Sidney’s Triple Shot [Apache Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Sidney’s Triple Shot [Apache Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sidney was shaking with nerves when she walked back into the bar at six for her shift. She wondered if Tyce had told anyone about last night. She also wondered if he had spent the night hot and aroused like she had or if he had forgotten about her as soon as she was out the door.

It was more likely that he forgot about her. He was used to women throwing themselves at him anytime he was on stage.
Why would one skittish woman grab his attention? She would have to appease herself with the one hot make-out session. There was absolutely no way that it could be repeated.

Sidney shivered as she imagined Robert finding out about Tyce, and what he would do to her. Robert didn’t like to be bested, and even though she hadn’t seen any trace of him in the seven weeks since she left him, she wouldn’t put it past him to still be looking for her. He made it clear on her voice mail that he wasn’t done with her yet.

In the back of her mind, she knew that he would kill her this time if he found her. Never mind the fact that it was his fault she miscarried their baby, and that the night she left him he had been screwing another woman in their bed. That wouldn’t matter to Robert at all. There was no way that he would take a chance on her running again, and he hated to be embarrassed. That’s what he would think of this whole thing. He would think that she had intentionally embarrassed him, and that would be enough to sign her death warrant.

Well, that can’t happen, she thought to herself. Even if he did track her down after three weeks of crisscrossing the country, she wouldn’t give up without a fight. Feeling more determined and confident in herself, she quickly changed into her uniform in the bathroom and stowed her purse and street clothes in her locker. Still feeling a little nervous about facing Tyce again, she took a deep breath and headed for the front.

As she rounded the corner from the employees’ lounge into the back hallway, she ran smack into a wall of muscle and almost fell backward. The only thing that held her upright was a thick arm that wrapped around her waist and a hand planted firmly on her butt. She looked up into the concerned face of Xavier Dawson, and all of the breath whooshed from her lungs. The man looked like he must live in a weight room, and the intense blue of his eyes was mind-blowing when paired with his granite jawline and short dark hair.

“Are you okay, Sidney? Sorry about that, baby, I didn’t see you coming.” He frowned down at her, but he held her gently. For just a second she thought she saw his eyes light up with something else, before she dropped her gaze away to stare at the wide expanse of his navy blue T-shirt.

“I’m good, thanks, Mr. Dawson. I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” She pulled away from his chest, trying to step back to put space between them, but he seemed reluctant to let her go. She thought she even felt him grip her ass a little harder before he suddenly released her to step back a few inches.

“I’ve told you before, it’s Xavier, and it’s no big deal. I’m just glad I caught you.” He smiled as he watched her, and she couldn’t help but fidget under his intense gaze.

“Yeah, thanks, Xavier. I better get out to the bar. It looked like Kara was pretty busy.” She hesitated, waiting for him to move from the doorway. When he didn’t move, she looked up, meeting his searching gaze.

“Actually I was looking for you. Come on back to the office, I want to talk to you for a minute. Kara will be okay by herself. Noah is out there with her.” He turned and walked toward the back office without waiting for her response.

She stood frozen in place until he reached the office door and turned back to her. He raised his eyebrow at her pointedly and waited. Following his unspoken demand, she quickly hurried past him into the small office.

She had to bite back a moan when she was faced with the same desk that she had almost had sex on the night before. Images from her encounter with Tyce flooded through her brain, causing her breasts to swell and her clit to throb. Steeling her mind against her body’s reaction, she crossed her arms under her breasts and turned back to Xavier with a stubborn tilt to her chin.


* * * *


Xavier stood with his back to the door and his arms over his chest, watching her. She was clearly nervous, and maybe just a little bit frightened. The defensive gesture of her arms wrapped tightly around her middle told him how uncomfortable she was. He wondered if she realized how it pushed her breasts tighter into the halter top. He wanted to reach out and help her release them from their confines, just to see if they were as soft as they looked. There was no way she would appreciate that gesture at the moment, and he had a few questions to clear up with her first. He gestured to the small sofa, and when she didn’t move to take a seat, he growled in irritation.

“I’m not going to hurt you, for God’s sake. Relax.”

After another moment of hesitation, her body settled into the sofa, but he could see in her expressive eyes that her mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. Determined to get some answers from her before she took off on him, he spoke.

“Do you like working here, Sidney?”

Her eyes darted to his, and then away, and he watched her throat contract as she swallowed hard before she answered. “Yes, very much. Why?”

She sure was a jumpy thing. He had spent the afternoon running a background search on her, finding out a lot of things that concerned him. The Social Security number that she had listed on her application was that of a seventy-eight-year-old man who had died a few weeks earlier. He also knew that she had recently been hospitalized, but he didn’t know why just yet. His guess was that she was hiding from someone.

Xavier shifted to lean back into the couch a little more before he continued. “Are you uncomfortable right now?”

She instantly turned bright red, but she still didn’t answer him. Her fingers twisted in her lap, and the pulse in her throat was racing. Her lips were pressed into a tight, silent line, and her throat twitched as she swallowed hard again.

“Is it because of what happened last night with Tyce?”

“You know about that? I should have known that man couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Fuck a duck. Look, I’m sorry, Mr. Dawson, it shouldn’t have happened.” She jumped up from the couch, pacing the small space, all the while twisting a lock of her hair tightly around her finger. Her eyes drifted to the closed door like she was looking for an escape route. “I think that this would be easier if I just get my things and leave quietly.”

“Sit down,” he snapped in his toughest Dom voice. “My name is Xavier, don’t forget again. Now, you aren’t going anywhere.”

She sat down next to him instantly, with shock written all over her pale face. He had to bite his lip to hide a pleased smile when she dropped her eyes to the floor again and held her breath. Oh, yes, Sidney Rowe is definitely submissive, he thought gleefully. All of his mirth disappeared when her eyes darted back up to his, and he saw genuine fear there.

“Listen to me, baby. You don’t have anything to be afraid of. I would never hurt you. Yes, Tyce told me about last night. My brothers and I don’t keep secrets from each other, and other than being a bit jealous of his role in the events, it doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is the fact that you are keeping secrets and sneaking around.” He shifted his muscular bulk until he was facing her with one arm thrown over the back of the sofa and his knee propped up on the cushion, pressing against her naked thigh. Just that minor touch electrified his skin, and he drew in a deep breath when she started to fidget again. “You will not be leaving quietly or otherwise. You’re a good bartender, and you clearly need help even if you are too proud to ask for it. And for the record, you need to quit cursing. It’s very unattractive hearing nasty words come out of such a sexy mouth.”

Her mouth dropped open as she stared at him. He could see a new flush spread over her cheeks when his words sunk into her brain. The fire in her eyes and ice in her voice when she spoke next surprised him. If it weren’t for the tremble in her slight shoulders, he would have thought she was a different woman altogether.

“Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but I have already lived way too long with a man telling me what to do and say. I won’t ever tolerate it again in this lifetime. I will say whatever I want to say, when I want to say it, and if you don’t like it you can fire me. I made a mistake by sneaking in here last night and taking a shower, and then I made a bigger mistake by letting Tyce take advantage of me. I don’t want him. I don’t want anyone. I am not keeping secrets from you or anyone else, because my life is my business and no one else’s.”

She shot up from the couch and reached for the doorknob.


* * * *


Sidney had intended to make a grand exit by storming out of the office into the night and never looking back, but just as she tugged at the door, it flew open. Standing in front of her, wearing his own mask of rage, was Tyce Dawson. She gasped and jumped backward, running into Xavier’s hard chest where he stood behind her. Tyce stalked into the room, his eyes holding hers in a passionate but pissed-off trance.

“What exactly do you mean I took advantage of you? If I had wanted to take advantage of you, love, you would have been stripped naked and fucked hard. Instead I let you leave like the gentleman that we both know I am. And you absolutely do want me. I can see it in your eyes and in your body.” He looked at her tight halter top pointedly, and she lost her breath again when she realized her nipples were poking through it, betraying her arousal.

“Are you telling me that you would have forced me to have sex with you?” she asked incredulously, and he physically blanched at the idea. Fear still tickled at the base of her neck because he looked so angry, but her arousal at being in the same room with both men was fogging her brain and muffling her instinct to run.

“Do you really think I would have had to force you to do anything? If I touch you now, I think you will melt into me just like you did last night. You’re already leaning into Xavier, and he would be happy to hold you up while you come. He might even lend a hand if you asked nicely.” Tyce took another step closer to her, completely eliminating her breathing room and making the room seem very small.

“Just because I’m horny doesn’t mean that just any cock will do,” she snapped back, refusing to let herself be bullied.

“Hmm…why don’t we find out?” Xavier growled into her ear as Tyce stepped closer and took her mouth in a heated kiss. He ravished her lips, and after just a moment of hesitation, she let herself give into him completely. He was hard and demanding, pushing her to open to him and give more. He taunted her with soft butterfly kisses over her lips and face and then tormented her further when he sunk back into a deep, passionate tongue war with her. When his mouth finally drifted away from hers and down to her throat to linger at her fluttering pulse spot, she struggled to catch her breath.

“Please!” she murmured. Her own voice was husky with desire, and she wasn’t sure if she was begging them to stop or to keep going. Her bones felt like pudding, and her brain was mush. She couldn’t remember why she thought this was such a bad idea a few moments ago.

Xavier’s lips and teeth were mapping the sensitive skin on her neck and bare shoulder, and his fingertips burned the skin of her belly as he explored the jewel that decorated her navel. She sighed deeply when his hands drifted up her sides to caress the skin on the bottom edge of her halter top, and the sensitive undersides of her breasts. Gripping her hair tightly in his hand, he turned her head toward him so that he, too, could claim her mouth.

Sidney was shocked at the possessiveness in Xavier’s kiss. He laid claim to her, drinking her in and testing her resistance. When she joined into the kiss and allowed him to consume her, she felt his masculine approval like a tangible thing. Their tongues were in a duel for control, and his large hand was massaging her scalp while holding her tightly to him. When he finally released her mouth to look down at her, she was panting.

Tyce had managed to free her breasts from her halter top and was crouched in front of her, massaging the mounds tightly. He dropped his mouth to one tight, pink nipple and licked it gently. She cried out at the shock that went from her nipple to her clit and felt her knees give way. She was amazed when Xavier’s arm banded tightly around her waist, holding her in place for his brother. They seemed to be working in tandem to drive her insane. This new position pressed Xavier’s hard cock right into the soft cradle of her ass, and she creamed harder. Tyce sucked her hard nipple into his mouth, biting her softly and then harder when she mewled her pleasure. The pain was unlike anything she had felt before. It didn’t hurt her as much as it heated her blood to the boiling point.

“Oh God, yes!” she moaned, letting her head roll back on Xavier’s shoulder and gripping Tyce’s hair to hold him in place.

“Do you like having both of our hands on you, baby? Two men who want to watch you come as hard as you can.” Xavier’s voice was a deep rumble that went right down her spine, causing her whole body to flush and tingle. “Bite her again, Tyce.”

Tyce complied, his teeth finding her sensitive nipple. As soon as he bit down, Sidney screamed, arching her back as her orgasm overwhelmed her. She flew on the waves of pleasure rippling through her body as Xavier held her solidly on earth. When she finally opened her eyes, Tyce was resting on his haunches, watching her, but his fingers still softly stroked over her thighs and the hem of her shorts. His pupils were dilated until his blue eyes almost looked black, and his hair was tousled from her fingers running through it. Xavier’s rough breathing behind her and tight arm around her middle reminded her that neither one of the brothers had reached release yet. She blushed hotly as it hit her that she had just come without either one of them touching her pussy.

BOOK: Sidney’s Triple Shot [Apache Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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