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Authors: London Setterby

Set Me Free (24 page)

BOOK: Set Me Free
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a huge debt of gratitude to my wonderful critique partners and friends, Becky Langdon, Isley Robson, and Alexa Rowan. Thank you also to my brilliant editor, Laura Elliott, for her encouraging and insightful advice. I’d also like to thank everyone at Wattpad for being so delightful and sweet—you make me so very happy.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank Dan, for his infinite patience and wisdom; Katy, for believing in this book long before I did; Ming, for teaching me how to be happy again; and Alicia, for helping me be brave.

About the Author

ondon Setterby is a writer
, lawyer, and life-long New Englander who says “wicked” to mean “very” with a total lack of irony. She is apparently trying to write as many different kinds of romance novels as possible. She also writes across the gender and sexuality spectrums. When not writing, she enjoys taking long rambling walks through various forests with her husband, though, sadly, they do not have any Great Danes.

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BOOK: Set Me Free
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