Seduced By The Wall Street Werewolf (Interracial Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM) (5 page)

BOOK: Seduced By The Wall Street Werewolf (Interracial Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM)
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I shivered when the “M” word crossed my mind.  How ahead of myself was I getting?  I had only been seeing Marco a matter of weeks… yet they had been the best weeks of my life.  Now that I was finally happy after being afraid for so long, did it not make sense that I would want to spend my life with the one who gave me that?  How likely was I to find another one of my own kind in this human world, especially one who made me feel the way he did?

I decided I was thinking about this too much too soon.  I had the feeling that if I told Marco the thoughts I was having I would only scare him off.  I would keep this line of thinking to myself for now.  What we had was good; there was no need to mess with it yet.

I pulled into my apartment building, and ascended the stairs to my floor.  And as I approached my door, my hackles suddenly began to rise.  Something smelled wrong.  And familiar.

My hand was shaking as I reached out with my key to the lock on my door.  I stabbed at the lock and missed several times before I finally got the key in.  I couldn’t quite place the smell from here… what was I so nervous about?

As soon as I stepped inside I realized it—and went totally pale.

Someone had been in my apartment.  That much was clear enough from the items that had been overturned or gone through.  But it was the scent that filled the room that had me terrified out of my mind.  It was everywhere, and I would have known it anywhere.

Lawson had been here.

How the hell did he find me?  I was sure I’d been so careful.  What did I miss?  Was there someone who saw me on my travel route who was in contact with him?  Did someone in the city see me running around on four legs, and put word out about a wolf in the city?  Did Lawson follow the rumors and track me down? 

It didn’t smell like he was alone, either.  I recognized the scent of Conrad and Verne, two of Lawson’s bullies.  He meant business.

And I was back to being afraid again.

I turned and I ran.  I rushed back to my car.  I peeled out of the lot and sped off.  Several other cars honked at me as I cut across traffic in my haste to get back to Marco.  I nearly hit Marco’s car when I pulled into his driveway, before I screeched to a stop, and dashed out of my car without shutting the door behind me.

“Marco!” I shouted as I burst in the door, my voice echoing throughout the cavernous entrance.  “Marco!  Marco!”

I ran through the house, following his scent until he emerged from a room in front of me.  He had time to voice a worried “Zoe?” before I crashed into him, engulfing him in my arms as we both fell to the floor.

The panic on my face must have shown like a billboard.  “Zoe, what is it?”

“Lawson!  My alpha!  He’s here, in this city!”

“What?  Did you see him?”

“No.  But he’d been in my apartment, I could smell it.”

“Your apartment…?  He knows where you live?”

I shook my head.  “Not anymore!  I can’t go back there again!”

“You know you can stay with me for as long as you need to.  But… if he found out where you live, he might know where you work, too.  Which could lead…”

“…Back to you,” I finished the ominous thought.

We looked at each other, seeing each other’s dread.  I buried my face against his chest.  “I won’t do it!  I won’t go back to being his bitch!”

“He’s gonna have to get through me first!” he declared.  “You’re my she-wolf now.  If he shows his ugly snout to me, I’ll make him see that!”

“I smelled more than just him at my apartment,” I said.  “He brought a couple of his goons with him.  We’re outnumbered!”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said through his teeth, “I won’t let him take you!”  But he didn’t sound as certain this time.  And if there was any uncertainty in him, then I knew I wasn’t safe.  Smothering myself against him, I started to cry.



Our lovemaking that night wasn’t the frenzied, passionate fucking we usually enjoyed.  Tonight it was solely about comfort.  Zoe needed me, more than she ever had before.  I could see it in the way she stared into my eyes as I slowly thrust into her, her eyes constantly looking like they might start shedding tears again at any second.  I could feel it in the way her arms held onto me for dear life, holding her body against me as if she never wanted to let go.  Even after I released my seed into her depths, she refused to loosen her grip on me.  I could barely move enough to extract my softening cock from her, she held me so tightly.  We ultimately fell asleep with her still holding me in a death grip, which she still had me in when we awoke the next morning.

We took what precautions we could in the days that followed.  Zoe formally moved in with me, and I hired a few bodyguards to keep watch around the grounds.  Zoe filed a police report about her “abusive ex” who was somewhere in town, coming to get her.  We made a personal rule to only become four-legged on my grounds, and only when we were sure nobody could see us.  As much as we were trying to be careful, sometimes we just needed to get out and run.  And never more so than now.

No matter what we did, however, Zoe would never feel completely safe.  Even more than when I first met her, she became an incomparably nervous mess.  She was tense at all times, messing up at her job, awkwardly stammering when she was asked a question.  It was only when I held her in my arms or when we made love, or most of all when we became four-legged, that she ever seemed to relax at all.

I was unaccustomed to feeling powerless.  It was obviously a feeling that Zoe knew well, but I was a stranger to it.  For years, I had grown used to the feeling that there was little to nothing I couldn’t do.  I had money, I had power, I could make things happen if I wanted to.  But I couldn’t make Zoe less afraid.  I wanted nothing more than to keep her safe, but nothing I could do would be enough.  Nothing short of…

We came home from work one night.  I went to my kitchen to pour myself a scotch, to brace myself to talk to her about the thought that was going through mind.  She stood in the middle of the living room, clutching her arms as if she were cold, and I took a swig of my drink.

“I’m tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen,” I announced to her.

“What else do you want to do?”

“I want to hunt him down myself.  I want to find him and challenge him directly.  If I fight him for you and kill him, then it’ll be over.”

She rushed to my arms, shaking her head.  “You can’t face him!  He’s an alpha!  He’d kill you!  And if he didn’t, Conrad and Verne would do it for him!”

“If he’s a real alpha, he won’t use his bullies to answer a direct challenge.  He’d have to fight his own battles.”

“He’s an alpha because he always wins his battles!” she said.  “What if you lost?  Not only would there be nothing keeping him from me, but…”  She pressed her head to my chest.  “Marco, I can’t lose you!  I wouldn’t survive!”

I squared my jaw.  “We can’t keep living like this.  There has to be something we can do!”

On that, she looked off to the side, thinking.  She stepped away, wringing her hands.

“Is there something on your mind?” I asked.

“Well… there is something I’ve been thinking…”

I waited.  “What is it?” I said.

She wrung her hands harder, looking like she needed some of the scotch I carried to say what she was thinking.  She turned, and looked me square in the eyes.  “Promise me you won’t freak out?”

Now my curiosity was piqued.  I raised an eyebrow at her, while she waited for an answer.  “I can’t promise anything for sure,” I said.

She took a breath.  “I’m due to go into heat next week.”

I stared at her, turning over in my head what I’d just heard.  She suddenly turned away, seemingly mortified that those words had escaped her mouth.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?” I said.

She found the courage to look at me again.  “If I’m carrying your pup, then I’m indisputably yours.  Even Lawson will have to respect that.”

I marched forward, and grabbed hold of her shoulders.  She shied away from eye contact again.  “Look at me,” I commanded.

She lifted her eyes to meet mine.

“You want us to mate? Are you sure this is what you want?” I pointedly asked her.

“I am if it’s with you.”

My gaze dropped its focus.  This was one hell of a bomb she had chosen to drop on me.  A woman I hadn’t even known for two months now was asking me to give her a child; most people would call that insane.  But the more I thought about the idea, the more it made sense.  This wasn’t just any woman.  This was the only woman I’d met in years who actually met something to me.  And if I didn’t father her pup, then her alpha surely would.  If it was a choice between that and the alternative…

I looked back to her eyes.  “Alright.”

For the first time in days, Zoe actually smiled.  She threw her arms about me and rose up to plant an all-consuming kiss on me.

“So… we just need to wait a week,” I mused.

we do until then?” she grinned.



I churned my hips back and forth on Marco’s lap, reaching down to rub my clit while Marco reached around to palm my tits.  He was seated on the couch while I sat in his lap with my back to him, impaled on his cock.  I tilted my head to the side when he leaned his head around to kiss my neck.  I moaned louder as his fingers began toying with my nipples.

Yes, it would still be a week before I was due to become fully fertile.  That didn’t mean we couldn’t start trying early.  And I was eager to do all the trying we could squeeze in.

It was like something had awakened in me the moment Marco said yes.  It wasn’t that I was not still afraid.  But now I could see a way out.  I had actual hope that Lawson wouldn’t be able to take me back.  That I could finally be truly free.  And what was more, I wanted Lawson to know that.  I wanted him to know that I didn’t belong to him.  Hell, I almost wished he could see me now, with Marco inside me, just to send the message to him that I was someone else’s she-wolf now.

Maybe that was the reason I felt like I wanted Marco and I to do nothing but fuck for the next week.  It was almost like I was on heat already.  If I was this horny now, I shuddered to think what I’d be like next week when my libido was due to go through the roof.

I rubbed my clit harder, working to get myself off.  I went stiff when I came, savoring the feeling of having Marco’s stiff cock inside me for my pussy to convulse around.  He held me tightly to his chest as I rode through my orgasm.

As I came down from it, he lowered me down onto the couch face-first and on my knees, and resumed fucking me from behind.  I laid my head to the side on the throw pillow, looking back over my shoulder at him.  “Oh yeah, fuck me!” I urged him on.  He gripped my hips tight in his hands, pulling my back end to meet his thrusts.

He grunted and thrust a final time, and I felt his seed splashing against my insides.  He breathed loudly and I withdrew, and I reached a hand between my legs to rub my slit as his spending dripped from it.  I slumped down on the couch, and he lay down on it behind me, spooning with me, placing a caressing hand on my breast and planting little kisses on my shoulder.

“Wow,” he breathed against my ear, “what happened to you all of a sudden?”

“You happened,” I said, reaching a hand behind my to run through his hair.

We simply lay there for a while, enjoying each other’s touch.  Finally he asked, “Want to go for a run?”

I grinned wide.  “You try and stop me!” I beamed, already rolling off the couch and starting to shift.

I was on four legs by the time my paws hit the floor, and I dashed.  I almost immediately heard Marco’s paws running across the floor behind me.  When I got to the back door, I grabbed the handle in my jaws and pulled, and hurried down the marble steps to the wide yard below.  I kept enough of a clear head to run in the direction Marco’s security wouldn’t see me, but that was where my conscious thought ended.  I simply dashed for the trees, feeling the wind in my fur, the ground beneath my paws, the blood rushing through my veins.

I loped about, moving this way and that through the trees, until Marco pounced on me from behind and we went tumbling through the dirt.  When we stopped, I lay on my back with him standing over me, his front paws on my chest, staring down with his wolf’s eyes at me.  As one we shifted back to two legs, and he leaned down to kiss me.  I spread my legs, eager for more.

We still weren’t safe.  I knew that.  But I was finally daring to believe that we soon would be.  It was only a week; we had made it longer than that already without hearing any more from Lawson.




I don’t know what sexual demon possessed Zoe in the ensuing week.  It was like she wanted to spend every minute of every day having sex, and only lamented the fact that we were bound by the limits of our own stamina.  I would’ve almost dared to suspect she was worried about missing the point when she went into heat and wanted to make sure we were in the middle of sex when it happened.

My endurance wasn’t the only thing getting a workout from Zoe’s insistence on fucking at least three or four times a day (at the
least I might add).  Very little work ended up getting done in my office in the ensuing days, because she was bound and determined to put the durability of every piece of furniture I had in that office to the test.  I ended up having to replace my chair after two days; we had given it such a workout.  I was actually impressed with how well my desk held up.

BOOK: Seduced By The Wall Street Werewolf (Interracial Paranormal Shifter Romance BWWM)
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