Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4) (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4)
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Cassie felt ribbons of heat sweeping along her skin. Before she’d realized who Matt was she’d been attracted to his voice and his body. There were high school days and the fantasies woven before and after the move. Could she trust herself not to dive into another relationship headed nowhere. But she had thought Tim was safe. Then he walked away.

She could refuse what Matt offered. That was a wise choice but being in his arms felt good. Could she handle the storm of emotion she would experience when he walked away? Dare she take a chance?

He deepened the kiss running his tongue over her lips and slipping inside her mouth to stroke. All logic fled. She didn’t want to fight the fires of passion.

His hands slid down her back to circle her waist. His tongue danced along hers and slowly withdrew. He raised his head and drew a breath. “I want you.”

“Are you sure?” She hated the shakiness of her voice. She could handle this.

“Feels right to me.” He met her gaze. “The moment I saw you crouching beside me I wanted you. Let me show you how much.”

She closed her eyes. Sex wouldn’t mend a broken heard. Had hers been broken? Her pride had been shattered and her self-esteem bruised. Had Tim’s action really surprised her? He’d been reluctant to name a wedding date until the senior partners had pushed. Deep down she’d expected him to walk away. She’d refused to admit his actions had been reminiscent of her father’s lack of affection and his neglect. She had never met him.

Anger bubbled to the surface. She’s wasted years waiting for Tim to agree on a date. Then he had lied. She drew a deep breath. Matt was honest. He wanted sex and no promises of more than one night.

Matt nibbled on her earlobe. “How long were you engaged?”

“Five years.”

“And you never pushed for marriage.”

She shrugged. “Several times.”

“What was he waiting for?”

“The right time. We had to finish our residencies since long distance marriages don’t work. We had to be established in our practice of medicine. Then we had to be made full partners. Was to be a wedding present from our partners.”

He stroked her nape. “Did you live together?”

She shook her head. “We each had our own place.”

He cupped her rear and pulled her closer. She felt the hard ridge of his erection against her belly. He laved her throat with his tongue.

As her body reacted she moaned. Desire to explore these new and heady sensations bubbled like a cauldron.

“Let’s.” His deep voice vibrated through her.


“Why not? There’s a mutual need between us. You’re desirable and I want to show you how much.”

“Is sex the answer to the way I feel?”

“Won’t hurt.” He touched her lips with a finger. “I dare you to take a chance.” He backed her to the couch. She sat. He pushed her so she lay on the soft leather surface. He knelt and slid his hands beneath her shirt and slowly edged the fabric toward her head. As more skin was revealed he kissed a path to her breasts. He cupped them and used his thumbs to stroke the nipples. The lace of her bra rubbed against sensitive skin sending delicious sensations to storm her body.

Each movement of her hands sent heat streaming to her core. Cassie sighed. This felt so right. He pushed her shirt over her head and traced the edge of her bra with his tongue. While one hand edged toward her belly he teased her breasts.

Cassie moved in a restless dance. She had never responded to Tim so quickly and with such need. Foreplay wasn’t his manner. This was so much better.

Matt eased her shorts over her hips and down her legs. He stroked her thighs until he reached her labia. He bent and blew on her clit. His fingers explored.

She expected him to stop, undress and join her. Instead he turned her until her legs fell over his shoulders.

“This time is for you.” His breath flowed over her. With mouth, tongue and teeth he explored. One finger, two and three entered her passage to thrust and retreat.

Embers burst into flames. The fire sent her soaring toward a distant goal. “Yes, oh, yes,” she cried. She tensed. Her muscles tightened. “Matt, now.” She reached her goal. A climax unlike any she had experienced rolled on and on.

Cassie fought to catch a breath. Small jolts emerged again and again.

Matt gathered her into his arms. “You’re beautiful.”

She stroked his cheek. “I feel wonderful. What about you.”

“We have all night.” Matt rose and pulled her into his arms.


* * *


Matt watched the sad expression on Cassie’s face turn into a smile. He winked. “We’re definitely not done.” He pulled his shirt over his head.  Her intent stare excited him.

“It’s my turn.” She unfastened her bra.

He sucked in a breath. Her nipples had tightened him reminding him of ripe berries. “I’m in no hurry.”

She stepped close enough to rub her breasts over his chest. He clasped her waist. Mouths met. Tongues tasted and teased. Urgency stormed his body and nearly coaxed him into a flurry of action. He had to step back or this encounter would be over too soon.

“Not so fast. We have time.” He tossed a pillow from the couch onto the thick rug in front of the fireplace. “Shame this isn’t a bearskin. Always had a fantasy for making love on one.”

She stepped behind him. Her body pressed against his back. Moments later she slid her hand into his sweats. The gentle strokes nearly made him spill.

“You’re asking for trouble.”

Her tongue traced circles on his shoulder sending waves of heat to his already engorged shaft. He sucked in a breath or two.
Didn’t help.

“Maybe I want trouble,” she whispered.

He grasped her hands and turned her to face him. He stepped back, slid his sweats over his hips. Her gaze focused on his groin. He throbbed. He stared into her eyes.

Cassie’s face flamed. The display pleased him. The combination of shy and bold in one package delighted him.

Matt stepped toward her. He ran a finger over her mouth. She caught the tip between her teeth and drew the digit into his mouth.

“That too in time,” he said.

“Why not now?”

He caught her hands. “Inside is where I want to be.”

“That can be arranged.”

“I like foreplay.” His mouth captured hers in a kiss. Her responsiveness excited him. The first of beaded nipples brushed his chest and raised his desire to a fevered pitch. What a fool he’d been all those years ago to prefer beauty to brains. Who knew she would turn from an ugly duckling into a swan?

As she moved against him, his thoughts centered on pleasure, for her, for him. Her tongue explored his mouth. The desire to possess her completely startled him. An insidious thought formed. She could be his forever. He released her.
Forever wasn’t his style.
His head urged wariness.
Think about the Blakefield curse.

The puzzled look in her eyes changed to shame.
No! He wasn’t rejecting her.
Just the shock of the traitorous thought had rattled him. He grasped her shoulders and kissed her.

“I need a condom.”

A tentative smile appeared. “I’m on the pill.”

“That’s good but double is better.” He needed his saddlebag. “I never leave home without them. Don’t go away.”

“Interesting idea if it was summer.”

Not when some other man might see her. He nearly vowed the words but she was his for the night and no longer. He dashed to the bathroom and searched an inner pocket of the saddlebag for foil wrapped necessities. Just three. Would that be enough? Had to be but he knew other interesting ways to indulge.

When he returned he dropped the condoms by the pillow. Cassie turned from the fire. “Optimist.”

“Realist. Thank heavens there are other ways when we run out.”

“You’re limping.”

“A bit.” He sat beside her and stroked her thigh.

She turned to him. “I think I should check to make sure you have a hidden break.”

“I don’t think so but if you want to play doctor my body is yours. Front of back.” He leered.

She grinned. “You landed on your back when you were thrown. I’ll check there.”

Matt took care to find a comfortable position. He held in a groan.

She straddled his thigh and placed her hands on his shoulder. “There’s a bruise forming near your right shoulder blade. Does that hurt?”

He felt her probing. “A little.” Her explorations continued. She ran a finger along his spine. Then she touched his rear. The touch felt like caresses until she hit a sore spot. “Damn.” He jerked away.

“There’s a bruise. I think you landed on a rock.”

He felt as though he lay on one. A feathery touch shocked him. “I kissed to make it better.” Her hand slipped between his legs and stroked his balls. He nearly came. He growled, rolled to his back and grabbed a condom. With a quick move he opened the packet.

“I can do that.”

“Next time. One touch and I’ll go off. Not what I’m aiming to do.” He sheathed himself and pulled her down beside him. He rained kisses on her face. She opened his mouth and he plunged his tongue inside.

With a finger he explored her folds. She was ready and so was he. He shifted position and entered her welcoming depths. He forced himself to stop. This had to be as good for her as it would be for him.

“Move.” Her voice emerged in a breathy whisper. “Please.” Her legs circled his hips urging him to action.

“Soon,” he murmured.


The rough cry of his name spurred him. He thrust and retreated. She moved and soon caught his rhythm. Faster and faster he moved. The sound of rasping breaths, their moans and groans emerged in a fevered chorus. The liquid slap of flesh on flesh sent him into a frenzy. His back arched. Her cry reverberated through him. Her inner muscles clenched. With a sigh he collapsed. Their sweat slicked bodies seemed fused.

Matt rolled to his side and peppered her face with kisses. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so satisfied and eager for another go.

Cassie cupped his shoulders. “That was…well…amazing.”

“So it was.”

Memories of the shattering climax flowed. He held a groan inside.
Wrong. She was trouble.
The possibility of wanting a lengthy affair stunned him.
Couldn’t happen. Wouldn’t happen.
What he felt was the magic of discovery and the wonder brought by having a responsive partner.

You’re next.
He clenched his teeth.
Absolutely not.
His hold on Cassie tightened.

“Is something wrong?”

He relaxed his grip. “Just a stray thought about my bike and travel plans. Nothing to concern us tonight.” He stroked her back and decided to ride this new affair until the wonder vanished.
Always did. No reason to think this time was different.

He stared at the fireplace. The flames had died to glowing embers. Though the cabin was warm lying here all night wouldn’t do. He stood and pulled her into his arms. “What say we move to a bedroom?” He scooped the remaining condoms from the rug.


* * *


After a brief stop in the bathroom with a side dash to the kitchen, Cassie entered the bedroom. She carried a tray with juice, beer, cheese and crackers. Matt sat against the headboard.

“Good thinking. Like the maid service.”

Cassie smiled. “I guess nude maids are your pleasure.”

“You’ve the first and I definitely like.” He took the beer and tasted the cheese and crackers she held to his mouth. “Not sure the crumbs will be welcome.” He shifted to make room for her. “I’m still having trouble that man left you.”

“Lucky for you. If he hadn’t you’d be out in the rain.”

For a time they noshed. Matt leaned across her to pick up the beer from the stand. He bumped her arm. A bit of juice spilled on her chest. She slid her legs to the edge of the mattress.


“I’ll be back. I need to wash the juice off.”

“There’s a more interesting way.” He moved, pushed her down and licked the droplets. “You taste good. So do the crumbs.”

The laughter in his voice filled her with a burst of joy. There had been few light moments with Tim. Two or three times a week they had dinner out and he came home with her. He had never invited her to his. On those nights they had made love. Then he’d dressed and left. She’d been disappointed but her experience with Tim hadn’t allowed her to believe she deserved more.

She sucked in a breath. She could become used to what she’d discovered with Matt. Unfortunately he wasn’t a man for commitment to anything long term.

He winked. “Have you forgotten where you are?”

“Just contemplating a plan of action.” She moved to the foot of the bed. She lifted one of his feet and massaged the skin. She moved to the other foot. Then she ran her hands along his calves and to his thighs. She straddled his thighs and touched his sack. He hissed.

BOOK: Seducing the Doctor (At First Sight #4)
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