Seducing the Highlander

BOOK: Seducing the Highlander
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Table of Contents
Praise for Emma Wildes’s
An Indecent Proposition
“Regency fans will thrill to this superbly sensual tale of an icy widow and two decadent rakes. . . . Balancing deliciously erotic encounters with compelling romantic tension and populating a convincing historical setting with a strong cast of well-developed characters, prolific romance author Wildes provides a spectacular and skillfully handled story that stands head and shoulders above the average historical romance.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)
“Wickedly delicious and daring, Wildes’s tale tantalizes with an erotic fantasy that is also a well-crafted Regency romance. She delivers a page-turner that captures the era, the mores, and the scandalous behavior that lurks beneath the surface.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars, top pick)
“A luxurious and sensual read. Both deliciously wicked and tenderly romantic . . . I didn’t want it to end!”

New York Times
bestselling author Celeste Bradley
“[A] gem of an author . . . Ms. Wildes tells this story with plenty of compassion, humor, and even a bit of suspense to keep readers riveted to each scandalous scene—and everything in between.”
—Romance Junkies
“A historical gem. . . . Don’t expect a cookie-cutter romance in
An Indecent Proposition
. Ms. Wildes places enough twists and turns in the story as more than one character finds everlasting love.”
—TwoLips Reviews
More Praise for Emma Wildes
“Of all the authors I’ve read, I believe Emma Wildes to be my hands-down favorite. . . . Ms. Wildes has once again shown her ability to present new variations of romance in all of its infinite forms. Be prepared to feel your passions grow as you read the beautifully written love scenes.”
—Just Erotic Romance Reviews (5 stars)
“Emma Wildes has an amazing flair for taking what could be considered controversial subject matter and turning it into a beautiful love story that has the reader cheering for the characters. . . . It is a truly rare and remarkable talent.”
“Unique, masterfully written, and engaging story lines coupled with fascinating characters are what every reader can expect from Emma Wildes. For fans of historical and Regency romance, look no further. Ms. Wildes possesses a beautiful, flowing writing style that transports her readers to another time as the sights and sounds come to life around them. My expectations are exceeded every time I read one of her books!”
—TwoLips Reviews
“Chock-full of mysteries, torrid romances, unforgettable characters . . . delightfully fun and wicked.”
—Romance Junkies
“ ‘Sexy’ and ‘enchanting’ aptly describe Wildes’s latest. . . . This is delightful reading from beginning to end.”

Romantic Times
(4 stars)
“Emma Wildes is a rising star who writes incredible historical romance.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
Also by Emma Wildes
An Indecent Proposition
Lessons from a Scarlet Lady
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wildes, Emma.
Seducing the highlander/Emma Wildes. p. cm.
“A Signet Eclipse book.”
eISBN : 978-1-101-40442-3
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For Ashley, Lauren, and Michelle.
Because I love you three beautiful ladies,
I thought you each needed a wild Scottish hero.
Doesn’t every girl?
As always, my lovely and talented agent, Barbara Poelle, is a fabulous rudder in the storm-tossed seas of the publishing world. My editor, Becky Vinter, has the insight to tap me on the shoulder when I go astray, and the talent to gently suggest just the right direction. It is a pleasure to work with you both.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my very patient family. Your unfailing support allows me to have the best job in the world. Thank you for such a wonderful gift.
Book One
Seducing Ian
he night was hot and close, the moon blazing, and the horses raced forward with thundering speed.
“Damn,” Ian McCray said quietly for the hundredth time.
Damn and damnation and hellfire . . .
This was now his fight, his task.
Eye for an eye
. . .
Luckily, his clansmen were skilled after generations of riding in just such raids under a glowing reiver’s moon like the one above them. Despite the unusual heat, Ian shivered in anticipation as they crossed the border.
It was best if they took the girl without a fight.
However, he was spoiling for one. The term
had taken on a whole new meaning in his life.
English bastard.
would pay in kind.
If he thought a McCray would sit idle, the Sassenach was mistaken.
Chapter 1
he intruders entered through her window, high as it was above the waters of the lake. Not understanding what was happening at first, Leanna Arlington blinked, realizing with a start her bedchamber was filling with dark forms and that what had actually woken her was a gloved hand pressed firmly across her mouth.
“Don’t.” The order was firm, terse.
And she fully understood, as something in that masculine warning told her that the man bending over her in the darkness meant what he said. Eyes widening, she obediently fought the urge to scream, her heart beginning to race, her body rigid beneath the thin sheet. It was very warm and she was wearing her sheerest nightdress, which had seemed logical when she prepared for bed, but not such a good choice now, especially when the sheet covering her body was ripped back and she was unceremoniously lifted and bound. Her arms were pulled behind her back, the unrelenting hand still over her mouth, and she felt bonds wrapped tight around her ankles and wrists, several men working at once. A piece of cloth was shoved into her mouth and secured with a strip around her head.
To her horror, the tall man who had awakened her tossed her over his shoulder and headed back for the window. Outside, the velvet dark sky showed vague stars.
Lord help her, it was hundreds of feet to the water. Her heart, already slamming against her ribs, began to hurt and she started to struggle for the first time, whimpering through the gag.
“No noise, my lady.” His words were lethally soft. “Relax; I won’t drop you.”
Relax . . . Well, yes, that is easy to do under the circumstances
, she thought hysterically, almost wanting to laugh. When he slid over the sill, she realized they had stepped into some sort of basket—wide enough for the two of them—that suddenly began a jerky but secure descent on a system of ropes and pulleys. All around them, men on ropes rappelled downward like flitting shadows in a stealthy and well-managed operation.
When Baron Frankton found her gone, he would be livid.
Once they were almost to the lake, Leanna saw a giant skiff waiting, undoubtedly the one used to cross the water. She was swiftly removed from the basket, laid in one corner of the boat like so much firewood, and with impressive precision her abductors propelled the craft forward. The night was as eerily silent as her captors were efficient. Cooperating, the clouds obscured the light, floating in, making the summer air close and even more oppressive.
Feeling the tip and sway of the clumsy vessel, seeing the gleam of firearms and swords in the hands of the men around her, Leanna silently counted the company, coming up with at least fifteen in her line of vision. But when they reached the opposite end of the lake what felt like hours later, she observed with terrified amazement a host of horses and men waiting—a hundred strong, maybe more.
What had happened, she wondered numbly, to precipitate such a contrived and well-planned kidnapping?
“Got her?” a soft voice called from the gathered force. One man, large and burly, urged his horse forward a pace. “No trouble?”
BOOK: Seducing the Highlander
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