Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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“These jeans and panties are coming off next. They’re in my way.”

Raising his body a fraction, his fingers curled into the denim as he ordered, “Lift your hips.”

She bridged as he tugged the jeans down and off, along with her panties.

Except for her barely there bra—the cup of which was lowered on one side and plumping up her bare breast—she was naked, her body trembling in anticipation of what he’d do next. Any more stimulation and she felt sure she’d explode into one of those powerful orgasms he’d promised.

As he moved over her body, she saw a grin split his handsome face as he murmured, “A brunette, very nice.”

With wide eyes, she raised her head and watched as he pursed his lips and blew a light stream of air over the small triangle of brown hair at the apex of her slit. “It’s neat, sweetly fragrant and the best part; your lips are silky smooth.” As if to prove how much he liked it, he lowered his face and rubbed against her.

The next instant his big hands were parting her thighs, splaying them wide to accommodate his large form settling between her legs. He groaned his appreciation as he licked a slow line up the seam. A deeper groan followed the first taste, then his fingers spread her, pulling her lips wide apart as he stared at her intimate flesh. “Damn,” was all he said before going back for seconds, which became thirds as he feasted on her pussy. Mara, having gone years without proper attention, could hold back no longer and shot off like a skyrocket on New Year’s Eve.

She cried out as she convulsed against him. In moments, he was up and stripping off his jeans. After rolling on a condom, he was on top of her, the head of his cock gliding through her copious juices. “I can’t hold off either. I need to have you now.”

“Please, yes!” she begged, needing him inside her so badly, even though he’d brought her to a stunning peak moments ago.

Sean needed no further encouragement and sank into her, his generous size stretching her as he filled her long neglected pussy. It was a snug fit, but her wetness eased his path. After a few slow, gentle glides, he was embedded all the way.

He propped himself on his elbows, intently studying her as one hand gently brushed damp tendrils of hair off her forehead.

“You’re squeezing me like a vise, Mara. How long has it been?”

“A while,” was all she admitted between panting breaths, not wanting to get into this now. He’d have questions and she couldn’t give him the answers he sought. Besides, all she wanted to think about was him fucking her.

“How long?”

“A long while. Please, can we talk later?”


“Five years, at least.”

He gave her a quick, solid thrust. “That definitely requires more explanation, which I agree should come later.” Imbedded deep, he moaned, “You feel so good, baby, tight, wet and incredibly hot around me. Are you ready for me to move?”

“Yes, please, you feel glorious inside me.”

Starting with long, deliberate strokes, Sean took his time before gradually increasing the pace. “Put your arms and legs around me, nightingale, and hang on ‘cause I’m not going to last long. It’s too damn good.”

Eagerly, her limbs encircled him, her hands exploring the smoothness of his back, her fingers trailing over the rippling muscles

Driving deep, he rode hard while his mouth melded with hers. With arms, legs, and tongues entwined, Sean drove her to another stunning climax. As she came with his strong arms tight around her, a little piece of her nightmare slipped mercifully from her grasp.



Chapter Four


With the change in their relationship, the next two weeks were idyllic. The dates to the movies, out to dinner, and seeing the sights of Washington, turned into take out and long naps in each other’s arms when they weren’t engaged in marathon sessions of sex. They did take another tour, although it wasn’t the White House or Smithsonian, it was an interactive exploration tour of every flat surface, and some not so flat, of Sean’s apartment.

In their silly sexual euphoria, it became a game to see how long it would take them to christen every square inch of his apartment. Floors, counter tops and tables were conquered easily. The wide, wonderful couch in the living room was put to exhaustive use in multiple positions, over the back and armrests, right side up and upside down due to the nostalgia of their first time having happened there. They also took on the overstuffed rocker recliner, but only once since the experience had turned into a thrill ride due to the pitching, swiveling and rocking motions even with Mara on top.

Any flat surface was fair game, which meant they had wall sex everywhere, in the entryway—while mostly clothed because they were too anxious to wait—in the long bedroom hall, and pressed wet and warm against the tiles in the steamy shower. The hotness of being swept off her feet and into his strong arms, allowing her little choice but to cling to his broad shoulders, her legs around his waist as she enjoyed the ride, was sheer heaven. So much so that Mara often found herself leaning up against new, unbaptized territory with a challenging look in her eye.

Naturally, Sean’s big bed was explored thoroughly, when they managed to control themselves long enough to make it that far. The high thread count linens (which he’d bought specially with her in mind), fluffy pillows (which were perfect for propping and position under hips face up or down) and the king sized mattress that allowed plenty of room for rolling, flipping, sprawling and other acrobatic maneuvers was their favored spot, hands down.

About two weeks after christening the couch, they lay in each other’s arms, a praiseworthy re-enactment of their first time just completed. As their heartbeats slowed and the dampness on their skin cooled their naked bodies, Mara shivered, burrowing closer to absorb his body heat.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom, shall we? You’ll be more comfortable there.”

When he stood, she shook again from the loss of his warmth, though not for long. As she rose alongside him, he lifted her in his arms.

“This can’t be good for your leg, babe,” she pointed out as he mounted the stairs.

“No worries, nightingale. This is what I do in therapy. Up and down steps for half an hour except with weights rather than an armful of naked woman. I think I’ll bring you along to my next session. This is definitely more fun.”

Halfway up the stairs, her stomach rumbled loudly. With a broad grin, he stopped, looking down at her belly. “Maybe I should feed you first.”

“No,” she blurted out, shaking her head vigorously. “Your cock has been rubbing against me with every step; food can wait. Now take me to bed stud, or lose me forever.”

“Good god,” he groaned, glancing upward as he resumed climbing. “She’s quoting sissy Navy movies.” His eyes tipped down to her. “You know I’m Army, right?”

“Army!” She gasped dramatically, her hand covering her mouth. “And here I thought you were a Marine. Put me down this instant!”

“As you wish.”

She was airborne in a blink as he tossed her onto the bed. Squealing, she rebounded once. As soon as she landed, she heard the bedroom door slam and the next second he was on top of her. His hands pinned her wrists to the mattress as he came over her, lining up their faces: eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, mouth-to-mouth. She knew without a doubt his broad grin mirrored her own.

Laughing merrily, she teased, “Why do you always close the door? There’s no one here except us. Are you afraid Sergeant Carter will pop in for a surprise inspection and catch you out of uniform?”

“Seriously, baby, also the Marines.” He shook his head as though slighted. “And I outrank Sergeant Carter, so I’d be chewing him out for interrupting me while I was engaged in a one-on-one training session with a difficult recruit.”

She sucked in a gulp of air as he ran his tongue up the side of her neck. Trying desperately to hang onto her train of thought, she blurted out, “What about Rambo? He was Army and a Green Beret, like you, right?”

He dropped his head on the pillow beside her, muttering, “Almost three decades and we still can’t live that shit down.”

Mara convulsed in a fit of giggles.

Sean lifted his head, a glimmer in his eyes as he gazed down at her with a grin. “You’re awfully silly all of a sudden, Mara-mine. Is that what an orgasm does to you?”

She shook her head. “No, although it was amazing, this is what being blissfully happy does to me. Haven’t you noticed? When I’m happy, I get silly. When I’m silly, I start teasing and along comes Mara smarty pants.” Her hand came up, her fingers tracing along his forehead, before her forefinger took a sharp turn, trailing between his dark brows. “And, it’s so much fun to tease you, Lucky. You get this cute frowny faced scowl and your brows scrunch right here, which is very sexy.”

“You’re the one who’s cute and sexy, whether you’re being a good girl, or sassy and misbehaving.”

At the words “good girl”, a frisson of electric desire shot straight to her clit.

He dipped his head, catching her lips in an open mouth kiss. “I might have to see what kind of face you make if I tease your bare butt with the palm of my hand. How would you like that?”

“You mean you’d spank me for sassing?” In her excitement, her tone had turned breathy. He noticed, she could tell by the way his head came up and his gaze turned sharp. His arched brow said he was intrigued.

“Damn straight, I’d paddle your gorgeous behind, in fact,” his grin turned downright wicked, “as your man, I’d be obliged to.”

“I’m in big trouble since I tend to get sassy when I’m nervous too. I think it’s a defense mechanism of some kind.”

“What do you have to be nervous about? It’s only you and me.”

“Uh… this topic for one. You’re a six foot three, two hundred thirty pound man with big catcher’s mitts for hands who’s threatening to spank me. Wouldn’t you be nervous if you were in my place?”

“Hell yeah!” he laughed. “‘Cause if you hadn’t noticed, I don’t swing that way.”

“You know what I mean,” she shot back, shoving at his shoulder.

“Haven’t you ever had a real spanking?”


“What about a sexy spanking?”

She shook her head in the negative.

“Not even a little swat in the heat of the moment?”

“You mean other than the times you’ve done it?” she replied, shooting him an accusing glare.

“What can I say? Your gorgeous behind practically screams ‘spank me’ especially when you’re in front of me on all fours.” He grinned when she rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Baby, if you think the swat or two I’ve given you accounts for a sexy spanking, you don’t know what you’re missing.”

“Then you’ve given one, a sexy spanking, I mean?”

He cleared his throat before he answered. “Let’s just say this wouldn’t be my first rodeo, darlin’. We agreed no gory details about old lovers, so we’ll leave it at that.”

Staring up at him, she bit her lip—another bad habit when she was nervous—one he’d already pointed out. When she did so now, he bent his head and sucked at her abused lower lip, laving it with his tongue. She was breathing hard when he lifted his head.

“You seem conflicted. You know how I told you I like to be in charge and can be a dictator sometimes?”

Feeling unsure, but also a little excited about what she suspected was coming next, her answer was a slow nod.

“It goes doubly so in the bedroom.”

“Double a dictator?” she repeated, thinking that sounded ominous. It made her a little uneasy. Exactly how serious was Sean about this anyway? She felt sassy Mara resurface, another tendency when she felt uncertain. “What does that mean exactly, that you’re the grand poobah, a supreme potentate, a sovereign ruler in the boudoir?”

“Yes, to all of those things and more.” He was nibbling on her lips as he spoke. “In the bedroom, I’m also the Master—”

Dear Lord, she’d been right. A surge of heat swept through her, she’d read Ann Rice’s
Sleeping Beauty
and seen
The Secretary
and Mickey Rourke in
9 ½ Weeks
. All had thrilled and titillated her, leaving her panties damp. They also rather freaked her out. With a man she trusted as much as Sean, maybe…

The nervous quiver inside her had her powering through, cutting in with sass and bravado. “Mm, mm, sounds kinky. So in addition to spanking, Master, are you also into S&M, whips and chains, bondage and the whole deviant nine yards?”

His head came up, peering down at her with intent. “I was going to say Master Sergeant, minx, and you my raw recruit. We can go with your idea if you’d rather.”

“Um, no. It wasn’t—I didn’t mean—” She was a jumbled stuttering mess, which got worse when she tried to backtrack. “I’m sorry, for interrupting that is. Please, go ahead and make your point.”

Way to go, Mara, have him thinking you’re a freak.
Lord knows she’d seen it all. Nothing surprised her anymore, but it didn’t mean
flew a freak flag. Embarrassed, she couldn’t meet his eyes, staring at his chin instead.

He dipped his head, trying to catch her eyes. “Mara, look at me.”

Her head came up a fraction, but her focus rose no further than the end of his perfectly straight nose. “Ignore the foot in my mouth. I’m scheduled for an extraction at 0800, which will hopefully keep me from saying more stupid stuff.”

There was an edge of amusement in his tone when he replied, “The correct term is BDSM and yes, I’m into it.”

She gaped up at him, her heart suddenly racing Mach 5 as a rush of desire soaked the crotch of her panties. Maybe he was pulling her leg. Her eyes darted around his bedroom searching for clues. On the surface, it appeared perfectly normal. The comforter a brown and blue geometric pattern with matching window drapes. The wood tone furniture came across as ordinary. She didn’t see any eyebolts for restraints anywhere and there were no chains or pulleys hanging from the ceiling.

He shook his head as he watched her. “I don’t have bondage equipment in my bedroom, Mara.”

“Oh…” Oddly disappointed, she stared at him for a moment.

“Does the fact I’m into dominance and submission freak you out?”

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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