Secret Confessions: Down & Dusty — Clarissa (4 page)

BOOK: Secret Confessions: Down & Dusty — Clarissa
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Damn, if this was torture she wanted more!

She glanced at the man at her front, grateful for the moonlight. Adam’s light dusting of chest hair arrowed to a ripple of abs she guessed was as much to do with riding bulls as it was for his penchant for riding the ladies.

Then he closed the small distance between them and his cock slid against her belly. She reached out a hand to touch his shaft’s silken hardness, rub a thumb along its moist tip.

Adam’s breath hissed, ‘Clarissa … holy shit.’

He took her shoulders with callused hands and claimed her mouth again. A hard stroke of lips on lips as they shared breath and tongue, their teeth clacking as they became greedier for one another.

When Brandon’s hot mouth pressed down her spine, his hands skating along her flesh as he went, she could do nothing but suck in Adam’s breath and follow their lead. She was already little more than boneless putty in their too capable hands. They were the masters and she the eager novice.

Adam continued to kiss and hold her in place, while Brandon continued to touch and torment with mouth and hands. His deft fingers hooked the waistband on her lacy panties and dragged them past her boots, and somehow she found the strength to pull away from Adam and step free.

Brandon looked up at Adam, his eyes glittering. ‘Her boots stay on a little longer.’

Adam nodded, his voice coming out strangled. ‘I agree. Fuck me, I’ve never seen a more delicious sight.’

The shivers that coursed through her weren’t from being cold, on the contrary she’d never felt so hot, had never experienced such a molten-burn intensity that centred in her pussy. Her clit. Her aching core.

Brandon’s hands landed on her waist and the room spun as he turned her pliant body his way. ‘I’m going to lead you to the bed,’ he said huskily.

She nodded, and asked weakly, ‘Are we going to fuck now?’

His chuckle sounded strained. ‘Have patience, my love. We’ll take you soon enough.’

My love?
His endearment induced an ache within that went deeper than even the physical release she craved from both these men. But she couldn’t focus on that aspect, couldn’t focus on anything but taking in the moment, relishing it.

Brandon laid her on the edge of the bed. ‘Spread your legs for me,’ he murmured hoarsely.

She did as he asked, opening herself to him and clutching at his head as he bent and kissed her inner flesh, her clit, with the gentleness of a light summer rain.

She quivered at the prickling of electric warmth, at the feeling of pressure building within even as his mouth roughened, became more demanding.

The mattress shifted, Adam placing his bent knee into position before he stooped low to engage her upper body’s erogenous zones. The moment his mouth took hold of the tip of her breast and he suctioned her nipple, she arched her back and whimpered at the delicious torment.

Holy smokes! She was about to fall apart and she’d yet to be filled by either of their cocks.

Brandon lifted his head from between her legs, his lips gleaming with her juices and his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. ‘Time to make you come,’ he murmured throatily. She inhaled sharply even before he lowered his head. He parted her outer lips, drew her clit into his mouth and suckled without mercy.

She cried out at the heat flash exploding through her body, a climax that stole away her breath and, for a long moment, her mind, to the point she was only distantly aware of Brandon giving her inner flesh a long, leisurely lick as he partook of her essence.

She’d barely floated down from her state of bliss when Brandon pushed a finger inside her, causing her inner muscles to contract at his touch. His stare held hers. ‘So damn tight.’ Though Brandon’s focus was on her, the words were as much for Adam’s benefit.

The bull rider moved his head up so that he could claim her mouth in a slow and tender kiss that let her know she had nothing to fear. He drew back, his eyes steady on hers. ‘You’re ready for us now.’

She nodded. They couldn’t have prepared her more.

She hadn’t entrusted her body to anyone but Dean, yet she had no doubt that it was these men who would give her what she truly needed, these men who’d show her real, all-consuming passion.

They’d already awakened her body and her mind to the kind of sex she’d only ever read about. Dreamt about.

Adam’s smile was a flash of white in the dimly lit room. He retreated to find his abandoned jeans on the floor. Then he pulled a packet from his jeans pocket, and tossed Brandon a square foil. ‘You first.’

Though blissful warmth had loosened her muscles, she was on a knife-edge of awareness as Brandon rolled a condom on his huge cock with deft efficiency. Then the men moved forward in unison, each unzipping one of her boots to make her completely naked.

They couldn’t have choreographed it more perfectly.

Brandon positioned himself between her thighs and lifted her bared legs up and over his shoulders. Adam simply stood back and pulled his big hand up and down his sizeable erection.

Damn, these men were magnificent. And they were all hers—at least for tonight. She wouldn’t think beyond this moment, wouldn’t imagine life back to normal again. She’d take this night come what may and be happy to have shared the experience.

‘Are you ready for me?’ Brandon asked.

‘Yes.’ God, yes.

He one-handed his shaft and, with something between a hissed breath and a groan, he thrust balls-deep into her wetness. She gasped, every single logical and illogical thought dissolving like dew on the outback soil. Even with the men’s incredible foreplay her inner muscles clenched in protest. It was only when Brandon began to gently rock back and forth, that she relaxed and her whole body unwound.

‘So fucking gorgeous,’ Brandon growled hoarsely.

‘So fucking big,’ she breathed in return. Except she was truly beginning to appreciate his size, his cock nothing short of an instrument of pleasure that filled her with the most exquisite pressure.

His pace increased, and her entire body gloried in the delicious friction heating her up from the inside out. Then he drew her legs back a little more and changed the angle of his thrust.

She lasted two more strokes before she hollered out something unintelligible and she surrendered to his mastery in the best possible way. Her whole body shuddered in climax, her mind going to some distant plane where stars blurred behind her eyelids and moons were eclipsed by her own pleasure.

Brandon pumped into her one last time before he too surrendered, his head flinging back and his eyes glazing over as his seed flowed into the condom.

Her jellied legs all but fell onto the bed as Brandon moved off with obvious reluctance, but not before he stole a kiss and murmured in her ear, ‘That was incredible. You’re incredible.’

Adam stepped into place, a condom rolled into place on his bulging cock. His eyes glittering with need, he rasped, ‘I want you on your belly.’

She did as he commanded with more haste than grace, but going by Adam’s low-throated growl he didn’t seem to care about anything but how soon he’d be able to take her.

His big hands braced her hips and he all but dragged her into position. She shivered with longing. This wasn’t going to be a gentle lovemaking session.

She was right.

He drove his length into her pussy and forced a groan from her throat. She was only glad Brandon had warmed her up when Adam continued with a relentless in-and-out rhythm until she was pushed right to the edge and gasping his name, her hips counter-moving and her breasts swinging.

Brandon kneeled on the bed and captured her face for a deep and hungry kiss, and she wondered if she’d ever felt more pleasure, ever felt more alive. Wondered if she’d ever been more fulfilled—

The orgasm hit her with the force of a freight train, flinging her even higher than before as her pussy contracted around Adam’s cock. Adam inhaled sharply, and as his hands gripped her hips almost painfully, he thrust once more and emptied himself inside the condom with a growl that sounded tortured, but was one-hundred per cent pleasure.

She dropped her head onto her wrists, already missing Brandon’s mouth on hers as he moved off the bed. Adam gently disengaged, and she was only half-aware of the two men joining her on the bed and wrapping possessive arms around her.

She groggily acknowledged the heat of their bodies was like a snug blanket, before the darkness of sleep finally claimed her.


She woke to the smell of fried bacon in the air, and the empty spaces on the bed either side of her. She snuffled a little, yearning for the arms of the men around her once more. It had been heaven falling asleep sandwiched between them.

She cracked open an eye, before jack-knifing off the mattress at seeing the digital read-out on her bedside alarm clock. Ten am. She hadn’t slept past six o’clock for years.

She climbed out of bed on legs wobbling like rubber … in a good way. She felt soreness in muscles she hadn’t felt since … forever. The men had given her a workout in the best way possible.

Brushing off hair stuck to her damp nape, thanks to the heat already in the air, she dragged on a red tee and denim shorts, before she followed the cooking smell into the kitchen. Brandon was nowhere in sight, but her disappointment didn’t last too long. Not with Adam turning to her with his tousled blond hair and sexy smile.

‘Ah good, you’re awake, Sleeping Beauty.’

She smiled back. ‘Yeah, so not like me. I never sleep in.’

He winked. ‘You’ve never slept with two men before either.’

‘Good point,’ she said wryly, warmth creeping up her face.

He slid a fried egg and tomato onto a plate already piled high with rashers of bacon. ‘I hope you’re hungry.’

‘Starved.’ She never missed a meal, especially not dinner. Add in the delirious sex with Adam and Brandon last night that had worked off whatever calories she’d had left, and her belly grumbled like distant thunder.

He nodded. ‘That’s what I thought.’

Taking the plate from the kitchen bench, she shovelled a piece of bacon into her mouth en route to the dining table. ‘Where’s Brandon?’

‘Out checking Redclaw River.’

She took a seat with a frown. ‘I told him I’d go with him.’

He shrugged. ‘We thought your female parts would appreciate the rest.’

She fidgeted a little in her seat, all too aware of the aches in places she never usually ached. But just because the men were right and trying to do the best by her, it didn’t mean they had the final say. ‘Next time let me be the judge.’


Adam couldn’t stop the grin from spreading over his face. ‘Next time?’ he prompted.

She looked up, a piece of bacon hanging precariously from her fork. ‘Yes.’ Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled like a briny sea under the midday sun. Even more endearing was the flush creeping up her face. ‘I’d like to continue exploring what we had last night.’

He placed a mug of coffee near her breakfast plate. Cooking was just one of the many skills she’d learn about him. ‘I’d like that too,’ he murmured. More than like. ‘I was discussing with Brandon the things we’d love to do with you—to you.’

The piece of bacon fell unnoticed to the floor. When she placed the fork carefully back onto her plate and scraped her bedroom-tousled hair behind an ear and away from her neck, he had a sudden urge to kiss the bared skin. Drag his hands through her hair and make it even more rumpled.

She arched a delicate brow. ‘Oh?’

‘Mm.’ He resisted the urge. What he was about to tell her would be enough to take on board. Instead he leaned forward and cupped her neat little chin in his hand, his thumb brushing back and forward across her jaw. ‘Double penetration is at the top of our list.’

She closed her eyes for a moment with a shuddering breath. ‘Anal sex?’

His cock twitched. He didn’t doubt for one second she was an anal virgin. It made him all the harder even as he felt a whole lot of scorn for her once-husband who’d apparently not even tried to please her between the sheets.

He nodded. ‘Yes. If you’re willing.’

She cleared her throat, her food seemingly forgotten. ‘I never thought I’d sleep with two men in one night.’ Her teeth gnawed her lower lip, before she burst out, ‘But it was the best sex I’ve ever had. I don’t want to stop now. I’d like to explore some more, have you both inside me at the same time.’

Her acknowledgement made his cock harder than steel. Little wonder he was so attracted to her. Yes, she was sexy as hell, but she was so much more. She was intelligent, feisty, and damn hard-working. Add in her innocence that was combined with an untapped, bold sensuality, and he was beyond smitten already.

But there were practicalities that needed to be sorted first if they were to make this work. ‘Brandon mentioned a medical centre in Milpinyani Springs.’

She blinked up at him. ‘Yes. Dr Grant works from there.’

‘I’m happy to get any tests needed to show I’m clean. And of course there’s the matter of contraception.’

He saw her eagerness at the thought of sex without condoms, and then she dropped her eyes as reserve melted through. He didn’t blame her. Mil Springs was a tiny town and gossip travelled fast. Though a doctor wouldn’t reveal confidential information, a patient only had to step inside the office with two other men for tongues to start to wag.

Of course they could all go separately, but he wanted Clarissa to revel in her new-found sexuality, without any reservations.

Practicalities be damned. Dirty talk was in order.

His hand tightened beneath her chin. ‘All I really want is your gorgeous pussy wrapped around my bare cock. I want to feel every intimate part of you and you to feel every part of me. I want my seed to saturate your gorgeous cunt.’

Her nipples pebbled through her tee and he realised she hadn’t bothered with a bra. He dropped his hand to palm one of her gorgeous tits, using thumb and forefinger to massage her nipple even tighter.

He groaned with a whole lot of need, the connection he already had with her amassing into a yearning that went so much deeper than he’d expected to feel. He yanked his arm back to his side. The physical aspects he could deal with, the emotional side not so much.

BOOK: Secret Confessions: Down & Dusty — Clarissa
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