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Authors: Emma Nichols

Sin at Sea (5 page)

BOOK: Sin at Sea
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I forced my eyes open, giving Jolie a pained look, a pleading look. I wanted her to get out, to leave us to this, to let me enjoy the rock hard cock pressing insistently against me. She was fascinated, watching, and waiting. She wasn’t taking a hint. It’s not like he was being subtle. In frustration, I managed to grunt out her name. “Jolie,” I urged.

Instantly she was moved to action. She reached out to me, ran her hands along my shoulders, and pulled the straps of my sundress down my arms until Mr. BE moved his hands and immediately the dress lay in a pool around my ankles. Honestly, I wasn’t sure where this was going, but I was in agony and when I get to that place, pretty much anything goes. That was, after all, how Jolie had her way with me the other night.

As porns go, this…was nothing like it. I was the lucky one, the one with two interested parties striving to pleasure her. I had two different hands playing with my boobs. I knew that I was so ridiculously wet. I could feel the ache. It refused to subside. The two of them continued to stoke the fire. While Jolie kissed a trail down the side of my face, I turned my head to allow her access. The minute my head moved, he was there, claiming my lips. Searing me with a heated kiss that left me whimpering. By now, she had found my nipples and was licking and sucking like it was her job. There were hands everywhere, lips all over me kissing and sucking.

The second there was a break in contact by Jolie, I pulled her up and dropped her dress in the same fashion she had done to me moments earlier. Then we both went to work on Mr. BE. We worked together to undress him with such finesse that he had to wonder if we had ever done this before. While he seemed reasonably confident, Jolie helped clear the air before we went too crazy.

“Just so you know, I’m strictly a taco girl. I have tried sausage, but it’s not for me. So, you can do everything but stick your dick in me. Got it?” She softened the serious tone of her voice with one of her killer smiles.

He nodded. “And just so you know, I would never do anything to you without my wife’s permission.” He smiled and winked at me.

Part of me wanted to be so greedy. I really did want him all to myself, but curiosity and need were winning out. So far this had been the most sensual and seductive experience of my life and I just wanted it to go on…and on…and on. I looked him in the eyes and melted. He meant it. He really did. There was no pleading in his face, no begging with his eyes. He would have been perfectly content to not touch her at all. Too bad he was my rebound man. He would have made awesome boyfriend material. All I could say to him was, “You heard her rules. We’re good. Just…remember who you’re married to.” I winked at him.

Then he leaned in and kissed me, hugging me close so that every bit of my naked body lined up with his. His warmth transferred to me and any chill that I might have felt while standing there undressed beneath the air conditioning vent was instantly gone. Before I knew what we were doing, somehow, all three of us were on the bed, writhing, naked, and wanting together.

I’m not sure what I liked best, but there were a few positions that just seemed to make everyone happier. For one thing, I noticed that he never kissed her. He touched her boobs and did his best to help her to feel included, but all the real attention was on me. If I had been capable of loving someone else, I might have picked him in that moment. In fact, somewhere along the way, that’s what I decided to do. Just live for one week like it was my last. Let my feelings be. Just
with him.

At one point, I finally was tired of all the oral play. After Kyle, I never thought I’d say that, but apparently it is possible. I needed Mr. BE in me. I pushed on him to show him what it was I wanted, for him to be on his back. Once he complied, I straddled him. I was wet, so wet that I knew even his large hard cock would slide right in. Because I wanted to savor this more than I had ever savored any sexual experience my entire life, I slowly slid down all the way until I was impaled on him. Never before have I felt so full. I could barely tighten around him. It was almost too much. Then I relaxed into it and started riding him. Jolie took her cue. His head was thrown back in ecstasy, so she straddled his face. For a moment, I worried how he would react. To me, that is such a personal experience. I had allowed very few people oral access, but he began eating her out in such a way that she was moaning.

Soon we were playing with each other’s boobs. Not long after, we were all coming. I think I sped the process up. My reaction to having him inside, my frantic hip thrusts as I struggled to end the torment, my moans, and the way so many of my erogenous zones were being pleased all at once. He could feel my excitement and it enhanced his, which in turn caused him to give Jolie the tongue lashing of her life. She was rendered whimpering and quivering on the bed for a bit after. We barely noticed because we were so wrapped up in each other. He was holding me, wrapped himself around me, ordering us to nap after that. I could do nothing but go along with it. My muscles had received an incredible work out. My mind was struggling to process everything that had happened. My heart was still racing like I had run a marathon. This man was such a bad idea.

Jolie dressed quietly and prepared to let herself out of the room. He stopped her. “Hey, Jolie,” he called, raising his head off the pillow to look her direction. She stopped and stared without speaking. “Would you mind if I moved your girl into my room for the remainder of the cruise?” His arms tightened around me while he waited for her response.

She dropped her head to one side as she considered his request. “Will you be giving her plenty of orgasms?” She asked openly.

“More than she can handle,” he assured her.

“Then…enjoy. I’ll collect her again at customs after the cruise.” She smiled at me, turned and headed out the cabin door.

“Well, that settles it,” he murmured against my cheek. “Looks like you are staying with me.”

I sighed. “Somehow, I think this is going to be a horrible idea. Promise not to fall in love with me,” I said seriously in a sad quiet voice.

He laughed. “I promise.”

“One last thing. Promise you won’t make me fall in love with you,” I added. I was more afraid of falling in love than anything. For some people, it was heights or snakes or spiders or the number thirteen. I feared love. People did some stupid shit in the name of love. Happened all the time. It made one party or the other believe in a permanence that simply didn’t exist. I sure as hell wasn’t going to fall prey to that way of thinking. Ever.

He turned my face to his. “I promise,” he said quietly and punctuated that claim with a kiss.

Just a few hours later, we were headed to his cabin. He marveled over how light I packed. “Really. One bag.” He kept shaking his head.

“Of course. I don’t need a lot. And what I decide I need, I buy.” I shrugged. I wasn’t materialistic in the least. The ring he bought me was the nicest piece of jewelry I owned. I had a few necklaces that I had picked up here and there for under $20. I wore some earrings, but none with gemstones or real quality. That wasn’t the life I lived.

When you are a digital nomad, there are no office dress codes, no corporate events, no parties or gatherings you need to impress at. In the past, I have worked beside the pool, at a café, in libraries, in hotels. I have worn everything from bikinis to bathrobes. It fit me. I liked it. Even after ten years, I had no desire to change that for anything.

We finally stopped in front of what must be his cabin door as he was currently opening it with his card. I was careful not to look at the card because it had his name on it. While clearly I was all about breaking some rules, that was not going to be one of them. He pushed the door open and stood aside for effect.

Now, Jolie and I had an ocean view room. That was all I needed. I didn’t plan on being in the room much. And I sure as hell didn’t want to waste money where I didn’t have to. That’s what husbands are for. He had a suite. It was one of the top of the line suites…complete with bathtub and big ass balcony. Only, I was not that girl. I wasn’t going to run squealing into the room. I was not going to give him that kind of satisfaction as to impress that easily.

Casually, I entered the room, barely glanced around, and simply lay on the bed seductively. “What now, handsome husband?” I asked playfully.

“Now we refuel. Let’s get ready to eat. Fine dining tonight. I’m guessing you don’t have anything to wear.” He glanced at his watch. It was just 5pm.
"Let's go shopping. After that, we'll shower and then go to dinner. Sound good?"

Shrugging, I replied, “Sure, why not?”

Nothing in my life has prepared me for this man. Nothing. Not my bastard of a step-father, not my grandparents’ minister, nothing. There is no male in my life to which I can compare this man. Instead of feeling confident and in control like I had been when I contemplated this and even initiated the conversation, I felt like I was waiting for the shoe to drop. I was waiting for him to show his true colors. No one could be that giving, that generous, or that good. Though I had just hours before made the claim that I was going to just
this week, I soon found myself just watching and waiting for him to fuck up. They always do. That’s what all the men in my life have taught me. They have taught me that men fuck up and when they do, they tend to fuck over the women who love them. These rules I live by, they weren’t created out of a passing fancy. No, years of experiment and experience went into their creation.

Now, Mr. BE is here. For the moment. He’s spoiling the hell out of me, even though I could well spoil the hell out of myself. I’m so confused. Thank god our first encounter was with Jolie present. I’m going to need back up on this one, but first, a shower.

Without thinking, I automatically followed my normal routine, gathering my clothes and toiletries, I headed into the bathroom to shower and get ready for the night. For some reason, it felt really important to me that he be impressed with my efforts, this nameless husband I had acquired over the last few hours. So, when I was in the shower and he suddenly walked in and pulled back the curtain, I reacted. “Hey! No peeking,” I said as I covered as much skin as possible with my arms and crossed legs.

“To peek would suggest that I’m not supposed to look,” he said in a low voice. “I, however, am able to look wherever and whenever I want.” With that proclamation, he leaned in and kissed me on the center of my forehead, on each temple, on the tip of my nose, then hovered over my lips, until ours were not even a breath apart. I was instantly ready for him, but he said, “Later.” Then he stood straight and walked back out of the bathroom.

It took me a moment to recover from his closeness. It took me longer than that to process what had happened. I’m pretty confident the man was trying to seduce me. Damn if it didn’t work. How was I going to survive four courses in the dining room? I thought for a moment, then a smile spread across my face. I would simply have to enjoy torturing him, too.

Thus began our game of cat and cat. No one wanted to be the mouse. Instead, we suddenly viewed each other as prey. Ah, a pretend marriage of real equals. Immediately, I reconsidered my dress for the meal. I certainly wasn't at a loss for options. Even though the ship had a limited selection, he bought me…everything they had in my size. Now there were dresses of varying lengths and styles in amazing fabrics and gorgeous colors. Thank goodness the shop hooked me up with a garment bag or I have no idea how I would have managed to get it all back to Raleigh. In the end, I chose something that was tight fitting and showed my boobs to perfection in scarlet. If I was on fire, I was going to look the part. Even more importantly, if I was suffering, I was going to make sure he suffered, too. I wore the tiniest panties I owned, a thong that really consisted of the tiniest cotton patch and three pieces of dental floss that connected with a silver shamrock at the back. They were sexy and suggestive and utterly perfect for this scenario. This time I wore no bra, just some pasties over the nipples to keep it family friendly.

BOOK: Sin at Sea
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