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Authors: J. F. Crane

Tags: #Science Fiction

SG1-17 Sunrise

BOOK: SG1-17 Sunrise
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By J. F. Crane

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Chapter One

Dr Maol Caluim’s Journal

Acarsaid Dorch Research Outpost

Year Three

Entry #276WB

Our moods are lighter today. Finally, we have a breakthrough! Yesterday’s simulation was a success, two-way communication was established and we were able to contact the remote device via its embedded server. Despite the doubts of so many, we believe we have created a patch that will allow us to deploy the shield as originally designed—with luck, we will be in time. Now, all that remains is to test the fix on the live system, which means we must return to Ierna. If we do not, all our work will be for naught. The work of a generation will be for naught.

We must persuade the Elect to listen to us, in that there is no choice. Lann tells me that an ice storm has raged here all week, but so caught up was I in the testing that I hadn’t even noticed. He predicts that it will pass overnight and in the morning we can attempt, once more, to communicate with the new authorities in the shelter. All our hopes rest on their acquiescence.

I have not spoken with the others about our return home. Though none of us utter the words, we all know that we have been exiled here and that to return will not be a simple venture. The memories of our leaving are fresh, even three years on. How can we forget the rage of the people and the tears on our children’s faces? But surely, when we show the Elect what we have achieved, they will listen to us. They must listen. To turn from us now would be madness.

Even the wildest zealot must realize that the so called Sciath Dé is our last hope. Without it, our homes—all of Ierna—will perish. Surely they pray for our success as well as for their own deliverance? I cannot conceive that they would embrace this disaster when we are so close to salvation.

I hope that in my entry tomorrow I can speak of our triumph. I hope the self appointed ‘Pastor’ will listen to reason. I hope we are not already too late.

One way or another, the end draws near.


Dr Maol Caluim’s Journal

Acarsaid Dorch Research Outpost

Year Three

Entry #277WB

Today Lann Dyric opened the Sungate and returned to Ierna. He carried word of our success, proof that we can deploy Sciath Dé
and defend our world from the wrath of their Lord. With him he carries the hopes of our world. Though I do not worship their god, I find myself casting my prayers into the stars this night as we wait for Lann to return with word of our fate. Of our world’s fate.


Dr Maol Caluim’s Journal

Acarsaid Dorch Research Outpost

Year Three

Entry #278WB

It has been five days and we have received no word from Lann. We cannot decide if this is good news or bad. We can do nothing but wait.


Dr Maol Caluim’s Journal

Acarsaid Dorch Research Outpost

Year Three

BOOK: SG1-17 Sunrise
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