Sins of a Bad Boy (The Original Bad Boys Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Sins of a Bad Boy (The Original Bad Boys Book 1)
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The dealer remained professional and ignored their position, placing another card on Ivy’s stack: a three. So now, Ivy had seventeen, as opposed to William’s eighteen. 

At its own volition, William’s nose stroked down the soft skin of her cheek as he inhaled her sweet fragrance. Ivy turned her head and their lips touched. Then she tentatively also started to rub up and down William’s thigh. This woman didn’t believe in giving in; she wanted him to cave first.

William’s cock was hardening in his pants. Her honeyed smell and daring touch excited him. 

He hoped the dealer would bust.

The dealer drew himself another card and did bust, losing with a seven. 

“I win,” William said against Ivy’s lips in a tone he didn’t recognize.

“You did, this once,” she countered as the tips of her fingers were constantly brushing against his balls. 

He wondered if she was bold enough to take this further. He knew
was. William stroked her between her legs, and her eyes widened and then fell shut. Ivy’s lips parted, and he did what he’d promised minutes earlier; he took what she was offering and stole a kiss, covering her mouth with his and tracing his tongue over her lip.

“Open your mouth,” he growled.

And he could tell that she was so overwhelmed by his touch that she forgot to fight him. Instead, she did as ordered and tasted him eagerly, pushing her tongue against his, and when a moan escaped her, he groaned. William’s other hand tangled in her hair as her legs widened more and she started to push her pelvis against his fingers. He bunched up her skirt and raked his palm up her thigh. Her skin was soft, and he could feel her shiver as he nudged her panties aside and plunged a finger inside her. Ivy was obviously startled, because she stiffened for a moment, but then she went with it, whimpering into his mouth and arching her back.

For a split second, William realized they still had an audience, so he cut his eyes to the dealer, who hurried away immediately. 

And now William’s cock was rock-hard as Ivy stroked her fingers under his shirt, along the edge of his pants and over his abs. But he knew exactly what he was doing. Just a flash longer, he thought, before I break this kiss. Only, a flash became minutes of delving his tongue inside her mouth with the same rhythm he used to thrust his finger inside her pussy. She was so tight and wet, and William was tempted to add another finger, yet he refrained. His anger toward her was still at the forefront of his mind. However, it was being destroyed by her moans. He had to stop this.

His tongue explored her mouth, and he pulled her bottom lip between his teeth, smiling triumphantly when she reached for him as he pulled back.

His hand that was still weaved into her curls tugged her head back sternly. “Enough now.” William struggled in his seat because his pants were feeling constricted.

Ivy was flushed as her eyes flew open, and lust was replaced with instant disdain.

William smirked, removing his hand from between her legs. Then, instead of reprimanding her for her actions at the Dunns’ house as he’d intended, he surprised even himself by placing his finger into his mouth as a frisson of sensual awareness drew over him.

Ivy was watching him with erratic breaths, in an aroused state similar to William’s. Steadfastly, he shook his head to clear his thoughts, and she looked away.

He cupped her chin, bringing her gaze back to his. “This kiss doesn’t make me forget how you set me up, Ivy. What the hell was that about?” And William rotated her stool so that she was facing him instead of the table, trapping her legs between his. 

She was silent while mulling over her options, both of her hands now gripping his thighs. “I don’t know what you mean?” 

He cocked his head. “Really? That’s the best you can come up with? Denial? Ivy, we both know you stole that wallet and placed it in my pocket. Why?”

Her kiss-swollen lips trembled as she released a breath. Then she bit her lower lip, making her appear young again. He tugged her hair when she didn’t answer, and she suddenly moved her hands under his untucked shirt and dug her nails into his abs.

Ivy was gritting her teeth, obviously pissed off at William and being alarmingly feisty.

“Fuck!” William whisper-shouted and yanked roughly on her hair, which only caused her to dig deeper, drawing blood. He slapped her hand away, and she tried to scratch his face, but he rapidly caught both her wrists and held them against her chest and pressed her legs together with his so that she was immobile. He fucking detested people that fought with scratching. He was a fighter, and the first rule of the fight club was ‘no scratching’.

“Let me go,” she hissed and struggled but was no match for him.

“What the fuck is your problem? And why do you play with the big boys? Are you so bored with your rich, mundane life?” 

“Fuck you! You know nothing of my life!” she protested.

“I know your father is sitting on the other side of this hall, gambling away your family money and you’re here kissing me. Letting me seduce you. What kind of family are you? What game are you playing?”

Again, she didn’t answer any of his questions but stopped her struggle and leaned in close to his face. “I’ll scream if you don’t let me go.”

A wicked smile edged his lips, and he gave her a quick kiss, just because she was being a vixen at the moment – even though she was also quite annoying. She reared back but was too late to avoid his kiss.

“Scream away, baby. You’re in
club. No one will dare to go against me.”

Her mouth thinned into a straight line. “Do you want to take that risk?”

William’s eyes narrowed, but he’d bet all his money that she wouldn’t scream and risk being discovered with him by her father. Perhaps her father didn’t even know she was here? No, that made no sense. She could be caught easily since the gaming club was located in one room, an enormous area, yes, but still. 

A smirk chased William’s features. “Go ahead. Scream...”

Ivy was chewing on the inside of her cheek and looked past William.

On instinct, he checked behind him and accidentally loosened his hold on her wrists.

Ivy wrung free just before he turned back again and reached for her, too late since she was already jumping off the stool and running toward the exit. William stumbled as he tried to get to her and was stopped by Charles’s voice.

“I need you in my office now.” Charles studied William’s flushed face and angled his head to see Ivy bolting through the doors. “Another one of your women?”

“No! It was Ivy Ravensdale. I need to go after her, Charles. She fucking scratched me and tried to hit me. She’s such a rich bitch!” 

“Not now. We have major problems. And I don’t understand this vendetta you two have!”

It took enormous willpower not to go after her while emotions rioted within him. William raked both hands through his hair, torn between following her and focusing on his business.

After expelling a loud breath, he relented. “Fine, I’ll deal with her later. What’s wrong?”

“Cash is missing from my office. Did you take any extra cash?”

“No. You mean it’s gone from the safe?”

“Yes, from the safe, and I had some in the drawer, which, with all the mayhem of the last few days, I forgot to put in the safe. Someone has been in my office.” Charles preceded the way toward the bar area and opened the door behind it, which led to his office. 

When he and William were alone, William asked, “How much?”

“Almost everything I had in the safe.”

“Shit!” William was racking his brain and didn’t have to think for long. A scenario was already forming in his head. He leaned down with both palms on the back of the chair that was in front of him and started sharing his theory with Charles. “I think I know who took it.”

Both of Charles’s brows hit his hairline. “Who? Did you see anyone coming from this office?”

“No, but there are a few too many coincidences lately that make me believe my theory is correct. It’s the Ravensdales.”

Charles wanted to interrupt, but William requested, “Hear me out before you respond.”

Charles bobbed his head and sank into his desk chair.

“Alfred lost his townhouse this evening. And this isn’t the first time he’s lost big. He’s also lost hundreds of dollars, probably more than a thousand, to the house. He’s in huge debt, Charles. And I saw him lose his last hand. But while he was pale, he also simply continued playing. His debt is too high, and I’ve cut him off, so he can’t borrow from the house anymore. And then, I see his daughter, Ivy, playing blackjack. It’s the first time I’ve encountered her here, but perhaps, she and Alfred stole the money from us? Ivy is such an eccentric woman, and she wouldn’t answer any of my questions. Acting like a seductress one second and a feisty bitch the next second. Something is off with the Ravensdales.”

“How did they steal it?”

“Come on, Charles. Anyone can pick a lock. I think Alfred is having his daughter do his dirty work. We know Ivy is conniving; she planted a wallet in my pocket.”

“But why would she do that and establish a ‘relationship’ with you? If they were trying to steal from us, wouldn’t she want to not draw attention to herself? Especially with you; you’re the owner here.”

“She didn’t know I was the owner. I’m positive about that with the way she acted when I talked to her earlier. Alfred probably only tells her what he thinks is necessary.” 

Charles stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I think you’re right—”

A knock interrupted their discussion. 

“Yes,” Charles answered.

The door opened a crack and the bartender, Vince, entered with a stuck-up Alfred Ravensdale trailing behind him like he was the king of England.

“Mr. Ravensdale has been cut off and would like to know why,” Vince explained.

Alfred didn’t even acknowledge William and addressed Charles, “I come here every night, and suddenly, I’m forbidden to continue my game. Do you even know who I am?”

William dismissed Vince wordlessly with a flick of his hand and he left. 

Charles leaned back in his chair, interlocking his fingers in his lap as William came up behind Alfred.

know who
are?” Charles asked calmly.

Lighting fast, William curled his arm around Alfred’s neck and pushed him face-down on the desk.

“You fucker!” Alfred spat.

“William, be careful. Not a scratch on him,” Charles warned and looked entirely displeased about how they couldn’t use force on this earl. 

“Yes, William. Let go,” Alfred hissed smugly.

William couldn’t hold back and choked him for ten seconds.

“Arghhh... Nooo...”

Charles waved his hand and William released a weakened Alfred, who was trying to pull air into his lungs.

While slumping with a hand on the desk, Alfred said to William, out of breath, “Boy, you don’t want me as your enemy.”

William startled Alfred by striding to him in one big step and towering over him with his fist in the air, ready to strike, causing Alfred to shrink back. Then William backed off immediately and smiled cruelly at the scared man. “Don’t push your luck, Ravensdale.”

Charles continued, “You’ve been cut off because you owe us a small fortune. Payment must commence.”

“Nothing must commence. Need I remind you that I am an earl? You two can’t make me.”

The problem herein lay in the fact that Alfred was right. There was no legal way to make him pay right now – he was too powerful. Even though his title didn’t hold legal influence in the US, it did provide Alfred much authority in American society. And as much as that irritated Charles and William, they had no counter argument. For now, they also kept the stolen money issue to themselves. Both knew they needed a plan to get their cash back from Alfred, to force his hand without using violence against him personally.

“I cannot make you, true, but I can forbid you access to my gaming and fight clubs until you pay. Now leave my establishment and don’t come back until you have the full amount,” Charles retorted. 

“If you don’t allow me in, I can discredit you, Charles.” Alfred massaged his throat.

“You can. But it won’t hurt my reputation, Alfred,” Charles bluffed. 

Now Alfred had nothing to counter and turned on his heel to the door. With his hand on the knob, he ominously said, “This isn’t over.”

Both William and Charles ignored him and just stared at each other until the door clicked shut.

“Alfred is too cocky, and we’re very low on cash at the moment. We need that money he owes us. What should we do?” William asked.

“We need to collect all outstanding debts as soon as possible. Take my car and go to all parties owing us and strong-arm them into paying right now. The sex club has cost us a lot, and I need to pay off creditors as well.”

“I’ll take care of that with Silk tonight. But we’ll still need to collect from Alfred somehow. He knows his title will keep him safe. How are we going to get the huge sum from him and get our stolen money back? I don’t want to report it. We never involve the police.”

BOOK: Sins of a Bad Boy (The Original Bad Boys Book 1)
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