Read Slade's Desire (White River Wolves Series, #2) Online

Authors: Dawn Sullivan

Tags: #Shifters, #Shifter Romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Wolves

Slade's Desire (White River Wolves Series, #2) (15 page)

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“After we rescued you from Perez, we found out he had gone after Trace’s mother and sister.”  Jade’s voice caught as she went on, “Rikki was almost killed when we went to save them.  My father told Jinx and me one time that mates aren’t the only ones who can change someone with a bite.  Strong Alphas possess the power as well.  It was Rikki’s only chance of survival, so Jinx had Angel change her.” 

“So she is like you now?  A wolf?”

“Yes,” Jade replied, reaching out to take Rikki’s hand in hers.  “I can smell the wolf in her.  It worked.  But she has never woken up.  She doesn’t respond to any of us.  I have tried to connect with her, but there’s just nothing.”

“She isn’t dying, Jade.”  Gypsy walked around to the other side of the bed and rested one hand on Rikki’s forehead and one on her chest.  “I can sense death, and there is none here.”  Closing her eyes, she slowly merged with Rikki, not surprised at what she found.  The young woman was lost and alone.  She was both frightened and angry; frightened because she had no idea how to find her way back to the land of the living, and angry because it made her feel weak, and she hated nothing more than feeling powerless.  But, there was also a part of her that was not ready to wake up and face life again.  That part was what really kept her from returning.

Let me help you,
Gypsy whispered. 
Let me bring you home. 
There was no response. 
Please, Rikki.  Your friends are worried about you.  They miss you.
  But there was still no response.  Gypsy tried several more times to get Rikki’s attention, but nothing seemed to work.  Sighing, she slipped back out of Rikki’s mind, removing her hands from the other woman’s body.


“I’m sorry, Jade,” Gypsy said, as she reached out and ran a hand down Rikki’s beautiful hair.  “I’m not sure what to do.  My experience is with people near death.  Your friend is very much alive.  She is just lost and confused, and for some reason she can’t seem to hear me.”

“She’s alright, though?” Jade asked hopefully.  “She’s alive and well?”

“Yes,” Gypsy agreed, “but I don’t know for how long. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before.  I need to do some research.”

“You’ll help me?” 

“Of course, I will help you,” Gypsy promised, walking over to Jade and hugging her close.  “After everything you have done for me, Jade, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”  Not only had Jade been there for her when she needed help getting through all of her trials and tribulations, but she had become a good friend.  Gypsy didn’t have many of them anymore, and she valued the friendships she was making.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but we should probably get going, Gypsy.  Slade’s probably wondering where we are.” 

Her sister’s tentative voice from the doorway brought them apart, and Gypsy gasped as she realized she was late for her own mating ceremony.  “Oh no!  I have to go!” 

Jade rose, before bending over to give Rikki a gentle kiss on the brow.  “Come back to us soon, my friend.”  Grabbing Gypsy’s hand, she said, “I think you have kept Slade waiting long enough.  Let’s go before he comes looking for you.”

Gypsy giggled, but then looked back at Rikki.  “You should stay with her, Jade.”

“Let me ask you something, Gypsy.  Do you honestly think there is any chance Rikki will wake up while I am gone tonight?”

Glancing at the window, Gypsy shook her head.  “Maybe with the full moon, but I doubt it.  She is lost, but she isn’t really ready to return.  I’m not sure why, but I promise you, I will find out.”

Jade nodded, squeezing Gypsy’s hand.  “Then let’s go.  I want to be there for you.  I’ve never experienced a mating ceremony.”  Smiling, she whispered, “You are absolutely beautiful, Gypsy.”

Gypsy looked down at the ankle-length, white dress she wore.  It had long fitted sleeves covered in lace, a low cut bodice that cupped her breasts, tapering down to her slim waist and flaring out afterwards, the filmy material flowing as she walked.  She had never owned anything so lovely, and could not wait to see the look in Slade’s eyes when he saw her.  Josie had come by earlier and curled her hair, pulling it back away from her face, but allowing it to spill down her back in waves.  She had also helped with her makeup, and had given her turquoise earrings and a matching necklace as a mating gift.

“Are you ready?” Sari asked softly.

Turning to her sister, Gypsy took a deep breath.  “More than ready.”

They arrived at Chase’s house less than five minutes later, and a hush fell over the pack as Gypsy glided across the lawn to stand beside Slade in front of the alpha.

“Everything alright?” Slade asked quietly, reaching out to enfold her hand in his.  His eyes were full of concern, and something else.  Happiness, 

Hope building in her chest, Gypsy nodded, taking a step closer to him.  “It is now.”

They both turned back to Chase, kneeling before him.  Gypsy lowered her gaze, tensing slightly when she felt the touch of Chase’s hand as he rested it lightly on the top of her head.  “Slade Dawson and Gypsy Layne come before us for two reasons.”  Chase’s voice rang out powerful and clear, and the slight push of his alpha energy towards her calmed Gypsy, allowing her to listen intently.  Slade had explained to her exactly what would be expected at the gathering, but she was still nervous.  “Tonight, not only do we celebrate the addition of a new member to our pack, but we will also celebrate a mating!”

Excitement stirred among the pack, and several cheered loudly.  Slade squeezed her hand lightly, and she closed her eyes, soaking in his nearness.

“Gypsy Layne, do you accept me as your alpha?  Your leader?”

“Yes, I do.”  She spoke with pride and confidence. 

“Do you accept the White River Wolf Pack as your own?”

“Yes, Alpha, I do.”

“And do all of you accept Gypsy as pack?”  His voice boomed over the gathering, and Gypsy smiled as cheers rose from the crowd.

Gypsy felt a push of energy flow from Chase into her.  Gasping, her eyes rose to meet his.  The power he invoked was unbelievable.  Chase returned her gaze, a small smile forming on his lips.  “Welcome to the pack, Gypsy.”  Raising his gaze from hers, he held out his hand to someone behind her.  Turning, she saw Sari standing near Jade, a look of longing on her face.  Sari slowly walked forward and slipped her hand in his, kneeling in front of him.  “Sari Layne,” his words were softer this time, more gentle.  “Do you accept me as your alpha?  Do you accept the White River Wolf Pack as your own?”

A soft sob caught in Sari’s throat, as she nodded.  “Yes, Alpha.  Yes I do.”

Once again, Chase asked his pack for approval, and it was immediately given.  Gypsy’s heart filled with love for each and every one of them.  They had accepted not only her, but also her sister, as a part of them.  She and Sari had a family again.

Gypsy watched as Chase’s sister, Jenna, appeared next to him and passed him a ceremonial knife.  Slade had told her this was a very important part of the ritual.  This was what would bind her to the pack.  Holding her head high, she extended her hand to him, waiting while Chase made a small cut on the palm of her hand.  Afterwards, he did the same to himself.  Clasping their hands together so their blood merged, Chase’s voice once again rang out over the crowded area.  “You are now pack, bound by blood.”  After repeating the process with Sari, he pulled the young girl to her feet, hugging her gently.  “Go back with Jade now, child.” 

Sari looked at Gypsy, her eyes bright with hope and unshed tears.  Gypsy wasn’t sure if it was allowed or not, but she rose and wrapped her arms around her sister, holding her for a moment before letting her go.  “I love you, Sari,” she whispered softly.

“Me too.”  Sari’s response was so quiet, Gypsy almost missed it.  She knew her sister was feeling overwhelmed with everything, so she let her go without another word.  Turning back to Chase, she once again knelt beside Slade, slipping her hand back in his, and waited to see what would happen next.

She sighed as Chase rested his hand on her head, pushing more of his alpha power her way.  It strengthened her and made her feel safe.  It was a gift, one she would always cherish.  “Today we not only welcome two new members to the pack, but we also celebrate a union between Slade and Gypsy.  As you all know, the great spirits bless us with one mate, and one mate only.  When they do, they bind our souls together, making us one.  Not everyone finds the other half of their soul, but Slade and Gypsy have.  As alpha of this pack, I ask the spirits to bind them tonight, for all eternity.”

Gypsy wasn’t sure exactly what she expected, but it was not the bright glow that emanated from their clasped hands, to slowly spread out and engulf their bodies.  Soon, she and Slade glowed brightly, to the astonishment of the pack.  Grinning, Gypsy leaned her head back and looked up at the full moon above.  “She gives her blessing as well.”

Chapter 17

hen the ceremony was over, and everyone had left, Gypsy and Slade said goodbye to Chase and slowly made their way back home.  Since it was a full moon, the chance of Gypsy shifting that night after Slade bit her was high, so Chase said to call him as soon as the change started.  Having her alpha there to help her through the painful process would make it much easier on her.

They barely made it inside the front door, before Slade slammed it shut and pulled her into his arms.  “Mine,” he growled, covering her mouth with his.  He had waited so long to be inside her again.  He couldn’t wait anymore.  He needed to touch her, to feel her skin against his.  “This first time is going to be fast, Gypsy.  I’m sorry, I can’t wait.”

Gypsy grabbed hold of his white button down shirt and yanked it open, ripping the buttons down the front.  “I don’t need slow,” she told him.  “I need you.”

A low growl rumbled in Slade’s chest as he backed Gypsy up against the wall, before kicking off his shoes and then undoing his dress slacks and letting them fall to the floor.  Sliding his hands under her dress, he ran them up her thighs to the silk panties she wore.  Tearing them from her, Slade grasped her legs and lifted her up, turning and walking into the dining room to set her on the kitchen table.  Never taking his eyes from hers, he pushed her dress up over her waist and spread her legs wide. 

Pulling Gypsy so her hips rested just off the table, Slade grasped his aching cock and slid it inside her. 
, she was so hot and sweet.  Holding onto her hips, he started to move, savoring the feel of her tightening around his dick with each thrust.

The sound of her voice inside his head drove him wild.  The sexy rasp had his cock hardening even more, and his fangs dropped as he thrust deep inside her.  Her head was flung back, and her neck and shoulders were bare, calling to him. 

Grasping her tighter, Slade snarled as he fought for control.  His hips moved faster and faster, the desire to claim her pushing him on.  Knowing he was getting close, he slipped an arm around Gypsy’s waist and pulled her up until he could easily reach her shoulder.  This time he didn’t hesitate.  Opening his mouth, he sank his teeth into her skin, roaring as she came around him, pushing him over the edge.  Sliding a hand through her hair, he guided her mouth to his shoulders, groaning when he felt her small, blunt teeth return his bite.  They were human teeth, and just barely broke the skin, but it was enough.  He felt the bond click into place, joining them as one.  She was his now, forever. 

And you are mine. 

After several minutes, Slade picked Gypsy up and carried her to bed.  Sliding her dress off, he hung it up in the closet.  When he returned, she had fallen asleep.  Climbing into bed beside her, he snuggled her close, kissing her gently on the cheek, before allowing himself to follow her into sleep.

ypsy woke an hour later, stretching languidly as she thought about Slade.  A soft smile covered her lips as she remembered the look in his eyes when he saw her at the ceremony.  He cared for her.  It may not be love just yet, but she held out hope that it would be some day. 

“What are you thinking about?”

She jumped at the sound of Slade’s voice near her.  Opening her eyes, she grinned at him, saying teasingly, “I was just wondering what I have to do to get you to bite me again.”

Slade’s eyes darkened, and he growled, “Just ask.”

Reaching out, Gypsy ran a hand through his thick hair, down his neck to his chest.  Rising to her knees, she pushed him back against the bed and leaned down to place a trail of kisses down his hard chest.  “Gypsy,” Slade gasped, tangling his hands in her hair.

“Yes,” she breathed, nipping his skin just above his belly button, then soothing it with her tongue.  Feeling his hard cock brush against her breast, she looked up at him and smiled. 
she told him, reiterating what he had kept telling her not too long ago. 

he agreed, his eyes flaring wide with desire. 

Sliding down the bed until her mouth was right over his cock, Gypsy slowly licked it from the base to the tip, before encircling the head with her tongue.  Savoring the salty pre-cum taste, she sucked him inside, taking him in as far as she could.  Cupping his balls in her hand, she rolled them in her palm, and then tugged gently.

BOOK: Slade's Desire (White River Wolves Series, #2)
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