and loud music blared
from the inside of the heated barn that had been especially converted into a
party house for the evening’s festivities.
The building had been partitioned into a series of rooms that had thick
mattresses on the floors where party guests were already in different stages of
undress, passionately entwined in varied sensual and sexual positions.
Several of the mid sized rooms had queen or
king size beds, already occupied by groups of three, four, or five people,
enthralled in the heat of passion.
handful of voyeurs mingled around, watching the unfolding erotica.
Cheri’s eyes grew big as she realized what
this truly was.
It was a sex party and
it was in full swing.
As is the case
with nearly every party, there were several exhibitionists dancing on tables
and service bars where beers and liquor flowed unceasingly throughout the
The partiers were fully clothed
or half naked and they cheered the dancers and encouraged them to rid
themselves of the remaining items adorning their nearly nude physiques.

Jav whispered in
Cheri’s ear, “Let me show you something.”
She nodded with the understanding that she was to follow him
unquestioningly, and he led her to a room with a bathtub in the middle where
nude wrestlers were participating in combat in a pool of gooey chocolates.
Jav smiled and looked longingly into Cheri’s
He led her to another room where
the other couples had already congregated.
This room was for human sculpturing.
Anybody could participate.
All he
or she had to do was strip naked and allow buckets of melted chocolates to be
poured over his body until he was transformed into a dripping brown liquid work
of art.
The moving artwork would then
proceed to strike a variety of erotic poses while the audience cheered and
titillated the live sculpture with erotic fingering, licking, and poking any
area of his anatomy.
The sculpture now
posing was completely sexually liberated and another man was stimulating him to
full arousal and finally ejaculation.
Then a woman moved forward and devoured his chocolate covered semen as
if it were white chocolate.
showers had been especially installed for the event, but they also served as
sexual enclaves in and of themselves.
Couple by couple, Cheri’s group
into the various orgy rooms, but Jav was unwilling to share his prize with
Cheri was f
ascinated by
the party, and although she had been raised by two liberal minded parents, she
was surprised at the open sexual happenings all around her.

was nearly morning before Cheri and Jav left the party alone.
“Where are the others?” she asked quietly.

will meet up with them at a later time,
It is important that each couple
spends time alone.”

tone indicated to Cheri that she should ask nothing further.
That night at the resort, they fell asleep
instantly, but they never left the embrace of each other in the huge bed.

next morning, after only a few hours of sleep, Jav pulled Cheri from the bed.

are you doing?”

this is part of the exchange program.”

tried to open her eyes, but she was running on fumes.
At this pace she didn’t know how long she
could take this.
After much prodding by
Jav, and a couple of cups of strong coffee, she was ready to go again.
Today’s destination was
and it was breathtaking.
Once again, Jav
wanted Cheri all to himself, so the two of them decided to break from the group
and explore every part of the castle ruins.
One part of the castle was a long flight of winding stairs, which Cheri
presumed led into the castle dungeon where prisoners were kept in ancient
Although there was sufficient
light at the top to see where they were going, it became progressively darker
as they descended.
It was pitch dark by
the time they had descended all of the steps.
When they heard sex noises, Jav quietly turned Cheri around and they
headed back up the stairs, offering no explanation.
To make up for missing a tour of the castle,
he suggested they attend a late afternoon Brahms organ recital at Nuremberg
They were escorted by a horse
drawn carriage, something Cheri had never experienced before.
It was fun riding in an enclosed carriage
beside this gorgeous man.
She felt like
Cinderella accompanied by her Prince Charming.

the concert, Jav took Cheri to a different hotel.

are we and why aren’t we at the resort?”

want you alone,” he said in his Prince Charming voice.

arrived at a quaint little village on the
outskirts of the city and checked into what Cheri thought was an intimate
lodging built just for them.
Sitting by
the cozy fireplace, it seemed that they were alone in the world and it felt
There was nobody present to
interrupt their blissful happiness.
Tonight when they shared a bed, their lovemaking would be full and complete.
Jav was easy and n
Jav was
content to let things happen slowly, but Cheri wanted this man more than she
had wanted anyone.
Seated comfortably in
front of the fireplace, she leaned against her lover’s chest as he made smooth
strokes in her hair with his fingers.
Feeling his intoxicating breath against the back of her neck, she tilted
her ear to receive his breathing.
closeness encased Cheri in an aura of indescribable passion, wrapping her in a
cocoon of sensuality as she surrendered willingly to her lover’s gentle
Before long, Jav could no
longer resist temptation.
His sensuous
tongue nibbled at her earlobes, sending electric currents down her spine.
As he turned her to him, they kissed
longingly, prying each other’s lips open as they gave in to their desires.
Jav’s manliness overwhelmed Cheri.
Passionate kisses pleasured her body,
tempting her to surrender her nakedness to Jav’s alluring masculinity.
Slowly but surely their dance of love began.
Pieces of clothing lay discarded on the floor
as they moved with sensual precision to their own rhythmic love tango.
Jav’s intoxicating scent held Cheri captive
as she was propelled into a state of sexual bliss.
Cheri’s lover needed nothing more to slide
deep inside of her.
She was more than
ready to receive him.
She orgasmed as
Jav took her over and over, satisfying the womanly need in her.
They lay together in their sweet contentment
as they slipped into a peaceful slumber.

Cheri awoke to the aroma
of fresh pancakes and looked up to see her Prince Charming preparing breakfast
just for her.
“Good morning,” she said

“Breakfast is served,”
Jav declared, with a smile as brilliant as the stars.
He had planned a wonderful day for the two of
them, but Cheri wondered about the others.

“Where are the other

With yet another dazzling
smile, Jav gently touched her cheek.
“Sometimes it is not our place to ask.”

Cheri felt like a child
at the reprimand, but she took it in stride.
After all, she was a stranger in this man’s land and she had freely
chosen to be a part of the exchange program.
After a delicious breakfast, Jav’s surprise was waiting for them outside
the door.
He had arranged for a horse
drawn sleigh to take them to
Cheri had seen only photographs of the fairy
tale castle but she had never dreamed of going there one day.
The photos were magnificent and she couldn’t
wait to see the original located high above the alpine slopes.
Unfortunately, her fairytale dream would have
to wait.
It had snowed heavily the night
before, making it too treacherous to travel the winding roads up the mountain
Instead, Jav took Cheri around
the foothills of
Covered in thick blankets of fur, they set
off around the mountain with two strong black horses pulling the sleigh.
As they went, Cheri was reminded of the
winter scene in the old
Doctor Zhivago
movie, where
Omar Sharif
Julie Christie
rode a similar horse
drawn sleigh on the Russian steppes.

After their brief tour
of the German countryside, before she knew it, Cheri was being driven once
again in a luxurious limousine, this time to
whereupon arriving in the sparkling city of
they were joined by the others.
he group of ten was greeted with
grace and beauty by the hotel staff at the historical
Chateau Gütsch
where they stayed for a couple of nights.
The views from the magnificent hotel,
situated high above a hill overlooking the city, were breathtaking, and Cheri
felt safe with the strong arms of Jav around her.
She was wined and dined in the finest
She wondered where Jav was
getting the massive amounts of money he was spending and if he were being paid
by the exchange program to escort her to these magnificent places.

After touring
, Jav and Cheri proceeded to
Chalet Marmont
for a late afternoon
frolic at the
hot springs
Cheri had never done anything like that, but
Jav seemed at home moving through the waters completely naked.
It felt good, if a little naughty, and Cheri
began to relax in the warmth of the springs.
The property was very private, sitting high above a mountain on an
elegant piece of land secluded by tall fir and pine trees.
Guests were ensured privacy at all times, if
that was what they wished, and it was obvious that some did not.
The steamy hot water was sensually
titillating on Cheri’s naked skin even though the air temperature was below
By chance or design, two naked
men who were obviously together surprised them as they enjoyed the springs.
Cheri dipped deep into the water but then
realized that the two men probably were not interested in her.
They were without a doubt a couple.
They spoke to Jav in German and Cheri could
catch only a phrase or two due to the speed at which they were speaking.
The men soon left and Jav informed Cheri that
they had been invited to a party, an invitation that he would not turn
“Come on,” he said, as he took her
by the hand and led her out of the water.
It was a little unsettling to Cheri how comfortable Jav was with being
naked, but she knew that things were different in Europe than they were in

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