Read Shifters Gone Alpha Online

Authors: Michele Bardsley,Renee George,Brandy Walker,Sydney Addae,Lisa Carlisle,Julia Mills,Ellis Leigh,Skye Jones,Solease M Barner,Cristina Rayne,Lynn Tyler,Sedona Venez

Shifters Gone Alpha (10 page)

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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Selena buried her face in the cat’s soft, silky fur. The weight of him in her arms brought comfort, as the reality of the situation threatened to swamp her.

She had been ambushed by her knife-wielding, whack-job ex-boyfriend, dragged into a deserted alley, and was in the process of being molested when her little friend showed up and saved her.

He wasn’t so little there for a couple of minutes.
Selena grunted and booked it to the entrance of the alley.

Logically, she knew she should be freaking out, running and crying for help, followed up with a check into the hospital’s psych ward. But, to her utter surprise, she wasn’t. Instead, she was snuggling the transforming creature in her arms and wondering if she could make it out of the alley and home a block away without anyone noticing.

Ever since she’d started working at the morgue, her view on what was real and what wasn’t had been changing. The odd cases were piling up and what used to be normal was now abnormal.

Bodies missing internal parts for no known reason, and with no sign of surgery or scars…no problem.

The body she cleaned that reminded her of a werewolf, covered in hair from head to toe with overly large hands and feet with gnarly nails…sure, why not. The man’s face was normal enough; at least she thought it had appeared normal.  It was hard to tell under his mane of hair and thick beard.

The strange encounter with Felix and Jason put a nail in the coffin. The world just wasn’t exactly what it seemed.

Damned if she wasn’t okay with that too. She’d always felt like she was on the outside of
life. Accepting the unusual meant she wasn’t alone.

Selena snuggled the cat one more time. Breathing in the comfort he provided. “Let’s go home.” There were so many questions on the tip of her tongue, the first being what the little kitty’s name was. But he wasn’t much of a kitty. He was a well-endowed, gorgeous man with long dark hair, kissable lips, and a bangin’ body.

She shivered in remembered excitement.
How inappropriate could she get?

Almost at the entrance, she glanced back down the alley, catching sight of her ex’s body off to the side. It didn’t make her sad or angry…or even upset. Good riddance to his worthless ass. “I guess I should do something about that,” she said, unable to keep her disgruntlement a secret.

A good citizen would call for police and wait. She didn’t feel like waiting around with this particular dead body though. She’d just call the police when she got home and report the body, leaving out all of the details leading up to him being there. If they needed to ask her more questions, they could come to her.

Twenty minutes later and from the comfort of her home, Selena placed the phone back on the charger. The call to the police was a success in her book. She stretched the truth a little, claiming to have been passing by the alley when she saw what looked to be a person on the ground. Declaring she was too afraid to go down and check it out herself. They took her info and told her they’d be in touch.

Entering the living room from the kitchen, she found Felix curled up on the couch, purring softly in a shaft of sunlight. Selena debated a second or two about taking a shower to wash her ex-boyfriend’s stench off but nixed that plan. Curiosity had her plopping down next to Felix, jolting him awake. Sharp dark eyes studied her intently. “Can you shift again? I’d love to ask you some questions. I can grab you something to wear if that would make you more comfortable.”

Felix stood up and arched his back. He hopped down onto the floor and transformed into a stunning man in a matter of seconds.

Selena’s mouth dropped open, and she knew she was staring. The terror of what happened not even thirty minutes ago was completely forgotten. Replaced by the handsome man standing before her. Golden skin showed off his sleek, toned muscles. Powerful thighs. Large flaccid penis twitching to life between his legs. She forced her gaze upward to his tapered waist. Over six-pack abs and flat, brown nipples. His gleaming black hair flowed over his shoulders.

Desire flowed through her. She wanted to touch him everywhere. Run her hands over his skin. Feel the warmth of it under her palms.

Felix’s chuckle had her finally looking up into his face. There she found gorgeous high cheekbones, piercing almond-shaped dark brown eyes, and his lips curved into a knowing smile.

Selena blushed knowing he stood there allowing her blatant perusal. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Malcolm Turner, but you like to call me Felix.” The most brilliant grin overtook his face. “Most people call me Blacky. I love that you came up with something original.” His voice held a hint of an accent Selena couldn’t place, and it drove her crazy. It was rich, delicious and mysterious like him.

“Not so original,” she mumbled. “You reminded me of a cat from a cartoon when I was little.”

Malcolm’s amused laugh caught her off guard. Selena realized she was staring again as she talked. Her face heated, no doubt turning her fair skin bright.

“I don’t mind you staring, sweetling.”

The sound of his voice caressed her ears, sending tingles through her body. Tightening her nipples. Tickling over her stomach, and ending with a flutter in her pussy.

Clenching her legs together, Selena tried to crush her growing arousal. Hoping Malcolm wouldn’t know how fully turned on she was. It should be wrong to feel the way she did after what she’d gone through. Right?

Her mouth didn’t agree. “You’re gorgeous no matter what form you’re in.” She clamped her hand over her mouth. The words popped out without thought. Oh God! She was a horrible, horrible woman.

Jumping up from the couch, Selena eased away. “Um, let me get you something to wear.” She stumbled her way toward her bedroom, tripping over the end table and—in general—the floor. “I’ll, uh, be back in a minute.”

Malcolm advanced on her, either oblivious of how flustered she was or just not caring. A sexy grin curved the corner of his mouth. “I’m fine just how I am.”

“Yes, you are,” she mumbled, her gaze traveling over his body. “Shit, sorry.” She cringed at her bad behavior.

“You’ve nothing to be sorry about. I find I’m attracted to you as well, Selena. Your golden spun hair, sparkling blue eyes and creamy luminescent skin. Any man or woman would find you desirable because of your attributes, but it is your heart that is your true beauty. It is your heart that makes me want you beyond reason.”

Selena stopped moving. She’d backed right into the wall, too stunned to pay attention to where she was going, and she’d ended up completely missing the doorway to her room. No one had ever described her in such a way. She stood unblinking at the man in front of her. Her breath came in short bursts, anticipating what would happen next.

Malcolm didn’t keep her in suspense long. Reaching out, he trailed his fingers over her shoulders and down her bare arms, caressing her flesh and setting it on fire. Shockwaves made a one-way trip down her body, ending when her toes curled into the carpet.

“You deal with death every day,” Malcolm said. “You should be cynical, wary of the world and the creatures in it. Instead, you share your mornings with me, chatting about what is going on in your life. You help your elderly neighbor whenever she needs you, and you never expect anything in return. You are fresh and beautiful in an unsuspecting way. I never expected to fall for you so quickly. I assumed I would be too consumed with my task of watching out for you for that to happen. I didn’t anticipate you inviting me in and capturing my heart with your kind acts. I expected that would happen later, once you’d joined the coven.”

Selena had no idea what in the world he was talking about. Watching her. The coven. It didn’t make sense and yet she wasn’t worried about it. Staring at him, she knew she would follow him to the ends of the world and back. Trusted him completely to lead her down the right path.

Malcolm lowered his head and kissed her. The light brush of his firm lips against her own set off sparks. Spurred into action, she tentatively placed her hands on his waist, flexing her fingers on his warm skin. Growing bolder when he kissed her deeper, she stroked and kneaded the taut flesh, working her way up his chest before pinching his nipples into submission, the tips beading into hard pebbles.

Malcolm broke the connection, leaving them both gasping for air. Her lips wanted to follow, but her brain told her she’d die without oxygen. But dying kissing him was something she’d willingly do. She was drawn to him, and it didn’t matter that he was a shape-shifter of some sort and had been watching her for over a year. There was a connection between them outside of their feline-human bond.

As soon as she could breathe again, she asked the one question burning in the back of her mind. “Why now? This whole time you’ve been coming to me as a cat. Why not just come to me as a man instead?”

Malcolm shrugged his broad shoulders. “I wanted to, but at the same time, I wanted to keep to my task. I was to ensure your safety until it was time.”

“What about now? You’ve rescued me from my ex. I’m safe once again. Are you going to go back to your fuzzy-faced ways?”

His lips curled up into a cocky smile. “No. There is no going back. I believe this was part of the plan.”

“The plan?”

“Yes. I have much to explain to you, but first,” he kissed her softly, “we must wash the stench of that man from you.”

Selena crinkled her nose. She’d forgotten about everything but Malcolm. She took a delicate sniff of her shirt. “Ew. Yeah, I need a shower. Let me get you something to wear while I clean up.”

Malcolm’s deep laugh tripped down her spine. “There is no need. We shall shower together, then make love. After we are done, I’ll tell you everything you want to know.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her against his chest. He carried her into her bedroom and straight to the bathroom.

“How do you,” she began, her words getting cut off by his warm lips pressed against her neck. Gooseflesh scattered down her arms when he nibbled the column of her throat. Thoughts faded as her body took over.

“I know a lot of things,” he chuckled before setting her feet back on the floor.

Bending over, he started the shower for them, her gaze roamed over his impressive body. She just bet he knew a lot of things. Sexy things she’d love for him to show her.




True to his word, Malcolm rushed them through a shower. The constant reminder of the other man’s hands on her would have driven him insane if the scent stayed on her any longer.

Selena stood next to him drying off. She rubbed her soft pink towel over her breasts, down her stomach, and then around each leg. His sensitive hearing picked the rasp of the terry cloth against her skin.

He’d behaved for as long as he could. Snatching the towel from her, he dropped it to the ground along with his. Grabbing her around the waist, he hauled her up against his body. Her firm breasts pressing against his chest. Her soft stomach cushioning his erection. He slid his hand down to her ass, gripping one of the globes she’d unknowingly taunted him with every morning she’d stripped and scurried off to her room. His body felt alive, like it had been hit with a live wire. Heat seared him everywhere they touched. It felt amazing.

Upon her audible gasp, he plunged his tongue into her mouth, sealing their lips together. She melted into him and her arms came around his neck, fingers threading into his hair.

He maneuvered them out of the bathroom and tumbled them onto her bed. Pushing up on his hands, he looked down at his golden goddess. Anticipation was etched onto her face. Her crystal blue eyes swirled with desire and need.

“Malcolm?” She whispered, reaching up to stroke a hand along his jaw. He tilted his head, pressing into her hand. Her gentle touch soothing a part of him he hadn’t known was restless.

Lowering his head, he captured her lips in a sensual assault. Their tongues danced, tangling together, driving his desire higher. Her legs parted in invitation, cradling his erection. Shifting his hips, he slid his cock along her slick pussy lips.

“I want you, Malcolm.” Her tone was breathy and ragged. 

Malcolm’s control snapped with those four little words. He abandoned her lips, trailing down her body, leaving kisses in his wake. Greedily, he sucked and bit her nipples, pulling cries from her swollen lips. She dug her short fingernails into his shoulders, the pain rocking through him, making his erection harder than before.

The scent of her arousal and longing filled the air and spiked his need. He shifted lower, spreading her pussy lips with his finger. The wet, slick folds begging for his touch. Fusing his mouth to her, licking and sucking her clit, he thrust two thick fingers inside her. A moan of deep satisfaction tore from her lips. His fingers pumped, rocking against that magical place inside her that had her hips thrusting to meet his onslaught. On a ragged cry, his name tumbled from her mouth and her muscles spasmed as her orgasm broke. He drank from her, sucking and lapping the sweetness flowing from her core.

His body hammered with the need to feel the clasp of her body, milking him to satisfaction. Swiftly, he slid up her pliant body and thrust his hardened length into her, his entrance eased by her slick release coating her walls. He bottomed out, his balls pressed up against her. A feeling of ecstasy gripped him and threatened to end the moment before it began.

He had to take a moment to luxuriate in the feel of her around him. She was so tight, even after he’d prepared her, and it felt too damn good. He retreated before slamming back in, rubbing against her to press her clit firmly. He wouldn’t last long and he needed her to come again.

Selena shivered beneath him. Her eyes fluttered open, passion and desire darkening the blue depths. Wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him down to her, licked his lips then mashed their lips together. She tasted so damn sweet.

“Mine,” he growled, surprised at the ferocity of the emotions filling him. This wasn’t what he expected, but hell if he wasn’t going to cling to it and never let it go. He pulled out and rammed back in, the pace quickly leading the room to be filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and bodies slapping together. The frenzied pounding took him to the edge.

Malcolm shoved in as far as he could, grinding hard until she shattered. A low cry escaped her throat as her body tightened, her pussy clenching and pulling his release from him. Throwing his head back, he shouted her name as he came hard inside her.

He rolled to the side, dragging Selena with him. His arms wrapping around her body, he tucked her against his chest.

Never had anything felt as good as being with Selena. It was a good thing they were meant to be with each other…forever.

BOOK: Shifters Gone Alpha
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