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Authors: Marilyn Lee

Shana Mine (13 page)

BOOK: Shana Mine
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I put my arms around him and kissed him. The words
I love you
trembled on my lips. I held them back, uncertain if he w
ready to hear them yet.

He lay back on the loveseat, pulling me on top of him. “Shana.”

The passion and need he imbued in my name touched me. I stared down at him, recalling how bleak my life had felt without him. “Taylor…oh Taylor. I’m so happy to be with you again.”

“The feeling is mutual, my beautiful Shana.”

I reached behind him to loosen the tie on his hair. I spread the long, dark tresses across his broad shoulders. “Take what’s yours, Taylor. My pussy, my ass, my mouth. Everything I have is yours for the taking.”

Placing a hand on the back of my neck, he drew my head down to his until our lips touched.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

He kissed me slowly and deeply,
stroking his hands down my body to cup over my ass.

Feeling his cock pressed between our bodies made me hungrier for him. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I dragged my mouth away from his and rubbed my pussy against his cock. “Oh God, Taylor. It’s been so long.” I wrapped my fingers around his shaft. “Fuck me.”

“It’s going to be just a little longer,” he whispered, drawing my lips back down to his.

I loved feeling his big, warm, calloused hands caressing and massaging my body and setting it on fire as no other man had. My nipples hardened and my pussy flooded. I moaned against his lips as I rubbed my breasts against his chest.

With each kiss and caress, my need for him grew along with the urge to whisper that I loved him.

I tore my mouth from his. “Fuck me. Please.”

He maneuvered me onto my back and buried
his face between
my breasts

“Oh yes, love. Yes.”

He kissed a path down over my belly to my pussy.

“No. No.” I gripped his shoulders. “It’s been too long. I don’t want you to eat me. I want you to fuck me. Please.”

e lifted his head
and rose.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Condom,” he said.

I frowned, what had happened to the one he’d given me earlier?

He crossed the room to his clothes and pulled out his wallet. He rolled the condom over his cock as he returned to the loveseat. He leaned down to brush his lips against my ear and neck. “
Do you want me?”

Oh lord y

" I moaned,
parting my legs and pushing my hips off the loveseat.

He smiled. “Somebody’s a little on the horny side—just when I’ve decided I’m not in the mood.”

“Fuck your mood.” I wrapped my fingers around him. “Don’t make me take this.”

He laughed. “I love a woman who knows what she wants.” He positioned himself between my thighs and pushed his hips forward.

I gasped and gripped his arms as he slowly pushed his cock deep into my pussy.

“Is this what you want, sweet?” he asked.

I nodded. “Oh…God…yes…yes!” I closed my eyes and licked my lips. “Fuck me.”

“Open your eyes and look at me.”

I obeyed but jerked at his arms, trying to pull him down on top of m

Smiling, he moved his hips back and forward, sliding in and out of me with a deliberate passion and heat that surged through every inch of my body. I was on fire for him and filled with an emotion stronger than I’d felt with my ex.

Sex with him was so intense because he stirred me as no other man had. With him inside me, the most powerful emotions of my life assailed me. I curled my fingers in his hair and sobbed as I came. “I love you…I love you…I love you.”

He clutched me close and fucked me so hard my thighs shook with each thrust and I arched into him and came again.

As I did, I was only vaguely aware of him whispering to me as he came. I pulled his weight down on me and wrapped my arms and legs around him. “Lord I love you.”

He kissed my neck and sighed. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”

He lifted his head to stare down at me. “Shana mine…finally.”

Hearing that endearment I had given up
hearing again brought tears to my eyes. I shook my head. “I’ve been yours for the taking from the moment we met.”

He sat on the loveseat and urged me onto his lap. He whispered against my ear.

I pushed him away. “I will learn to speak Tsalagi, but for now I need a translation.”

He caressed my cheek. “I’ve been smitten from the moment I saw your picture. By the time we met, I was and am in love with you. I love you and I want to marry you.”

I sucked in a breath and stared at him with happy tears streaming down my cheeks. I wasn’t sure how his sons would feel about having me as a step-mom but I knew my kids weren’t going to be thrilled to have a stepfather only nine years their senior. One of us would have to relocate since I had no interest in a long-distance relationship.

We’d have challenges—just as every couple did. Challenges or not, I loved him and I wanted him. I was going to have him.

“Will you marry me?”

I nodded. “Hell yeah.”

He hugged me close. “I love you, Shana mine.”

“I am yours. All yours.”

* * *

I lay awake long after Shana had fallen asleep in my arms trying to decide the best way of asking her to relocate to Philadelphia without making her think I thought it was more important I stay near my sons than she did her kids.

I really couldn’t afford to lose the job Jayvyn was overseeing for me nor did I have the ability to start all over again on the West Coast. If she didn’t want to move, our only alternative would be to have a long-distance relationship, which held little appeal. But having admitted how I felt, I couldn’t give her up. Nor could I move across country and leave my guys’ stepfather to guide them into young adulthood.
He was a
man and treated them well
. But
it was
my job
to help make my guys good men
and I wasn’t going to cede t
hat responsibility
to anyone else.

I fell asleep determined to tackle the subject after breakfast the next day. I never got the chance because I woke the next morning to find a gloriously naked Shana straddling my hips and rolling a condom over my cock.

“Good morning, handsome.”

I smiled and reached up to massage her breasts. “Damn
. W
hat a great way to start the day.”

She caressed my cheeks. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?”

I shook my head. Damn. No one had
told me that. “I hope I didn’t say anything I shouldn’t have.”

“So you’re worried that you whispered another woman’s name?”

I stiffened. “What? Shana, I—”

She pressed her fingers against my lips, smiling. “You don’t have to worry, Taylor. Your sleep talk was about your kids and not being able to leave them.”

“Damn. I—”

“It’s all right, Taylor. Your kids are younger and mine will soon be twenty-one
. They’re both already
both living away from home. I’ll make the move.”

I sucked in a deep, relieved breath. “Oh, sweet. Are you sure?”

“I’m sure I don’t want to live away from you and I understand you wanting to be there for your guys while they’re still so young. I think living on the East Coast will take some getting used to, but I love you and it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for you, Taylor mine.”

Taylor mine? I could probably hear the endearment several times a day for the rest of my life without it ever losing its thrill, I thought as she lifted her hips and slowly slid the sweetest, warmest pussy in the world down on my clock. Taylor hers? Oh hell yeah. Forever.



Loving Large—Yours, Only And Always Excerpt


By Marilyn Lee


Published by Marilyn Lee Unleashed



“Don’t despair. When you least expect it, the hurt from Sam will dissolve and you’ll fall head over heels in love again. It could happen at any time in any place. Just make sure you’re ready to accept and embrace it when it happens.”

Autumn Walker’s mother’s words flashed into her mind the moment she walked into the condo association meeting and saw him.

The man who caught her attention was tall, with long legs, wide shoulders, a narrow waist, and a taut ass. He might have stepped right off the cover of one of the Native American capture romances she and her friends had devoured as teenagers. She could easily imagine him bare-chested with long, very dark, silky hair pulled back from his face and hanging down his back as he sat astride a horse without a saddle.

Two women, who she suspected were more interested in spending time in his bed than they were in discussing proposed changes in condo fees, commanded his attention.

She stared at him, feeling herself going wet. What woman wouldn’t want to be up close and personal with a man who was so sexy just the sight of him generated capture fantasies?

What she wouldn’t give for the courage to strut across the room and join the two women clambering for his attention. She sighed. If only she were tall and slender with mounds of flowing locks like the women vying to hold his interest. But the handsome, sexy male who looked as if he’d just finished posing for the cover of a romance novel wasn’t likely to be impressed with her five-foot, five-inch plump body or her dark brown skin. He probably preferred the tall, slender, blue-eyed blondes gazing so adoringly up at him.

Almost as if he felt her eyes on him, he suddenly turned his head, glanced briefly in Autumn’s direction, looked away, and then did a double take. He arched a brow and locked his gaze with hers.

Embarrassed at having been caught staring, Autumn still couldn’t look away from his dark, sexy, probing gaze. Her heart raced and the erotic imagination she’d struggled to control since her divorce quickly flooded her mind with visions of standing naked before him while he ran his big hands all over her body. Her cheeks burned at the delicious thought of feeling his smooth palms spanking her naked, dark ass cheeks until they burned with heat.

Oh to feel him lubing her up before he gripped her hips and fucked her ass, slow and deep. She bit her lip, going wet as she mentally savored the thought of him cupping his hands over her breasts as he thrust in and out of her rear.

She wore a pretty pink dress with a skirt that ended just below her knees. He could easily push it up to expose a hot pink thong. Once he pushed that skimpy piece of fluff aside he’d have easy access to both her ass and her pussy.

He arched a brow while the corners of his sensual lips slowly curved upward into an appreciative smile. His gaze shifted down to her breasts for several long moments before he looked into her eyes again.

Autumn caught her breath. Was she imaging things or did she detect a hint of interest in his gaze? He had definitely checked out her breasts.

Both blondes glanced at Autumn. One then touched his arm. The other placed a hand against his chest.

I guess they’re telling you he’s off limits. As if you need that warning.

The object of all three women’s desire turned his attention back to the women at his side.

Autumn released a sigh of disappointment, still unable to tear her gaze away from him. He was so sexy.

He spoke briefly to the two women before turning his attention back to Autumn.

She swallowed and stared into his almost hypnotic eyes. He must be interested in her.

The women spoke to him again, seemingly determined to reclaim his attention.

Briefly turning his gaze back to the women, he flashed a smile and spoke to them.

Autumn watched in amazement as he then quickly strolled towards her, ignoring the women’s efforts to keep him at their sides.

She swallowed and moistened her lips while her heart hammered against her ribcage.

He stopped a foot or so in front of her. He extended his hand. “Hello.” He had a deep, sexy voice.


“I’m Seneka Elkhorn.”

Seneka Elkhorn. Nice name. Nice voice. Nice body. Sexy as hell man.

She held out her hand.

A shiver of anticipation danced down her spine when his fingers closed over hers. She imagined him whispering sweet nothings in her ear in that deep, velvety voice as he caressed her bare skin with the big warm hand cradling hers.

“And you are?”

She blinked. “I’m sorry. What?”

“What’s your name? Mine’s Seneka Elkhorn.”

Get a grip, woman and stop gawking as if you’ve never met a drop-dead gorgeous hunk. “Autumn Walker.”

His eyes lingered on her bare left hand. “Autumn is my favorite time of the year.”

“Oh…is it?”

“Oh yes.” He smiled. “I see you’re not wearing a ring, but is there a Mr. ‘She’s All Mine So Back Off’ lurking somewhere?”

She’d never been happier to be divorced and commitment free. She shook her head. “Not anymore.”

His smile widened. “No? This must be my lucky night.”

His lucky night? Lost in a haze of erotic fantasies, she racked her brain for some witty remark that would titillate and entertain him while making him want to get to know her.

She stole a glance at his left hand. Bare. Thank God.

The association president went to the podium. “Good evening, everyone. We have a number of issues on the agenda so please find seats so we can begin.”

Autumn stifled a groan. Why did the blasted meeting have to start on time? She reluctantly withdrew her hand from his. “I guess I’d better find a seat.”

He slipped a hand under her elbow. “Yes. Let’s do that.”

His fingers on her bare skin sent a tingle through her. She turned back to face him, hoping she’d managed to conceal her emotional turmoil from him. “I see a seat—”

“A seat?” He nodded toward two empty seats on the other side of the room. “There are two over there. Join me?”

She hesitated. Contemplating flirting with him as they waited for the meeting to start was one thing. Sitting with him might be too close to a line she’d never crossed before. Her divorce from Sam still stung. The reason he’d divorced her hadn’t changed enough to make a difference in her life.

“Autumn,” his fingers tightened on her elbow. He leaned down until his lips were a breath away from her ear. “I won’t hurt you,” he promised softly.

She stared up into his dark eyes. Why did she feel as if he’d read her mind and knew of her hurt? “What?”

“You can trust me, Autumn.”

Trust didn’t come easy. Sam had broken her heart, injured her pride, and damaged her self-esteem. When Sam left her, she’d decided lost love hurt and that love in general was overrated. Since then she had managed to remain romantically unscathed by channeling all her time and energy into preparing her students for careers in math and science.

Some of her students had done very well. She found satisfaction in celebrating their triumphs with them. Her life wasn’t exciting. It was safe. Safety was important.

He caressed her elbow.  “You can trust me, Autumn.”

Her desire to accept his word and trust him gave her pause. She knew nothing about him except that she found him more sexually exciting than any man she’d ever met. He seemed to want to spend at least an hour or so in her company. An hour wouldn’t make much difference to him but it might act as a balm to her wounded ego.

She smiled up at him. “Okay.”

“Great.” He gave her a slow, warm smile before he led her over to the two empty chairs on the other side of the room. Once she was seated he sat so close to her, his thigh pressed against hers.

She attempted to draw her thigh away from his.

He responded by shifting in his seat in a manner that allowed him to press his thigh against hers again.

She inhaled sharply and glanced at him.

He arched a brow and ensured she was even more aware of him by sliding an arm along the back of her chair. He leaned so close she felt his breath on her cheek. “Relax, Autumn. I don’t bite—at least not in public.”

She blushed and turned her attention back to the front of the room. If he touched her, she wasn’t sure how she’d respond.

He didn’t.

Nevertheless, she spent the entire meeting wondering if he were as aware of her as she was of him. His thigh pressing against hers seemed to indicate he was yet each time she stole a glance at him, his attention was on the podium. Later, she couldn’t remember how she’d voted on the proposed condo fees.

After the meeting ended, he turned to look at her. “So you’re all for increased condo fees?”

“What makes you think that?”

He shrugged. “You raised your hand when the president asked for a show of hands of those in favor of the higher fees.”

“I did?”

His lips twitched. “You did.”


He laughed. “It would probably have passed anyway. Now for a really important question, do you have any plans for the rest of the night?”


“Will you have a drink with me?”

The thought that she might somehow parlay the drink invitation into a night of wanton and uncommitted sex, excited her senses and helped relax her inhibitions. “I’d like that,” she admitted.

“So would I.” He smiled.

He smiled a lot and lord what a warm, intimate smile. He was so handsome it was difficult not to stare at him.

“Are you ready, Autumn?”

After three years of celibacy she was more than ready to subject herself to any situation that would increase the possibility of their ending up in bed for the night. As improbable as she’d thought it before the meeting started, she was now convinced he shared her sexual interest.

She nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”



Loving Large: Yours, Only And Always is available from Marilyn Lee Unleashed

BOOK: Shana Mine
6.8Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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