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Authors: Wang ZengQi

受戒 (2 page)

BOOK: 受戒
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On an appointed day several years later, his uncle came back, bringing an extra Buddhist short jacket which he urged his elder sister to shorten for Mingzi. Wearing this jacket, a pair of ordinary purple trousers and new cloth shoes on his bare feet, Mingzi kowtowed to his parents and set out with his uncle.

While in school, Mingzi had been called Minghai. His uncle said there was no need to change that and so it became his Buddhist name.

They crossed a big lake — an immense lake! — and reached the county seat which was bustling with activity. In the main street there were an official salt shop, tax bureau, cloth store, butcher's and so on. A donkey was grinding sesame seeds in the oil workshop and the aroma filled the street. On both sides were various kinds of stalls selling cosmetics, velvet flowers, silk threads, sugar figures and other goods. In addition, there were also men selling quack remedies and snake performers. Mingzi was fascinated by these interesting sights and would have liked to take a good look at each of them. His uncle, however, urged him along, saying, "Don't dawdle! Hurry up! Be quick!"




At last, they reached a river where a small boat was waiting for them by the bank. A tall, slender man about fifty years old stood in the boat, while a girl about the same age as Mingzi squatted in the stern. She was breaking open a lotus seedpod with her hands. The boat set out as soon as Mingzi and his uncle got in.

Before long, Mingzi heard someone talking to him. The speaker was none other than the girl. "Isn't it you who's going to Biqi Nunnery to be a monk?"

Mingzi nodded.

"They'll burn incense scars on your head if you want to be a monk. Aren't you afraid?"

Not knowing how to answer, Mingzi shook his head vaguely.

"What's your name?"


"And what do they call you at home?"


"Mingzi! I'm called Xiaoyingzi! We'll soon be neighbours. I live next door to your temple. — Take it!" She threw him the remaining half of the lotus seedpod. Mingzi began to break it open and eat the seeds one by one.











The old man rhythmically rowed the boat. It was very quiet with only the sound of the oars splashing in the water.

Biqi Nunnery was situated on a picturesque plateau, the highest in the area. Obviously, the man who had built it had made a wise choice. A river flowed in front of the temple. Before the entrance, a large threshing ground was surrounded on three sides with towering willow trees. Inside the main door was a hallway. A statue of Buddha Maitreya sat facing the door and on both sides of his shrine hung a pair of couplets written by an unknown scholar:

His big belly holds the troubles unbearable to others.

His broad smile is aimed at those who are laughable.

Behind Buddha Maitreya stood the statue of Skanda. Across the hallway was a fair-sized courtyard with two ginkgo trees and at each side a row of three chambers. Across the courtyard was the main hall housing the Trakala Buddhas. Together with the shrines, each was only about four feet high. At the eastern side of the main hall was the chief monk's chamber while at the western side a storeroom. In the eastern wall of the main hall was a rhombus door leading to a long and narrow courtyard, in which were a rockery, some flowerpots and three small side rooms.



…… ……








Mingzi's daily life in the temple was leisurely. After getting up early in the morning, the first thing he did was to open the front door and tidy up the courtyard, which was easy to sweep clean since it was paved with square bricks. Next, he burnt some joss-sticks before the Buddhas Maitreya, Skanda and Trakala in the main hall, kowtowed to each of them, chanted "NamasAmitabha" and beat the inverted bell three times. The monks of this temple had neither morning nor evening services. Mingzi's beating of the inverted bell three times was all that was required. Having finished these tasks, he fetched water and fed the pigs. At last, when the abbot (namely, his uncle) got up, he waited on him and learned from him how to chant sutras.

Teaching a young novice to chant Buddhist sutras was just the same as teaching pupils to recite their lessons. Both the master and the pupil held a volume of Buddhist scriptures in their hands, the former chanting sentence by sentence and the latter following suit. While chanting, Mingzi's uncle beat time loudly on the table with his palm. He did this according to fixed rhythms. It was like teaching someone to sing Beijing Opera for even the special terms used were from Beijing Opera. His uncle told him time and again that, while chanting Buddhist scriptures, his tone must be in keeping with the correct rhythms and notes. In short, to be a good monk one needed a sweet voice. He told his young nephew: When a serious flood occurred in the twentieth year of the Republic, some banks of the canal were completely destroyed. As a result, a great number of the inhabitants were drowned. In order to express their condolences for the unlucky victims, people held a grand Buddhist service. All the abbots of the large temples in the county attended. Thirteen monks were invited to preside over the service, while there were as many as over a hundred ordinary monks in attendance. A question then arose: Among the abbots, who was, after all, most qualified to sit in the seat of honour? Having considered this for a long while, Shiqiao, the abbot of Shanyin Temple, was chosen. Sitting there he had appeared just like the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha. Moreover he had a booming voice. When it came to chanting psalms and burning incense, as soon as he uttered the first words, the more than one thousand onlookers became silent.

As it was said, "Those who can endure all hardships will become, in the end, outstanding men." The uncle, therefore, advised his young nephew to practise singing even on the hottest or coldest days. In addition, he should strive to attain the skill of making his voice resound from the depths of his heart. The novices were expected to learn diligently and refrain from playing. Having been enlightened by this advice, Mingzi studied harder, repeating and learning to chant the Buddhist sutras with fixed rhythms every morning:

"As soon as the incense is burned in the burner—”

"As soon as the incense is burned in the burner—”

"The holy world will be filled with its fragrance—”

"The holy world will be filled with its fragrance—”

"And heavenly Buddhas will appear in their golden figures—”

"And heavenly Buddhas will appear in their golden figures—”










…… ……

When he had finished his morning lesson of chanting sutras (he had also to learn to chant a section of the Buddhist scriptures before going to bed), the older monks of Biqi Nunnery began to get up one after another.

There were very few inhabitants in this nunnery: only six including Minghai. One of them was his uncle's teacher named Puzhao, an old monk about sixty years old. His Buddhist name was unknown, for people simply called him "Old Monk" or "Old Master". As for Minghai, he called him "Grandfather Master". This old monk, who never chanted Buddhist sutras but only sat motionless, was unsociable and eccentric. He always kept to himself in his room. Except for the Spring Festival, he ate no meat all year round.

In addition, there were three other older monks with the name "Ren": Renshan, Renhai and Rendu. Outside and inside the temple, people called them "First Master" and "Second Master", or "Master Shan" and "Master Hai". Only Rendu alone was called that name because "Master Du" was unpleasant to the ear. In fact, being still very young (only a little more than twenty years old), he did not deserve to be called "Master".




Renshan, who was Mingzi's uncle, managed the temple. It was very reasonable that people also called him "manager" instead of "abbot". He alone attended to the daily life of the others. In his room on a desk lay an abacus and three volumes of account books. In one was recorded the accounts for money received for the Buddhist services, in the second the rent, and in the third the debts owed to the nunnery. The monks of this temple were frequently invited to perform services by the local Buddhists and afterwards they would, of course, be paid. What else could they live on? Among the various kinds of Buddhist services, chanting sutras for the dead was the most frequent. To perform this, ten monks were required: One would take the leading seat, another would beat a drum and four others would stand at either side of a square table. If there were not enough monks, it was also permissible to have three monks on both sides as well as the leading monk and the drum beater. Since Biqi Nunnery had only four monks, when they were asked to do this service, they had to cooperate with monks from other temples. This happened from time to time. Generally, they performed the service with only half a set of monks for it was rather troublesome to cooperate and many families could not afford the cost of a full ceremony. Therefore, some families, when one of their members died, invited only two monks, and sometimes only one, to perform this service. Many paid the fees only after they had gathered in their harvest. In such cases, their names were entered in the account books. Since the amounts given to each monk were not equal, just as with actors in a theatrical troupe, they were distributed in fixed proportions. The monk who sat in the seat of honour received the greatest proportion, because, apart from leading the other monks in chanting the Buddhist sutras, he had also to perform a solo chant. When the service came to the point where the condolences to the departed were sung, the other monks laid down their musical instruments and rested, while only the leading monk continued singing slowly with distinct rhythm. Next to him was the monk who beat the drum. Not easy work! The tempo at the beginning of the service was impossible to play well if one was unskilled. As for the rest, their rewards were the same. To prevent the monks from quarrelling at the end of each year, it was necessary to enter their parts in the account book. The temple recorded their work in detail as follows: On such and such a date, so-and-so sat in the seat of honour; so-and-so beat the drum; and so-and-so… In addition, the temple had quite a large amount of land, which was rented out to tenants. The rents were collected at an appointed time. The nunnery also lent money. Both the tenants and debtors rarely failed to pay their rent and interest, because all were afraid of offending Buddha. The accounts alone kept Renshan busy all day long. There were also a lot of other daily accounts that needed to be entered. Hence, in order to do his work as efficiently as possible, he hung on the wall of his room a plank inscribed with this motto in red paint:

"Diligence in recording at the time will save the trouble of recollection."


BOOK: 受戒
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