Read September Tango Online

Authors: Scarlett Jade,Llerxt the 13th

September Tango (7 page)

BOOK: September Tango
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“Earth to Zoe. Have you found anywhere?” He touched her thigh and she jumped at the electric jolt that hit her core.

Yeah, a bar called Starving Maggots. It sounds horrible.” She laughed. “Want the address?”

There is an app on my phone for directions, just plug it in.” He turned the radio on softly and he drummed his long, slender fingers against the steering wheel. She poked some buttons on the phone and a voice began directing them. He caught her hand in his and squeezed it, shooting a quick smile her direction.  She couldn't help but smile as she turned to look out the window.
It feels so damn natural to be with him.

He let go of her hand as they got deeper into town, following the directions to a small, squat brick building in a strip mall. A tattoo shop stood on one side, and a coffee shop stood on the other. The door was a red metal affair with a silver handle and there were two windows along the front that showed a dusky interior and some fluorescent beer signs. She looked at him curiously. “For a place called Starving Maggots, I can't say that it looks all that bad ass.”

“Who needs bad ass? I don't want to get in a fight and get in trouble. I just want to go have fun.” He parked the car against the curb and got out, hustling to her side and letting her out before pressing the lock button on his keys. He took her hand and led her to the door, opening it and holding it open for her. The inside was cool and smelled a little like fries. Her stomach grumbled. She hadn't eaten yet today.

Kinda wish I'd eaten some chicken and dumplings before we came,” she laughed softly.

Want something to eat?” He headed to the bar, where a bartender stood, wiping a glass. The man was bald, with tattoos covering the top of his head and arms. He smiled widely.

Hey, y'all. What can I do you for?” He sat the glass down on the mahogany bar and leaned forward.

Calvin looked at Zoe. “What do you want?”

She stuck her hand in her pocket and fingered the twenty there. It was the last one that had been in the jar. “Um. A water and do you guys have fries?”

The bartender nodded. “Yeah, regular and bacon cheese.”

She licked her lips unconsciously. “I want some bacon cheese fries too.” She pulled the crumpled twenty from her pocket.

Calvin looked at the bartender. “Can you set us up a tab? I'd like a Coke. Put her fries on there, please.”

The bartender looked between them curiously. Zoe was shooting daggers at the side of Calvin's face. He ignored her. “I can pay for the fries.”

Just put it on my tab.”

She stomped her foot. She knew she looked like a petulant two year old, but she didn't care anymore. “I can pay for the fries.”

“And I want to buy them for you. Can you just let me?” He smiled gently.

She sighed, giving in. “Fine.”

The bartender looked between them and shook his head. “You two need some sex. The tension here is enough to choke a horse.” He smacked two glasses up on the counter, a coke and a water with a slice of lemon before walking off.

Calvin started laughing. Her eyes flashed. “Don't you laugh at me, damn it.”

He grinned wide. “Laughing with you. You're so damn cute.” He snagged her by the waist and pulled her close. “I can't believe I spent this long without you.”

Her eyes went dark and she swallowed. “I can't believe it either.” He leaned forward and their lips nearly touched.

The bartender came back around the corner and smacked the wooden bar with the palm of his hand three times. They jumped apart. “No necking in my bar!”

Calvin grinned, leaning back. “Alright, how about some karaoke then, man?”

He grinned. “We can do that. It's all computerized. Just pick your song, like a juke box, then it will start. Best investment we ever made.” He paused. “Ain't like y'all got a crowd.” He waved to the empty bar. “Should start getting in some happy hour folks soon.”

Zoe grabbed her water and headed toward the small stage in the corner, decked out in horrible flamingo lights. She pointed to Calvin. “Sit.”

He raised an eyebrow and sat at the little round mahogany table in front of the stage. “Fine.”

She leaned forward, poking buttons on the little machine. The song she picked made her smile. It was “Breathe” by Faith Hill. The music started pumping and she felt the tune slide into her veins and flood her with endorphins.
Best high ever.
She grabbed the mic and started singing to him. It was the closest she'd come to saying she loved him yet.

He sat back in the chair, watching her sway and sing. Her voice was sweet and smooth. Her eyes stayed closed as her hips swayed to the beat. He found himself getting hard just watching her curves shimmy and undulate. He shifted in the chair to get more comfortable. As the strains of the song drew to a close, she opened her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and a smile crossed her face.

“Is it my turn yet?” He drawled. She stuck her tongue out at him and stepped off the stage, handing him the mic. He caught her wrist and pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin there. Her eyes went wide and she licked her bottom lip, the dewy rose shade drawing him in. The bartender coughed, breaking the spell. He shook his head and climbed up to the stage. Zoe had grabbed her fries and was devouring them. He noticed she'd gotten a soda and couldn't help but smile. He bent to pick a song.

The music started and her eyes went wide.
Expecting something a lot different, I bet,
he thought to himself. He belted out “Head over Heels” by Tears for Fears, his voice gravelly and smooth, honey hot and sensual. She shivered, her fries long forgotten. Her eyes devoured his splayed legs and hand stuck in his pocket, traveled up his chiseled chest to his gorgeous face, drinking in the half smile on his lips, his sleepy and sexy eyes. As the song ended, he looked at her and smiled.

The bartender clapped. “Can I request a song that you two sing together?”

Calvin looked at Zoe quietly, waiting for her to answer. “Sure,” she said, standing and wiping her hands on a napkin. “Why not?”

Sweet,” he said, coming around the bar. He jumped up on the stage and punched a song in. “You two are gonna have some magic on this one. Enjoy, kids.”

He headed back to the bar and the song slowly filtered through the speakers. She climbed up on the stage, and realized they had to share a mic. “Do you know the song?” Calvin whispered quietly.

“Yeah,” she murmured, her heart thumping. She knew the song all too well. It was “Wonderwall” by Oasis. Their voices melded and made love to each other through the mic, her higher pitch being perfectly complimented by his lower one. As they sang, the world seemed to lose focus and it was only the two of them. The song ended and they stood looking into each other's eyes for a few more moments, the spell broken by the bartender clapping.

Damn kids, I knew you two would have magic... I just didn't think it would be quite like that.” Zoe flushed beautifully. He bit his bottom lip watching the tendrils skim then dip beneath the neckline of her top.

Thank you,” she smiled at the bartender. They stepped off the stage.

So, I see you are wearing dog tags, man. What branch you in?”

Calvin took a sip of his Coke. “I'm Army.”

“You stationed near here?”

Nah, home on R&R from Afghanistan.”

Damn, son. Tell you what. Your stuff is on me tonight. Thank you for serving our country.” The man shook Calvin's hand and Calvin smiled tightly.

You don't have to do that.” He said awkwardly.

No, man, really. I have it. It's the least I can do. You and your lady enjoy yourselves.” He tapped the bar and grinned, heading to the other end to continue doing inventory.

Calvin rubbed his head. “I hate that.”

“What?” Zoe asked curiously.

People fawning over me being in the military,” he sighed.

Why? It's a big deal.” She touched his hand.

Yeah. I guess.” He shrugged. “Just don't feel I deserve to be treated special. I'm still just me.”

I like that about you. I always have.” She took a sip of her Coke and looked away quickly.

What's that? You've liked me?” He grinned and touched her knee.

Yeah. I always have. You were the guy I always wanted and knew I'd never have.” She watched him with wary eyes.

Yeah? Who says you can't have me? I certainly don't.” He leaned back and crossed his arms. “Do you want me, Zoe Parker?”

She shrugged and played with her straw for a minute before staring him down. “What if I do?”

He leaned forward and murmured conspiratorially, “Maybe you could find out.”

She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Maybe? Can't handle the job?”

He coughed. “Hey. I can handle the job, damn it.”

She shrugged again. “It may have been a while, Cal. I mean, I hear it's pretty rough out in the desert.”

He growled. “I can show you rough, Zoe.” He caught her hand and brought her knuckles to his mouth. “I can show you soft too.”

But can you last?” She pursed her lips. “That is the question.”

He grinned. “Can you? How many times can I make you scream in pleasure before you beg me to make love to you, Zoe?”

Her breath caught in her throat. “Wanna find out, Calvin?”

You got that shit right. Let's get out of here.” He grabbed her hand and raised his arm to the bartender. “Heading out to cut that tension!” The bartender started laughing and Zoe flushed as she smacked his arm.

Calvin!” She squeaked. “That was so inappropriate.”

He shrugged. “Baby, it has been five years since I have touched a woman. I want the world to know I'm getting ready to rock yours.” He opened her door and she climbed in. He ran around the car and jumped in. He looked at her quickly. “Do you want to drive back to Major?”

“Do you?” She breathed.

Fuck no. I want you now,” he growled. He started the car and pulled out into traffic. “Look up a nice hotel. Now.”

She smirked and poked at his phone, sending directions through to the GPS app. “Done.”

He caught her hand and squeezed it. “You sure about this?”

Yeah, Calvin. I've wanted something like this to happen with you since I was fifteen.”

He looked at her quickly. “Really?” She nodded, saying nothing more.


Chapter Eleven
– Saturday Evening


He pulled into the parking lot of a beautiful old building. It was a tall, square brick hotel with tons of windows. “This is the place,” she said softly. “The Renaissance Broadwater Hotel.”

It is magnificent,” he said, a lump in his throat, his pulse thundering in his ears. “Come on, Beautiful.” He led her up to the sweeping staircase that led to the door of the hotel, opening the gilded glass door. The woman at the marble counter was statuesque, with blonde hair piled in a bun on top of her head, and her ruby lips matching her satin shirt and the brocade drapes at the windows. The place oozed opulence.

You sure about this, Calvin? It looks incredibly expensive,” she whispered.

Yeah, I am.” He strode to the counter and said, “I need a room for the evening, please.” The woman smiled and happily checked them in. Zoe stood there toeing the carpet, a bundle of nerves. He took the room key and grabbed her hand. “Let's go.”

They rode the ivory elevator to the third floor, and she watched the muscles in Calvin's jaw play as he clenched his teeth. He almost ran down the hall, jamming the key in the door before twisting the handle. He pulled her inside and murmured, “Are you sure?” His mouth was a hair's breadth from hers and she shivered.

“Are you sure?” She parroted back.

I've never been more sure of anything.” He grabbed her hands and held them above her head, backing her to the door. She winced. “What's wrong? Did I hurt you?”

No,” she whispered, “My back hurts.” She caught the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. “Do you see anything?” She showed him her creamy back. His brow furrowed as he took in the bruises.

Yeah, your back is bruised.” He leaned forward and brushed feather soft kisses over two of them. Goosebumps rose on her skin and she quivered. “Do you know how they got here, Beautiful?” His breath flowed across her skin and she shuddered.

I guess when I hit the lockers earlier.” He was tracing words on her skin with the tip of his finger. She couldn't focus on what he wrote.

Zoe.” She turned and he slipped his hands into her hair, tipping her face up to him. “I love you.” His mouth claimed hers, the kiss feverish and rough. She grabbed his belt loops and hung on as he ravished her mouth, his lips firm yet plush. He swept his tongue into her mouth, tangling and suckling hers. She groaned and pulled his hips tighter into hers. She could feel his erection pressing against her hip and it fueled the throb building in her belly.

He eased back and pulled her to the king sized bed, draped in gold and crimson. “I want to see you,” he murmured.

“I only strip if you do,” she quipped.

Undress me.” He smiled. She looked at him through her lashes and caught the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. He bent his head and brushed a kiss against the swell of her breast. She bit her lip as she unbuttoned his pants. He caught her hands with a growl. “Not yet.”

She pulled her hands from his grasp. “Yes, yet.”

She teased her fingertips over his ribs and down his abs, tracing each muscle. She slid her hands into his pants, and skimmed under the waistband of his boxers. He growled as she pushed them off his hips, his cock standing proud and straight. She caught him in her hand, smoothing her hot palm up and down his length. He hissed and his head rolled back. Before he could stop her, she knelt before him and took him into her mouth. Watching her mouth swirl over the head of his dick was almost his undoing. He watched in fascination as her pink tongue traced circles on his shaft. He jerked as she took him into her mouth again. He slid a hand into her hair, undoing her pony tail. He groaned as she suckled him.

You need to stop,” he groaned huskily.

Do I?” She breathed against him, her breath sending hot waves over his skin. He pulled her to standing.

I want to make you scream, Zoe.” He kissed her again, his hands skimming her shoulders. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth and her chin. Her head slid back and he nipped and licked down her neck, the rasp of his beard against her skin making her gasp. “You are beautiful,” he murmured as he splayed his fingers on her lower back and traced whisper soft trails on her skin.

Calvin, you're driving me crazy,” she moaned as he kissed her collarbone.

Am I?” He breathed. “Baby, I haven't even gotten started yet.” She felt his hands deftly undoing her bra, the lace sliding between them, long forgotten. Her breasts brushed his chest and she bit her lip at the zing of desire that spread from her nipples to her core. He smiled as he stroked one creamy breast. She was flushed with desire, her eyes going glassy. “Mmm... I love watching you blush.”

Do you?” Her breath hitched as he knelt and caught her nipple in his mouth. She grabbed his shoulders and fought to keep her legs from giving out. He locked his arm behind her, supporting her weight as he suckled and nibbled her breast. “Calvin...” she groaned as he licked a slow trail between her breasts and caught the other nipple in his mouth.

Are you going to beg?” He smiled against her skin, flicking her nipple with the tip of his tongue.

No,” she gasped as he sucked her nipple again.

You will.” He turned and eased her back on the bed. She fell against the scarlet and gold blanket, her dark hair spreading out like a fan around her. Her creamy skin glowed against the rich colors and he stared for a second before he kicked his sneakers off and shifted his jeans and boxers the rest of the way down. He brushed the waistband of her jeans. “I think these need to go.”

Undress me,” she growled softly.

You are going to be my undoing, Zoe.” He flicked the button free and she lifted her hips. He shimmied the jeans off, revealing a lacy black pair of panties. “Mmm, beautiful but very unnecessary right now.” He leaned forward, catching the edge between his teeth and slid them down her long legs. He planted slow kisses from her delicate ankles up to her thighs, alternating kisses between them. She gasped as he nibbled her inner thigh. She clamped her thighs together.

You... Don't. You can't.” She shook her head.

Why?” He kissed her knee softly

Derek said I wasn't... He said he didn't like it.” She flushed deeper, crimson flooding her breasts.

He eased her legs open and lay over her, holding himself up. “Am I Derek?” He kissed her slowly and sweetly, his mouth breaking down her defenses. He kissed her jaw and whispered again, “Am I Derek?”

“No...” she moaned as he kissed her neck again. A drumming was building deep in her core.

Let me love you, Zoe.” He moved to her breasts and teased both breasts again, suckling and rolling her nipples with his tongue. She was panting with desire. “I just want to make you feel beautiful, Zoe. Let me.” He slowly kissed down her quivering belly. “I'll stop if you don't like it.” He swirled circles with his tongue around her belly button. She moaned, her head thrashing against the blanket. “Zoe?” He paused just above her sex, his breath tickling her exquisitely sensitive skin.

Calvin!” She cried out.

Yes?” He smiled against her thigh.

Please,” she croaked.

Please, what, Beautiful?” He kissed closer to her throbbing core.

Make love to me!” She screamed, grabbing the blankets with her fists. He slid his tongue between her lips, one tortuously slow lick. She gasped and sobbed at the shafts of desire sparkling through her body. “Calvin!” She screamed out again, the drums beating faster. He teased one finger at her core, sliding in a mere inch, and stalling his tongue. “Please... please. Calvin, please.”

He teased his finger into her, stroking her. She started quaking around him and he knew she was devastatingly close. He slipped a second finger into her and suckled her nub once. She screamed and arched off the bed as she exploded. He withdrew his fingers and stood, pulling her legs around his waist. “Are you on birth control, Zoe? I have condoms if you are not.”

“Yes, I am,” she gasped.

I'm clean. I haven't been with anyone in five years.” His cock nudged against her and she gasped, a mini shock coursing through her veins. “Zoe. Are you sure about this?”

Calvin, I swear to God, if you don't stop talking and make love to me, I'm going to die. I want you!” She sobbed.

He gritted his teeth as he entered her slowly. Her walls clamped around him, pulling him in. Her eyes were unfocused and her breathing was erratic. She was close to orgasm again, he could feel it. He grabbed her hips and pushed the rest of the way in, her scream echoed off the walls. She gasped and moaned over and over as he took her, slow and deep. He grabbed her hips harder, pulling her ass off the bed and drilled into her fast and hard now, her cries of pleasure the only thing he could hear over the roar of his heartbeat. She clenched around him again and it was his downfall. He cried her name as he exploded. He looked down at her and leaned forward, kissing her gently. “I love you,” he breathed against her mouth.

She looked deep into his eyes. “I've always loved you.”

Zoe...” He shook his head. “God damn, I was such an idiot not to see it before. I'm sorry.”

She shrugged, sitting up and twining her arms around his neck. “As long as you see it now, there's no need to say you're sorry.”

He kissed her lips sweetly and murmured, “I do, Zoe.” He rested his forehead against hers. “How about you go take a long hot bath. I bet it will help your back feel better.”

Okay.” He stepped back and took her hand, leading her into the bathroom. The floor was marble, with an ivory toilet and pedestal sink. A large tub sat against the wall, it was large and round with multiple whirlpool jets. “Wanna join me? I'll wash your back.” She trailed her fingers down his spine and he felt himself getting hard again. He knelt to turn the water on and adjusted it to just short of too hot. He lifted a container of bubble bath and poured some under the spigot. The water foamed luxuriously and the scent of vanilla filled the air. He finally turned back to her with a sheepish grin.

Yeah, I'd love to.” His eyes were hungry and hot and she definitely couldn't help but notice his erection.

Calvin,” she whispered, her tell-tale flush flooding down her neck. He leaned forward and traced the flush trails with his tongue. She groaned at the simple stroke of his tongue. “You have no idea how many nights I fantasized about you in high school.” She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning at the kiss he pressed against her neck.

Only in high school?” He smiled against her collarbone.

No. You definitely made an appearance several times since.”

Oh?” He turned the water off and stepped into the tub, reclining against the edge. “Get in here and let me take care of you, Zoe.” He held out his hand and she took it, stepping over into the warm, fragrant water. She let out a hiss as the water sluiced up her sides, touching her bruises. He took a washcloth and lathered it up with more of the vanilla bubble bath before gently stroking it over her skin. He swept her hair over her shoulder so he could lovingly caress every inch of her back. She was lulled into a sultry stupor as his hands swept over her body. After he finished with her back, he pulled her into his chest and brought the foamy cloth to her chest, sweeping the creamy bubbles over her breasts and neck. She shivered and leaned her head against his shoulder.

An overwhelming wave of sadness hit her. “Calvin?” She squeaked out, her throat tight.

“Yeah, Beautiful?” He kissed her ear.

I don't want you to go.” She turned quickly in the tub and pressed her mouth to his, desperately seeking. He dropped the cloth into the water, it sinking into the deep, before holding her face gently in his hands and returning her kiss. A sob escaped her mouth and he pulled back.

Baby, don't cry. We still have time together.” He wiped the glistening tears from her cheeks. She turned and pressed a kiss in his palm.

It isn't going to be enough for me, Calvin.”

Then let's do all we can while we have the time.” He pulled her mouth back to his, their tongues tangling. He kissed her cheeks, tasting her tears on his mouth. “Don't cry, Beautiful.”

She reached beneath the water and stroked him slowly, teasing him with her hand. “Love me, Calvin.”

He stroked her slippery skin and kissed her again before standing quickly, the water sluicing off his body. He pulled her up to standing and kissed her again. He stepped out of the tub, grabbing two thick, fluffy towels. He opened one and wrapped her in it, gently wiping the water off of her body. She quivered at the intimacy. She took the other towel from him as she stepped out of the water and mimicked his movements, slowly drying his body. He lifted her in his arms quickly, her squeak silenced by his mouth as he kissed her. He carried her back to the bed, laying her flushed body on the bed, her head on the pillows. He climbed over her and slid a hand between them, finding her heat. She bucked her hips as he worked his hand over her core, swirling and teasing. He lifted her hips slightly and drove into her, catching her surprised cry in his mouth.

BOOK: September Tango
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