Read Secret Admirer Online

Authors: Ally Hayes

Tags: #Contemporary, Humorous/Romantic Comedy

Secret Admirer (6 page)

BOOK: Secret Admirer
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“We’re kind-of on again, off again.” She sighed and popped a
Love Ya
into her mouth. “Long distance, you know?”

“I hear you.” I scooted a pink
toward her in a gesture of good will.

“He says he’s coming here for Valentine’s Day, but we’ll see. I’m not holding my breath. This might be the last test, but I’ve said that before.” She stirred through her rice and vegetables, and selected a peapod. “What about you?”

“No boyfriend, but there’s a new guy I think I like. It’s still weird.”

“That’s the fun part. Here, take a
First Kiss
, maybe it will bring luck.”

I liked Clare, she was sweet and easy to talk to. I’d have to remember to bring her a box of hearts on Valentine’s Day. I felt badly for her, she didn’t sound too optimistic about long-distance guy.

On Tuesday, I drove straight to a client’s office to perform an audit. The review took all day and required a return visit on Wednesday to present the bad news to the CEO. I was back in the office Thursday after a coffee and a quick, “How’s it going?” exchange with Connor.

January was quickly slipping by, and I wasn’t feeling so “new girl” anymore. The comfort level at the office both professionally and socially was improving and with it my spirits. There were no plans to go out on Friday as Bree was organizing for Sunday. Clare offered going to a movie, and I agreed to meet her and Abbie. Gir
time was exactly what I thought I needed after a long week of recovering from my virus.



Garrett—sorry it’s super late

Me—no prob. Just got home from a movie w/ Clare and Abbie

Garrett—cool, I’m still out with guys from college

Me—drinking and texting?


Me—and you thought of me, I’m honored

Garrett—I’ve only been thinking of you

Oh no. I remembered he was out drinking and it was probably harmless, uninhibited fun, so I joined his banter.

Me—what have you been thinking?

Garrett—R U sure u want 2 know?

Did I?


Garrett—I can’t wait to meet you Sunday, I’ll leave it at that

Me—k, me too

Garrett—GTG, another round of shots

Me—be careful!


I slept soundly that night, pleased with the friends I’d made and the direction the text conversations were going with Garrett.

Saturday brought a mild, yet cloudy day. I shopped for appetizer ingredients to make my contribution to Sunday’s party and stopped at a boutique for a new top and splurged on a manicure. I had it bad for Garrett and hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed when he met me in person.

I had to laugh though when the next text came in late Saturday night.

Garrett—you’ll never believe this

Me—try me

Garrett—seriously, I don’t even believe it. I have to tell the group and will switch to them in a second, but want to apologize first, Andressa

Me—for what?

Garrett—I won’t be there Sunday

Me—oh. This better be good

Garrett—I hope you think so

I saw his contact disappear and then the group one pop up.

Garrett—hi guys

Alec—dude, did you seriously drive straight to New Orleans?

Garrett—technically, no. We were too smashed, Brad hired a bus, and we rode all day and night with massive hangovers

Bree—sounds like fun

Garrett—don’t be mad, Bree, it was a crazy spur of the moment thing, you can look for me on TV

Ethan—Superbowl! I’m so freaking jealous

Me—you’re nuts

Josh—not usually, you must’ve been coerced

Garrett—actually guys, I haven’t told you but it’s my 30


Garrett—if today is Saturday, then yes

Bree—u dork, I would’ve had a party

Alec—maybe that’s why he left the state

Maggie—ouch, but Happy Birthday, Garrett


Abbie—have a blast, old man!

Me—have fun, be safe

Josh—what is going on?

Josh—oh, caught up now, wow! Have a great time!

Garrett—thx for understanding

Immediately following the group exchange, he texted me privately.

I told him he shouldn’t feel bad at all and to have a great time at the game. They hoped to buy tickets from a scalper, but would likely tailgate regardless and return by Tuesday. None of my guy friends back home would ever pull a crazy, spur-of-the-moment antic like driving to the Superbowl. I found his sense of adventure an encouraging sign he would be different from the guys I was used to.

I had a good time at the party anyway and let down my guard slightly, but I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. Pulling out a candy heart that said,
2 Good 2B True
didn’t help.

Chapter Seven

Even after my recent banters with Garrett, I still looked forward to seeing Connor on Monday, causing major inner-conflict. Eagerness at seeing his smiling face and hearing his cheery humming or whistling filled me. I was mainly interested in Garrett and believed I’d never get to really know Connor. Then again, I’d never seen Garrett. What if no sparks lit when we finally met? Thinking it best to keep my options open until we did meet, remaining friendly with Connor still felt worth the effort.

Before leaving the apartment, I checked my bangs in the mirror. They needed a trim—the downside to a real haircut. I retreated to my bathroom to add extra blush to combat my winter paleness before heading out to face light flurries and a long line at the coffee shop. My appearance worries were unwarranted, because he wasn’t there. I shuffled through my usual routine at the counter, my footsteps suddenly heavy.

At the office, our receptionist, Kathy, was on a stepstool removing football decorations and replacing them with paper heart cut-outs and gel glass clings featuring Cupid and kissy-lips. I almost growled. I wanted to ask if the tacky embellishments were really necessary for the entrance to an accounting firm, but I didn’t wanted to be labeled the grouchy single girl who clearly had no Valentine of her own. I kept quiet but remained crabby the whole day.

Connor wasn’t at the coffee shop again on Tuesday. I took his absence as a sign to text Garrett as I sorted my afternoon candy hearts.

I Hope
Let’s Kiss
Miss You

I thought the last message could work to describe my mood, but how could I miss someone I never met? Or did my disappointment possibly mean I missed seeing Connor? Confused, I reached in for one more and found what I hoped to see.
Secret Admirer
. I felt my shoulders relax. One little sugary heart was all the necessary fuel I needed to reach out to Garrett.

Me—how’s 30 treating you?

He didn’t reply for an hour. During that anxious stretch of time, I ate roughly twenty-seven candy hearts but saved the green
Secret Admirer
, adding it to my ever-growing stash.

Garrett—sorry, was driving, had to rent a car to get back and it was my turn to drive

Me—no apologies, hands on the wheel?

Garrett—I’m in backseat now. We’ll be in CT by tonight hopefully

Me—safe travels

Garrett—free this weekend?

Me—my turn to go out of town

Garrett—we have to pick a date, asap




Garrett—we’ll arrange it when I get back



I fooled myself early on Wednesday morning into believing the stupid snooze button was a good idea. I was getting nowhere with Connor anyway. Yet, when I arrived at work, I felt no more rested than if I’d gotten right up, and wasted the morning wondering if he was there and looking for me. At ten in the morning, I succumbed to my first candy heart of the day—a sure sign of addiction. I crunched
Love Ya
, and
Be Mine
while crunching numbers.

At lunch, I told Bree and Clare, who I’d asked to come along, about the plans for my upcoming weekend back home. “I’ve been gone a month now. I promised my mom a visit at this point. I’m sure she’s been cooking all week to send back a freezer full.”

“That’s sweet,” Clare said.

Bree didn’t reply, but she placed her plastic utensils down and clasped her hands, shaking excitedly. “I’m on a mission,” she began. “I’ve got just one more week to convince Alec now is the time to get engaged.”

“Won’t he know when the time is right?” asked Clare.

“Guys need help,” Bree snapped.

“I wouldn’t give him an ultimatum,” Clare muttered quietly. She reached for her bottled water.

“Please don’t tell me you want him to propose next Friday,” I said.

“Why not?”

She sounded defensive and gave me a glare. I’d struck a nerve and should back off, but I needed to explain. “Valentine’s Day is such a silly holiday, and proposing would be so cliché. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy for you, but I don’t think you’re thinking the whole scenario through.”

“Andi might be right, think about it some more. You know he’ll ask, so why force him?” Clare asked.

“I’m sick of thinking about it and of everyone telling me to be patient. Maybe you two need to make plans of your own for Valentine’s Day.”

We ate our salads in silence after seeing Bree’s snippy side. I didn’t know whether or not to change the subject. Clare was no help since she kept her head down, avoiding any eye contact that might give me a clue. I remained silent and the quiet gave me an idea. I texted Garrett back at my desk after striking a deal with myself. If I saw him answer in a certain way, I would ask him out.

Me—back safe and sound?

Garrett—and exhausted

Me—I won’t keep u, just have to ask u something


Me—this may seem weird, but what name do u have as my contact



Garrett—that’s it?

Me—Yup. Rest up, u said u were exhausted. Good thing I’m away this weekend

I planned to leave the conversation there and come up with an idea for a date before contacting him again, but he kept the chat going. I got sucked in.

Garrett—think I can’t handle U?

Me—U’ll need all ur energy

Garrett—if that’s a challenge name the time and place

Me—next Friday, I don’t know any places yet

Garrett—there’s a new wine bar, never been on corner of Elm


Garrett—you know that’s Valentine’s Day

Me—then we’ll have plenty of people to make fun of

Garrett—so, a first date on Valentine’s Day to be ironic?

Me—why not?

Garrett—I like it

Me—how will I know you?

Garrett—I’ll get there before 7 and tell hostess, you give her your name—not nickname—and she’ll send you to me

Me—should be interesting


Technically, I only facilitated the asking, but I still felt successful. Concentrating on work the rest of the day proved challenging as excitement and nervousness took turns controlling me and my thoughts.

To confuse matters further, I spoke to Connor on Thursday. We had an actual conversation, and I fell even more in lust with his upbeat demeanor and dreamy eyes. So what if we talked about the weather? Weather is an important part of our lives. The temperature was unseasonably warm, and everyone was talking about it. I still hadn’t introduced myself. I could discuss warm fronts but not say my name. Later, I wondered if I held back subconsciously because of my plans with Garrett. Friday was cold again, so we discussed that current meteorological development.

Bree said we sounded like two old men in the park and if I didn’t step up the topics, I’d be alone on Valentine’s Day. I didn’t dare tell her about my date with Garrett. I really wanted to tell Clare, and almost did, but worried the information would get back to Bree. Instead, I told her I hoped her plans with long-distance boy worked out the way she wanted.

My weekend home was fun and relaxing. Mom treated me like I was six years old, and I let her. She took me for a haircut, bought me lunch, and even a new sweater. She missed me, and I liked being missed. My brother was married, and she did the grandmother thing with his twins, but I was her only daughter. The whole family came to our house for dinner on Saturday night, and I loved seeing everyone. Hartford was far enough to have the space I needed to live my life, but not too far from my family.

After debating all weekend, I broke down and told my mother about Garrett over breakfast on Sunday.

“I don’t like you only knowing him on-line.”

“It’s not really like that, Mom. He’s part of my new group of friends. We talk, just in a different way.” Explaining texting to her would take longer than the hour I had left at home.

“You be safe, I worry about you all alone out there.” She waved her hands in the air. I laughed at her indicating Connecticut was off in outer space. I patted her hand. “I don’t feel alone in Hartford. I have friends, and now a date, plus a guy I drool over each morning.”

BOOK: Secret Admirer
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